Has Anyone Cured Their Hair Loss


Mar 15, 2018
Without the need for constant maintenance afterwards.

E.g living life like without constantly worrying about the odd pufa causing a shed.

Furthermore how do we get back to that state. How come some people will never lose their hair?


Nov 29, 2017
i've noticed a ton of velus hairs growing but nothing terminal yet. At least something is growing o_O


Feb 13, 2016
The better your mitochondria are and the more pregnenolone, progesterone, GABA you are producing, the less careful you will need to be with diet, which is why kids and naturally healthy people can eat whatever they want with no ill effect.

The problem is that I have no idea how to drastically increase mitochondria aside from moving to a high altitude. If it's possible to figure that out then it means the end of all degenerative disease. Lowering baseline nitric oxide is probably the key to doing this but that's easier said than done.

So for now it's just avoiding PUFA, minimizing anything that increases prolactin (such as oversleeping, alcohol, fapping), drinking coffee, taking aspirin, trying to avoid hyperventilating, all pretty much for as long as I am able to maintain the willpower.
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Nov 29, 2017
What about co2 bagging, especially around the legs and torso(more blood interaction)? Does it lead to systemic effects?

I’m doing it daily after my work outs (after showering, leaving my lower portion of the body wet/damp.


Feb 13, 2016
What about co2 bagging, especially around the legs and torso(more blood interaction)? Does it lead to systemic effects?

I’m doing it daily after my work outs (after showering, leaving my lower portion of the body wet/damp.

I'm sure it does have beneficial systemic effects, but I think baseline mitochondria levels depend on maintaining chronic high CO2/low nitric oxide/not an excess of oxygen, so the mitochondrial benefits of an acute CO2 increase would probably be short-lived. The other benefits (like vasodilation and blood circulation) would probably be more apparent than any mitochondrial benefits.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
You guys ever notice the shape of the forehead seems to have a lot to do with whether a male has a lot of hair. I see tons of super unhealthy men with good hair. If you've not paid attention to this phenomenon, start watching for hair and forehead shape.


Apr 9, 2018
Very close. I recon my hair/health will be perfect if I stay consistent for the next 6 months.


Apr 8, 2015
You guys ever notice the shape of the forehead seems to have a lot to do with whether a male has a lot of hair. I see tons of super unhealthy men with good hair. If you've not paid attention to this phenomenon, start watching for hair and forehead shape.
Yes. Bald men have a slopped forehead, and woman and bald-free man have a flat forehead.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Exactly, and what does that tell us all about the desire for a big fluffy head of hair on a real Man?


Feb 13, 2016
Exactly, and what does that tell us all about the desire for a big fluffy head of hair on a real Man?

Has nothing to do with masculinity or genetics. My skull shape starts changing if I spend too much next to my phone or any other very high radiation area, so it's probably related to excess excitation, stray electrons, and high serotonin. Red light directly on my skull for several minutes or holding a full breath of air for at least 2 minutes to quench free radicals and increase GABA quickly changes it back to a square shape. Of course, it's so quick for me because I notice it right away and increase light/CO2 to reduce prolactin and increase GABA asap, but if it's possible on a small scale like this, there's a good chance it's possible even when things have progressed further.
Apr 13, 2018
@lampofred on the topic of regrowth, I came across two of your older posts on coffee and the benefits you noticed to your hair.
Help Deciphering Labs, Hair Loss, Feeling Pretty Desperate :(
Thoughts On My Hair Loss Regimen?

I was just wondering how long after starting drinking that much coffee did it take you to see full regrowth?
I started taking caffeine about a month ago to improve liver health (400mg, twice a day now, but started at 200mg), and coincidentally have noticed some hair regrowth recently. I'm curious to see if I end up following a similar timeline as you.


Feb 13, 2016
@lampofred on the topic of regrowth, I came across two of your older posts on coffee and the benefits you noticed to your hair.
Help Deciphering Labs, Hair Loss, Feeling Pretty Desperate :(
Thoughts On My Hair Loss Regimen?

I was just wondering how long after starting drinking that much coffee did it take you to see full regrowth?
I started taking caffeine about a month ago to improve liver health (400mg, twice a day now, but started at 200mg), and coincidentally have noticed some hair regrowth recently. I'm curious to see if I end up following a similar timeline as you.

It was pretty immediate, hair started growing in within days near my hair line. There was no "it gets worse before it gets better". When you're drinking that much coffee protein intake does need to be high though or your body will start using hair for protein. It took a few months for density to noticeably increase all over to the point that other people started noticing.

It got really stressful to drink that much coffee so after several months I weaned down. I guess the very high metabolism in those few months worked to reduce PUFA and excess copper, so even though my hair density has reduced again, the hair line and crown are still filled in and I lose 0 hairs in the shower.

