[first progess, then relapse] extremely confused now :(


Jun 26, 2013
well, like I reported it 2 days ago...I had a great week last week but today , worse day ever regarding libido and sex drive..nothing....I had a couple of cheat meal during the weekend pizza , and burger ....today I even took 1/2 Cialis and nothing.....I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1


Oct 10, 2012
Re: extremely confused now :(

lazz said:
well, like I reported it 2 days ago...I had a great week last week but today , worse day ever regarding libido and sex drive..nothing....I had a couple of cheat meal during the weekend pizza , and burger ....today I even took 1/2 Cialis and nothing.....I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1

You still dieting for your show, that can be a factor.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

lazz said:
well, like I reported it 2 days ago...I had a great week last week but today , worse day ever regarding libido and sex drive..nothing....I had a couple of cheat meal during the weekend pizza , and burger ....today I even took 1/2 Cialis and nothing.....I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1
There is no quick fix, lazz. It took years to do the harm and it will take time to heal.
It can take up to 4 years to eliminate PUFAs from the body.
You've said that you had taken steroids for many years while training.
It is doubtful that in less than 3 weeks you could achieve immediate results, unless you were young and very healthy to being with.
It will take some time to determine your own optimal diet based on Peat's principles.
Pizza and burgers will set you back. I know that from personal experience.
It will take time to properly study and understand Ray's work - and if you want optimal results, that is an absolute must.

This was just posted by Charlie in a recent thread. I couldn't have said it better myself.

This is not a sprint. It took a long time, generations, to destroy our metabolisms. It would be silly to think we can turn it around completely in a week, couple weeks, even months. We definitely can start getting relief. Especially once you find foods that are not causing your body problems. We have a tough battle ahead of us, to get our health back. Even with the knowledge of knowing what foods are less toxic and metabolically enhancing. We still have to wade through them to find what will work for us as an individual.

Another forum member, cliff, is surfer from CA and is extremely knowledgeable of Ray Peat. Here is what he said about getting on board with Ray Peat. (pun intended)

cliff said:
It took me so long to dial in this diet and realize most cheese makes me super sick, milk with added vitamins makes me super sick, big corpo oj makes me sick, too much cocoa powder etc. it doesn't surprise me so many people have problems, the quality of the food we have access to is horrendous.

The first thing to do is get your diet right. The rest flows from there.


Jun 26, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

thanks for the support...I'll hang in there....the thing , last week was incredible..and today 1/2 Viagra hit me about hr after I took it..last week there was no need for it...I had great sex every single day for 2-3 times daily.., I kid you not..when im on , im a very sexually active person....who knws maybe today it was mental tonight.....i'll stick to it and no more cheat meals....here is what I ate today and mostly of last week:

meal 1 16 oz of organic oj

8 oz of organic milk skim

gelatin protein

1 tbsp. sugar and salt

meal 2 16 oz of oj

6 raw eggs

1 tbsp. of sugar

meal3.... 12 oz of oj



meal 4....8oz of milk


sugar 1 tbsp.


12 oz of oj

meal 5....8oz of milk

3 raw eggs


1 tbsp. sugar

maybe I need to add 2-3 more tbsp. of coconut oil daily ..since the only fats were found in the egg yolks I ate today...oxtail was really lean though...


Jun 26, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

jag2594 said:
lazz said:
well, like I reported it 2 days ago...I had a great week last week but today , worse day ever regarding libido and sex drive..nothing....I had a couple of cheat meal during the weekend pizza , and burger ....today I even took 1/2 Cialis and nothing.....I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1

You still dieting for your show, that can be a factor.
I am but I upped my cals .carbs..im so lean I even backed off the long sessions of cardio and now doing HITT intervals such as 12 sprints on the eleptical machine and only takes me 15 mins...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: extremely confused now :(

When I started Ray Peating I noticed quick results that went away but are now coming back gradually. I have seen this reported from others to.


Jun 26, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

good to know ,Charlie..im staying with it.


Oct 10, 2012
Re: extremely confused now :(

lazz said:
jag2594 said:
lazz said:
well, like I reported it 2 days ago...I had a great week last week but today , worse day ever regarding libido and sex drive..nothing....I had a couple of cheat meal during the weekend pizza , and burger ....today I even took 1/2 Cialis and nothing.....I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1

You still dieting for your show, that can be a factor.
I am but I upped my cals .carbs..im so lean I even backed off the long sessions of cardio and now doing HITT intervals such as 12 sprints on the eleptical machine and only takes me 15 mins...

