Foreskin Restoration?


New Member
Apr 24, 2020
How many Peaters are trying to undo the damage of circumcision and restore their foreskins? Has it had a positive impact on your sex lives?


Mar 20, 2013
I've only done a little bit. I have a very high and tight circumcision. Erections previously were uncomfortable because they were so tight. After some weeks/months of stretching, I restored enough so erections aren't uncomfortable anymore, and I can tolerate masturbation without lubricant.

Seemed to be hard to really stretch only the skin on the penis and I worried I might have started causing some "turkey neck" stretching on the scrotal skin. That kinda scared me off of continuing. For all I know it was normal and is just how my skin is, but it made me paranoid.

I know some people have had a lot of success even with such a high and tight circ as I have. But it's hard for me to believe. There's simply nothing there. When I am extremely flaccid, like **** shrinking from cold temps, the skin is bunched up under the glans a little bit, which is much more than before. So it does work. I suppose it depends on how far you want to take it.


Jun 7, 2019
I tried with a device and got a ring of indented skin where the thing had been, as if trying to stretch the skin outwards had made it pull tighter around. Didn't get anywhere otherwise.


Dec 18, 2020
I've been doing it for 2-3 years. It's worth it and I'm fully committed at this point. Although I've only gained about 2-3 cm of skin, now when extremely flaccid and sitting down I am at least partially covered. My method now is better than it was when I started, so I should get even faster growth now.
At first I used o-rings, then dual tension with the dtr device, and now I use direct air with the dtr and it's the best. I just ordered more parts actually, a retainer to wear when it's inconvenient to use air. And I recently started using a stretchy silicone ball stretcher at night to help even more with turkey neck.
I have become much more sensitive and have stronger more intense orgasms with plateaus that I never experienced before. I was cut tight and had practically no inner foreskin. Just retaining for a while will make it more sensitive but if you don't have the skin to stay covered without a retainer it will be uncomfortable and the sensitivity will go away again in time. My goal is full erect coverage.


Jun 7, 2019
Just coming back to this thread because I have been doing it again for nearly five months. Honestly I'm not really sure how much progress there is but I am determined to keep going to stick it to those ***holes.

I have really come to resent my parents for doing this to me after realising the amount of missing tissue (IMO they only left about 20% of what should be there), how it is done, that very few men my age were victims of it, and also figuring out that my parents must have had to really go out of their way to ignore the medical advice at the time (which was against it) and deliberately have it done privately. It is repulsive to think that they purposely did this to a newborn baby.
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