Has anyone recovered their sense of smell and Parosmia after 6 months of Post- Covid?



Has anyone tried mineral-rich food for lack of taste or smell, such as liver and oysters?


May 6, 2014
The theory I'm talking about suggests the opposite however. If something tastes bad or unappealing it's probably not what's needed. It is a loose theory, so more investigation is needed.

It should not taste at all, taste good or taste neutral if one needs it.

I see both angles. Is either right? Neither? Somewhere in between? Oysters and liver have tasted better during this period. Onions, garlic, Coca-Cola are the things most obviously now unpleasant. I will play around with dosing and avoiding and see if there is a noticeable change.

I have had changes, improvements 10 months in. So I am not without hope that another year might bring me closer to normal.




The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a calamitous perturbation of society worldwide. Anosmia and ageusia (or hyposmia and dysgeusia) have been recognized as two common expressions of COVID-19 infection that linger for days to weeks, and in rare cases are thought to be immutable. Time alone has hitherto proven most effective in their restoration, but turmeric, long believed by some to have medicinal properties, may be a swifter and surer alleviator of anosmia and ageusia. This case series reports the speedy and consequential restoration of taste and smell in two subjects infected with COVID-19 following ingestion of one 1000 mg dose of a turmeric supplement. In view of this, we propose that turmeric be considered in the treatment of anosmia and ageusia caused by COVID-19 infection.


Types of medications reported to affect taste or smell

Ampicillin, macrolides, quinolones, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, tetracycline, metronidazole​
Neurologic medications​
Antiparkinsonians, CNS stimulants, migraine medications, muscle relaxants​
Cardiac medications​
Many antihypertensives, diuretics, statins, antiarrhythmics​
Endocrine medications​
Most thyroid medications​
Most tricyclic antidepressants, some antipsychotics, anxiolytics, mood stabilizers, hypnotics​
Antihistamines, antineoplastics, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatories, smoking cessation aids, antifungals, antivirals​



Oct 12, 2020
I have a developing theory.

Can you smell anything? If you can, can you smell sulfur specifically, feces, farts, eggs, cauliflower, milk, etc... (side note can you taste sweet, salt and sour? In my understanding if you can you have your sense of taste, just not smell)

Most people I've met that lost their sense of smell get back the ability to smell sulfur last.

Is this because the body is trying to get more animal products in the diet for the sulfur and zinc? I think so.

Here is the theory, the things you can't taste or that don't taste bad (temporarily) you need more of.

There is a mineral analysis test based specifically on this phenomenon.

Zinc is well known to be a nasty bitter taste, try liquid zinc sulfate and see if you can taste it. It's almost unbearable to most people. It'll hit the sulfur and zinc needs if that ends up being the problem.

Also I'd focus more on animal foods, especially eggs and milk, sulfur is important for environmental contaminant detoxification and the so called immune system.

Good little write up on sulfur below, he sells the sulfur salt, I've tried it, tastes like salty eggs, smell goes away when cooked but it retains the sulfur. I don't know if I'd suggest it however as it's pink and likely has too much iron. A good read nonetheless.

My god man, this is really interesting.

Because i have few smells that i can't smell fully without distortion yet!! It is my feces, my farts and my armpit odor, (this is coming back to normal lately.)

However i have almost zero sense of smell when i visit the bathroom with number 2. Why is that, sulfur?

Also farts smell very fainted and distorted. Milk and eggs are fine, close to normal. Yes i can taste the sweet and sour.

So what should i do exactly?



Nov 6, 2021
Spartanburg, SC
I was sick for almost two weeks after Christmas along with my family. We all lost our sense of smell and taste about 4 days in. I started ingesting Methlyne Blue every day - 8 drops a day once a day and my taste/smell came back in about 3 days. I was also snorting warm filtered water with a tiny bit of MB in it and washing out my sinuses every night before bed. My ENT aunt always said that it should be a part of a regular daily hygiene to wash out your nose. I don’t always do that but I think it really helped feeling a bit more comfortable during this nasty cold. Hope this helps!


