Gotta Leave Ray Peat


Jul 5, 2019
Sorry guys,but i dont think Ray peat dieting is for me ,i come from a background of IF and keto but i followed Ray peat principles for a year and a half,i initially felt good,but now i descovered i have high blood pressure out of nowhere at only 20 years old and i remember it was perfect when doing keto. How can you guys consider that Ray peat is a legend when so much people in here developped problems eating this way.

PS. I've tried everything ,vitamin d , taurine,salt literly everything.


Apr 30, 2015
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it


Jun 13, 2019
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it

so basically the only peat things you have to avoid is aspirin and coffee? No supplement is peaty, he has warned countless times that there are virtually no safe supplements, so he would agree to avoid almost all of those.


May 8, 2017
Sorry guys,but i dont think Ray peat dieting is for me ,i come from a background of IF and keto but i followed Ray peat principles for a year and a half,i initially felt good,but now i descovered i have high blood pressure out of nowhere at only 20 years old and i remember it was perfect when doing keto. How can you guys consider that Ray peat is a legend when so much people in here developped problems eating this way.

PS. I've tried everything ,vitamin d , taurine,salt literly everything.
Not here to defend Peat's suggestions but, just curious, what was your diet like roughly?


Apr 30, 2015
so basically the only peat things you have to avoid is aspirin and coffee? No supplement is peaty, he has warned countless times that there are virtually no safe supplements, so he would agree to avoid almost all of those.

Yeah Peat likes to have his cake and eat it too.

He will say avoid all supplements and write about pregnenolone, DHEA, B2, B1, specific aminos, etc etc.

Or he will talk about how great something is, but hidden additives make it no longer work.

I think you have to get past this sleight of hand stuff to really get into the meat of Peat's work.


Mar 29, 2013
There's like 5 total success stories from people who have resolved serious health issues by just eating a "Ray Peat Diet." Most people here who resolved serious issues got better with vitamin/mineral supplements, antimicrobials, or lifestyle changes that they came up with having been inspired by Peat's ideas. What Peat (and for that matter the Ray Peat Forum) offers is a paradigm shift in thinking about health and healing, his optimal food choices only work under the assumption that a LOT of conditions (metabolism, deficiency, and gut health being the biggest factors) are met. Your average sick (or even relatively healthy) person who's suddenly starts eating a diet entirely consisting of mostly of OJ, Mexi-Cokes, Milkshakes, Coconut Oil, Eggs, Milk, Liver, Oysters, and a raw Carrot is probably going to get much worse. It's sustainable for a mildly hyperthyroid person who is very in tune with what supplements, hormones, and antibiotics he consistently needs (in consistently varying degrees, depending on everything from self-diagnostics to the amount of sun he received that day) to keep himself functioning at a high level, i.e. - Ray Peat.

If you felt better on low carb, personally, I would continue eating that way.

Bad Linhat

Apr 19, 2018
Sorry guys,but i dont think Ray peat dieting is for me ,i come from a background of IF and keto but i followed Ray peat principles for a year and a half,i initially felt good,but now i descovered i have high blood pressure out of nowhere at only 20 years old and i remember it was perfect when doing keto. How can you guys consider that Ray peat is a legend when so much people in here developped problems eating this way.

PS. I've tried everything ,vitamin d , taurine,salt literly everything.

Well in my opinion is very strange.
I'm 42, I came from 2 years of keto and IF and now after 2 years of Peat I don't have any problem with my blood pressure.
I think maybe related to lack of potassium: are you sure to have enough potassium in your diet ?
Here some opinion of Peat about high blood pressure


Oct 1, 2019
Not here to defend Peat's suggestions but, just curious, what was your diet like roughly?

Most of those threads where people said that abandoning Peats principles healed them, turned out their diet was actually more "peaty" after they had thought they left it.
Last edited:


Jul 9, 2020
You're low CO2, and/or probably low thyroid as well. Bicarbonate therapy will likely provide immediate benefits. Soaking in a tub with 2 cups of baking soda for 40-60 minutes will work. Personally I think diffusing is the best though, the increased CO2 effects are basically instantaneous. More cost effective too, we're talking the difference of 2 cups vs 1/2 tsp. But baking soda tends to be inexpensive anyways, so whatever works best. But you're problem won't be solved until you correct the underlying problem of low thyroid. Keto will only make your problem worse, the switch from excessive glycolisis to beta-oxidtion will only have short term benefits from a reduction in lactate.


Jul 5, 2019
Well in my opinion is very strange.
I'm 42, I came from 2 years of keto and IF and now after 2 years of Peat I don't have any problem with my blood pressure.
I think maybe related to lack of potassium: are you sure to have enough potassium in your diet ?
Here some opinion of Peat about high blood pressure
yeah,i Red every peat article,i applied everything but nothing worked ,my blood pressure seemed going up and dropped only in the morning when i wasnt eating.when i started eating my blood pressure would rise so much especially after carbs.


Jul 5, 2019
You're low CO2, and/or probably low thyroid as well. Bicarbonate therapy will likely provide immediate benefits. Soaking in a tub with 2 cups of baking soda for 40-60 minutes will work. Personally I think diffusing is the best though, the increased CO2 effects are basically instantaneous. More cost effective too, we're talking the difference of 2 cups vs 1/2 tsp. But baking soda tends to be inexpensive anyways, so whatever works best. But you're problem won't be solved until you correct the underlying problem of low thyroid. Keto will only make your problem worse, the switch from excessive glycolisis to beta-oxidtion will only have short term benefits from a reduction in lactate.
I dont think i had problems with thyroid,my temperature was 98.2 all day and my hr was beetween 65-90.


