Female Hormonal Issues, Question About Best Idealabs


Feb 12, 2019
Hi everybody!
I am quite new to the forum so sorry if I post it in the wrong place.
After some short time of peating, I am interested in buying Idealabs supplements and during last 2 weeks I spent xxx hours on reading, checking etc.. Finally I decide to write my post as I hope you will help me decide what to choose. In the meantime maybe somebody will also be able to tell me if I am on the right path and also maybe advice something more?

My short history:
fitness instructor and personal trainer in the past -- I started when I was 20 years old.
Too much training, too much stress, eating too less ended in lack of periods for 3 years. Doctors visits etc of course did nothing good for me, I think even made things worse. I was trying to cure myself with help of few "famous" polish dieteticans.. After doing paleo, low carb, no sugar, no dairy, fasting etc what of course totally ruinded my health. All of my hormones, including cortisol, thyroid went almost to 0.. I thought I will literally die, no energy, no libido, nothing. I got no responses for T4 treatments which doctors cured me. I also was prescribed birth control to bring my periods back ^^ but after I stopped it, periods stopped as well.

Finally I started reading, even about Ray Peat diet as I remember. I got myself on NDT, started eating everything, stopped trainings, changed work and gained 10kg over few months (probably because intruducing carbs while eating still lots of fat what I was used to do).
Finally periods back, good thyroid hormones in lab tests and rather good energy, better that in the past anyway.
After 1,5 year menstuating again I wanted to lose weight before my wedding. Eating carbs, healthy but plenty of PUFA. I though I was smarter than in the past, but now I know I was not. I think the worst what made my health collapse again was starting IF on daily basis and longer fasting routines few times a year. Everyday I got up at 6.30, was running fasted in the morning.. eat my breakfast at 10.00 and last meal about 19.00. Lost 10kg, went to my normal weight and... finally periods stopped again.

Now I realise that it is again a year I have NO periods.
I realised that despite I thought I was doing things right, was not creazy about dieting and eat everything- I got in the same schedule of undereating (+/- 1700kcal a day while as it comes to activity I was doing long walks/ short running and yoga sessions 4-5 times a week).
In fact I was not feeling as bad because I am on NDT. So my life went on without periods and really low libido which me and my husband got used too...
The problem is that we would like to plan a baby and without my hormones there is not much I can do. Doctors of course give me birth control for my hormones but it makes no sense, what a world...
So.. I woke up again that I need to change something!

4-3 weeks ago I started peating. I start my day with OJ, gelatine , salt and tsp of honey.
Avoid PUFA, Monday-Friday starches only from max 1-2 potatoes a day if any, a lot of dairy, fruits, milk, honey, gelatine, salt, coffee 2-4 times a day. Schrimps once a week. Sometimes also beef/ cod. I think my diet is ok. During weekends I also pay attention to my eating though often I eat outside and then try to choose something "right". I do not want to be too crazy about food as I know I have a mental problem with that anyway.., I feel great, tolerate milk and dairy (I was raised on dairy, milk fruits, honey etc..)
My energy went back!
The problem I have is familial hypercholesterolemia. I know it for a few years. My LDL cholesterol may raise even to 500... it was in the past when I was high fat/low carb. Now it is about +/- 300, HDL about 80, Triglicerides low, about 40-50. That is why I cannot go to much with saturated fats. I do not want to take statins.

I track calories and macros to control it a bit.
+/- 2400kcal a day, 100-130g protein, 40-50g fat, 280-300g carbs.

My activity is only walking as much as possible (I work in the office now where I sit by my computer most time of the day) + 4-5 yoga sessions a week + in the morning a few full body excercises about 15-20 min each day, rather gentle, without sweating.

I was always hungry since I remember (I got used to be hungry) but now I feel more and more satisfied. I used to crave sugar (due to low carbs, now I know) but not now. Only first 1-2 weeks of peating I had a feeling that I can eat and eat without a limit. Now my hunger is normal so I feel I go in the right direction.

