Ginger Is A Seratonin Antagonist?


Nov 21, 2015
London, UK
Thoughts on turmeric, ginger's very close sibling and even called yellow/red ginger in some cultures?

I used it daily to reduce inflammation of acne/cysts/folliculitis but am now reconsidering long term effects, such as on estrogen (if there are any).

It's been used for 1000s of years in Asia for inflammation, stomach, liver, and even topically. Very often seen as golden milk/tea (mix of turmeric, milk, honey, ...).

More recently it, and it's main compound curcumin, has been the love child of the alternative health scene and now even accepted by mainstream medicine.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thoughts on turmeric, ginger's very close sibling and even called yellow/red ginger in some cultures?

I used it daily to reduce inflammation of acne/cysts/folliculitis but am now reconsidering long term effects, such as on estrogen (if there are any).

It's been used for 1000s of years in Asia for inflammation, stomach, liver, and even topically. Very often seen as golden milk/tea (mix of turmeric, milk, honey, ...).

More recently it, and it's main compound curcumin, has been the love child of the alternative health scene and now even accepted by mainstream medicine.
Someone expressed concerns over turmeric contamination in the following post and I thought the information might interest you.


Apr 14, 2018
I ordered a ginger root supplement from Now Foods after listening to Chris Masterjohn's video on how ginger root was the only thing that helped with his digestive challenges. I was excited about it, but now I am weary after reading your post on it's possible detrimental effects such as estrogencity and @haidut thread about ginger root being like capsaicin, which is known to accelerate aging and is serotonergic. I'm uncertain about the long-term impact if there is in fact something to be concerned with, especially considering Masterjohn's suggestion to take ginger root with each meal as a lifestyle and gut-maintenance strategy. @haidut mentioned in his thread that Dr. Peat said that ginger root is less dangerous than capsaicin, but I'm not sure if that's a green light. I know from other threads that you've been looking into ginger root's safety as well. Have you drawn any new conclusions since your last post on the matter?

Also, I wasn't sure if the Now Foods ginger root product would meet your standards for toxinless - do you have any plans for a ginger root entry on the site? Thank you for any insight.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
I think those questions were all meant for me? I got a quote notification, but now it's not showing up.

Dr. Peat said that ginger root is less dangerous than capsaicin, but I'm not sure if that's a green light.
I don't know either, but I think it's helped my digestion (similar to what he mentions in the video), and I've not seen a conclusive-enough downside to stop using it.

your standards for toxinless - do you have any plans for a ginger root entry on the site?
I don't (I bought so much ginger powder a few years ago that I won't need to find more for a long time). All I'd probably do for it is try to find an organic source grown in a country with good food/pollution regulations. For fresh ginger root I've just been using whatever's available at the store since I've never found multiple options, even at Asian grocery stores.
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