Has anyone successfully lowered thyroid antibodies?


Jan 4, 2021
Has anyone here successfully monitored high antibodies, did something (supplementing t4, t3, or doing changes in diet, or any other thing) and then consistently tested low antibodies?
If so, what did you do and can you post your labs?

In my case, my last lab (before covid, I haven't done labs since then)

Thyroids section:

PTH-i: 50.2 pgr/ml. Range: 18.5 - 88
Thyroglobulin: <1 ng/ml. Range: 1.9 - 59.9
Total T3: 1.02 ng/ml. Range: 0.65 - 1.6
Free T3: 6.1 pmol/L. Range 4 - 8.30
Reverse T3: 0.15 ng/ml. Range: 0.10 - 0.35
Total T4: 6.6 mcg/100ml. Range: 4.70 - 9.70
Free T4: 10.2 pg/ml. Range: 9 - 19.50
TSH: 4.17. mcUI/ml. Range: 0.25 - 5


Antibodies anti-receptor of TSH (TSI): 0.82 mUI/ml. Range: 0.00 - 1.75
Antimicrosomal Antibody (TPO): 75.6 UI/ml. 0 - 12 UI/ml
Antibodies anti-thyroglobulin (TGL): 88.5 UI/ml. Range: 0 - 18

So TPO and TGL was high. I want to lower them and I want to hear if someone came up with a way to lower them so I can try things and test again and see if they lowered. I am so paranoid about having my own body attacking my thyroid... it just doesn't feel right. I constantly check for lumps on my throat area... every now and then I become paranoid when I feel like a lump or something, then realize that lump has been there for years. It's probably lymph nodes on that area that sometimes change in size but im always paranoid and vigilant knowing that the thyroid is being attacked... how do you guys deal with this?

And im a male btw so it's even more rare, I can't find many males that have antibodies, most just have TSH high but don't test for high antibodies.

Changes i've made is adding a vitamin D supplement, just 200 UI daily in an olive oil liquid format, and see if the levels go to normal because they were low last time:

Vitamin D (1,25): 20.2 pg/mL. Range: 18 - 78 pg/mL
Vitamin (25-OH): 27.00 ng/mL. Range: Less than 12 insuficiency, insuficiency 12-30, suficiency 30.1 - 100, toxicity above 150

My sleep schelude is still a mess because I go to sleep at like 6 AM and wake up at 2 PM, since I feel better at night. Barely haven't gone out this year due covid. Im going to get an ecography but at the same time im worried they find something. And I just don't know a doctor that will treat this with the idea of trying to find the cause of the autoinmune response instead of just raising the T4 dose ad infinitum (im on 75mcg of Eutirox which I take at night after dinner, im from Spain btw no T3 here) so im asking here for some ideas. It feels very demoralizing because doctors don't really research the autoinmune problem, like I said they just tweak the thyroid doses but don't bring anything else to the table, so I feel like im not making progress as long as I test positive for antibodies.

It doesn't help that my sister had a misscarriage recently, such brutal news don't help feeling better. I was doing better recently in terms of braing fog and tiredness, but these news have been pretty bad. The sides I have from thyroid are the classic ones: low tolerance to coldness, tiredness, some brainfog. I've had high TSH tested like 10 years ago, and since then I've had been taking Eutirox pills from 25 to now 75mcg, but I haven't gone to the doctor in like 3 years since they never addressed the antibodies anyway, don't even check for it most of the time, so I assume they don't even bother trying to find the underlying root cause and just try to patch it by adding more Eutirox. Like I said im always paranoid looking for lumps and stuff. I don't even want to get an ecography in case they find something. I wouldn't want more bad news for my mom after what happened recentlly. It's probably the same 2 lumps i've had forever and I become obsessed and sometimes notice them more than others.