My daily basal temp is 97.8, pulse about 65. Raising after meals.
Afternoon: +/- 98,2, pulse about 70-75.
Low bloood preassure was always my problem: 90/60 something like that. However, my pulse has improved, as usually it was something around 50... I was always told it is normal for healthy, athletic people....

Despite high cholesterol and low female hormones everything is ok now.
Estrogen in labtest is also low but I have the feeling that I am estrogen dominant and it is my problem. I used to take proestrogen herbs to bring my period back but I feel it is not right at all.

During last years I tried to cure myself, I experienced with many forms of supplements.
According to supplements for now: I take liposomal ADEK in low dose, liposomal B-complex - I will soon finish. Vit c, I also started Boron. Niacinamide 50mg x 3 daily. I also do bag breathing during the day and red light terapy before bed.
NDT: 2,5grains which lately I increased to 3grains + T4only before bed 37,5 / 50mg.

I know the diet is the most important but I would like to make my healing faster and include some of the Idealabs supps. I want to take something safe and good quality, something I really need and that will help but also I do not want to take too much.
I think about Energin, Estroban, Solban, Lapodin + Oxidal and Pansterone + Progestene.
Any ideas of anything else, or maybe something instead?

Sorry for mistakes and if my post is too long and chaotic. I tried to make it short but it is not so easy with such a long story;-)
I really count on your help! Thanks a lot.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Dunno if saturated fat is proven to be so bad for cholesterol the best supplement to controll high cholesterol is niacin. Specifically the flush type.


Feb 12, 2019
Dunno if saturated fat is proven to be so bad for cholesterol the best supplement to control high cholesterol is niacin. Specifically the flush type.
Yes I started it as I said 3 x 50 during the day... for cholesterol I tried also red yeast rice extract (monacolin K) in the past and it lowered it seriously but I feel like it is not quite good for general health, as well as statins.


Nov 28, 2014
So are you having periods or not? Sorry, I lost track. I thought maybe you said you are having them with the help of birth control?

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Yes I started it as I said 3 x 50 during the day... for cholesterol I tried also red yeast rice extract (monacolin K) in the past and it lowered it seriously but I feel like it is not quite good for general health, as well as statins.

You said niacinamide. Its not the same. You need niacin. Niacinamide doesnt not have the cholesterol lowering effect

What Is the Difference Between Niacin & Niacinamide? | Livestrong.com

Read this

Its like sayin vitamin k1 and k2 are the same. But no k1 is blood clotting agent to treat warfarin overdose. K2 is for bone health and it doesnt treat warfarin overdose. Still k1 can convert to k2 just like niacin converts to niacinamide.


Feb 12, 2019
So are you having periods or not? Sorry, I lost track. I thought maybe you said you are having them with the help of birth control?
Sorry for this chaos, I know, you may get lost in this story :): Right now I do not have.. since February last year. So 1 year exactly. In case I take birth control, the period of course is there but naturally it is "fake". When I stop taking it, there is no period again. I do not want to take it because I have not mentioned in the post - but I have also an issue with varicose veins. I am 29 years old now and I am after laser treatment of varicose veins.
To sum up:
I was 3 years without the period, then 1,5 year ok, and now no period again.


Feb 12, 2019
You said niacinamide. Its not the same. You need niacin. Niacinamide doesnt not have the cholesterol lowering effect

What Is the Difference Between Niacin & Niacinamide? | Livestrong.com

Read this

Its like sayin vitamin k1 and k2 are the same. But no k1 is blood clotting agent to treat warfarin overdose. K2 is for bone health and it doesnt treat warfarin overdose. Still k1 can convert to k2 just like niacin converts to niacinamide.
Sorry it is my mistake - I take niacin, with flush effect.