Your diet is not bad preparing for the show, but your probably not getting in enough of food to feel libido, my opinion is stick it out, when your off season, try to get in some of the things ray peat recommend. Fruit, juices, milk, potatoes, some meat.


Jun 26, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

will do ,my man....at least when Viagra hit I performed great..:)...3 times..im staying with it...2 weeks on peat's isn't enough time , my body still healing////we'll see.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

lazz said:
will do ,my man....at least when Viagra hit I performed great..:)...3 times..im staying with it...2 weeks on peat's isn't enough time , my body still healing////we'll see.
I caution against viagra. That combined with intense workouts is a bad combination. Add to that PUFAs in the body and it's a recipe for metabolic disaster IMO.

When listening to a recent radio interview with Dr. Peat, a forum member posted:

Peat just said viagra works by increasing nitric oxide and carbon monoxide.

You may want to give this article a read.

Mitochondria and mortality

From the article.

Glycolysis: The conversion of glucose to lactic acid, providing some usable energy, but many times less than oxidation provides. Lactic acid, produced by splitting glucose to pyruvic acid followed by its reduction, is associated with calcium uptake and nitric oxide production, depletes energy, contributing to cell death. >P> Crabtree effect: Inhibition of cellular respiration by an excess of glucose; excess of glucose promotes calcium uptake by cells.

Nitric oxide and calcium excess have been identified as the main endogenous antirespiratory factors in stress, though free unsaturated fatty acids are clearly involved, too. However, glycolysis, and the products of glycolysis, lactate and pyruvate, have been found to have a causal role in the suppression of respiration; it is both a cause and a consequence of the respiratory shutdown, though nitric oxide, calcium, and fatty acids are closely involved.

Glycolysis produces both pyruvate and lactate, and excessive pyruvate produces almost the same inhibitory effect as lactate; since the Crabtree effect involves nitric oxide and fatty acids as well as calcium, I think it is reasonable to look for the simplest sort of explanation, instead of trying to experimentally trace all the possible interactions of these substances; a simple physical competition between the products of glycolysis and carbon dioxide, for the binding sites, such as lysine, that would amount to a phase change in the mitochondrion. Glucose, and apparently glycolysis, are required for the production of nitric oxide, as for the accumulation of calcium, at least in some types of cell, and these coordinated changes, which lower energy production. could be produced by a reduction in carbon dioxide, in a physical change even more basic than the energy level represented by ATP. The use of Krebs cycle substances in the synthesis of amino acids, and other products, would decrease the formation of CO2, creating a situation in which the system would have two possible states, one, the glycolytic stress state, and the other, the carbon dioxide producing energy-efficient state.

In his article, Progesterone, not estrogen, is the coronary protection factor of women, he says

Ray Peat said:
Nitric oxide is a free radical, and it decomposes into other toxic compounds, including the free radical peroxynitrile, which damages cells, including the blood vessels. brain, and heart.

From more realistic perspectives, nitric oxide is being considered as a cause of aging, especially brain aging. Nitric oxide interacts with unsaturated fats to reduce oxygen use, damage mitochondria, and cause edema.

In one of the Townsend Newsletters, Ray Peat wrote an article entitled Carbon Monoxide: Cancer Hormone?


Feb 20, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

.I feel like going back to high protein , medium fats ,low carbs...at least I could get it up with Cialis or Viagra....no idea what is going on now?? my pulse was 97...this sucks.. I thought Peat diet fixed the problem ,today is back to square 1
Peat does not promise anything. He does not sell any books or products. He simply states his understanding
of nutrition using scientific sources. If it does not work that means either someone is not following
his guideline correctly or this is not working for that individual. Adopting new dietary guidelines
should be based on self experimentation.
If low carb was working for me i would not be shifting to peat style eating.
If peating does not work for me, i will move on to another diet
Unless someone is allergic to milk or new foods, there is not any detox phase
in peating where things get worse before it gets better.


Oct 8, 2012
Re: extremely confused now :(

Mittir said:
He does not sell any books or products

I agree with everything else you said but he does both of these. At least he used to sell products, not sure if he is still linked with Kenogen?


Feb 20, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

chris said:
Mittir said:
He does not sell any books or products

I agree with everything else you said but he does both of these. At least he used to sell products, not sure if he is still linked with Kenogen?

You are right about that. I meant to say he does not sell dietary books like Atkins diet, South beach diet etc.
His books are on topics of nutrition. He did sell that vitamin E Progesterone thing and he stopped .
If i remember correctly the guy who was in charge was not using good quality products .
Not sure if he is still selling now.
Some where he explained why he applied for patent on this.