Anyway sorry for the rant but it's been a bad day with what happened to my sister.
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Feb 21, 2021
Hey Rayban,

I’m male and can relate. What is your diet? About 5 years ago I began a somewhat low carb diet. Never too strict luckily. However, I had signs of low thyroid. Cold hands and feet, losing hair, losing muscle. My wife is warm. I felt like a puss sometimes. ?. Anyway, with testing, I noticed my tsh going up. It was right over 5 I believe. Then tested antibodies. I guess first about 2 years ago. And yes, it freaked me out too that my thyroid was being attacked. Second time I checked, antibodies were higher. I don’t have exact results as I’m not home but I think TPO around 50-60. I started thinking paleo like eating was not good for me. I started listening to Matt Blackburn podcast and Danny Roddy with Georgi Dinkov too. Thank God. I started eating more carbs. OJ and other fruit juices, Mexican Coke and coffee with sugar, much more fruit like pineapples, cherries and blueberries, cheeses and low fat milk. I’ve been avoiding best I could PUFA oils but did eat dark meat chicken and pork. Eliminated those But still trying to get more protein. Many meals are just ground burger, lamb, or turkey, cheese, homemade gelatin and Mexican Coke. I’ve recently started eliminating starches in favor of more glucose based. I have not had my antibodies checked since by will soon. Did have opportunity to check tsh though. Back in the low 2s. And I’m pretty sure antibodies are down but I’ll keep you updated. I’ve gained 12 pounds in the last few months and temperature is coming up.
Hope any of this helps.


Jan 4, 2021
Hey Rayban,

I’m male and can relate. What is your diet? About 5 years ago I began a somewhat low carb diet. Never too strict luckily. However, I had signs of low thyroid. Cold hands and feet, losing hair, losing muscle. My wife is warm. I felt like a puss sometimes. ?. Anyway, with testing, I noticed my tsh going up. It was right over 5 I believe. Then tested antibodies. I guess first about 2 years ago. And yes, it freaked me out too that my thyroid was being attacked. Second time I checked, antibodies were higher. I don’t have exact results as I’m not home but I think TPO around 50-60. I started thinking paleo like eating was not good for me. I started listening to Matt Blackburn podcast and Danny Roddy with Georgi Dinkov too. Thank God. I started eating more carbs. OJ and other fruit juices, Mexican Coke and coffee with sugar, much more fruit like pineapples, cherries and blueberries, cheeses and low fat milk. I’ve been avoiding best I could PUFA oils but did eat dark meat chicken and pork. Eliminated those But still trying to get more protein. Many meals are just ground burger, lamb, or turkey, cheese, homemade gelatin and Mexican Coke. I’ve recently started eliminating starches in favor of more glucose based. I have not had my antibodies checked since by will soon. Did have opportunity to check tsh though. Back in the low 2s. And I’m pretty sure antibodies are down but I’ll keep you updated. I’ve gained 12 pounds in the last few months and temperature is coming up.
Hope any of this helps.
My diet is normal mediterranean diet. OJ juice naturally made squeezed every morning, meats, pasta, milk with cereals and cookies (the cookies are with EVOO and no palm oil), for desert at night I eat vanilla or chocolate creams with no gluten (I dont have a 0% gluten diet but some products don't have it). I think it's a decent diet.

Now if something very specific triggers antibodies or not who knows. I've seen people fully removing gluten, dairy etc and antibodies didn't change. So why eat a misserable tasting diet if it doesn't fix antibodies.

If there was a scientific way to find out what triggers antibodies that would be great.

This was my full bloodwork:


Fasting glycemia: 89 mg/100ml. Range: 70 - 115
Vitamin D (25-OH): 20.2 ng/ml. Range: 30-1 - 100
Vitamin D (1,25): 27 pg/ml. Range: 25 - 66 (in range but low)
Quantiative albumin: 4.2 g/100ml. Range: 3.80 - 5.10


IGF-1: 149 ng/ml. Range: 100.00 - 591.00
Estradiol (E2): 39 pgr/ml. Range in men: < 55
FSH: 2.36 mUI/ml. Range in men: 1 - 12
LH: 3.2 mUI/ml. Range in men: 1 - 7
Prolactin: 40.1 ngr/ml. Range: 2.50 - 16
Progesterone: <0.2 ng/ml. Range in men: 0.1 - 0.6
Total Tetosterone: 4.9 ng/ml. Range in men: 1.60 - 8.50
Free Testosterone: 11.2 pg/ml. Range: 6.60 - 42.50
DHT: 0.27. Range: 0.25 - 0.99
Dehidropiandrosterone: 13.9 ng/ml. Range: 1.40 - 13.50
Delta 4-Androstendione: 5.16 ng/ml. Range: 0.4 - 3.7