Nov 28, 2014
Ok, that's what I thought you were saying. Just wanted to make sure before I give advice that you probably won't want to hear lol

I could be wrong but it sounds to me like a classic case of running yourself (and your hormones) into the ground through under-eating and over-training. The continued lack of periods suggests you're not eating enough and/or still exercising too much for your body to heal. By eating more and moving less, you will probably gain some weight, which is not what most people want to hear. But unfortunately, it's usually part of the healing process.


Feb 12, 2019
Ok, that's what I thought you were saying. Just wanted to make sure before I give advice that you probably won't want to hear lol

I could be wrong but it sounds to me like a classic case of running yourself (and your hormones) into the ground through under-eating and over-training. The continued lack of periods suggests you're not eating enough and/or still exercising too much for your body to heal. By eating more and moving less, you will probably gain some weight, which is not what most people want to hear. But unfortunately, it's usually part of the healing process.

sweetpeat, thanks, I know it arelady - I did it all to myself. I also think that I've already accepted that probably I will gain some weight again.. as I said I increased calories from 1700kcal to average 2000-2500 depending on the day, so it is 50% more. The good thing is that my health condition now is not as bad as it used to be 3 years ago. The metabolism is increasing fast, I feel it. In fact, during these 3weeks of increased calories I gained only 2kg, which is also probably a bit of water, so it is not as bad.

I feel I am on the right path now, also mentally I think I kind of sorted everything in my head. My number one aim now is to bring my periods and hormonal health back.
Coming back to the supplements, could somebody give me some advice? I mean especially things like pregnenolone/dhea/progesterone. I took it already in the past before I cured myself somehow once. But I was not sure if I dosed it right then, I even do not remember now. I just do not want to harm myself.

I also wonder if someday I will be able to set my NDT aside... It is about 2 years as I take it though, and about 3 years of sintethic T4 I took before without bigger results..
So my thyroid is probably totally switched off now, my TSH is something about 0,001. Free hormones in the perfect ranges right now.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
sweetpeat, thanks, I know it arelady - I did it all to myself. I also think that I've already accepted that probably I will gain some weight again.. as I said I increased calories from 1700kcal to average 2000-2500 depending on the day, so it is 50% more. The good thing is that my health condition now is not as bad as it used to be 3 years ago. The metabolism is increasing fast, I feel it. In fact, during these 3weeks of increased calories I gained only 2kg, which is also probably a bit of water, so it is not as bad.

I feel I am on the right path now, also mentally I think I kind of sorted everything in my head. My number one aim now is to bring my periods and hormonal health back.
Coming back to the supplements, could somebody give me some advice? I mean especially things like pregnenolone/dhea/progesterone. I took it already in the past before I cured myself somehow once. But I was not sure if I dosed it right then, I even do not remember now. I just do not want to harm myself.

I also wonder if someday I will be able to set my NDT aside... It is about 2 years as I take it though, and about 3 years of sintethic T4 I took before without bigger results..
So my thyroid is probably totally switched off now, my TSH is something about 0,001. Free hormones in the perfect ranges right now.

So how is your thyroid when you don’t take thyroid hormones? TSH is high? Dieting etc doesnt have any effect on it? Do you have other hormonal labs to share? Prolactin? Parathyroid hormone? Others? Have you you done iron, ferritin, hemoglobin? The more labs the better we can understand what might be going on.


