Finals, ADHD, L Theanine, Starch, And Coconut Oil


Jan 2, 2016
I am taking Finals at one of America's misguided elite universities. What that entails is the terrible combination of conformist and stale content along with inhuman volume and work load. I need some extra help.

I believe Haidut wrote on one of these threads that he used L Theanine at high doses during periods where he had a lot of work and /or studying to do.
Since I need to get this L Theanine tomorrow or the next day I'd be limited to brands sold at Whole Foods. Ordering will take too long.
Are any of these brands O.K. to take just this one time in a bind?
What should I look for?
If so, what's the max dose I should take per day over a 3 to 7 day period?

Now on to Starch and Coconut Oil, I'd like to relay an observation and get as much feedback as possible.

First. It seems that starch ( white rice and potatoes ) is able to calm me like no other food - not salted ice cream, sweetened juice nothing.
However there is bloat and perhaps mental fogginess that comes along with this.
I' ve not tried have only protien, fat, and sugar in the evening for I am afraid I will not get to sleep. Such is my relationship with starch.

Secondly, the best cognitive effects I've gotten have come from relatively high ( I think they are high ) doses of coconut oil. - 3-5 or 6 table spoons.
However, I have noticed that the effect of the coconut oil depends on how recently I have eaten a large amount of starch, ( I usually only have one serving of starch a day in the evening. ) and on how well I have digested and excreted the meal. I know what you are thinking.... Ketosis! That dangerously deceitful unhealthy state, but I don't think so.
Take today for example. Last night around 12-1am I ate my evening meal which was beef and potatoes (sweet). Today I consumed only large amounts of protein ( eggs/ cheese ) and fruit and fruit juice ( plenty of juice.) At around 8pm I ate a crarot salad with some coconut oil and vinegar. I supplemented with about 3 more table spoons of coconut oil over the next two hours. At 10 to 11pm there is no noticeable improvement in cognition to be discerned. At about 12am while studying at the library I went to the bathroom and I had a bowel movement. Upon having this bowel my mental and physical acuity immediately improved. My thinking became clearer, my cognitive control improved and when shadow boxing and throwing a few side kicks, I noticed the sharpness of my movement improved as well. For example my ability to balance on one foot while throwing the kick.

So what's going on? and what do I do given that it seems that starch is both a help and a hindrance?
Like I said I don't think ketosis is what is going on, ( or at least not the kind ketosis described by "primal" folks. Only an hour and a half or so before this bowel movement I had two organic chocolate milks.)
And I have also definitely noticed at other times prior that the effectiveness of the coconut oil is contingent, on how well I had excreted since a meal of starch. In instances where I've not excreted the starch it seems that there is no amount of coconut oil that will have an effect.

Anyway, L theanine? and what is going on with starch and coconut oil?

Thanks guys. Peace and Power


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi dao123, it looks like Enzymatic Therapy and Solaray are two health food store brands that make l-theanine without silica/silicon dioxide. You could also check for more information.
I'm not sure on the starch and coconut oil but I'm sure someone else might have some ideas for you.
Best of luck on your finals.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Jan 2, 2016
Hi dao123, it looks like Enzymatic Therapy and Solaray are two health food store brands that make l-theanine without silica/silicon dioxide. You could also check for more information.
I'm not sure on the starch and coconut oil but I'm sure someone else might have some ideas for you.
Best of luck on your finals.
Ohhhh, Thank you so much.

And to Kasper. Thanks for telling me about "Pure Bulk," but right now I need something I can get locally.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You're welcome. I was in a similar situation myself once so that's how I knew about those brands. I hope everything works out well with your finals!

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
At about 12am while studying at the library I went to the bathroom and I had a bowel movement. Upon having this bowel my mental and physical acuity immediately improved. My thinking became clearer, my cognitive control improved and when shadow boxing and throwing a few side kicks, I noticed the sharpness of my movement improved as well. For example my ability to balance on one foot while throwing the kick.
I've also felt improvements after bowel movements. My simple guess is the stool was loaded with endotoxin and other waste products. Getting it out of the system stopped it from potentially being reabsorbed into the intestines, or at least irritating the intestines.


Mar 15, 2014
Pooping eliminates estrogen/endotoxin and other things, I've seen immediate benefits as well.


Apr 4, 2016
I currently use Jarrow L Theanine and it works great - however it makes me very drowsy so I'm not sure taking it before studying is a great idea
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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