


leo said:
kept thinking of all the pufa in my greens

Your greens have very little PUFA. It's a non-significant source. Vegetables typically have very little fat, and therefore very little PUFA. One should worry about vegetable oils, chronic high consumption of nuts and fatty chicken, fish, or pork, as significant sources of PUFAs.


Sep 12, 2013
j. then why does Peat say to avoid green leafy vegetables? Is it the toxic elements they have?

I don't do vegetable oils (ever), quit the nuts, don't do chicken (ever) nor pork. I do eat fish but not the fatty kind since we are in warm waters here.

So in my mind, I could be wrong, most of my accumulated pufa from past lifestyle would be from nuts/seeds. Other than that, I feel I was pretty Peat sans milk/fruit.


I think Peat considers cooked vegetables ok. He advises against raw vegetables.


Nov 1, 2012
I feel your pain, Leo. I have gained 20+ pounds and one of my kids thought I had gained 50. Lol I suppose it looks like that to them. I have believed that fixing my metabolism would eventually cause my weight to go back down. I have lost 3 lbs. in the last few weeks since I have started cynoplus/cynomel. This has happened despite my increased hunger. I have not been trying to lose as far as cutting anything out. I have logged my food the last few days and have been eating 2300+ calories. I hope that this continues, if not, I need to start some of the suggestions others have posted.

Does the cytomel you take help with your metabolism?


Oct 14, 2013
No doubt, the blood pressure thing is scary. I'd agree too that Peat is not a magic answer. For example, you seem to eat a lot more protein than I do. High protein seems to be difficult for me so there is one of many things I do which Peat may not advise. Speaking of which, protein spikes insulin pretty good in a lot of people. Insulin will help you gain weight, muscle or fat. If you're body doesn't see an increased need for muscle(such as weight lifting) then what do you think you will gain? This would seem especially true with copious carbs on top of protein. Perhaps you could try some resistance training and gradually increasing carbs only to the point that it allows you to perform well and gain muscle.

You guys are totally right about the young male thing. Testosterone probably lets me gain muscle pretty fast, while you would have more difficulty. Without increased lean mass I'm not sure what your body would use all those calories for. So there is another avenue you could explore, create an increased need for calories/carbs in a NON STRESSFUL manner. You have to be really careful with that too because if you get too physically stressed you won't gain lean mass, you'll lose it. And FYI, I weigh about 120 lbs so 15 pounds was quite a lot for me, though it was mostly water I think.

If you have done the carrot for six weeks don't rest your hopes on it, I'd say. For me green leafy vegetables cause major constipation, therefore fermentation. It's not the anti-metabolic toxins in them so much as what bacteria create from fermenting the fiber(at least in my case). I'd agree that vegetable pufa doesn't seem significant compared to oils, nuts, fish, etc. I would highly suggest you determine what fibers may or may not affect you, because for me it was the magic key.


Oct 10, 2012
leo said:
Frustrated is an understatement.

Is there one soul out there that continues to eat in this way and not inflate like a balloon??

I cannot continue to gain weight like this. Fundamentally anything that causes this much weight gain cannot be healthy....I cannot accept that I have to get fat to get high temps. And what has me second guessing this is that I considered myself very healthy prior to peating. It is only now, that I get flagged labs. Only now high blood sugar. Only now that I had issues with bp. Only now that I am constipated. My only improvement to how I was prior to peaking is better sleep and better energy.

My greater problem however, is after having read Peat and wanting to believe it is the better path, and then now having to return to a lesser path. I wanted peating to work...but I cannot go back to being overweight. I do not understand the people here who are doing so well and not gaining weight? The minute I try to space more time between meals, or try to reduce portion sizes, my temps plummet. I am so tempted to throw that damned thermometer away and never even give a flip about my temperatures! I feel I am missing out on life...trying to get this perfected. My friends are out lunching and I am at home counting macronutrients.

Sorry to rant. I really had high hopes. I love sleeping better. I love eating fruit again as well as milk. There are things about this I truly appreciate more than my other way of eating. But for all the hype about how unhealthy low carbing is, no one can deny it is the best tool to lose weight. I lost over 35 lbs and have kept it off effortlessly for over 4 years. Only now have I begun to gain....had I stayed at it I believe I would have been a success story and not a yo -yoer.