Feb 12, 2019
Thanks for reply.
It's hard to say how it could be with my thyroid now, in case I would stop taking NDT. I think I would be scared to give it up now. I just remember how awful I was feeling without it.
I can only tell you how it was in the past..
When my problem with thyroid started my TSH was something about 4.00, still in the range but at the top. Of course, the doctor said then that it is ok but we know that it is high.. my serum sodium was also below the range then. I checked FT3 and FT4. both were somewhere below 1.00, I do not remember exactly but it was even below the minimum range. So doctors (I have visited few) cured me with T4 only - my TSH got suppressed to 1.00 but my FT3 and FT4 were still low, at the very bottom of the range even if I took 125mcg of T4. And my energy was still low, without a change. Maybe if then I would have stopped training and started eating more, my thyroid would have started to work normally. But I was still doing it.. low carbs + training sessions till I felt I have no energy to live and to do anything. In 2 years without periods, I reached the almost zero hormones levels, reached the bottom I think. I even did the saliva cortisol test - the cortisol line during the day from the morning till the night was totally flat, so was DHEA.
I stopped training, stopped working, stopped going out, slept 10-15 hours a day, start eating a lot of food. I bought myself Thiroyd from Tajland and started to slowly increase the dose of NDT, in the same time lowering T4.. Finally I started to feel alive. In the meantime I switched to yoga, changed job, chilled out, lowered cholesterol from 500 to 240 etc.. eat whatever I wanted and finally got my periods back.

Since then I've been on 2,5 grains which lately as I started eating more (last 3 weeks) and curving my metabolism, I increased to 3 grain to check how I will feel.
And now I can say that despite the fact that the periods are still not there and my libido is really low, everything else is great and I feel really good.
I plan to do fresh labs next week but last ones look as followed:

December 2018:
Hemoglobin 13,20 (12,00-16,00)
Ferritin 42 (13-150)
Insulin 4.2 (2.6-24)
Glucose 82 (70-99)
Sodium 140 (132-146)
Potassium 4,7 (3,5-5,5)
Calcium 9,76 (8,60-10,00)
Magnesium 2,03 (1,90-2,50)
Creatinine 0,6 (0,6-1,1)

Total cholesterol 328 (115-190)
Triglicerids 52 (<150)
HDL 82 (>45)
LDL 235

Testosterone 31 (12-60)

Thyroid hormones - rather constant on 2,5 grain NDT and 37,5 / 50 mcg T4:
TSH 0,007 (0,550-4,780)
FT3 3,52 (2,30-4,20)
FT4 1,15 (0,89-1,76)

Female hormones checked on 3rd day from starting birth control last autumn (I was taking it for 2 months to see if the periods will remain after stopping and stopped)
October 2018:
Estradiol <11,80
follicular phase 19,5 - 144,2
ovulation phase 63,9 - 356,7
luteal phase 55,8 - 214,2
menopause < 32,2

FSH 3,50
follicular phase 2,5 - 10,2
ovulation phase 3,4 - 33,4
luteal phase 1,5 - 9,1
menopause 23,0 - 116,3

LH 7,11
follicular phase 1,9 - 12,5
ovulation phase 8,7 - 76,3
luteal phase 0,5 - 16,9
menopause 15,9 - 54,0

Ufff sorry, apparently I write too much...


Nov 28, 2014
sweetpeat, thanks, I know it arelady - I did it all to myself. I also think that I've already accepted that probably I will gain some weight again.. as I said I increased calories from 1700kcal to average 2000-2500 depending on the day, so it is 50% more. The good thing is that my health condition now is not as bad as it used to be 3 years ago. The metabolism is increasing fast, I feel it. In fact, during these 3weeks of increased calories I gained only 2kg, which is also probably a bit of water, so it is not as bad.

I feel I am on the right path now, also mentally I think I kind of sorted everything in my head. My number one aim now is to bring my periods and hormonal health back.
I'm glad you're in a better place mentally. That's a big first step.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you got your period back the first time by eating and resting more. At least that's how it sounded from what you wrote above. If that's the case, maybe it's a matter of giving it some more time/food/rest and seeing if you can restore it again naturally. I mean, it's been only 3 weeks. That's less than a menstrual cycle. I think giving it at least three months would be a better time frame.


Aug 4, 2018
Hi everybody!
I am quite new to the forum so sorry if I post it in the wrong place.
After some short time of peating, I am interested in buying Idealabs supplements and during last 2 weeks I spent xxx hours on reading, checking etc.. Finally I decide to write my post as I hope you will help me decide what to choose. In the meantime maybe somebody will also be able to tell me if I am on the right path and also maybe advice something more?

