France is close to shutting down amidst HUGE covid revolt...

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019

French Police Attack Restaurant Diners Over Covid Restrictions​


In the 60's the police were often referred to as the pigs. They are pigs once again. They will burn for this. Police are PUBLIC SERVANTS and are never allowed to use force on peaceful people. They are attacking their own people. When the people turn on them I will turn my back.


Nov 18, 2019

Well it’s either or. Either you’re right about the nature of the vaccines or not.
There is for one no shedding of spike proteins that I think you assume there is.

I don’t rule out it is designed to harm and I’m not comfortable to have gotten one.

Still, my personal and professional life was very much on the line. Yes that’s a sorry state of affairs on both personal and societal level and I’m painfully aware that this is what totalitarian would be or already is.

I’ve young kids. I decided to weigh my daily routine „unaffected“ by vaccine pressure as healthier than the vaccine health risk. That could be a grave error.
But I’m no pushover. Thus was the first and only covid vaccine for me. If my state will ever try to force another on me that’s the breaking point

Why? You could with fairly valid arguments (from „their“ POV) pressure people to get one. With all the escape mutations and the 100% probability of getting infected when you have kids in school and Kindergarten there is none anymore.

I will not allow my kids to be vaccinated with either vector or mRNA.

And I do think there are ways to handle a one shot vector vaccine like JJ. It starts topically with the shoulder that gets jabbed and doesn’t end for up to 6 week

Fight the Carrier, fight the immunity derangement, fight the protein synthesis and provide what is necessary for it.
Hey @LeeLemonoil you sound balanced with a well thought out mind set. Fingers crossed you were one of the controls that didn’t get the actual contents...

I mainly spoke up because I truly respect you and was furious that you had to be placed in that situation. Our world has become an insane asylum...

Anyway, you have enough knowledge to manage whatever comes your way from the jabs. Sadly most people do not and will truly suffer.


Mar 29, 2016
Inglorious bastards


Sep 24, 2016
Hey @LeeLemonoil you sound balanced with a well thought out mind set. Fingers crossed you were one of the controls that didn’t get the actual contents...

I mainly spoke up because I truly respect you and was furious that you had to be placed in that situation. Our world has become an insane asylum...

Anyway, you have enough knowledge to manage whatever comes your way from the jabs. Sadly most people do not and will truly suffer.

Thanks. I know your post wasn’t to offend me or anger directed at me.

Everyone has different reasons for taking or not taking. Mine was opportunistic and still with „resistance“ in mind.

Im no longer young enough to not see my life in stages. I don’t think further than 15 years when my 2 kids would be adults. I hope to get them there in good physical and mental health and set up with basic skills and values to go on from there. This will include them not getting any of these questionable vaccines and those to come.

And if they really wrecked me with that stuff, at least millions will have nothing much too lose. I would act on that. It would free up a lot of hate and energy.


Nov 18, 2019
Thanks. I know your post wasn’t to offend me or anger directed at me.

Everyone has different reasons for taking or not taking. Mine was opportunistic and still with „resistance“ in mind.

Im no longer young enough to not see my life in stages. I don’t think further than 15 years when my 2 kids would be adults. I hope to get them there in good physical and mental health and set up with basic skills and values to go on from there. This will include them not getting any of these questionable vaccines and those to come.

And if they really wrecked me with that stuff, at least millions will have nothing much too lose. I would act on that. It would free up a lot of hate and energy.


Dec 12, 2019
Germany ordered 11 million doses for next „campaign“
Ok. I Guess we will wait until they annouce it over here, officially.

So rather than fighting for bodily autonomy and the right not to be enslaved you will take a ‘less risky option’? For how long you do you intend to do this? A year, 2 years? What about when they want you to take boosters? I hope the injections contain what is listed on the pack. A vaccine for a virus that has not been isolated during a pandemic held up by a fraudulent pcr testing. It all looks above board. If you want advance information on autoimmune disease feel free to PM.


You got a PM

I'm (as well as my GF) are against these new mRNA Vaccines because i think they are useless and also very dangerous. But i (relaistically) think, that i'm also going to be in a corner (sooner or later) in Terms of the Vaccine. I think i can hold it of, for maybe a year (or less) at best, given the Actual Politics in our Country. And a Vector one is (i personally think) less risky, then these mRNA one's. Keep in Mind this is only a PLAN B, if i really get caught up in a corner (which i don't hope). Also i'm very lucky that it is not Mandatory at my Working Place (for now).

It strongly depends on the Futute German Laws tho. I think at the Next Press Conference in October (?) (After Federal Election on 26th September) they will try to make a mandate for Grocery Shopping (for Foods, Clothes and Electronics) as well as Restaurants, Cafe's, Gyms and so forth. They wanted to do it very surprisingly and very fast in Mid-August, but didn't. I don't kow why they forfeit it, all of a sudden. But i think they fear a Second France, if they do that.

But our Bavarian Govenor (Markus Söder) wants VERY strongly to talk about it, at the next Press Conference. He is really a ******le for that. He's strongly Pro-Vaccine and wanted to exclude the Unvaccinated at every Opportunity. But Sh** will ultimatly hit the Fan, because since few weeks, we get Allowance to DESELECT the Bavarian State Parliament in the End of October (because of a successful Application in the Past). If we get 1 Million Votes, it well get to the next Higher Group, which will surely be interesting. I Hope we get the 1 Million Votes, because things MUST change over here. It can't go on like that.


Nothing wrong with what you wrote and I agree on the defiant sentiment - although I took a shot.

But @David90 is clearly in the same camp. We may vary in our personal boundaries where to oppose. You won’t back down at all, he seeks at least to avoid the newer vaccines and I decided to get a shot to avoid disenfranchisement from the start.

But I oppose the mandatory and authoritarian aspects nonetheless. My personal limit is the booster need. When they begin to tie personal liberties to boosters than I’ll berserk next time

In the meantime we should stick together and not infight about where the details of personal resistance begin

Agreed. We should stick together. :):

Also, the Reasons for the Vector Vaccine Question is above (The Anwser to Pina).

And I do think there are ways to handle a one shot vector vaccine like JJ. It starts topically with the shoulder that gets jabbed and doesn’t end for up to 6 week

Fight the Carrier, fight the immunity derangement, fight the protein synthesis and provide what is necessary for it.
Can you tell more about this?. Sounds Interesting. Also the First Person mentioning something like this.


No need for fuel then?



Jul 13, 2014


Barack OBama was doing the same a few months ago for his birthday with The Who’s who of the celebrity world.
Macron is a Rothschild banker, they are all in on it, hopefully these images spread throughout France.
I saw those pictures, yet people won't wake up
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