Got cash?


Aug 13, 2020
When was the last time you used cash?

You read comments stating there's nothing to do about the oligarchy's plans (via the government), but isn't this just laziness talking?

The same laziness that brought us to this point.

Today we still have the luxury of using cash, so are we?

Indians used non-violent resistance against British rule, are you resisting your government's plans by using cash?

Do you keep your money as a number in a large bank's computer system?

We don't know what hardcore oppression is yet.

Once the government gets its digital grid in place, it won't need to do much to isolate dissidents.

Disconnecting them from the economy (no buy or sell) would leave them destitute.

Lazy minds can't envision the future, which is the past.

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things
have been like
if every Security operative, when he went out at night to
make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to
say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example
in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not
simply sat there
in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the down-
stairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had
nothing left to lose
and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of
half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no
good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the
skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the
street with one lonely chauffeur - what if it had been driven off or its tires
spiked? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers
and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine
would have ground to a halt!

If ... if ... We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no
awareness of the real situation
. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained
outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure!
... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 (ch 1, p. 13)
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Oct 19, 2019
Tried to pay our new window cleaner in cash this week, they laughed in my face. Bank transfer only.


Dec 8, 2016


Sep 21, 2014
When was the last time you used cash?
4 hours ago.

I also see more other people paying cash again in the last weeks/months. It depends on the society you're living in. In Sweden, people look at you as if you had taken a dump in the middle of the street when you want to pay cash. In other societies cash is more of a habit. I think it's harder to break traditional habits than some governments thought.


Aug 17, 2018
When was the last time you used cash?

You read comments stating there's nothing to do about the oligarchy's plans (via the government), but isn't this just laziness talking?

The same laziness that brought us to this point.

Today we still have the luxury of using cash, so are we?

Indians used non-violent resistance against British rule, are you resisting your government's plans by using cash?

Do you keep your money as a number in a large bank's computer system?

We don't know what hardcore oppression is yet.

I agree on laziness... people got way too comfortable and lazy.


Aug 13, 2020
You don't normally keep all your cash in one place (or buried in the backyard).

How to Find a Local Bank

“Many small businesses rely on small financial institutions, like credit unions and community banks, to meet their capital requirements. Without them, these small businesses would have to close their doors.”
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Signs of the great reset were already present for a long time. Not actually owning games you buy, having to download them after buying discs. Having to be connected to a game merchant to play PC games, even if internet connectivity isn't required for said game.

As well as paying for online streaming services, with unpredictable licensing, and a big company buying a couple of streaming services. Few people can afford to own DVDs and Blu-Rays now.

From my experience, the value of high-budget works began to decline a couple of decades ago. The amount of wokism in modern mainstream works is sickening. It's more profitable to make something people agree with or that makes people feel good about themselves.

There's also a high likelihood of deliberate political intervention in media, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence of this. Not that I went out of my way to look for it. I'm personally convinced that the entertainment industry has direct financial contributions from political lobbyists.

Streaming and renting, and being dependent on services rather than actually owning games or other media is socialistic.

Likewise, you don't need the help of any service to give cash to someone. The true exchange of capital would be with something of which value is almost universally valued, such as gold, since cash is just notes without the banks.

Games for at least one console line (I haven't played consoles for a long time and I don't plan to buy any ever again, so I don't know if others do it) don't work unless they connect to the internet.

So if the game console company goes under, then it becomes useless. Also, they sometimes offer games for free through subscription services, which would drop the value of the game you paid full-price for to zero.

I'm not convinced of the benefit of boycotting people who choose not to accept cash. If the bank system goes down, it's their loss. It's possible that people as a whole benefit, but are they really on the side of "the people"?

People are rarely aware of what's happening and ignorant people tend to stay ignorant, meaning they would continue to be screwed over and empower the very system that oppresses you and them even if an economic crash occurred.


May 13, 2015
When was the last time you used cash?
Does writing old fashioned checks on a local state bank checking account count? I hope so. I've got cash; I'm just afraid to turn loose of it. I'm saving it up for later.