My short history:
fitness instructor and personal trainer in the past -- I started when I was 20 years old.
Too much training, too much stress, eating too less ended in lack of periods for 3 years. Doctors visits etc of course did nothing good for me, I think even made things worse. I was trying to cure myself with help of few "famous" polish dieteticans.. After doing paleo, low carb, no sugar, no dairy, fasting etc what of course totally ruinded my health. All of my hormones, including cortisol, thyroid went almost to 0.. I thought I will literally die, no energy, no libido, nothing. I got no responses for T4 treatments which doctors cured me. I also was prescribed birth control to bring my periods back ^^ but after I stopped it, periods stopped as well.

Finally I started reading, even about Ray Peat diet as I remember. I got myself on NDT, started eating everything, stopped trainings, changed work and gained 10kg over few months (probably because intruducing carbs while eating still lots of fat what I was used to do).
Finally periods back, good thyroid hormones in lab tests and rather good energy, better that in the past anyway.
After 1,5 year menstuating again I wanted to lose weight before my wedding. Eating carbs, healthy but plenty of PUFA. I though I was smarter than in the past, but now I know I was not. I think the worst what made my health collapse again was starting IF on daily basis and longer fasting routines few times a year. Everyday I got up at 6.30, was running fasted in the morning.. eat my breakfast at 10.00 and last meal about 19.00. Lost 10kg, went to my normal weight and... finally periods stopped again.

Now I realise that it is again a year I have NO periods.
I realised that despite I thought I was doing things right, was not creazy about dieting and eat everything- I got in the same schedule of undereating (+/- 1700kcal a day while as it comes to activity I was doing long walks/ short running and yoga sessions 4-5 times a week).
In fact I was not feeling as bad because I am on NDT. So my life went on without periods and really low libido which me and my husband got used too...
The problem is that we would like to plan a baby and without my hormones there is not much I can do. Doctors of course give me birth control for my hormones but it makes no sense, what a world...
So.. I woke up again that I need to change something!

4-3 weeks ago I started peating. I start my day with OJ, gelatine , salt and tsp of honey.
Avoid PUFA, Monday-Friday starches only from max 1-2 potatoes a day if any, a lot of dairy, fruits, milk, honey, gelatine, salt, coffee 2-4 times a day. Schrimps once a week. Sometimes also beef/ cod. I think my diet is ok. During weekends I also pay attention to my eating though often I eat outside and then try to choose something "right". I do not want to be too crazy about food as I know I have a mental problem with that anyway.., I feel great, tolerate milk and dairy (I was raised on dairy, milk fruits, honey etc..)
My energy went back!
The problem I have is familial hypercholesterolemia. I know it for a few years. My LDL cholesterol may raise even to 500... it was in the past when I was high fat/low carb. Now it is about +/- 300, HDL about 80, Triglicerides low, about 40-50. That is why I cannot go to much with saturated fats. I do not want to take statins.

I track calories and macros to control it a bit.
+/- 2400kcal a day, 100-130g protein, 40-50g fat, 280-300g carbs.

My activity is only walking as much as possible (I work in the office now where I sit by my computer most time of the day) + 4-5 yoga sessions a week + in the morning a few full body excercises about 15-20 min each day, rather gentle, without sweating.

I was always hungry since I remember (I got used to be hungry) but now I feel more and more satisfied. I used to crave sugar (due to low carbs, now I know) but not now. Only first 1-2 weeks of peating I had a feeling that I can eat and eat without a limit. Now my hunger is normal so I feel I go in the right direction.

My daily basal temp is 97.8, pulse about 65. Raising after meals.
Afternoon: +/- 98,2, pulse about 70-75.
Low bloood preassure was always my problem: 90/60 something like that. However, my pulse has improved, as usually it was something around 50... I was always told it is normal for healthy, athletic people....

