Fiber for gutmotility and raw carrot


Nov 21, 2012
Ive read several times the 1raw carrot a day for bowelhealth to move out toxins. hpwever iwas wondering if other fibersources would be sufficient too?such as shredded coconut? O love raw carrots amd ate them a lot in the past,but i turned orange by them.


Feb 7, 2013
Dutchie said:
Ive read several times the 1raw carrot a day for bowelhealth to move out toxins. hpwever iwas wondering if other fibersources would be sufficient too?such as shredded coconut? O love raw carrots amd ate them a lot in the past,but i turned orange by them.

Dutchie, as far as I am aware, the only two Peat approved sources of fibre are the raw carrot and bamboo shoots.

Ray Peat said:
“Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil or olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis. There are interesting associations between vegetable “fiber” and estrogens. Because of my own experience in finding that eating a raw carrot daily prevented my migraines, I began to suspect that the carrot fiber was having both a bowel-protective and an antiestrogen effect. Several women who suffered from premenstrual symptoms, including migraine, had their serum estrogen measured before and after the “carrot diet,” and they found that the carrot lowered their estrogen within a few days, as it relieved their symptoms. Indigestible fiber, if it isn’t broken down by bowel bacteria, increases fecal bulk, and tends to speed the transit of material through the intestine, just as laxatives do. But some of these “fiber” materials, e.g., lignin, are themselves estrogenic, and other fibers, by promoting bacterial growth, can promote the conversion of harmless substances into toxins and carcinogens. When there is a clear “antiestrogen” effect from dietary fiber, it seems to be the result of accelerated transit through the intestine, speeding elimination and preventing reabsorption of the estrogen which has been excreted in the bile. Laxatives have this same effect on the excretion of estradiol. Inhibiting bacterial growth, while optimizing intestinal resistance, would have no harmful side effects. Preventing excessive sympathetic nervous activity and maintaining the intestine’s energy production can be achieved by optimizing hormones and nutrition. Something as simple as a grated carrot with salt and vinegar can produce major changes in bowel health, reducing endotoxin absorption, and restoring constructive hormonal functions.” - Excerpt from Article by Ray Peat – Epilepsy and Progesterone

From this link:

6. Use raw carrot (salad) or bamboo shoots daily to reduce endotoxin.
Endotoxin made by bacteria in the intestines are responsible for systemic inflammatory responses in the body. During any type of stress, like darkness or low blood sugar for instance, endotoxin enter the blood stream and promote the stress reaction (rises in histamine, estrogen, tumor necrosis factor, serotonin, and cortisol). Bamboo shoots, raw carrot (salad), aged cascara sagrada, a digestible diet, cholesterol, at least one daily bowel movement,fructose, aspirin, and saturated fats are protective against endotoxin. The raw carrot and bamboo shoot therapies also help support the removal of estrogen, a stress hormone that decreases efficient energy production. Estrogen is in birth control and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Using these classes of drugs can distort sleep quality, energy production, and hormone balance.


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Cooked bamboo shoots, maybe potatoes/tubers depending how you react to them.


Apr 27, 2013
Ventura, Ca
4peatssake said:
Dutchie said:
Ive read several times the 1raw carrot a day for bowelhealth to move out toxins. hpwever iwas wondering if other fibersources would be sufficient too?such as shredded coconut? O love raw carrots amd ate them a lot in the past,but i turned orange by them.

Dutchie, as far as I am aware, the only two Peat approved sources of fibre are the raw carrot and bamboo shoots.

Ray Peat said:
“Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil or olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis. There are interesting associations between vegetable “fiber” and estrogens. Because of my own experience in finding that eating a raw carrot daily prevented my migraines, I began to suspect that the carrot fiber was having both a bowel-protective and an antiestrogen effect. Several women who suffered from premenstrual symptoms, including migraine, had their serum estrogen measured before and after the “carrot diet,” and they found that the carrot lowered their estrogen within a few days, as it relieved their symptoms. Indigestible fiber, if it isn’t broken down by bowel bacteria, increases fecal bulk, and tends to speed the transit of material through the intestine, just as laxatives do. But some of these “fiber” materials, e.g., lignin, are themselves estrogenic, and other fibers, by promoting bacterial growth, can promote the conversion of harmless substances into toxins and carcinogens. When there is a clear “antiestrogen” effect from dietary fiber, it seems to be the result of accelerated transit through the intestine, speeding elimination and preventing reabsorption of the estrogen which has been excreted in the bile. Laxatives have this same effect on the excretion of estradiol. Inhibiting bacterial growth, while optimizing intestinal resistance, would have no harmful side effects. Preventing excessive sympathetic nervous activity and maintaining the intestine’s energy production can be achieved by optimizing hormones and nutrition. Something as simple as a grated carrot with salt and vinegar can produce major changes in bowel health, reducing endotoxin absorption, and restoring constructive hormonal functions.” - Excerpt from Article by Ray Peat – Epilepsy and Progesterone