I also feel lost of this forum. I'm not complaining....only frustrated at not having what I need when I need it.....I like to have a plan always. I know everyone is busy....everyone is finding their own way. But there are not a lot of answers for me. It is as vague as Peat himself. Try this...maybe that...give it time. If I give it time I may be overweight (not healthy) again very soon. So many of you are young....and male.....and that makes it all the more easy. I am 61 yr old takes a lot more for me to lose a pound. I think Peat has always been one of those skinnie minnies who doesn't gain a pound ever with that amount of milk he drinks...unbelievable. I have to be very careful not to enter my senior years with excess weight and flagged lab tests. I do not want to undo all the good I've done over these past few years when I finally got into taking care of my own health.

So you see I am on the fence and frustrated. I fundamentally believe in Peat, yet theoretically it is not working for me. If there were a way to fine tune this for my needs, but I haven't been able to find it. Lowering calories lowers's a plain as that. Lowering sugar lowers temps. How to lose weight without lowering temps?

Million dollar question.

blood work.Thyroid panel, ,prolactin, estradiol, progesterone.


Sep 12, 2013
I apologize for saying this forum was not helping me much. You all have been angels to take time to answer here....I truly appreciate it. And I'm glad we got a conversation going regarding young testosterone filled males vs dried up females LOL. Just so you don't picture some aging ole broad when you read my name...I look 15yrs younger and still get second there. (of course I live in Latin America and these men will whistle at anything in a skirt/ talk about testosterone....ayy yaii yaiii.)

Ok to comment:

HD Diane: Increased hunger is a good sign....thyroid is stimulating metabolism. When I first started Cytomel I lost a bit but I was trying...that was years ago. Then when I took Erfa I lost a little without trying so don't know if the t4 has a function or not. But to answer did help metabolism. 3lbs is great without having to suffer.

NooMoahk:Wow I think you have nailed the proverbial hammer!! Or hammered the proverbial nail? TOO MUCH PROTEIN. Yes....and not followed by enough sugar!! Yes it makes sense...since it is all going to my abdomen...insulin fat. I could hug you...because up to now I did not even think of it....I was fixated on Peat's rec to eat as close to 100 g of protein as possible. BUT that is if one can handle all the sugar along with it. So now I will have to figure how much protein I need if I am not weight lifting (I hurt my back a few years ago and will not go there again) but so as not to LOSE muscle.(low carbing left me with hardly any muscle) Anyone know? Then, figure out how much sugar in relation to the protein. Hmmm this may merit an email to the man himself.

jag: female hormones are in the tank since early menopause at 42. I tried 'em all. Don't like how I feel on them. I don't feel estrogen dominant if that is where you are going....I know what that feels like and I feel very balanced and mellow. T3 was fine when tested last week upper high end of range. I have never tested prolactin. Is this necessary to determine the weight gain? bp?

When many of you say "I can't handle" or "I don't do well" or whatever when talking about are referring to digestion? Gas? Bloating? My problem is I can eat anything and not get a bad reaction so I cannot say if something is doing me service or not. The only thing that has ever caused me diarrhea was eating a huge mango in one sitting. And now on peat I have off on constipation which I never had in my life so I'm figuring due to low fibre. I don't eat now...but used to eat starches and also did not get digestive reactions.

Again thanks to all for your thoughts. I will keep updating here.


leo said:
ITOO MUCH PROTEIN. Yes....and not followed by enough sugar!!

I think it's more important for protein to be preceded, not followed, by sugar. Glycogen stores (sugar stores in the liver) should be full when you consume protein, otherwise the protein will be wasted as energy. That's why RP advises one glass of orange juice (fructose) and of milk (lactose) about 15 minutes before eating an egg.

Often, when I consume fruit juices or milk, a few minutes later I'm craving an egg. I think that's because the glycogen stores are full and my body is ready to process that egg.


Sorry for insisting on this, but a lot of people, including Peat, do better on both T3 and T4 than just T3.


Sep 22, 2013


Sep 12, 2013
Well this is the FIRST time I hear this. Wow am I in the dark. I was eating my protein dish then having fruit as the dessert. So you're saying eat the dessert first then the protein (how will I pull this off in restaurants?) I am so glad you mentioned it because I had missed it for sure.

I knew he said a large glass of oj for the egg...but I was just making an orange julius and having it together (raw egg) as I am sick of cooked eggs. Back to the drawing board....I am tearing up all my notes of yesterday and starting anew.

While we are at seem very knowledgeable ....would you happen to have an idea as to how much protein a 61 yr old female who does not weight lift require? I think I have been overdoing the gelatine protein (it's so easy) with relation to the sugar. If you take into account the sugar in oj vs. one egg it would seem that the protein would be a side dish?

