Good Vitamin E Resources From The Past Being Cancelled: Can We Have a Repository Here?


Mar 29, 2016
Been doing research on Vitamin E, and it is helped me greatly with the information I have gathered and applied. And this has a lot to do with cardiovascular issues. I feel that if I stopped doing my research and continued with my self-experimentation, the information I have gathered would already be enough. And this would be the end of my research on vitamin E.

But I feel I am only scratching the surface with what I've gathered about vitamin E, and a lot that has been learned about it in the past has become hidden from us.

I give you an example: Abraham Hoffer, a well-known orthomolecular doctor, gives reference to a book by Erwin di Cyan "Vitamin E and Aging" in this article

And I did a search on the author, and the only link I found was a hit piece by the Zionist editor of JAMA Morris Fishbein, in the form of a review of the book:


But the book itself and its contents, nor articles by the author, cannot be found. There would be refences, and when I go to SciHub, I would be told article not found.

In another excellent article, which has been cancelled and only to be found in the Internet Archive, I would try to locate the references mentioned, and zilch is all I got as well:

But not all is lost, as in searching at (although now owned by another Zionist/Freemason Jeff Bezos since 2008), I could still find used copies of di Cyan's book.

I could just buy the book and benefit from reading it, and just leave it at that. Or I could share it with you. But it's only one book, and it would be at my expense, and to scan and share it, also mine. But I thought, if I did this, and 11 other people in this forum, can each find an old book on Vitamin E, maybe it would make sense for me, as then I could also benefit from it, and the 11 others could as well. As then we would have access to 12 cancelled but very useful books on Vitamin E.

I doubt the authors of these books or their heirs would mind, would they, that their research and writing is being shared and that people are benefiting from it. But the risk is it the Zionist/Freemasons have gotten rights to these books, then we'll just have to keep this information for our own eyes.

p.s. I don't have a scanner, but my smartphone would be able to do it with a bit of manual scanning on my part for my one book. It would be bulky in size, but if there's a nice OCR software online, it would easily convert it into a textual pdf file.

I'm not gonna tag anyone now, but if nothing comes out of this post, then I will start tagging as I know there are a few people who would stand to benefit and who appreciate the benefit of having original vitamin E and not the synthetic vitamin E that many of us have been led to use.

Just so you know, I have a sister who sells a popular line of vitamins with a direct marketing brand called Shaklee. The brand sells a vitamin E that is in tablet form, and it is no surprise to learn that it is made with the d-alpha tocopheryl succinate form of Vitamin E. Her husband has high blood pressure, and I sent her the second article I posted, so she would know the real score about the synthetic acetates and succinates. I thought she would be so invested in the belief in her company's product, but I was relieved when she told me she has not really used Shaklee's vitamin E, or any vitamin E for that matter. and that after reading the article, she was going to try a brand called Unique E. That is a good start. Later on, I could talk to her about other options, and if she doesn't consider it much trouble, to compound a mixture herself. It would not be an unreasonable ask, as she got a master's in chemistry and being a full-time mom she could be a bit rusty but that's easily overcome.

I'm going to stop now because I know many people only scan and just read the first few paragraphs. Nuff said.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Thorne's Ultimate E seems good. it is soy sourced, but they filter out all the soy fats. they claim it is molecularly distilled, and over 99.99% of the soy particles get filtered out, so even soy allergic people can tolerate it.

Sorry, didn't read properly, thought you were looking for good sources or products.
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Mar 29, 2016
Let's focus. Getting good reading material on vitamin E is what I'd like to work on. Want to se if there's interest or not. Otherwise, it's a solo flight for me.


Mar 29, 2016
I won't tag anybody. Not a good idea to impose. I will just bump this thread daily for a week. Just to make sure I know no one missed it.

Hopefully, I can find a few able. and willing people to help me on this.

I'm trying to use some energy here for productive use.. Everyone here knows I hate liars and parasites and Zionists. I know there is little I can do bitching and moaning. They will do what they will do and we can't do anything about it. I choose to bring the benefits of Vitamin E to light. which perusing the web doesn't quote do a good job of. Many references are memory-holed.