Quick story that happened this morning: I stopped using my Chase Visa card about 6 weeks ago. I plan to close the account today. This morning, I went on line to print out my most recent statement so I would have a list of the recurring payments so I could set up another payment option. It wouldn't let me see my statement. I called them and was told that they could mail me the statement which would take 7-10 days to arrive. They said if I wanted to see my statement on line I would have to download and use Chrome instead of Firefox. Firefox used to work just fine. They said they couldn't get Firefox to "work with them" so they abandoned that option. There is no way in hell I'd download Chrome simply because Chase is trying to force me to do it.

You're not paranoid if they really are out to get you.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Does writing old fashioned checks on a local state bank checking account count? I hope so. I've got cash; I'm just afraid to turn loose of it. I'm saving it up for later.

Quick story that happened this morning: I stopped using my Chase Visa card about 6 weeks ago. I plan to close the account today. This morning, I went on line to print out my most recent statement so I would have a list of the recurring payments so I could set up another payment option. It wouldn't let me see my statement. I called them and was told that they could mail me the statement which would take 7-10 days to arrive. They said if I wanted to see my statement on line I would have to download and use Chrome instead of Firefox. Firefox used to work just fine. They said they couldn't get Firefox to "work with them" so they abandoned that option. There is no way in hell I'd download Chrome simply because Chase is trying to force me to do it.

You're not paranoid if they really are out to get you.
Using cash whenever possible, but also use checks to pay for things long distance. So I've had the same question.

My guess is, while checks are not as good as cash because they leave a payment record, they are better than CCs because checks are run through a different system that is, so far as I know, not connected with a centralized database. No matter what bank your CC is issued on it must go through the VISA or MC system to be processed. That is where CC transaction data is centralized. A check goes to the payee's bank, and the canceled check is returned to your bank. Although, they are run through an electronic system (which is why you can't kite checks anymore), they are not run through the Visa MC database nor, I believe, any other centralized database.


Jun 22, 2021
Good thread - I think the introduction of the CBDC might mean the end of the US dollar in the coming years .... the US dollar is inconvenient to the NWO when compared to a CBDC

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Good thread - I think the introduction of the CBDC might mean the end of the US dollar in the coming years .... the US dollar is inconvenient to the NWO when compared to a CBDC
David Martin made an interesting point regarding CBDC that I thought was germane: people will never accept all digital currency because .... hackers, God bless 'em.


Aug 13, 2020
Morlocks vs Eloi

The people who rule us, have been lying to us for a long time, but they look at us as cattle.

They used to look at us as milking cattle, now they look at us as beef cattle.

So we have a couple of decisions we need to make regarding what's going on, and how you want to be blasted off this planet.

Do you want to be euthanized? Where .. they are taking advantage of you psychologically, where you believe "I kill myself, at least I'm in control, maybe they will shoot me on the street, I'm not in control at that point .. if I go get the vaccine, they are smiling at me as I die, maybe that's the best way I can do it."

This is how weakened, mentally defective some of these people are.

They don't even know why they should defend themselves from someone trying to murder them.

They really don't. And they think "the government has the right to murder me, I can't shoot them, they got those fancy uniforms on, they can shoot me though, is ok".


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Jul 5, 2019
In Romania cash its preferable. If you enter in a taxi and ask for card payment they will laugh at you, especially in my city.

Green Dot

Jun 4, 2021
It's time for us to start using "real" money again - gold, silver, etc. or at least a currency backed up by the aforementioned.

In due time.


Sep 10, 2019
I used cash at the grocery store the other week. Even though the cashier was touching the same groceries everyone else was touching, as soon as I said I was paying with cash, she put gloves on ?

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I used cash at the grocery store the other week. Even though the cashier was touching the same groceries everyone else was touching, as soon as I said I was paying with cash, she put gloves on ?
The idiocy of it all. The restaurant ritual has to be the most absurd. Mask off when sitting at you rtable, mask on when walking or standing. People who do it have either lost the ability to reason or are virtue-signalling or both.


Sep 10, 2019
The idiocy of it all. The restaurant ritual has to be the most absurd. Mask off when sitting at you rtable, mask on when walking or standing. People who do it have either lost the ability to reason or are virtue-signalling or both.
It’s absolute madness.


Aug 13, 2020


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Tried to pay our new window cleaner in cash this week, they laughed in my face. Bank transfer only.
You should have laughed and said, "Ha, legal tender. Get a lawyer, goodbye."
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