From this link:

6. Use raw carrot (salad) or bamboo shoots daily to reduce endotoxin.
Endotoxin made by bacteria in the intestines are responsible for systemic inflammatory responses in the body. During any type of stress, like darkness or low blood sugar for instance, endotoxin enter the blood stream and promote the stress reaction (rises in histamine, estrogen, tumor necrosis factor, serotonin, and cortisol). Bamboo shoots, raw carrot (salad), aged cascara sagrada, a digestible diet, cholesterol, at least one daily bowel movement,fructose, aspirin, and saturated fats are protective against endotoxin. The raw carrot and bamboo shoot therapies also help support the removal of estrogen, a stress hormone that decreases efficient energy production. Estrogen is in birth control and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Using these classes of drugs can distort sleep quality, energy production, and hormone balance.

could you tell me where i can find some 'aged cascara sagrada'--what brand to use? also, i just tapered off of the vivelle dot estradiol patch since i've been reading Peat's idea's and i wanted to know if that was a good thing to do to maybe start helping my own hormones come back a little bit. i am in my 40's and i just did a cold turkey from long time benzodiazepine use and pretty much blew out my brains and my hormones obviously got all whacked out of balance. i was put on the vivelle dot estradiol patch after some blood tests showed low levels of estrogen so i am wondering if it's a good thing to now be off the estradiol patch?

i am brand new to your forum but i've been reading about Peat's idea's and articles for many months. i have also read some of Danny Roddy's blog. it will take some time to get use to the forum.

and lastly, how much aspirin is good to take daily and what kind/brand?

thanks, Stunning!


Apr 17, 2013
Does it need to be a shredded carrot?
Or just a raw one that I can munch on?
It's kinda of a pain to peel the whole carrot. ;-)


Nov 9, 2012
tomisonbottom said:
Does it need to be a shredded carrot?
Or just a raw one that I can munch on?
It's kinda of a pain to peel the whole carrot. ;-)

Seems like you'd get more surface with peel carrot, so more of the fibre action - but its just a conjecture of mine. Also, if peeled you're able to rinse off some of the beta-carotene. For both of these reasons, I peel. It really doesn't take long if you have those basic cheese/veggie peelers.


Feb 7, 2013
Stunning4keke said:
could you tell me where i can find some 'aged cascara sagrada'--what brand to use? also, i just tapered off of the vivelle dot estradiol patch since i've been reading Peat's idea's and i wanted to know if that was a good thing to do to maybe start helping my own hormones come back a little bit. i am in my 40's and i just did a cold turkey from long time benzodiazepine use and pretty much blew out my brains and my hormones obviously got all whacked out of balance. i was put on the vivelle dot estradiol patch after some blood tests showed low levels of estrogen so i am wondering if it's a good thing to now be off the estradiol patch?

i am brand new to your forum but i've been reading about Peat's idea's and articles for many months. i have also read some of Danny Roddy's blog. it will take some time to get use to the forum.

and lastly, how much aspirin is good to take daily and what kind/brand?

thanks, Stunning!

:welcome2 to the forum Stunning!

For the cascara, I just ordered from Amazon, it's been delivered but I've not yet picked it up.

Here is where I ordered aspirin. I could not find it locally without coating. Dosing varies and depends of course on your situation, but for many it's a 325 mg which is a single tab. It is recommended that you take Vit K when taking aspirin to prevent bleeding.

This is the the Vit K most recommended:

Here a Supplement List that's been collected viewtopic.php?p=595#p595

I am not familiar with the vivelle dot estradiol patch and am not qualified to advise you on that. You may wish to email Ray Peat about your situation and see what he suggests.

If memory serves me correctly, I do believe there are others on the forum who have or are coming off benzodiazepine so they may be able to help you further.

