Female Interactions & Hormonal Profile


Jan 12, 2013
Man, I get what you're saying, and I do believe the same.
But listen to my perspective. Plenty of regular men / guys without a grandiose life who do quite fine in their dating / sex life, simply because they're confident enough, have basic social skills. have no anxiety and all that.
I feel like I underperform at this chapter in my life.
This endless pursuit of purpose and being a high-achiever has its role, but it's not needed for a healthy sexual and dating life. Thinking it's needed only creates more roadblocks and limiting beliefs.

I'm not talking about being a high achiever so much as finding out who you are, and putting your focus into what truly matters in your life. You don't need to be jacked or making a lot of money, you don't need to be at the top of your field of interest or anything like that, you just need to discover who you are. This is where confidence resides. Find where you stand, set boundaries, and stay firm. Guys who are confident with women aren't shaken by what women think of them, simply because they know who they are, and women can take it or leave it.

How's your non-sexual social life? Do you have good friends? I think having a group of a few good friends is really important. When you already have people who love and accept you, no matter how silly or dorky you may be, it becomes a little clearer - it doesn't matter if a girl rejects you, because you know people who /do/ care about you. Y'dig? If you don't have some close friends, I really think that cultivating some friendships should take priority over anything relating to women. By the way, where are you finding these girls? Dating apps? I bet there are girls who are much more receptive to you just on the outskirts of your immediate circle.

You've already noticed some things about yourself that you wanna change or improve upon. If you don't feel worthy, you need to adjust your state of mind. It sounds like you struggle to let loose and have fun. The internet is not where fun is. Don't be so afraid of the world - go to the movies, go play pool or air hockey or Frisbee with a friend or something, build something. Do something a little tiny bit outside your comfort zone.
You have difficulty expressing yourself dynamically. I was like this too. This sounds embarrassingly silly, but I used to listen to a podcast hosted by a very dynamic dude and sometimes I'd listen to the podcast and shadow his words while looking into a mirror. I'd flap my mouth and gesture with my hands and try to match his vocal expressions with my face. I think it really helped - the next time I was out with friends, I noticed I was expressing myself more with my hands. The most important thing is recognizing it and making the effort to improve on it.
If you've got a few negative experiences under your belt of being walked all over in social situations or if one too many people told you to shut your mouth or stop being so weird as a kid, a lot of people will hold onto that burden for a lifetime. But, if you actively try to be a little more dynamic and fun, it'll start to come naturally. If your friends aren't fun, be a leader, and try to get them out of their shell. Or meet new friends, and make an effort to spend time with them.
Don't worry about the stutter thing. I've had a friend like that for a long time, and he was really self conscious about it all his life, cuz his parents and his brother would always poke fun at him for it. But frankly all his friends, myself included, found it endearing. All his girlfriends over the years found it cute.
Having an athletic body, and being dynamically expressive, and not having a stutter certainly puts someone at an advantage. But real confidence comes from within, from knowing who you really are. That's all I'm saying.
In the end, some girls aren't gonna like you, and you can't take it to heart. As you come more into alignment with yourself, you'll find girls who do.


Jan 12, 2013
A continuation because I'm long-winded sometimes: i think we tend to get stuck in the identity of what other people expect of us. Sometimes it helps to go on a trip to another town for a few days where nobody really has any expectations of you.
Just my own personal experience, but psychedelic mushrooms really helped me a few years back with breaking free of the false and expected aspects of my identity.


Feb 4, 2018
@GreekDemiGod some good advice here, your state of health goes some way towards attraction but there's a danger you're overthinking things.
The women that have shown interest in me over the years has amazed me at times. And because I couldn't believe it I wasn't myself around them and screwed up some fabulous opportunities.
Don't make the same mistakes. Just be yourself and don't be afraid to be honest.


Apr 30, 2015
-find a group of men who are committed to building up other men. Meet with them often

-Stop hanging out with weak men. No betas, no guys who "have to ask the boss" to do anything, no one who will balk at a cigar or a sexual joke, no guilt ridden men who apologize for everything they say

-eat some raw meat

-Learn female and male traditional roles and don't be afraid to stick to them. Better yet, learn WHY those are traditional and fit our biology


May 30, 2018
Is this the case for fluids in general or just water?