I've experienced the benefit of using real vitamin E, and I'm only scratching the surface. This isn't rocket science. Vitamin E has been used successfully.

But the medical tyranny you live in now that forces the Vaxx on you buried that information.

We have to start reclaiming the truth on many things. One at a time.

I expect the same apathy from this ask. There are people who can't. And there are people who won't. And there would easily be people who will say why me? And there will be those indignant as why during these stressful times of COVID that I divert my attention from destressing activities like binge-watching from movies being streamed for free by our friends in Hollywood.

I just think we just have to choose. I know I will always be thankful for people who have been contributing and are value-adds to this community. If people are healing, it's because of their efforts. They are not strangers to me. They are friends I will gladly help. Stay invisible, and you will hardly be recognized.

When good men go about their separate ways, and Zionists unite to inject COVID forcefully on good men, you just know why this current we are in is happening.

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I just bought this but it will probably take a couple of weeks before it arrives I found a cheap ex library copy


Mar 29, 2016
That's great!

There's a lot of resources from the past that are helpful.

I just read a few articles, and already I could see excerpts that would have been helpful. I experienced increased high blood pressure after taking a good vitamin E mixture I compounded myself, but it's not because it was a bad compound, but because I didn't slowly work up the dosage, and one of the books caution against taking a large dose - even if it's just Vitamin E.

This is why it's important to learn from them, than having to learn the hard way, as I did. I'm okay though, because I'm monitoring my vitals, and I know what's causing it. But others may not know, and they may lead themselves to think Vitamin E is bad because of the experience.


Jul 25, 2020
I won't tag anybody. Not a good idea to impose. I will just bump this thread daily for a week. Just to make sure I know no one missed it.

Hopefully, I can find a few able. and willing people to help me on this.

I'm trying to use some energy here for productive use.. Everyone here knows I hate liars and parasites and Zionists. I know there is little I can do bitching and moaning. They will do what they will do and we can't do anything about it. I choose to bring the benefits of Vitamin E to light. which perusing the web doesn't quote do a good job of. Many references are memory-holed.

I've experienced the benefit of using real vitamin E, and I'm only scratching the surface. This isn't rocket science. Vitamin E has been used successfully.

But the medical tyranny you live in now that forces the Vaxx on you buried that information.

We have to start reclaiming the truth on many things. One at a time.

I expect the same apathy from this ask. There are people who can't. And there are people who won't. And there would easily be people who will say why me? And there will be those indignant as why during these stressful times of COVID that I divert my attention from destressing activities like binge-watching from movies being streamed for free by our friends in Hollywood.

I just think we just have to choose. I know I will always be thankful for people who have been contributing and are value-adds to this community. If people are healing, it's because of their efforts. They are not strangers to me. They are friends I will gladly help. Stay invisible, and you will hardly be recognized.

When good men go about their separate ways, and Zionists unite to inject COVID forcefully on good men, you just know why this current we are in is happening.
Wow this is terrific. I hope you bump this once a month at least. Do you know that the Internet Archive is having problems? Some publishers are complaining about them archiving some of their past publicatons. So the Archive (wayback machine) has to deal with the situation and I notice that not everything is so readily available from them anymore, at all times. Yes, probably a mess from the bigpharma, biggov, bigbrother great-reset plan. They want to turn everyone into clueless innocents like the Eloi (I call them the Pastel Dweebs) who would drift into some structure to be eaten by the Morlock Monsters in the classic 1960 H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" Film. The la-dee-dah Pastel Dweebs lost all their information due to having it on spinning disks that they no longer knew how to use since they no longer had the brains to maintain the excessive technology or power sources to be able to use their smartphones or whatever. So a professor from the future saved them by traveling back and forth in time to bring them encyclopedia type books (easily readable instructional information) so he could help them wise up instead of simply being food for the meat-eating Morlocks to eat.