Oct 12, 2020
I was sick for almost two weeks after Christmas along with my family. We all lost our sense of smell and taste about 4 days in. I started ingesting Methlyne Blue every day - 8 drops a day once a day and my taste/smell came back in about 3 days. I was also snorting warm filtered water with a tiny bit of MB in it and washing out my sinuses every night before bed. My ENT aunt always said that it should be a part of a regular daily hygiene to wash out your nose. I don’t always do that but I think it really helped feeling a bit more comfortable during this nasty cold. Hope this helps!
Did you consume Methlyne Blue? I didn't know it can be an edible for humans. 8 drops in water? Thanks for the info and experience. So would you say your sense of smell recovered after like how long being post- covid?

And is it 100% back to normal without distortions? Like, can you smell the ambient smells like wet grass, air in the street even, with proper intensity and ability? Thanks.


May 6, 2014

In a couple of days, turmeric seems to be moving the needle. I have been filling gelatin capsules with it. I did one morning, afternoon, and evening yesterday. OJ was tasting truer and sweeter this morning, without the unpleasant layer. The smell of tomato leaves came through, too, faintly. This particular scent had been completely lost. I will report back in a few days.


In a couple of days, turmeric seems to be moving the needle. I have been filling gelatin capsules with it. I did one morning, afternoon, and evening yesterday. OJ was tasting truer and sweeter this morning, without the unpleasant layer. The smell of tomato leaves came through, too, faintly. This particular scent had been completely lost. I will report back in a few days.
That's great :thumbsup:


My brother has a cough and has been feeling unwell. I now have the smell I usually had at the beginning of a viral infection. It's on and off and it's like carpet or something dusty or musty. I historically felt fine at this point and the sickness usually either comes later or doesn't happen. I've been having the runs for the past two days, not sure if it's due to the infection.

There was a moment that I suddenly felt like coughing a few days ago and I speculated if I caught it, but I didn't cough, so I never aggravated my lungs and developed one. Apparently, covid with only diarrhea is something that has been observed.

Did I catch the CoRunavirus?

COVID-19-associated diarrhea is characterized by loose or watery stools and is usually mild, self-limiting, and can even be the only symptom of the infection


Jan 9, 2019
In a couple of days, turmeric seems to be moving the needle. I have been filling gelatin capsules with it. I did one morning, afternoon, and evening yesterday. OJ was tasting truer and sweeter this morning, without the unpleasant layer. The smell of tomato leaves came through, too, faintly. This particular scent had been completely lost. I will report back in a few days.
Info From the study linked by @Pina below in case anyone is wondering what the form of the supplement was. Take with a grain of salt as the study is based on only 2 people.

However, the NiaCur protocol by Dmitry Kats involves both Curcumin and Nicotinic Acid, more people have been doing this and therefore a larger group of people to refer to for anecdotes if anyone is interested. They have a telegram group. Search "NiaCur", I don't have any personal experience, I used niacinamide during my encounter with the boogeyman as opposed to Nicotinic acid.

"On day 46, the subject ingested a capsule supplement containing 1000 mg of turmeric extract (95% curcuminoids) and 10 mg of black pepper extract. He experienced complete restoration of smell and taste, with both senses rated 10/10, ten minutes after supplement ingestion."


Feb 3, 2020
My taste completely recovered, but my smell is still nowhere near where it used to be.

I often don‘t smell even stronger scents, except if I get pretty near to the source.

It‘s weird because I always thought that smelling is required for taste.


Aug 10, 2018


Oct 21, 2013
I am glad I just looked up "parosmia," as that is what I have now. It's about one year since losing 98 percent of my sense of smell. It took three or four months to get back a bit--may 10 percent. Adding shellfish (per Ray) helped to speed things along. Got up to maybe 40 percent in another couple of months. I continued to eat oysters and get sun and my sense of smell slowly improved. One day, I could smell the gas from the stovetop. Finally, I could smell my own urine (but distorted). I have a lot of distorted smells. Some things are registering, but they are registering wrong. I did think sulfur might be involved. I would also say that the distortion has gotten worse. My cologne bottles went from "nothing" to "very faint but pleasant" to, now, "fairly strong but unappealing." I remember smelling, faintly but truly, lilac and basil earlier in 2021. Now basil registers this generic "green/acrid/somewhat unpleasant" smell. I used to have a very keen nose and palate, so this is frustrating.

Things that taste and/or smell wrong:
Onions, garlic
Orange juice
Coke (but Dr. Pepper tastes right!?)