Regarding the testimony, I really don't know what was the precise protocol used (I think I found it on r/snakediet but there was no additional information), if he was also limiting fluids or water on his eating window. During intermittent dry fasting, you shouldn't drink at all during the fasting window, but I imagine that it's not your question?

In theory, my guess would be that drinking water "is the worst" as it may contains less minerals than for example fruit juice or milk. But I believe that all liquids would eventually make your blood osmolarity drop (and vice versa not increasing from "dehydration").
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Jan 12, 2013
-find a group of men who are committed to building up other men. Meet with them often

-Stop hanging out with weak men. No betas, no guys who "have to ask the boss" to do anything, no one who will balk at a cigar or a sexual joke, no guilt ridden men who apologize for everything they say

-eat some raw meat

-Learn female and male traditional roles and don't be afraid to stick to them. Better yet, learn WHY those are traditional and fit our biology

Yes!! Absolutely! And break 'the rules' once in a while, live life a little closer to the edge. This is just as much your world as anyone else's. Experience life, don't live in fear. (although I admittedly have no experience with raw meat other than blue steaks, sushi, etc)


Nov 8, 2020
Lots of anxiety around women imo is just post nut syndrome. I cannot flow with women if I wanked to some degen porn the day before, in fact it takes me a week or so of abstinence to be at my best, possibly more.
Post nut syndrome is basically the realization that the „spark“ is your **** edging you on. It’s literally your **** doing the flowing, and your brain doing the opposite. It’s no coincidence that many men in no nut november jokingly report that they can suddenly „hear their girlfriends thoughts“.
I suspect many single men wank off before a date to last longer. Just go for multiple rounds instead


Regarding the testimony, I really don't know what was the precise protocol used (I think I found it on r/snakediet but there was no additional information), if he was also limiting fluids or water on his eating window. During intermittent dry fasting, you shouldn't drink at all during the fasting window, but I imagine that it's not your question?

In theory, my guess would be that drinking water "is the worst" as it may contains less minerals than for example fruit juice or milk. But I believe that all liquids would eventually make your blood osmolarity drop (and vice versa not increasing from "dehydration").

Yeah I've done couple dry fasts, I know what they are about.

I just never felt bad the slightest drinking a gallon of raw milk a day, because it behaves like food, not fluid.


Apr 9, 2018
Like "Hugh Johnson", I strongly suggest you have a look into Radical Honesty. And meditation doesn't hurt ever.
I also agree with "skittles", he made some great points.

My take on this topic: You don't have to be a "dominant" alpha-male-slaying-raw-meat-eating-mmafighter. Be yourself – but your real unapologetic self!

Most guys make the mistake of going over the top and try to transform from virgin Nice Guy to ICE COLD PIMP from one day to another... but most women can sense this charade and get turned off quickly. Why? Cause most are not stupid and know facial expression and human behavior better than we do. Every lie and untruthfulness SCREAMS insecurity, and they will notice in the long run. I guarantee this.

The down to earth feminine women want a man, sure – but a real man who doesn't have to put up a facade to get into their pants.


Jun 25, 2017
How are the hormones? Testosterone, DHT, estradiol, cortisol, thyroid, etc?

The lack of confidence is strange, especially given all the stuff on this forum.

I have never lacked confidence, though what does it matter as others seem to think I do (ie, I suppose then I don't come across as secure).

Try some nootropics for verbal fluidity.

If just trying to hit rather than develop something, there are many ways to increase masculinity temporarily. Working out at the gym increases testosterone for a few hours. Direct sunlight on the scrotum for 20 minutes. Lugol's iodine, vitamin K2 MK-4, etc directly on the scrotum.