SHBG: 28.7 nmol/L. Range: 10.00 - 57.00
ACTH: 68.3 pgr/ml. Range: 7.00 - 63
Fasting cortisol (morning): 301.4 ng/ml. Range: 70.00 - 250

G.H: 1.97 mcg/l. Range: 0.00 - 5.00
Fasting insulin: 5.4 mcUI/ml. Range: 6 - 25

Fractionated Catecholamines:

Adrenalin: 49 pgr/ml. Range: 20 - 85
Noradrenalin: 434 pgr/ml. Range 0 - 420
Dopamin: 25 pgr/ml. Range 10 - 94
3α-Androstanediol glucuronide 7.1 ng/ml. Range: 3.50 - 22
IGFBP-3: (Insuling growing factor binding): 3.35 mcg/ml. Range: 0.9 - 4.7

Thyroids section:

PTH-i: 50.2 pgr/ml. Range: 18.5 - 88
Thyroglobulin: <1 ng/ml. Range: 1.9 - 59.9
Total T3: 1.02 ng/ml. Range: 0.65 - 1.6
Free T3: 6.1 pmol/L. Range 4 - 8.30
Reverse T3: 0.15 ng/ml. Range: 0.10 - 0.35
Total T4: 6.6 mcg/100ml. Range: 4.70 - 9.70
Free T4: 10.2 pg/ml. Range: 9 - 19.50
TSH: 4.17. mcUI/ml. Range: 0.25 - 5


Antibodies anti-receptor of TSH (TSI): 0.82 mUI/ml. Range: 0.00 - 1.75
Antimicrosomal Antibody (TPO): 75.6 UI/ml. 0 - 12 UI/ml
Antibodies anti-thyroglobulin (TGL): 88.5 UI/ml. Range: 0 - 18


Jan 4, 2021
I also want to test again for minerals. I did a minerangram and I got a weird result according to someone that has seen tons of these. He suggested I should repeat it. I did a pubic hair test so it shouldn't have come up disturbed by products (i've read that if you do a hair head test it may come up unaccurate due hair products). I will test again. As well as iodine and selenium on blood and urine and fractionated catecholamins to see adrenal state with more details.

Here were the mineralogram results, this is from years ago:

Also I think to interpret these results its not as simple as looking at the bars, so im not sure if someone is an expert on this field here.
Nov 16, 2012
Red light can supposedly do it:



Jan 4, 2021
Red light can supposedly do it:

Yeah I read about this recently. However, at what hour would be best to use this and for how much? and what product to buy?

Also results show a good decrease on TPO, but we want 0. I wonder if they continued it would go to 0? And TGab wasn't decreased.

Study design/materials and methods: Fifteen patients who had hypothyroidism caused by CAT and were undergoing levothyroxine (LT4) treatment were selected to participate in the study. Patients received 10 applications of LLLT (830 nm, output power 50 mW) in continuous mode, twice a week, using either the punctual technique (8 patients) or the sweep technique (7 patients), with fluence in the range of 38-108 J/cm(2). USs were performed prior to and 30 days after LLLT. USs included a quantitative analysis of echogenicity through a gray-scale computerized histogram index (EI). Following the second ultrasound (30 days after LLLT), LT4 was discontinued in all patients and, if required, reintroduced. Triiodothyronine, thyroxine (T4), free T4, thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin (TgAb) antibodies levels were assessed before LLLT and then 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 months after LT4 withdrawal.

