Forcing milk to cure lactose intolerance experiment


Dec 12, 2020
I have 1 week of staying at home left so I'm experimenting with basically brute forcing my gut bacteria to change. Yesterday I drank 3.5L of low fat milk and had diarrhea 7 times lol. At night I craved some fat so I ate about 200g of full fat feta cheese (around 60g of fat) and 2 large boiled eggs. The low temperature and bad mood I had the whole day instantly went away, I felt so warm that I went for a minute outside at 5 degrees celcius in just a tank top.
Today I'm at about 1.5L milk, it's 5pm now and I've had diarrhea 4 times. I just ate some feta cheese again to see if it can protect me from the diarrhea of the milk and it made me feel very warm.
My diet is basically low fat milk, feta cheese, sugar, coffee, salt and eggs. As for supplements yesterday I took nothing and today I added some natural dessicated thyroid to my milk to see if it would change anything but it didn't.
The way I'm seeing the diarrhea thing is like I'm trying to replace my old bacteria from all the grains with new ones that are from dairy and they are basically fighting in my stomach to see who will win.
I'm keeping a diary of anything digestion, temperature and mood related that happens so that I can see later see looking back what I did wrong and right. So far it seems that eating a bit of cheese along with the milk mix (with coffee, salt, sugar and thyroid) is important.
Nov 21, 2015
never worked for me. Each time I get very bad endotoxin symptoms that I need a few weeks to recover from. So no, I'm not doing this again. Just tried it last month again. Same result. Good luck!


Dec 12, 2020
never worked for me. Each time I get very bad endotoxin symptoms that I need a few weeks to recover from. So no, I'm not doing this again. Just tried it last month again. Same result. Good luck!
Did you continue consuming starches or any antinutrients in general?
Yesterday was the only time I didn't get evening starches.
Did you listen to your cravings or just went on 100% milk diet?
That was my plan initially but I really cannot follow strict diet plans.
What about supplementation? I'm probably going to get some penicillin eventually. Many say aspirin helps but I haven't noticed any difference in digestion.

Bad Linhat

Apr 19, 2018
If you want to reintroduce in your diet lactose you have to do it very slowly.
I was lactose intolerant: i used only lactose free milk. Slowly i was substituting lactose free milk with regular milk: 10 cl a day if i feel not bloated.
The process take months but now i can consume about 2l of regular milk a day without any problem.
It's important to have good metabolism (i check my hearth rate) and use carrot salad to fix gut problems.

I eat a little starch (only some potatoes after my workout) and aspirin to improve my metabolism


May 25, 2020
I am curious about this as well. I am trying to introduce milk for 3 years already. And I still understand that milk is not a food item.
Nov 21, 2015
If you want to reintroduce in your diet lactose you have to do it very slowly.
I was lactose intolerant: i used only lactose free milk. Slowly i was substituting lactose free milk with regular milk: 10 cl a day if i feel not bloated.
The process take months but now i can consume about 2l of regular milk a day without any problem.
It's important to have good metabolism (i check my hearth rate) and use carrot salad to fix gut problems.

I eat a little starch (only some potatoes after my workout) and aspirin to improve my metabolism

this might work! Thank you.


Jan 9, 2019
I've done this successfully. Use low lactose dairy products like cheese and yoghurt first and move on to very small amounts of milk. Teaspoon increments over weeks etc... and very important... try different brands of milk! I drank some brands that feel as if I'm lactose intolerant all over again and others that feel like nothing.