I think mental overactivity plays a major major part in hair loss (which is why some people can eat absolutely whatever and still have good hair, because they are very calm and relaxed mentally), so what I've been trying to do is start doing two hours of eyes open, no thought, hypoventilation meditation. I think that would be really good for hair.


Jul 19, 2018
It was pretty immediate, hair started growing in within days near my hair line. There was no "it gets worse before it gets better". When you're drinking that much coffee protein intake does need to be high though or your body will start using hair for protein. It took a few months for density to noticeably increase all over to the point that other people started noticing.

It got really stressful to drink that much coffee so after several months I weaned down. I guess the very high metabolism in those few months worked to reduce PUFA and excess copper, so even though my hair density has reduced again, the hair line and crown are still filled in and I lose 0 hairs in the shower.

I think mental overactivity plays a major major part in hair loss (which is why some people can eat absolutely whatever and still have good hair, because they are very calm and relaxed mentally), so what I've been trying to do is start doing two hours of eyes open, no thought, hypoventilation meditation. I think that would be really good for hair.

Agree with all of the above. I think sugar with coffee is super important, and both amplifies the metabolic boost while damping down the adrenal response. I was chronically drinking black coffee for years and, felt on edge the whole time. I've just reintroduced sugar again and the difference is night and day. The sort of frantic impatience is replaced with calm alertness. It can definitely help for hair, but those extra calories are essential.


Apr 9, 2018
Any pictures of before and after?

Hair has thickened, and scalp condition is much much better.
Apr 13, 2018
@lampofred , thank you very much for sharing. I definitely see how protein will be especially critical for this.

Also @rawmeat that looks like an incredible improvement. Would you mind sharing how long you felt it took and what were the main things you found to be helpful?


May 10, 2016
It was pretty immediate, hair started growing in within days near my hair line. There was no "it gets worse before it gets better". When you're drinking that much coffee protein intake does need to be high though or your body will start using hair for protein. It took a few months for density to noticeably increase all over to the point that other people started noticing.

It got really stressful to drink that much coffee so after several months I weaned down. I guess the very high metabolism in those few months worked to reduce PUFA and excess copper, so even though my hair density has reduced again, the hair line and crown are still filled in and I lose 0 hairs in the shower.

I think mental overactivity plays a major major part in hair loss (which is why some people can eat absolutely whatever and still have good hair, because they are very calm and relaxed mentally), so what I've been trying to do is start doing two hours of eyes open, no thought, hypoventilation meditation. I think that would be really good for hair.
How much coffee were you consuming a day?


Apr 9, 2018
Also @rawmeat that looks like an incredible improvement. Would you mind sharing how long you felt it took and what were the main things you found to be helpful?[/QUOTE]

Yes, things have gotten better in the last few months.

Most important things for me:

1. Consistency--Eat well. Get on a daily routine!! Get outside in the sun. Stimulate your brain with real activities instead of melting in front of a computer.
2. Having a clean scalp. I buzzed my head, and this helped me clean it much better. Drying my hair completely after a shower is important because the water is hard where I live which causes a scalp buildup. I use nizoral 1x/week also. I will be trying a topical of niacinamide and taurine in the near term. I sometimes use coconut or olive oil in my scalp with a drop of iodine after a shower.
2. Massaging/brushing about 15 min/day and a 10 min inversion/day.
3. Aspirin!!! 81-325mg/day. An absolute must.
4. Caffeine. Have 2/day. Each coffee will contain ample milk, sugar, and 1 tbs of gelatin.
5. Some sort of exercise everyday to get blood flowing and improve lymph flow. I like lifting or playing ball. Not to mention I've gotten much stronger and leaner in the last 3 months.
6. Liver and oysters every week. Vit A makes my skin perfect.
8. Temps and pulse (98+ and 70-90)
9.******* Trust & stick to a plan for months and stop worrying*******.

I've also begun to start thyroid now that I've read Broda Barnes' book. Too early to say if there have been benefits.


Feb 13, 2016
How much coffee were you consuming a day?

Around 12 to 20 cups a day pretty consistently for about 6 months, 20 cups on days that I could eat a lot and handle the increase in stress hormones, 12 cups for days I didn't have that much food or couldn't handle it anymore, probably 16 cups a day on average.

After 6 months I couldn't handle it anymore and went down to 7-8 cups a day and I'm trying to maintain those levels currently. But I skip several days and drink only 1-2 on each of those days if I feel it building up too much in my system and I start getting jittery.

Peat apparently drank 40-50 cups a day regularly for a while, so looks like as long as you have enough food, it's not bad for you. The lower your aromatase is, the better you can handle coffee without jitters. So his aromatase must have been absolutely nonexistent.

2 aspirins a day along with vitamin K were also very important for me.

3. Aspirin!!! 81-325mg/day. An absolute must.

Was an absolute must for me as well. Congrats on the amazing results.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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