I had recently starting dropping onion and garlic, as the dishes taste better without them. But maybe that is the wrong approach, as you theorize. Coke, onion, and garlic are the most unpleasant. Coffee and orange juice are OK. I still crave them, but it must be for the nutrients. They are not delightfully delicious. :(
Wow. That sounds exactly like me. I had covid around Halloween and lost my sense of smell. Then after a month I could smell something like peanut butter if I got real close to it, but now pb is just this really acrid thick smell that makes me want to sneeze. And almost everything, almost all cooked foods, smell a little like burning rubber. Not real pleasant. Fresh cut cilantro, however, smells like it ought too. I think there is something to this sulfur theory.

But what to do? I take aspirin, mb, tumeric regularly. I eat liver once a week. I take 25 mg of zinc daily. I'll try adding selenium and see if that shifts the balance. Might also try some lion's mane too.


Nov 6, 2021
Spartanburg, SC
Did you consume Methlyne Blue? I didn't know it can be an edible for humans. 8 drops in water? Thanks for the info and experience. So would you say your sense of smell recovered after like how long being post- covid?

And is it 100% back to normal without distortions? Like, can you smell the ambient smells like wet grass, air in the street even, with proper intensity and ability? Thanks.
Yes, I drop 8 drops of MB on my tongue, hold for like 15 seconds and then swallow. I sometimes take water after, sometimes milk.

My taste and smell came back 100%

I took MB from Health Natura but just got some from Lifeblud. Adam from Lifeblud shared some amazing testimonials from his customers who used MB to recover from Covid. It’s amazing! Good luck!


May 6, 2014
In a couple of days, turmeric seems to be moving the needle. I have been filling gelatin capsules with it. I did one morning, afternoon, and evening yesterday. OJ was tasting truer and sweeter this morning, without the unpleasant layer. The smell of tomato leaves came through, too, faintly. This particular scent had been completely lost. I will report back in a few days.

About five or six days ago, I had a regression. Some smells that were OK--like the pot of thyme I have growing--went over to the distorted category. Some things barely registering. This is very frustrating! And this is the first striking setback I have had since my long journey (one year this month) waiting, then trying to fix this. I have stopped the turmeric. Maybe I have some kind of mild congestion or cold. Not that I really notice cold symptoms, I am also thinking wintry weather (for Florida) is taking a toll. Up till now it has been warm and sunny.


Oct 12, 2020
I have a developing theory.

Can you smell anything? If you can, can you smell sulfur specifically, feces, farts, eggs, cauliflower, milk, etc... (side note can you taste sweet, salt and sour? In my understanding if you can you have your sense of taste, just not smell)

Most people I've met that lost their sense of smell get back the ability to smell sulfur last.

Is this because the body is trying to get more animal products in the diet for the sulfur and zinc? I think so.

Here is the theory, the things you can't taste or that don't taste bad (temporarily) you need more of.

There is a mineral analysis test based specifically on this phenomenon.

Zinc is well known to be a nasty bitter taste, try liquid zinc sulfate and see if you can taste it. It's almost unbearable to most people. It'll hit the sulfur and zinc needs if that ends up being the problem.

Also I'd focus more on animal foods, especially eggs and milk, sulfur is important for environmental contaminant detoxification and the so called immune system.

Good little write up on sulfur below, he sells the sulfur salt, I've tried it, tastes like salty eggs, smell goes away when cooked but it retains the sulfur. I don't know if I'd suggest it however as it's pink and likely has too much iron. A good read nonetheless.

Hey how is it going? My sense of smell seems to be recovered guys!

But there is only one weird thing left... and i have no idea why, i can't smell my own poop as i used to be, actually almost none! I can't smell my poop anymore or other's poop.

Can someone explain why this is happening? Also is there any way to improve smell or fix the anosmia even after 3 years? Or i can't do anything about this anymore?
Mar 10, 2021
Im almost 5 months in post- covid, and i still didn't recover my sense of smell fully. I still can't smell my own body odor and i can't taste beer for example. I also have altered sense of taste and smell. Foods and drinks taste rotten sometimes. I tried every supplement and doing smell trainings but no...

Has anyone recovered their sense of smell and taste by 100% after 6 months of Covid, or i just got permanently damaged at this point? (5 months in)

What can i do, thanks.
@jay123 got his smell back in the thread below with nicotine…

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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