Bad Linhat

Apr 19, 2018
Solid foods for sure (digestion begin with saliva), but i don't think aid with liquid foods.
I do the swap process during the summer, when i can sunbathe to have better metabolism and i don't force over if i feel bloated, otherwise i increase the dose (+10 cl the next day).
If you don't feel problems you can up your regular milk intake more than 10cl


Dec 12, 2020
Today was the 3rd and last day of pushing it. Yesterday I noticed I was rushing to the toilet way more with milk+sugar+coffee than with just milk+sugar (obvious fatty liver issues, I knew that already) , so today I didn't drink coffee and just relied on slightly sugared milk (65g sugar per litre of milk) but that proved to also be a fail and not only that, I felt like a zombie without coffee so I had some in the evening with heavily sugared milk.
Going on, I'll rely on heavily sugared milk for my nutrition (around 1.5L is doable with A LOT of sugar), drink coffee in the mornings and later on just eat some cheese, eggs and a bit of red meat.
It was an interesting experiment that at least showed me that I can live without starch cravings. I have lots of gut and liver issues to solve, but I am getting closer and that plays a big psychological role. I know I'm in the right way so I can endure a few issues with foods that might be a bit problematic right now, because I know that soon these same foods will bring me better health with a leaner and healthier liver and a gut that isn't F'ed from the antinutrients of starches


Jan 9, 2019
Today was the 3rd and last day of pushing it. Yesterday I noticed I was rushing to the toilet way more with milk+sugar+coffee than with just milk+sugar (obvious fatty liver issues, I knew that already) , so today I didn't drink coffee and just relied on slightly sugared milk (65g sugar per litre of milk) but that proved to also be a fail and not only that, I felt like a zombie without coffee so I had some in the evening with heavily sugared milk.
Going on, I'll rely on heavily sugared milk for my nutrition (around 1.5L is doable with A LOT of sugar), drink coffee in the mornings and later on just eat some cheese, eggs and a bit of red meat.
It was an interesting experiment that at least showed me that I can live without starch cravings. I have lots of gut and liver issues to solve, but I am getting closer and that plays a big psychological role. I know I'm in the right way so I can endure a few issues with foods that might be a bit problematic right now, because I know that soon these same foods will bring me better health with a leaner and healthier liver and a gut that isn't F'ed from the antinutrients of starches
coffee causes people with fatty liver to go to the bathroom more?


Dec 12, 2020
coffee causes people with fatty liver to go to the bathroom more?
Lots of things do that for me. From my point of view, coffee intolerance means that it either changes your sleep schedule or makes you go to the bathroom. How else would you describe a bad reaction to coffee?


Sep 22, 2020
Lots of things do that for me. From my point of view, coffee intolerance means that it either changes your sleep schedule or makes you go to the bathroom. How else would you describe a bad reaction to coffee?

The bad reaction people mostly speak of is usually due to promotion of adrenalin. I think coffee initiates peristalsis in most people who drink it. If the effect is dramatic, then definitely a good plan to back off.


Dec 12, 2020
Interesting update. Today I drank 2 litres of 1.5% fat milk, 325g of white sugar, salt and 8 teaspoons of instant coffee (split in the first 2 glasses of milk in the morning). Aside from 1 diarrhea after the coffee (regular stuff, it's because of the liver..) I had incredible mood (saw myself cracking jokes in slightly stressful situations), very warm temperatures (up to 37C at a point without taking NDT, aspirin or any supplement), very sweaty and all around great reaction to this experiment. Macros were 77C/12P/11F, so pretty high amounts of sugar are definitely protective, if not therapeutic.
Starch craving is non existant. However I crave meat like a motherf*er. I could bite onto a living cow lol.
The past few days that I have been 0 starch aside from 1 meal I have noticed that the rough skin I had on my feet forever has now disappeared, and the smell of my sweat has changed a lot. My mother said I smell like my older brother who is quite healthier and more stress resilient than me, so I guess thats good lol.
Moving on, I don't know if I will keep it 100% milk, sugar, coffee and salt or I will be eating a meal of meat once a day l, but I certainly think I'm onto something
Apr 24, 2017
In tried a similar experiment several times, but failed each time. Switched to lactose free milk, cheese, jogurt and skyr.


Has anyone notice that lactase tables acts like a calcium channel blocker? When I take one my scalps starts releasing, the same happens in my spine. It feels exactly like when I take cyproheptadine which is also a mild calcium channel blocker. I have been drinking milk for 4 years yet I believe I am still lactose intolerant
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