Despite high cholesterol and low female hormones everything is ok now.
Estrogen in labtest is also low but I have the feeling that I am estrogen dominant and it is my problem. I used to take proestrogen herbs to bring my period back but I feel it is not right at all.

During last years I tried to cure myself, I experienced with many forms of supplements.
According to supplements for now: I take liposomal ADEK in low dose, liposomal B-complex - I will soon finish. Vit c, I also started Boron. Niacinamide 50mg x 3 daily. I also do bag breathing during the day and red light terapy before bed.
NDT: 2,5grains which lately I increased to 3grains + T4only before bed 37,5 / 50mg.

I know the diet is the most important but I would like to make my healing faster and include some of the Idealabs supps. I want to take something safe and good quality, something I really need and that will help but also I do not want to take too much.
I think about Energin, Estroban, Solban, Lapodin + Oxidal and Pansterone + Progestene.
Any ideas of anything else, or maybe something instead?

Sorry for mistakes and if my post is too long and chaotic. I tried to make it short but it is not so easy with such a long story;-)
I really count on your help! Thanks a lot.

Hi! I had lack of periods for one year and half, bacuease of anorexia. I was 15 years old. We went with my mom to doctor, she didn't want to give me hormones by reason of age, so she prescribed me that cycle: folate(B9) 150 mg twice a day orally for 2 weeks, shot of vitamin C at the morning for 1 week, and 1 week rest. We did that cycle 3 times and my periods got back. But it was immediately, it took time.
Now I am working out 3 times a week, keep peat diet, so far everything is ok with my periods. I had issue with hard PMS, so I begun to take Progest-E(just 6th day), really works good.
You are at the right path, I would add to your diet more veal liver and concentrated food like red meat (food which has bunch of vitamins). Be patience, everything will be back.
You know, maybe it sounds weird, but I came to conclusions that a lot of our health issues begin from our thoughts. Try be more positive, watch funny movie, do more things, which make you happy, read great books and don't think about your problems. It will help a lot.
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Dec 3, 2016
Ok, that's what I thought you were saying. Just wanted to make sure before I give advice that you probably won't want to hear lol

I could be wrong but it sounds to me like a classic case of running yourself (and your hormones) into the ground through under-eating and over-training. The continued lack of periods suggests you're not eating enough and/or still exercising too much for your body to heal. By eating more and moving less, you will probably gain some weight, which is not what most people want to hear. But unfortunately, it's usually part of the healing process.


Dec 3, 2016
I'm glad you're in a better place mentally. That's a big first step.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you got your period back the first time by eating and resting more. At least that's how it sounded from what you wrote above. If that's the case, maybe it's a matter of giving it some more time/food/rest and seeing if you can restore it again naturally. I mean, it's been only 3 weeks. That's less than a menstrual cycle. I think giving it at least three months would be a better time frame.
:clap: I was in the same boat as you, I changed inside and not listen to my thoughts, they hadn’t done me any favors. There was a knowing, that I’d avoided. My temps went up, it took 3ish months though, but eventually when I was a little stronger, started working out ,while I made sure I was eating 2,800-3,000 cals. For your body type you might not be able to handle that amount forever but maybe look at it like your body is depleted and you need to give it energy/calories. Once it’s full, you may or may not need that amount. I did gain maybe 5-7 pounds and then that dropped away once my metabolism shifted. Go for it. You’ve got everything to gain, and nothing to lose.
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Feb 12, 2019
@Douglas Ek @sweetpeat @AngelZ @morgan#1 thanks for your feedback!
Things are going in the right direction I think. It is about 1 month I changed my diet.
The most important difference is ingesting some food right after waking up and right before going to bed. I got rid of the fear of reaching for something always when I feel even a bit hungry. I don't think about how often I eat, I just prevent the feeling of hunger. I keep fat rather low (due to my hypercholesterolemia), increased my protein and carbs a lot.
I realized that not only my energy levels are higher but also the digestion is great. In the past, I quite often felt bloated or full, probably because I was eating mainly foods that are hard to digest - while my head was still screaming for more food.
The most surprising is for me that when it comes to calories I eat half as much as I was eating before - 2200-2500 kcal a day instead of 1600-1800 kcal. And I gained only 1,5kg! @Waynish I am 58kg now. The heaviest I were in my life was 69kg. My lowest weight was 56kg. I am 172cm height.