Results: We noted all patients' reduced LT4 dosage needs, including 7 (47%) who did not require any LT4 through the 9-month follow-up. The LT4 dosage used pre-LLLT (96 +/- 22 microg/day) decreased in the 9th month of follow-up (38 +/- 23 microg/day; P < 0.0001). TPOAb levels also decreased (pre-LLLT = 982 +/- 530 U/ml, post-LLLT = 579 +/- 454 U/ml; P = 0.016). TgAb levels were not reduced, though we did observe a post-LLLT increase in the EI (pre-LLLT = 0.99 +/- 0.09, post-LLLT = 1.21 +/- 0.19; P = 0.001).
Nov 16, 2012
Yeah I read about this recently. However, at what hour would be best to use this and for how much? and what product to buy?

They used 830 nm so something like:

Though I think most people recommend lights more toward the red band (something like the LGS1).

Intuitively it makes the most sense to me to use it around sunset, as that it when the light naturally shifts severely to the red spectrum.

I have good results using the LGS1 on my neck and face from a distance of about 8 inches for 2 minutes. Have not measured antibodies in a long time though (haven't had them last time I measured which was years ago).


Jul 8, 2014
Has anyone here successfully monitored high antibodies, did something (supplementing t4, t3, or doing changes in diet, or any other thing) and then consistently tested low antibodies?

My thyroid antibodies were elevated and came down within range after starting NDT (WP Thyroid at the time). It was the only change I made initially—I’ve since changed my diet and now consume dairy and no longer consume meat but my antibodies have remained within range.


Jan 4, 2021
My thyroid antibodies were elevated and came down within range after starting NDT (WP Thyroid at the time). It was the only change I made initially—I’ve since changed my diet and now consume dairy and no longer consume meat but my antibodies have remained within range.
Which NDT are you using? I Have considered changing from Euthyrox to NDT however i've read formulation changes all the time, and at the end of the day you don't even know what you are getting buying meds from some random thailand place so im not sure about that. Main critic of NDT is that dosage may not be accurate, and that antibodies may go up due the extra stuff NDT hass. However some claim antibodies where lowered.

When was the last time you got a lab? can you post them?


Jan 4, 2021
They used 830 nm so something like:

Though I think most people recommend lights more toward the red band (something like the LGS1).

Intuitively it makes the most sense to me to use it around sunset, as that it when the light naturally shifts severely to the red spectrum.

I have good results using the LGS1 on my neck and face from a distance of about 8 inches for 2 minutes. Have not measured antibodies in a long time though (haven't had them last time I measured which was years ago).

When I click on light therapy it doesnt work

nothing on the link:

Also, i see it's kind of a shower. Since I guess the idea is to point it at your neck area while you are the computer for a while, another desingn would be better, something like this:

However, not sure about the specs

and you mentioned only 2 minutes, so holding it for 2 minutes may not be annoying, but if it has to be for a longer time a stand like that would be better. But I don't see any indications of how much time one should use this safely.

I would like to see your antibody tests and compare.


Jul 8, 2014
Which NDT are you using? I Have considered changing from Euthyrox to NDT however i've read formulation changes all the time, and at the end of the day you don't even know what you are getting buying meds from some random thailand place so im not sure about that. Main critic of NDT is that dosage may not be accurate, and that antibodies may go up due the extra stuff NDT hass. However some claim antibodies where lowered.

When was the last time you got a lab? can you post them?
I’m currently experimenting with a synthetic T4/T3 (TyroMix). I have the same concerns as you do with NDT. Having personally taken multiple brands (NP Thyroid, Nature-thyroid, WP Thyroid and Armour), with all the recalls they’ve had, even some as recently as last year, I no longer trust most of the NDTs on the market, but gaze posted this email exchange with Ray recently:

gaze: what would you do if the cynoplus/cynomel supply chain gets disrupted, as it often does?

Ray: Novotiral has continued to be available. Most glandular products on the market aren’t what they claim to be, but Armour thyroid, USP, currently seems to be o.k.

The most recent labs I have for my antibodies are from February of last year. I changed doctors right before the pandemic and the only thyroid test she’s willing to order is TSH, but below you can see my numbers without (9/26/19) and with (each time after) thyroid supplementation...