It is important to get your food right - especially in the beginning.

Glad you have joined us.


Apr 27, 2013
Ventura, Ca
thank you so much 4peatssake!

can i ask how you use the casara sagrada? do you just put a little powder in water or tea?
danny roddy uses the same Throne Vi K and i think he put's it on his skin--is that how you do it? if so, where on your skin?
i did email Ray about the vivelle dot and didn't get a reply on that one, i guess he may think he shouldn't advise? anyway, i am totally off the vivelle dot transdermal estradiol patch and i am assuming that is a good thing since it's a form of estrogen. i am only on the prometrium (progesterone) but have lot's of questions about that.
lastly, i've been trying to read on here about how i can start learning what my temperature should be for thyroid as i am interested in learning all about that and pulse rate too and i couldn't find what the temp should be in am for thyroid. and pulse rate for women?
could you please let me know the temp and pulse for morning so as to start diagnosing my thyroid and what blood tests i will need to get for thyroid?

thanks for everything! i will keep reading on here for sure...


Jan 22, 2013
I hadn't eaten a carrot in months, yesterday I bought some and sat down at night to eat, put a little butter on them...then started eating, and chewing, and chewing....and chewing. An hour went by before I finished the equivalent of 1 and a half carrots. I hardly felt better and in fact craved something sweet. Today my bowel movement was pretty much the same as it always is. I guess the carrot does have its benefits...but to me it seemed like a waste of time and it didn't taste good or anything...or give any sort of energy. Im with Jenn...if I feel the need to 'run some fiber through' I'll go to a potato...smothered in goodies


Nov 21, 2012
pboy said:
I hadn't eaten a carrot in months, yesterday I bought some and sat down at night to eat, put a little butter on them...then started eating, and chewing, and chewing....and chewing. An hour went by before I finished the equivalent of 1 and a half carrots. I hardly felt better and in fact craved something sweet. Today my bowel movement was pretty much the same as it always is. I guess the carrot does have its benefits...but to me it seemed like a waste of time and it didn't taste good or anything...or give any sort of energy. Im with Jenn...if I feel the need to 'run some fiber through' I'll go to a potato...smothered in goodies

What about the Bamboo shoots? Today I accidentally saw a small can in a supermarket of canned bambooshoots filled with water and no other preservatives,so I bougth one for trying it out eventually.
It's still all a weird changing mystery to me,but it seems I always need,at least a small amount of some kind of fiber, in every meal in order for my bowels to move through and to bulk/take up some fluids,make sure my heart doesn't start pounding hard etc.....


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Carrots seem to stop me up. :( But I do get an immediate temp increase from them.

Bamboo shoots in the can kinda concern me because they are in a can and they are also really good as sucking stuff up. So I imagine they suck all the baddies out of the can. That's just speculation on my part. They do taste really funky too. Almost like what I would think a can would taste like.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Charlie said:
Bamboo shoots in the can kinda concern me because they are in a can and they are also really good as sucking stuff up. So I imagine they suck all the baddies out of the can. That's just speculation on my part.

I think about that too. Native Forest brand, at least, has told me they independently lab-test their cans, and don't detect any BPA. That's one baddie down anyway.

But they're out of stock, and I recall having trouble finding other BPA-free brands.


Apr 17, 2013
Jenn said:
White potatoes are best, bowel forming food. I avoid carrots, personally. The problems outweigh the benefits for me.

Aren't carrots specifically mentioned by peat because they are such a tough fiber.........and there was that study showing that it reduced estrogen, I don't think the potatoes do that............
Isn't there something more to his reccomendation of eating a carrot than fiber, right? Otherwise, any fiber would work...................Jenn, I value your opinion on this, what do you think?


Jan 22, 2013
the carrot has an antibacterial effect whereas the potato doesn't....basically if you get gas often or seem to have endotoxin related symptoms then using the raw carrot is recommended. For normal bulking, the potato works well...saturated fat eaten with either boosts both effects (antibiotic and bulking) and can protect from endotoxin formation even with fermentable also protects against the starch in potato entering the bloodstream before it is fully broken down (this is what I've gathered from listening to Peat's radio interviews). Jenn probably has a better answer...I'm still a relative Peat newbie


Feb 24, 2013
Raw carrots are good, like activated charcoal.....but NOT if they slow down the elimination process for the individual. They do absorb excess estrogen and other toxins, but it still needs to leave in a timely manner or the body ends up reabsorbing those toxins.

