Had To Stop Drinking Milk (Extreme Irritability/agitation)


Mar 27, 2018
I had to stop drinking milk it was causing me extreme irritability and agitation. It was like an inability to have a calm mental state. Very uncomfortable. Milk was the only change to my diet that could have caused this. In times past I have experienced this from only skim and low fat milk but now whole milk is causing it as well. On a positive note the whole milk was definitely improving my body composition. got me pretty shredded but my mind can’t handle it. Gives me a super wired racy feeling that I can not tolerate. Why is this happening???? I wish this did not happen because I feel that other than the effect I’m describing the milk was definitely improve my physical health. I tried b vitamins and they give me great energy but don’t quell the mental effect I’m talking about. I really don’t take any supplements besides Since this happening the past few days I’ve added k2 mk-4 here and there usually 2 mg at a time it seems to help a little for sure. I’m also in the northeast and it’s winter so I could be deficient in d but I’m cautious of supplementing vitamin d these days.
Any input is appreciated! Wish I could drink milk :(


Feb 13, 2016
High CO2 is necessary for handling calcium. How much salt are you getting relative to liquids? What are your temps/pulse? Lack of sunlight can also lower CO2.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I had to stop drinking milk it was causing me extreme irritability and agitation. It was like an inability to have a calm mental state. Very uncomfortable. Milk was the only change to my diet that could have caused this. In times past I have experienced this from only skim and low fat milk but now whole milk is causing it as well. On a positive note the whole milk was definitely improving my body composition. got me pretty shredded but my mind can’t handle it. Gives me a super wired racy feeling that I can not tolerate. Why is this happening???? I wish this did not happen because I feel that other than the effect I’m describing the milk was definitely improve my physical health. I tried b vitamins and they give me great energy but don’t quell the mental effect I’m talking about. I really don’t take any supplements besides Since this happening the past few days I’ve added k2 mk-4 here and there usually 2 mg at a time it seems to help a little for sure. I’m also in the northeast and it’s winter so I could be deficient in d but I’m cautious of supplementing vitamin d these days.
Any input is appreciated! Wish I could drink milk :(
Why you bother?
You discovered the culprit and removed it. That,s awesome! Just enjoy your health and be happy. Not many people are so lucky to find the offender at time!

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I had to stop drinking milk it was causing me extreme irritability and agitation. It was like an inability to have a calm mental state. Very uncomfortable. Milk was the only change to my diet that could have caused this. In times past I have experienced this from only skim and low fat milk but now whole milk is causing it as well. On a positive note the whole milk was definitely improving my body composition. got me pretty shredded but my mind can’t handle it. Gives me a super wired racy feeling that I can not tolerate. Why is this happening???? I wish this did not happen because I feel that other than the effect I’m describing the milk was definitely improve my physical health. I tried b vitamins and they give me great energy but don’t quell the mental effect I’m talking about. I really don’t take any supplements besides Since this happening the past few days I’ve added k2 mk-4 here and there usually 2 mg at a time it seems to help a little for sure. I’m also in the northeast and it’s winter so I could be deficient in d but I’m cautious of supplementing vitamin d these days.
Any input is appreciated! Wish I could drink milk :(

Metabolism is lower in winter and vitamin D is lower too

Could have a more difficult time handling all the liquid if you drink a lot at one sitting
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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