Re thyroid supplementation. I know. I agree. It's a long story but bottom line is convenience. Customs etc. Erfa is sold here over the counter so I may try that down the road....too many variables right now to deal with NDT!

Anyone know where I can find the Peat interview on weight loss? What is the title?


Sep 12, 2013
I am going to settle down and try all of these things for a few days and won't bother as much, but while I still have your attention....can someone refresh my memory about why we should not have coffee on an empty stomach? I forget.

I confess I have my coffee the minute I open my eyes....even dream about it the night before.


leo said:
Well this is the FIRST time I hear this. Wow am I in the dark. I was eating my protein dish then having fruit as the dessert. So you're saying eat the dessert first then the protein (how will I pull this off in restaurants?) I am so glad you mentioned it because I had missed it for sure.

I knew he said a large glass of oj for the egg...but I was just making an orange julius and having it together (raw egg) as I am sick of cooked eggs. Back to the drawing board....I am tearing up all my notes of yesterday and starting anew.

While we are at seem very knowledgeable ....would you happen to have an idea as to how much protein a 61 yr old female who does not weight lift require?

I'm actually not sure if it applies to other things or just to eggs, but one could try and see what happens.

It's not like you should have dessert before the meal, just have a sprite or a coke, or juice if you're about to eat something without iron, before or even during the meal. I guess dessert after the meal can be good, but is less important.

Regarding the amount of protein, my guess is that hunger, appetite, and cravings should be your guide. I don't wake up thinking I need to consume x amounts of protein, but during the day I'd feel like drinking milk, and the amount I drink gradually increased over time.

I think if you're having something with sugar at the same time as gelatin you'd be fine.


leo said:
I am going to settle down and try all of these things for a few days and won't bother as much, but while I still have your attention....can someone refresh my memory about why we should not have coffee on an empty stomach? I forget.

I confess I have my coffee the minute I open my eyes....even dream about it the night before.

It somehow rises stress hormones. You can have coffee on an empty stomach if you consume milk and sugar or cream at the same time.


Oct 10, 2012
leo said:
I apologize for saying this forum was not helping me much. You all have been angels to take time to answer here....I truly appreciate it. And I'm glad we got a conversation going regarding young testosterone filled males vs dried up females LOL. Just so you don't picture some aging ole broad when you read my name...I look 15yrs younger and still get second there. (of course I live in Latin America and these men will whistle at anything in a skirt/ talk about testosterone....ayy yaii yaiii.)

Ok to comment:

jag: female hormones are in the tank since early menopause at 42. I tried 'em all. Don't like how I feel on them. I don't feel estrogen dominant if that is where you are going....I know what that feels like and I feel very balanced and mellow. T3 was fine when tested last week upper high end of range. I have never tested prolactin. Is this necessary to determine the weight gain? bp?

Again thanks to all for your thoughts. I will keep updating here.

Did you do total t3 or free t3 ? Yes prolactin causes weight gain. why don't you try progesterone again. I Think you should try cynoplus, cynomel, progesterone. Alot of people confuse fat with myxedema. The skin on the your elbow should more or less thin as the skin on the top of your arm. With myxedema you will need consume more t3 and t4.


Sep 12, 2013
free t3.

will try to test prolactin soon.

My skin on my arms does not look like myxedema. I mostly have abdominal fat.

I am listening to the end of the's funny the host asked "what would you say to a 60 yr old woman" about weightloss and gaining muscle.

Good interview but I sometimes wonder why Peat is not more passionate about what he has discovered. The young woman went on and on about one of his theories and his reply was "uh huh". lol


Oct 10, 2012
leo said:
free t3.

will try to test prolactin soon.

My skin on my arms does not look like myxedema. I mostly have abdominal fat.

I am listening to the end of the's funny the host asked "what would you say to a 60 yr old woman" about weightloss and gaining muscle.

Good interview but I sometimes wonder why Peat is not more passionate about what he has discovered. The young woman went on and on about one of his theories and his reply was "uh huh". lol

Yea free t3 doesn't tell the difference, you need t3 total and t4 total. If Prolactin is high then you might need an MRI for pituitary tumor.


Sep 12, 2013


Well that settles that. I will NOT test for prolactin now thank you very much. I am not going to go looking for a tumor now, when all I'm feeling is frustration over gaining weight.

Jeez. I appreciate your time, but really. Tumor???
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