Jul 25, 2020
P.s. Currently I do higher doses of Vit E every other day. I do it for my circulation due to chemical exposure as a commercial artist, also I live in a smoggy city although not too bad where we live. I am different in that Unique E (which many find helpful) made me sick; not a good experience. We purchased 3 bottles, at different times, and I tossed the last one out as it didnt work for my husband either. Basically I use almost any E as long as it is only Alpha-Tocopherol or d-alpha tocopherol. These made me sick: d-gamma tocopherol, d-delta tocopherol and d-beta tocopherol.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
P.s. Currently I do higher doses of Vit E every other day. I do it for my circulation due to chemical exposure as a commercial artist, also I live in a smoggy city although not too bad where we live. I am different in that Unique E (which many find helpful) made me sick; not a good experience. We purchased 3 bottles, at different times, and I tossed the last one out as it didnt work for my husband either. Basically I use almost any E as long as it is only Alpha-Tocopherol or d-alpha tocopherol. These made me sick: d-gamma tocopherol, d-delta tocopherol and d-beta tocopherol.
what happened to you from those other tocopherols?


Aug 10, 2018


Mar 29, 2016
Wow this is terrific. I hope you bump this once a month at least. Do you know that the Internet Archive is having problems? Some publishers are complaining about them archiving some of their past publicatons. So the Archive (wayback machine) has to deal with the situation and I notice that not everything is so readily available from them anymore, at all times. Yes, probably a mess from the bigpharma, biggov, bigbrother great-reset plan. They want to turn everyone into clueless innocents like the Eloi (I call them the Pastel Dweebs) who would drift into some structure to be eaten by the Morlock Monsters in the classic 1960 H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" Film. The la-dee-dah Pastel Dweebs lost all their information due to having it on spinning disks that they no longer knew how to use since they no longer had the brains to maintain the excessive technology or power sources to be able to use their smartphones or whatever. So a professor from the future saved them by traveling back and forth in time to bring them encyclopedia type books (easily readable instructional information) so he could help them wise up instead of simply being food for the meat-eating Morlocks to eat.


It's certainly the case that a lot of history is lost. I didn't know the Internet Archive is getting pressure from some publishers to disappear past content. There is no other reason but to do an internet equivalent of book burning.

As for your bad experience with the other isomers of vitamin E other than alpha-tocopherol, I suspect that something similar to me is happening to you. It's not a bad thing for me. The gamma isomers acts as an electrophile, and would cause foam cells that contain oxidized LDL to lyse, which is a good thing, as in doing so, plaque is being lysed. But if the necrotic core also contains biofilms of bacteria, and also accumulation of toxins, they would be relatively dormant as long as the necrotic core isn't disturbed. But once disturbed, they would be released into the blood stream, and there would be effects from that release. I experienced much higher blood pressure, and heavy foaming and heavy urination as a result. I'm familiar with what's going on, and I can take the effects in stride, knowing what's going on. I have a handle on it, and I'm seeing this development as a good thing. If you understand what's causing your reaction, you may be in a position also to use it to your advantage.

Well, I hope there are more collaborators on this project who will volunteer their efforts.

I wish I were in the US as I could loan library books from different libraries, and the project could get some boost would having to buy the books.

And I also wish there would be someone in Russia that have access to libraries there, as most citations that are Russian cannot be accessed via the internet.

People that skip through and say nahhh will one day wish they helped out because for sure they will need this information one day. I know it has helped me, and I'm just scratching the surface. There's a good reason Ray said Vitamin E is the one vitamin he would want to have. According to haidut, Ray mentions policasonal as being part of the Original Vitamin E long ago. But I haven't been able to find references at all to policosanol being in the original vitamin E. That just goes to show how much about vitamin E we don't know about that was known in the past.


Jul 25, 2020
I experienced increased high blood pressure after taking a good vitamin E mixture I compounded myself, but it's not because it was a bad compound, but because I didn't slowly work up the dosage, and one of the books caution against taking a large dose - even if it's just Vitamin E.
I started on E many years ago when one of my teachers told me I had to take it due to the smog. She knew all the old time health people like Adele Davis and the Bragg family etc. etc, etc She was a nurse in ww2. I only started with 100 units and also she insisted on 500 mgs of Vit C daily. Now I take more of both including wheat germ oil at night every other night alternating with Vit E alpha toc.