Mar 29, 2013
You're low CO2, and/or probably low thyroid as well. Bicarbonate therapy will likely provide immediate benefits. Soaking in a tub with 2 cups of baking soda for 40-60 minutes will work. Personally I think diffusing is the best though, the increased CO2 effects are basically instantaneous. More cost effective too, we're talking the difference of 2 cups vs 1/2 tsp. But baking soda tends to be inexpensive anyways, so whatever works best. But you're problem won't be solved until you correct the underlying problem of low thyroid. Keto will only make your problem worse, the switch from excessive glycolisis to beta-oxidtion will only have short term benefits from a reduction in lactate.

Can you write more about the benefits of Bicarbonate Therapy? I've personally seen benefits from baking soda baths, but mostly from a skin health perspective.


Dec 14, 2015
yeah,i Red every peat article,i applied everything but nothing worked ,my blood pressure seemed going up and dropped only in the morning when i wasnt eating.when i started eating my blood pressure would rise so much especially after carbs.
Could be B1 deficiency.


Mar 1, 2020
What is your blood pressure?
Did you do any blood labs/organ ultrasounds/medical examinations before and during "peating" ?
Are there any other symptoms (before/after peating) besides your blood pressure?
What did you eat and take (supplements, meds) and did you kept eating stuff/taking stuff even though you didn't enjoy it or it's effects.

And no, this isn't at all meant to be antagonistic or aiming to end with "you did it wrong". I really just would like to see it in context so there might be more to learn from it.
Nov 21, 2015
When someone says "I did everything but nothing worked" sorry but it always means they didn't do everything and instead tried things and gave up too quickly.

This is a journey not a destination, to use a worn out cliche. You are either improving your health or making it worse. Nothing goes in a straight line either.

You have "high blood pressure" -- first, what is your BP? Second, how do you know that's a bad thing right now? Maybe your body is better off with high blood pressure right now?

I agree with the above mention of carbon dioxide, baking soda, and I'll add bag breathing.

There is a reason your blood pressure is higher -- but instead of saying "it's high" how about telling us some facts about it so we can better help?

@Tarmander that's very sciency looking but how much can you trust something like that? Seems very pseudo science to me because I lack an understanding of how a "microbiome" test can determine all that. Just seems p-science.


Mar 1, 2020
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it
Are these a lot of things you used to consume regularly in high amounts and took as supplements? Is there stuff on there that you avoided already, but it is still on there? What is the scientific basis to link whatever they test in those exams (I guess gut bacteria genes?) to specific intolerances (curious about this science, as I don't know much about it)?


Jul 5, 2019
What is your blood pressure?
Did you do any labs/organ ultrasounds before and during "peating" ?
What did you eat and take (supplements, meds) and did you kept eating stuff/taking stuff even though you didn't enjoy it or it's effects.

And no, this isn't at all meant to be antagonistic or aiming to end with "you did it wrong". I really just would like to see it in context so there might be more to learn from it.

When someone says "I did everything but nothing worked" sorry but it always means they didn't do everything and instead tried things and gave up too quickly.

This is a journey not a destination, to use a worn out cliche. You are either improving your health or making it worse. Nothing goes in a straight line either.

You have "high blood pressure" -- first, what is your BP? Second, how do you know that's a bad thing right now? Maybe your body is better off with high blood pressure right now?

I agree with the above mention of carbon dioxide, baking soda, and I'll add bag breathing.

There is a reason your blood pressure is higher -- but instead of saying "it's high" how about telling us some facts about it so we can better help?

@Tarmander that's very sciency looking but how much can you trust something like that? Seems very pseudo science to me because I lack an understanding of how a "microbiome" test can determine all that. Just seems p-science.
My blood pressure in the morning is 123/65 after starting to eat usually gets up to 135-140/75 but sometimes is 130/70 and than in the evening again starts to rise at 140/75 ,at night i woke up and i saw i had 105/55.


Oct 16, 2017
Yeah Peat likes to have his cake and eat it too.

He will say avoid all supplements and write about pregnenolone, DHEA, B2, B1, specific aminos, etc etc.

Or he will talk about how great something is, but hidden additives make it no longer work.

I think you have to get past this sleight of hand stuff to really get into the meat of Peat's work.
Yes as Peat knows, context is everything, consequently he wouldn't affirm that avoiding all supplements permanently would be reasonable.

To all: We have lots of success histories here, I know people who were helped/ cured, some with serious problems thanks to Ray/ Haidut knowledge. I'm one.
Most of those threads were people said that abandoning Peats principles healed them, turned out their diet was actually more "peaty" after they had thought they left it.
Great, +1. Think, perceive, act.
“Since the contextuality of communication is always in the foreground when I talk or write, you know that someone is confusing me with an authority when they talk about my ‘protocol’ for something. Context is everything, and it’s individual and empirical.” —Raymond Peat, PhD
Thanks to Danny to excavate it.
Nov 21, 2015
often high blood pressure is from:

low CO2 levels -- made better with bag breathing, Buteyko, baking soda, high thiamine...

not enough thyroid. Stress hormones are reduced and thyroid is insufficient to power metabolism and hypertension results.

not enough potassium.

not enough calcium.

not enough magnesium. In this regard, I recently realized that I am not eating enough magnesium. I eat a lot of dairy and milk and probably get 2500mg of calcium a day, and I think I have been short magnesium.

Dr. Peat eats this way but doesn't apparently supplement magnesium but that doesn't mean it works that way for me.

You have to continually use your body's wisdom, the WOB, and when we start out often there isn't much WOB to start with but it does improve if we listen closely.
Nov 21, 2015
I think supplements are medicine, but not for long term use except for a few in some cases, such as a little DHEA and progesterone as we age. The principal medicine is food and lifestyle including red light, sun light, low stress living, altitude, etc.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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