Re: extremely confused now :(

Mittir said:
Some where he explained why he applied for patent on this.

I think it was basically as a way to publish his idea.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

j. said:
Mittir said:
Some where he explained why he applied for patent on this.

I think it was basically as a way to publish his idea.
As I recall, he got the patent to prevent Big Pharma from patenting his idea.


Feb 20, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

4peatssake said:
j. said:
Mittir said:
Some where he explained why he applied for patent on this.

I think it was basically as a way to publish his idea.
As I recall, he got the patent to prevent Big Pharma from patenting his idea.

Yes i do remember big pharma was a concern. But there was a funny story behind it too.
I cant remember those details.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

Mittir said:
4peatssake said:
j. said:
Mittir said:
Some where he explained why he applied for patent on this.

I think it was basically as a way to publish his idea.
As I recall, he got the patent to prevent Big Pharma from patenting his idea.

Yes i do remember big pharma was a concern. But there was a funny story behind it too.
I cant remember those details.
I don't recall a funny story but there could be one. ;)

Ray Peat said:
Knowing the long-standing problem of administering large doses of progesterone without a toxic solvent, I applied for and was granted a patent for the composition of progesterone in tocopherol. One of my reasons for publishing in the form of patents is that I have had many years of experience in having my discoveries taken up by others without acknowledgment, if they are compatible with conventional prejudices. Typically, an editor rejects a paper, and then a few months later publishes a very similar paper by someone else. My dissertation research, which established that an estrogen excess kills the embryo by suffocation, and that progesterone protects the embryo by promoting the delivery of both oxygen and glucose, didn't strike a responsive chord in the journals which are heavily influenced by funds from the drug industry.

According to a consultant for a major medical journal, the idea “…of dissolving progesterone, a fat soluble steroid hormone, in vitamin E which is then incorporated into chylomicrons absorbed via the lymphatics, and thus avoids the liver on the so called first pass… …is so simple it is amazing that the pharmaceutical companies have not jumped on it.” (A more sophisticated writer might have said “…stomped on it.”)

Source: The Progesterone Deceptions


Feb 20, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

Thanks your the link to this article. I find the whole article funny, the way pharma people
fooled everyone. Here is the funniest part

"By 1942, Hans Selye had demonstrated that natural steroids retain their activity when administered orally. But every drug company with a steroid patent had an obvious interest in having the public believe that there is a reason that the natural steroids cannot be conveniently used. The doctrine that natural steroids are destroyed by stomach acid appeared, was promoted, and was accepted--without any supporting evidence. In the manufacture of progesterone, the precursor steroid is boiled in hydrochloric acid to free it from its glucose residue. No one seriously believed that stomach acid hurts progesterone, except the public--and the doctors, who had seen the claim in their medical journals, and had heard it from drug salesmen.

The myth stopped the use of the cheap tablets of progesterone, as tablets of the synthetic “progestins” came on the market, at a much higher price. Doctors who insisted on using real progesterone were forced to buy it in an injectable form. As a result, solubility became an issue. Progesterone is extremely insoluble in water, and, though it is vastly more soluble in vegetable oil than in water, it does not stay in solution at room temperature even at the low concentration of 1 part in 1000 parts of a typical vegetable oil. "---http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/progesterone-deceptions.shtml


Jun 26, 2013
Re: extremely confused now :(

it's not like I used Viagra all the time..lol..and when I do is 1/2 of a 25 mgs....;)...

Mittir , ive been on Peat's for 3 weeks now...it worked great , until last night , I guess I had a dry spell..still too soon to tell and besides im recovering from years of hardcore low car diets for bodybuiding purposes -competitions...yeah , I get a bit impatience sometimes,who doesn't... im still learning about all this ...this a complete 180 to what ive been doing for most of my life


Jul 3, 2013
London/Shropshire, England
Re: extremely confused now :(

Yeah, don't sweat it. Only one day. The true measure will be when you're not in competition mode. Also, its not unusual for someone in their 30s to have a day when sex is not gonna happen, and I don't believe that a raging libido 24/7 is necessarily the indicator of health we should be using. If you think biologically, a man in his mid to late 30s is starting the slow decline toward passing his reproductive phase or use. Not to say you're past it at all, but perhaps temper your expectations in this regard slightly, because you're not 21, and are coming from years of unhealthy choices. Be patient
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