Any signs of higher serotonin or lower GABA? What does meditation do? Brainwave entrainment audio?
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Nov 4, 2020
There are some common causes I've determined to be the reason.
  • Inability to be comfortable with myself and comfortable around her presence
  • Not very dominant and masculine demeanor
  • Mild form of stuttering, I struggle verbalising my thoughts and being super fluid and coherent in my conversations. This is something the women always notice and it's a turn off for them. Once again, I am not socially retarded, I am not low IQ
  • Not feeling worthy, feeling like I am the one who has to win her over
  • Timid voice
  • Monotonous vocal tonality. I find it hard to express emotions, I am very bland, dull in the way I talk.

We can basically group all of these points into a single category - not being comfortable in your own skin.

Women are not so much bothered by your flaws, but they are bothered by the fact you're bothered about them.

If there's one message I'd like to drive home to you (and men like you), it's that your various insecurities are a bigger turn-off than the actual flaws themselves.


Sep 8, 2019
Listen man - I'm gonna sound like such an old man for saying this - feel free to not take this unsolicited advice, but I don't think 'getting women' is an ideal goal for anyone.
Before you ignore this post cuz it's not what you wanna hear, just give it some consideration.
I got out of this trap a while back, and I'm so much happier for it.
Women shouldn't be the source of your confidence, man. And the idea that a man's confidence comes from how successful he is with women, is a great lie.
I think most men go through this phase at some point in life, of feeling like women are all a man really needs. But achieving a series of lays isn't fulfilling. Some people have to learn it the hard way (some never learn it at all).
You need to find your mission, your purpose, your true path. And you've gotta follow that beam. We all know, somewhere in our hearts, when we're on the right path, and when we're on the wrong path. And you will feel it like a magnet, pulling you in the right direction. You've gotta introspect and find your purpose, and prioritize that above all else.
And when you are living true to yourself, and following that path, women will sense it, and be attracted to it.
But those girls, they're on a totally different path. And if you let them pull your attention away from that path, they will lose interest. Your self respect is much more important than the fleeting feeling of getting laid. Maintain high standards, and don't just give yourself away to any random girl.
I'm not saying you should be a prick (there's no shame in having women in your life that you're not sleeping with). But you should have enough self control to say no to these girls when they're naturally attracted to a guy living with purpose.
And I truly think that when you're not giving yourself away so easily, you will find a girl on a similar path, with a similar philosophy, and a similar level of self respect. And it will be so, so much more fulfilling than if you're just repeatedly jumping in the sack with any random chick who gives you the green light.
Who cares about 'women'? Their opinions shouldn't matter to you. You're a man. All that matters, is your purpose. Prioritize that above all else, and your patience and steadfastness will pay off. The universe will reward you with what you need.
Anyway. Just food for thought.

Bang on. This is gold once a man has been blessed to understand this.
Very hard to understand this if all u think about it is chasing/scoring with women. Which i understand also.
The sooner u prioritise yourself and goals - not women, the better my dude.

But i also understand where OP is coming from.

Cut out all porn/masturbation. This will make u more attractive to women. It just will.

I find that taking test now allows me to be more focused/goal driven, less driven by lust which is what being testosterone dominant should feel like. Are u taking test/what are your levels? This will help in situations when meeting new women. I feel it is grounding and certainly aids in confidence.
U do not have to inject test. Just depends what ur levels are.

What's your exp with trib? Started taking it again its good ***t. Good for your dilemma. Makes me feel calm, confident, lowers cortisol, increases androgen receptors and dht.
In turn will slowly make u more androgenic, confident and less beta. Good profile to meet women with. Seems like u need to work on this aspect.
Sounds to me like u have a lack of brain androgens.
Try increasing dht:creatine +trib is a good start. Don't expect too much from andro, u may crash after a while on it like me.

+mag & calcium. Don't underestimate the calcium.


Bang on. This is gold once a man has been blessed to understand this.
Very hard to understand this if all u think about it is chasing/scoring with women. Which i understand also.
The sooner u prioritise yourself and goals - not women, the better my dude.

But i also understand where OP is coming from.

Cut out all porn/masturbation. This will make u more attractive to women. It just will.

I find that taking test now allows me to be more focused/goal driven, less driven by lust which is what being testosterone dominant should feel like. Are u taking test/what are your levels? This will help in situations when meeting new women. I feel it is grounding and certainly aids in confidence.
U do not have to inject test. Just depends what ur levels are.