Are you interested in having this chapter from a 1977 Rodele Press book?

The Vitamin E Story
By Wilfrid E. Shute, B.A., M.D.

[pages 410 through 428

The pages are large. Only one page at a time will fit on my scanner without harming the book. The scanner lid is on the side so in spinning the book around some of the pages will be upside-down. If I rotate them in photoshop they still look weird.
Therefore as a trial I used installed software to save the document as editable text (OCR) and can save the chapter, page by page, as .txt (text) or .html. In so doing it saves as a readable format. There are always a few errors on machine renditions so it gives me a chance to re-read the chapter. It was very helpful in getting my husband to start upping his Vit E and also that some people do well on wheat germ oil; which also helps me. Some things were spelled differently than I am used to seeing such as the word ‘marvelled' with 2 Ls

The first 2 pages of that chapter are included in this reply to you. Let me know if you want me to continue. I will do some trials in another post to you here to see if I can add a doc file as an attachment to this form.
I will not have much time for the next month so if you are interested it will not be done overnight although I will do it in as timely a manner as possible.
Best wishes,
Another useful book on the subject of self-cures,
"Life Extension - A Practical Scientific Approach" by Kirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw presents very good evidence on using Vitamin C and Vitamin E to improve the heart. They also used other drugs in addition to vitamins. I have a vintage, previously owned budget edition (newsprint type of paper and a soft cardboard cover) and it is falling apart. I cannot scan it as it will probably crumble and have to gently cradle it if reading it. It is interesting information and I hope you have a copy or can find one.
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Jul 25, 2020
I might have to put it into a .pdf as it would not save here as a .doc. So here is a copy and paste as text:

The Vitamin E Story
By Wilfrid E. Shute, B.A., M.D.

Wilfrid E. Shute, B.A., M.D., a pioneer in the study of vitamin E research, graduated in biological and medical sciences in 1929 and earned his M.D. in 1933 at the University of Toronto. He followed this with five years of postgraduate training at the University of Chicago clinics and the University of Toronto. He practiced in North Dakota and in Iowa before returning to Canada, where he became the cofounder and codirector of the Shute Institute for Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. He is the author and coauthor of many medical publications on hyperthyroidism, nephritis, and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Shute is also author and coauthor off our books on the medical application of vitamin E. He is retired from active medical practice.

That vitamin E will save lives from myocardial infarction and from heart failure must now be accepted by all physicians--this since the acceptance by even the most recalcitrant of our critics, of its usefulness in treating intermittent claudication, or leg pains, when walking.

In 1936, Dr. Evan Shute treated a patient with angina pectoris with vitamin E, with complete relief of his angina. He then asked me to try the same treatment on heart patients under my care in the hospital. My patients failed to respond so we abandoned it and actually forgot about it until Floyd Skelton, a medical
[page 410]

student, spent the summer of 1945 doing research under Evan's direction.
Looking back on the 1936-37 episode, it becomes all too obvious why our one success was not followed by others. The first patient was unique in his ability to take a large dose of wheat germ oil-cold-pressed through burlap and tasting like a burlap bag-without gagging or vomiting; he actually rather liked it! More particularly, he was one of the very few patients whose angina left him completely on a minimal dose of vitamin E. My patients were given too small a dose and I abandoned the experiment after two or three weeks--too short a period as we now know for coronary artery insufficiency to show a response.

For the next 10 years (1936 to 1945), vitamin E in the form of wheat germ oil (a product especially prepared for us) kept refrigerated and used soon after preparation, did give continued evidence of its effectiveness as we now know. However, we did not see this effect even though it was presented to us regularly. Some of our obstetrical patients had definite evidence of rheumatic heart disease, and since all of our obstetrical patients were given vitamin E prophylactically to maintain their pregnancies and to avoid complications, especially prematurity and miscarriage due to abruptio placentae, they were, in fact, being treated for their rheumatic heart disease.

