Fixing Unfixable health?


Sep 4, 2020
How would anyone here try to fix severely damaged body?
To be a bit more specific severe acne on face and body,hairloss,skinny,low energy etc.
My skin seems to keep getting worse no matter what the case is
I have been trying to fix my health and it has been one big flop with absolutely 0 success
I tried several peaty diet plans but atm what I eat is: oj cheese bread(not a lot) rice dried fruits coffee
(I have had a history with mild Crohn's disease H-pylori)
Is there something I am missing about improving health I seriously cant seem to figure anything out
Mar 10, 2021
How would anyone here try to fix severely damaged body?
To be a bit more specific severe acne on face and body,hairloss,skinny,low energy etc.
My skin seems to keep getting worse no matter what the case is
I have been trying to fix my health and it has been one big flop with absolutely 0 success
I tried several peaty diet plans but atm what I eat is: oj cheese bread(not a lot) rice dried fruits coffee
(I have had a history with mild Crohn's disease H-pylori)
Is there something I am missing about improving health I seriously cant seem to figure anything out

So sorry to hear your struggle. Cystic acne runs in my family on my mom's side and a good hair skin and nail vitamin rid me of mine for good. Maybe you can try a short term test to get some answers as to if it is a vitamin deficiency. I took this one, attached below, and when a couple of times it was sold out other brands didn't work nearly as good as this one. I would also suggest getting hot baths and showers gone. A quick luke warm shower with a very cold rinse at the end will close you pores and keep you from sweating long afterwards. I was severely underweight until my 30's when I started eating meat and seafood. I lived on dairy and grains before that and that does not put muscle on. It sound like you are deficient in proteins and fats.


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Mar 10, 2021
"...vitamin A and estrogen are antagonistic, and while estrogen promotes keratinization (shedding of skin cells), vitamin A opposes it. Since vitamin A is highly unsaturated, in excess it suppresses the thyroid, so it has to be balanced with the thyroid; the combination is effective for increasing progesterone and decreasing estrogen, slowing the turnover of skin cells, and making the skin cells function longer before flaking off. Plugged pores, combined with a local shift toward synthesizing inflammatory substances, foster bacterial infection. Bright light stimulates the production of steroids, and consumes vitamin A very quickly, but when the balance is right, the acne clears up in just a day or two. Cream, butter, eggs, and liver are good sources of vitamin A. When people supplement thyroid and eat liver once or twice a week, their acne and dandruff (and many other problems) usually clear up very quickly. It was acne and dandruff that led me into studying the steroids and thyroid, and in the process I found that they were related to constipation and food sensitivity." -Ray Peat e-mail exchange


May 13, 2015
How would anyone here try to fix severely damaged body?
To be a bit more specific severe acne on face and body,hairloss,skinny,low energy etc.
My skin seems to keep getting worse no matter what the case is
I have been trying to fix my health and it has been one big flop with absolutely 0 success
I tried several peaty diet plans but atm what I eat is: oj cheese bread(not a lot) rice dried fruits coffee
(I have had a history with mild Crohn's disease H-pylori)
Is there something I am missing about improving health I seriously cant seem to figure anything out
It helps to rely on Ray Peat himself and not assume what you read on this forum regarding diet is really Peaty. Peat recommends nutrient dense foods, like milk, eggs, liver, shellfish, OJ(!). To get healthy, the body needs nutrients.

Here are a couple of helpful links:
PeatSearch: a Ray Peat-specific search engine - Toxinless Use the cell on the left, type word to search in it. This search engine is for written articles. Search for: fats, sugars, starch, protein, etc. Also Crohn's, intestine, skin, acne. Skip over the first several in the list which are ads and not Peat's work. You will find other things to search for as you increase your knowledge.
Bioenergetic Search This search engine is for audio shows.

My personal interest is focused on thiamine (B1) right now. Here is a link to a collection of Peat quotes on thiamine: Ray Peat On Vitamin B1 - Thiamine Some people need more thiamine than other people. The type of gut bacteria you have is a determining factor as some bacteria make B1 and some make a substance that blocks B1. Also, if your gut lining is in bad shape, you won't absorb B1 as efficiently. Coffee blocks thiamine function so some people can't tolerate it whereas some people are fine with it.

Experimentation is good to learn about how you respond to things. Keeping a food/drink diary is helpful.


Feb 3, 2020
One needs to find the cause of chronic systemic inflammation.



May 30, 2018
When in doubt it might be better to eat things like beef organs and honey. Slow cooked cow tongue chopped up, chicken feet broth, beef heart felt very healing for my gut and skin.


May 13, 2015
One needs to find the cause of chronic systemic inflammation.

View attachment 29524ich
Many times, chronic systemic inflammation can be resolved with thiamine supplementation. If you can solve defective oxidative metabolism, chronic inflammation goes away. Many times the issue is resolved by addressing hypothyroidism too. And, addressing a thiamine deficiency can help the thyroid.



Feb 3, 2020
Many times, chronic systemic inflammation can be resolved with thiamine supplementation. If you can solve defective oxidative metabolism, chronic inflammation goes away. Many times the issue is resolved by addressing hypothyroidism too. And, addressing a thiamine deficiency can help the thyroid.

I agree!


Feb 3, 2020
These things look like symptoms to me.
Metabolic dysfunction can cause these problems, but I think that these problems can also cause metabolic dysfunction.

And in the case of the latter, I think that certain things might help with overcoming the „metabolic burden“ of any specific problems - like with high dose thiamin therapy, thyroid, protective steroids and so on.
Mar 10, 2021
How would anyone here try to fix severely damaged body?
To be a bit more specific severe acne on face and body,hairloss,skinny,low energy etc.
My skin seems to keep getting worse no matter what the case is
I have been trying to fix my health and it has been one big flop with absolutely 0 success
I tried several peaty diet plans but atm what I eat is: oj cheese bread(not a lot) rice dried fruits coffee
(I have had a history with mild Crohn's disease H-pylori)
Is there something I am missing about improving health I seriously cant seem to figure anything out

Here is something I found for you TypicalJock....

"Bath powder is made of vetiver, gram dhal etc. When orange peels are added to it, the mixture produces a heavenly fragrance and also eliminates minor skin infections. It is very effective for acne treatment."



Apr 6, 2020
When in doubt it might be better to eat things like beef organs and honey. Slow cooked cow tongue chopped up, chicken feet broth, beef heart felt very healing for my gut and skin.


Jan 3, 2022
When in doubt it might be better to eat things like beef organs and honey. Slow cooked cow tongue chopped up, chicken feet broth, beef heart felt very healing for my gut and skin.
might be a good strategy for healing my gut issues.
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