What's your exp with trib? Started taking it again its good ***t. Good for your dilemma. Makes me feel calm, confident, lowers cortisol, increases androgen receptors and dht.
In turn will slowly make u more androgenic, confident and less beta. Good profile to meet women with. Seems like u need to work on this aspect.
Sounds to me like u have a lack of brain androgens.
Try increasing dht:creatine +trib is a good start. Don't expect too much from andro, u may crash after a while on it like me.

+mag & calcium. Don't underestimate the calcium.

TT increases e2 which is what makes one hornier on the supplement.

Exogenous Testosterone blunts your emotions which is why you are not that needy with women and distant.
Not necessarily a life goal, vibrant relationships are satisfying, just as much as feeling emotions is.


Sep 8, 2019
TT increases e2 which is what makes one hornier on the supplement.

Exogenous Testosterone blunts your emotions which is why you are not that needy with women and distant.
Not necessarily a life goal, vibrant relationships are satisfying, just as much as feeling emotions is.

Trib hasn't increased my sex drive. Nor has it increased my e2. Made me more grounded and androgenic if anything.

Have never heard about test making one 'blunted'. Have seen dozens maybe 100s of people who take test and blunted emotions would be the last thing to come to mind.
It makes u more focused and goal driven which may come across as dull to some


May 19, 2017
Listen man - I'm gonna sound like such an old man for saying this - feel free to not take this unsolicited advice, but I don't think 'getting women' is an ideal goal for anyone.
Before you ignore this post cuz it's not what you wanna hear, just give it some consideration.
I got out of this trap a while back, and I'm so much happier for it.
Women shouldn't be the source of your confidence, man. And the idea that a man's confidence comes from how successful he is with women, is a great lie.
I think most men go through this phase at some point in life, of feeling like women are all a man really needs. But achieving a series of lays isn't fulfilling. Some people have to learn it the hard way (some never learn it at all).
You need to find your mission, your purpose, your true path. And you've gotta follow that beam. We all know, somewhere in our hearts, when we're on the right path, and when we're on the wrong path. And you will feel it like a magnet, pulling you in the right direction. You've gotta introspect and find your purpose, and prioritize that above all else.
And when you are living true to yourself, and following that path, women will sense it, and be attracted to it.
But those girls, they're on a totally different path. And if you let them pull your attention away from that path, they will lose interest. Your self respect is much more important than the fleeting feeling of getting laid. Maintain high standards, and don't just give yourself away to any random girl.
I'm not saying you should be a prick (there's no shame in having women in your life that you're not sleeping with). But you should have enough self control to say no to these girls when they're naturally attracted to a guy living with purpose.
And I truly think that when you're not giving yourself away so easily, you will find a girl on a similar path, with a similar philosophy, and a similar level of self respect. And it will be so, so much more fulfilling than if you're just repeatedly jumping in the sack with any random chick who gives you the green light.
Who cares about 'women'? Their opinions shouldn't matter to you. You're a man. All that matters, is your purpose. Prioritize that above all else, and your patience and steadfastness will pay off. The universe will reward you with what you need.
Anyway. Just food for thought.
I agree with every single word of this post. My thoughts are exactly the same and I wish I was able to put them in words like that.

There is one big however, however.

Being shy, timid, not being able to express yourself fluently, stuttering, speaking in bland, dull way, not being comfortable in social situations and not being masculine and dominant in general will prevent you from being succesfull in anything in life. It will throw you off your path, your purpose.

Nobody takes you seriously when you are like that. Your family won't take you seriously. Your employer won't take you seriously. Your customers won't take you seriously. Your business partner won't take you seriously. Investors won't take you seriously. Banks won't take you seriously.

How do you want to achieve anything in life when nobody takes you seriously? When you are a joke for everybody? When everybody drags you down? When even you doubt yourself?

OP should absolutely work on fixing these issues before "getting on his purpose".

Not for the sake of women, but for the sake of himself, his life and his career.

Getting laid more and having more success with women would be a nice side effect of that.
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