Many times we marvelled at how well their hearts withstood the strain of the pregnancy. My own wife was a case in point. Although she had been Canada's outstanding woman swimmer, representing Canada at two successive Olympiads, she nevertheless was a victim of rheumatic heart disease. Both of her pregnancies were maintained with the greatest difficulty with heroic doses of vitamin E. Fortunately, by this time a potent product, well tolerated, had become available. Her heart gave no trouble until some time later after she had stopped her vitamin E. The role of vitamin E in sustaining the heart still went unrecognized.
[page 411]


Mar 29, 2016
That has a good account of vitamin E from wheat germ oil. What is the title? Since it was published 1977, it would offer newer insights to the book Wilfried Shute wrote in 1969, which I got from Z-Library: Vitamin E for Ailing and Healthy Hearts.

Please hold on to it before you do much scanning on it, as it may be available as a digital file elsewhere, and you won't have to scan if that's the case.

I should probably get a list of books published by the Shutes, and try to get all of them, so as to get a good accounting of their experiences.


  • vitamin e for ailing and healthy hearts by wilfrid e shute (
    27.5 MB · Views: 57


Jul 25, 2020
@yerrag - I am sorry about your high blood pressure!
I have low blood pressure. So did my mother and so did the mother of my father. So maybe it is hereditary. Here are my stats. I have not been to the vaccine pushers since then -:]

I need plenty of Vit E to walk and breath easily. I take plenty of vit C to stay healthy. I think it is why I have not been sick, with anything, since we had the swine flu in 2009.


Jul 25, 2020
That has a good account of vitamin E from wheat germ oil. What is the title? Since it was published 1977, it would offer newer insights to the book Wilfried Shute wrote in 1969, which I got from Z-Library: Vitamin E for Ailing and Healthy Hearts.

Please hold on to it before you do much scanning on it, as it may be available as a digital file elsewhere, and you won't have to scan if that's the case.

I should probably get a list of books published by the Shutes, and try to get all of them, so as to get a good accounting of their experiences.
wow thank you for uploading the pdf.
The title of the book is "The Complete Book of Vitamins" by the Staff of Prevention Magazine. Compiled by Charles Gerras, Executive Editor. - - Joseph Golant, E. John Hanna Senior Editors. Rodale Press Emmaus PA 1977


Mar 29, 2016
wow thank you for uploading the pdf.
The title of the book is "The Complete Book of Vitamins" by the Staff of Prevention Magazine. Compiled by Charles Gerras, Executive Editor. - - Joseph Golant, E. John Hanna Senior Editors. Rodale Press Emmaus PA 1977
You're welcome!

I can see why you wanted to scan Wilfrid Shutes' pages, it being part of a compilation. If you could scan it, that would be greatly appreciated.


Shute Vitamin E Treatment Protocol

Natural Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) in the treatment of Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases
as suggested by Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute and the Shute Institute for Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, London, Ontario, Canada. Use only products labeled in terms of InternatIonal Units (IU).

Acute coronary thrombosis: 450 to 1,600 IU a day started as soon as possible and maintained.
Older cases of coronary thrombosis: 450 to 1,600 IU if systolic pressure is under 160 Otherwise 450 IU for the first four weeks, particularly if a hypotensive agent is used concurrently.
Acute rheumatic fever: 450 to 600 IU daily.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease: give 90 IU daily first month, 120 IU daily second month and 150 IU daily for third month. 150 IU may be ideal dose. Occasionally more is necessary and advisable. Response will necessarily be slow.
Anginal Syndrome: 450 to 1,600 IU if systolic pressure is under 160. Otherwise start on 150 IU for four weeks then 300 IU for four weeks, particularly if hypotensive agent is used.
Hypertensive heart disease: 75 IU daily for four weeks, 150 IU daily for four weeks, then cautiously increase. Should be used with hypotensive agents. High doses of vitamin E have been shown to reduce high blood pressure in rats with chronic kidney failure. (Vaziri N. Hypertension, Jan 2002.)
Thrombophlebitis and Phlebothrombosis: 600 to 1,600 IU daily.
Thrombocytopaenic Purpura: 800 to 1,200 IU daily.
Diabetes Mellitus: Same schedule as for cardiacs.
Acute and Chronic Nephritis: as for cardiac patients.
Burns, Plastic Surgery, Mazoplasia: 600 to 1,600 IU daily, using vitamin E ointment or vitamin E spray as adjunct. (Editor’s note: vitamin E may also be dripped from a thumbtack-punctured capsule.)

