Flat Stomach


Apr 17, 2013
I was wondering if anyone is able to maintain a flat stomach with this way of eating?
I have always had a flat stomach and ever since I started eating RP style I feel like there's always a rock sitting in my gut. My digestion is really unpredictable too.
Before I was on mostly paleo style eating which probably partially caused my estrogen dominance but my stomach was flat and always felt "empty and clean", not sure how exactly to describe it but I liked that feeling. I usually had what is considered a healthy elimination every morning.
Now I feel backed up and sluggish.
I am new to dairy so I know it could take some time for me to adapt to that. I've been eating hard cheese and heavy cream; still a little scared to try straight up milk because of acne issues.
I am doing the carrot almost every day unless I forget. I've been trying to do that with coconut oil to because I think that helps the transit...........any other ideas?
I know if you have gut issues RP says to avoid starches but I saw Jenn said potatoes are healing to the gut as well as bulk forming.................so I can't make up my mind on potatoes. Is there a consensus on if that would that help or hurt?
Orange juice has been a bear to deal with. I am pretty sure I just need to start juicing my own orange juice; that might help to. Although it's hard to imagine little pieces of pulp would be the culprit as I was eating veggies without issue before I started on RP.
Just looking for anything I might be missing or if anyone else has had a similar experience.
I think I might be starting minocycline this week as well. Maybe that will help with endotoxins and/or acne.
Thanks ya'll


Nov 21, 2012
tomisonbottom said:
I was wondering if anyone is able to maintain a flat stomach with this way of eating?
I have always had a flat stomach and ever since I started eating RP style I feel like there's always a rock sitting in my gut. My digestion is really unpredictable too.
Before I was on mostly paleo style eating which probably partially caused my estrogen dominance but my stomach was flat and always felt "empty and clean", not sure how exactly to describe it but I liked that feeling. I usually had what is considered a healthy elimination every morning.
Now I feel backed up and sluggish.
I am new to dairy so I know it could take some time for me to adapt to that. I've been eating hard cheese and heavy cream; still a little scared to try straight up milk because of acne issues.
I am doing the carrot almost every day unless I forget. I've been trying to do that with coconut oil to because I think that helps the transit...........any other ideas?
I know if you have gut issues RP says to avoid starches but I saw Jenn said potatoes are healing to the gut as well as bulk forming.................so I can't make up my mind on potatoes. Is there a consensus on if that would that help or hurt?
Orange juice has been a bear to deal with. I am pretty sure I just need to start juicing my own orange juice; that might help to. Although it's hard to imagine little pieces of pulp would be the culprit as I was eating veggies without issue before I started on RP.
Just looking for anything I might be missing or if anyone else has had a similar experience.
I think I might be starting minocycline this week as well. Maybe that will help with endotoxins and/or acne.
Thanks ya'll

I know it's against the grain of most advice here and I'm still in the dark myself regarding fiber.....but it seems that I need to eat something with fiber along with a really dense product, and drink adequate after sometime, it such as hard cheese or otherwise it won't digest at all and indeed sit in the gut like a hard rock. Although I havent experimented with rawmilk cheese,maybe thats different since it has digesting enzymes in it...


Mar 17, 2013
When I ate low carb, which included no starch except occasional experimental cheats, I had constipation issues. Now, it's fine, and I still rarely eat any starch. I do have more noticeable digestive discomforts, however. I'm thinking it might be too much pectin or other soluable fiber at times, and maybe histamine could be a problem. I think cheese could cause constipation. I mostly don't eat cheese due to what I guess is histamine intolerance, which developed, or developed a lot more on low carb. Milk seems mostly alright now, for me. I think starch feeds some not good bacteria in my digestive tract.
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