White potatoes do a better job of consistent elimination for me.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
4peatssake said:
Dutchie, as far as I am aware, the only two Peat approved sources of fibre are the raw carrot and bamboo shoots.

Ray Peat said:
“Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil or olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis. There are interesting associations between vegetable “fiber” and estrogens. Because of my own experience in finding that eating a raw carrot daily prevented my migraines, I began to suspect that the carrot fiber was having both a bowel-protective and an antiestrogen effect. Several women who suffered from premenstrual symptoms, including migraine, had their serum estrogen measured before and after the “carrot diet,” and they found that the carrot lowered their estrogen within a few days, as it relieved their symptoms. Indigestible fiber, if it isn’t broken down by bowel bacteria, increases fecal bulk, and tends to speed the transit of material through the intestine, just as laxatives do. But some of these “fiber” materials, e.g., lignin, are themselves estrogenic, and other fibers, by promoting bacterial growth, can promote the conversion of harmless substances into toxins and carcinogens. When there is a clear “antiestrogen” effect from dietary fiber, it seems to be the result of accelerated transit through the intestine, speeding elimination and preventing reabsorption of the estrogen which has been excreted in the bile. Laxatives have this same effect on the excretion of estradiol. Inhibiting bacterial growth, while optimizing intestinal resistance, would have no harmful side effects. Preventing excessive sympathetic nervous activity and maintaining the intestine’s energy production can be achieved by optimizing hormones and nutrition. Something as simple as a grated carrot with salt and vinegar can produce major changes in bowel health, reducing endotoxin absorption, and restoring constructive hormonal functions.” - Excerpt from Article by Ray Peat – Epilepsy and Progesterone

Can someone help me with this quote here? I checked the Epilepsy and Progesterone article by Ray Peat and only "Endotoxin formed in the bowel can block respiration and cause hormone imbalances contributing to instability of the nerves, so it is helpful to optimize bowel flora, for example with a carrot salad; a dressing of vinegar, coconut oil and olive oil, carried into the intestine by the carrot fiber, suppresses bacterial growth while stimulating healing of the wall of the intestine. The carrot salad improves the ratio of progesterone to estrogen and cortisol, and so is as appropriate for epilepsy as for premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, or arthritis." part of the quote is in that article. Could Ray Peat have edited the article to cut the rest of the quote out or is the rest of it from some other source? Thanks for any help with this!!

EDIT: I found it, the rest of 4peatssake's quote is from the Natural Estrogens article by Ray Peat. Good to know. Anyway the main takeaway for me is the "When there is a clear “antiestrogen” effect from dietary fiber, it seems to be the result of accelerated transit through the intestine, speeding elimination and preventing reabsorption of the estrogen which has been excreted in the bile." So according to this it would seem to indicate that whatever fiber works best at speeding up bowel movements and improving one's regularity would be the fiber source to choose. (within reason considering PUFA content and other possible downsides of said fiber choice)


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
marcar72 said:
EDIT: I found it, the rest of 4peatssake's quote is from the Natural Estrogens article by Ray Peat. Good to know. Anyway the main takeaway for me is the "When there is a clear “antiestrogen” effect from dietary fiber, it seems to be the result of accelerated transit through the intestine, speeding elimination and preventing reabsorption of the estrogen which has been excreted in the bile." So according to this it would seem to indicate that whatever fiber works best at speeding up bowel movements and improving one's regularity would be the fiber source to choose. (within reason considering PUFA content and other possible downsides of said fiber choice)

Well the part of 4peatssake's quote that I was interested in was from the Natural Estrogens article by Ray Peat. It appears that the end part of 4peatssake's quote is from yet another Ray Peat article...


Jan 22, 2013
I think the whole fiber for bulk thing is silly. I've eaten nothing but dairy and sugar teas in the past, and still had normal stools the next day. Yes, fiber = ***t....literally, its worthless. Being energized, hydrated, enough electrolytes, and in a comfortable mind state around a clean bathroom is what really matters. The more solid matter you take in, the more you will eventually have to seems like a burden to me. Children intuitively know this, even chimps chew and spit, and peel. This is why vegetable broths, soups, and teas are better than eating salad in my opinion, unless you work from home and can be sh***ing all day
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