The maintenance dose equals the therapeutic dose.
Do not take iron and vitamin E at same time. If iron is indicated, separate the doses by about nine hours.
The digitalis requirement is often reduced after vitamin E takes hold, so over-digitalization should be avoided. A patient receiving vitamin E should not be digitalized by the Eggleston massive dose technique nor any of its modifications. It is usually sufficient for full digitalization to give what is ordinarily a maintenance dose of 1 1/2 grains digitalis folia or 0.1 mg digitoxin per day. By the second day the patient is often digitalized.
Insulin dosages in diabetic cardiacs must be watched closely, for the insulin requirement may be considerably reduced very suddenly.
Hyperthyroidism is sometimes a contraindication.
Estrogens should rarely be given at the same time as alpha tocopherol (vitamin E).
(Editor's note: The Shutes also recommend caution with patients who have untreated high blood pressure, a rheumatic heart, or congestive heart failure. If you are a person with these or any other preexisting medical condition, you need to WORK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN TO DETERMINE YOUR OPTIMUM VITAMIN E LEVEL.)

1. It reduces the oxygen requirement of tissues.
Hove, Hickman, and Harris (1945) Arch. Biochem. 8:395.
Telford et al (1954) Air University School of Aviation Medicine Project #21-1201-0013, Report #4, May. Randolph Field, Texas.
2. It melts fresh clots, and prevents embolism.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
Wilson and Parry (1954) Lancet 1:486.
3. It improves collateral circulation.
Enria and Fererro (1951) Arch. per Ia Scienze Med. 91:23.
Domingues and Dominguez (1953) Angiologia 5:51.
4. It is a vasodilator.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
5. It occasionally lyses scar tissue.
Steinberg (1948) Med. Clin. N. America 30:221, 1946.
6. It prevents scar contraction as wounds heal.
Shute, Vogelsang, Skelton and Shute (1948) Surg., Gyn. and Obst. 86:1.
7. It increases low platelet counts.
SkeIton, Shute, Skinner and Waud (1946) Science 103:762.
8. It decreases the insulin requirement in about 1/4 of diabetics.
Butturini (1950) Gior. di Clin. Med. 31:1.
Tolgyes (1957) Summary 9:10.
9. It is one of the regulators of fat and protein metabolism.
Hickman (1948) Rec. of Chem. Progress, p.104.
10. It stimulates muscle power.
Percival (1951) Summary 3:55.
11. It preserves capillary walls.
Ames, Baxter and Griffith (1951) International Review of Vitamin Research 22:401.
12. It prevents haemolysis of red blood cells.
Rose and Gyorgy (1951) Fed. Proc.10:239. 1951.

Tolgyes, S. and Shute, E. V. (1957), Alpha Tocopherol in the Management of Small Areas of Gangrene. Can. M. A. J. 76:730.
Shute, E.V. (1957) The Prevention of Congenital Anomalies in the Human: Experiences with Alpha Tocopherol as a Prophylactic Measure. J. Ob. & Gyn. Brit. Emp. 44:390.
Hauch, J. T. (1957) A New Treatment for Resistant Pressure Sores. Can. M.A.J. 77:125.
Shute, E. V. (1957) Alpha Tocopherol in Cardiovascular Disease. Oxford University Med. Gaz. 9:96.


The Neuroprotective effect of Vitamin E on Sleep Deprivation


  • The Neuroprotective effect of Vitamin E on Sleep Deprivation.pdf
    955.5 KB · Views: 37
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