Standard Range
Thyroperox Ab
<=34 IU/mL

Standard Range
Thyroglob Ab
0.0 - 40.0 IU/mL

Standard Range
0.27 - 4.20 mcIU/mL

Standard Range
T3, Reverse
10 - 24 ng/dL


Mar 2, 2021
From what I recall, there is an alkaloid in tobacco (anatadine?) that protects the thyroid.


Jan 4, 2021
The most recent labs I have for my antibodies are from February of last year. I changed doctors right before the pandemic and the only thyroid test she’s willing to order is TSH, but below you can see my numbers without (9/26/19) and with (each time after) thyroid supplementation...
Your numbers weren't terrible on (9/26/19) assuming that's before any supplementation was ever taken. My tsh was 10 years ago before i started t4.

In any case, what supplementation did you take on each date? Is TyroMix working?

I've read I think on this forum that Armour changed their formula:

Anyway, anyone has done any progress on this? Im still on 75mcg eutirox. Im gonna get a lab soon and see if I raise it to 100mcg. It's not clear to me that I need t3, because the labs don't show bad conversion rate?


Jul 8, 2014
In any case, what supplementation did you take on each date? Is TyroMix working?

I was on WP Thyroid for each of those tests. I was getting migraines with the TyroMix so I switched back to NDT/TyroMax.


Jan 4, 2021
I was on WP Thyroid for each of those tests. I was getting migraines with the TyroMix so I switched back to NDT/TyroMax.
What do you mean NDT/Tyromax? a mix?

Which one is the WP Thyroid? can you post a link and where do you buy it? how do you know it's legit and the labeling is accurate?

You mentioned 9/26/19 you were never on supplements yet right? your thyroid wasn't that bad like I said before.


May 21, 2018
I am a male (now 40 years old). Three years ago found my anti-thyroglobulin slightly elevated, TSH was around 1.7. Started with Peating, but did not find any improvement, actually I started feeling worse. Just recently tested antibodies again and now also TPO is elevated and both have more then doubled since the first measurement. still trying things to get my health back, looking into the antibodies etc.

I think Peat's stance is that antibodies are a result of tissue damage. That its actually the clean up service of debri. I've also listened to an old podcast from Danny and Georgi about autoimmunity. They say the same and say it's actually a systemic problem; wasting disease with elevated cortisol and estrogen, which is caused by liver disease and gut problems.

other theories are that your thyroid is being attacked.

red light seems to help, I'm trying it now. red light is anti fibrotic. if it really helps it's more a proof of peats theory that it's tissue damage.


Jul 8, 2014
What do you mean NDT/Tyromax? a mix?

Which one is the WP Thyroid? can you post a link and where do you buy it? how do you know it's legit and the labeling is accurate?

You mentioned 9/26/19 you were never on supplements yet right? your thyroid wasn't that bad like I said before.

Sorry, I meant that I switched back to NDT, TyroMax specifically.

WP Thyroid is made by RLC labs and is another prescription NDT like Armour. It was recalled last year along with other prescription NDTs—NP Thyroid and Nature-Throid—and has been unavailable since:

Correct. The 9/26/19 test was prior to thyroid supplementation.


Apr 17, 2017
At that point, I tested myself with the GI-MAP test (my favorite gut test) and found that I had H. pylori, a common trigger of Hashimoto’s and food sensitivities. I was excited because I knew that treating this infection usually results in a reduction of thyroid symptoms and thyroid antibodies, but wasn’t sure about which protocol I would use, as many of the herbs I would typically use for H. pylori are not safe to take while breastfeeding. I reached out to my friend and colleague Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein, and learned that black seed oil could be used against H. pylori. That did the trick—within a few weeks, my hoarse voice was gone, my hair stopped falling out, and my follow up tests showed no more H. pylori. Even better, my thyroid antibodies were reduced! Since that time, I’ve been wanting to dig deeper into this wonderful herb and get the message out about its many benefits. (I also figured out how to get rid of my food sensitivities with another new, lactation-friendly protocol, that I will be sharing about soon.)



Jan 18, 2020
black cumin seed oil decrease antibodies, in my case they are slowly dropping as i have less stress
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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