What is more, I turned my head into positive thinking, like changing diet and lifestyle were the new beginning for me and I got my hope for some positive changes back again. I try to live the moment, laugh a lot, relax and do not stress about things that are not important. I am still doing my yoga and morning short exercise routine. However, I try not to dictate some "training schedule". I have no bad thoughts if some days I do not have time or don't feel like doing any excercise - I just do not do it. I Try to walk a lot though.
My energy levels are still rising!

When it comes to supplements..
After talking with @haidut I decided to order Estroban, Energin, Cortinon, Progesten, Oxidal and Solban. I am waiting for these to come and we will see how it will go.

A while ago I also ordered Vitex extract, it has just come but I am not sure how to dose it/ and even if it is worth trying? Maybe somebody tried it or can say something about that? I have read much contradictory information here when it comes to this herb.
After trying different things in the past, many of them did probably more harm than help, I am a bit careful when it comes to trying something new.


Feb 12, 2019
Hi everyone, it is about 2 months since I started the changes I mentioned in my previous posts. I have also introduced some idealabs products Estroban, Energin, Cortinon, Progesten, Oxidal and Solban.
As I said, energy levels are higher, weight gain +2kg (I think my body weight is ok, I were never skinny or too thin) but the period is still not there.. I have still hope and believe I just need more time though.

Probably because of the higher daily calories and pro-metabolic foods, red light, bag breathing etc, my thyroid went up and I got into hyperthyroid state (FT3 over the range and FT4 in the upper scale) so I decided to limit my NDT intake from 3 grains to 2,5 grains so that is good! Maybe it will be possible for me to totally put it away some day? time will show.
However during this hyper state, my temps were correct, puls ranging from 60 to 90 according to the time of the day, so that was a bit strange for me. After lowering my dose, my temp dropped and pulse also dropped a bit.. but I feel better I think. I will check it again withing 2 weeks .

I have also just checked my female hormones and what worries me though, is a low serum estrogen - below the range. LH and FSK correct. I will check my progesterone in the 21 day of the cycle. In fact I just "created" my cycle while taking Progesten during 2 weeks. Now I am 2 weeks off. I also have the feeling that I should increase the dose, because during first few days of taking Progesten my temps went high and then started slightly dropping after about 1 week. I felt not so good while taking progesterone, bloted, skin problems, lack of energy. I was also really tired by I do not know if it was becaus of progesterone or too much tyroid hormones. Now after stopping I feel just great. But I will not give it up, just increase the dose in this cycle and will see how it goes.

Coming back to the low estrogen though, do you think I should include in my schedule some proestrogenic herbs, foods etc? I know that in the Ray Peat opinion estrogen should be kept low, but what if a female does not menstruate because of low hormones, included low estrogen? Or better just focuse on increasing progeterone and then my body will regulate estrogen naturally somehow? Despite overall feeling better, my libido is still really low.



Aug 4, 2018
Hi everyone, it is about 2 months since I started the changes I mentioned in my previous posts. I have also introduced some idealabs products Estroban, Energin, Cortinon, Progesten, Oxidal and Solban.
As I said, energy levels are higher, weight gain +2kg (I think my body weight is ok, I were never skinny or too thin) but the period is still not there.. I have still hope and believe I just need more time though.

Probably because of the higher daily calories and pro-metabolic foods, red light, bag breathing etc, my thyroid went up and I got into hyperthyroid state (FT3 over the range and FT4 in the upper scale) so I decided to limit my NDT intake from 3 grains to 2,5 grains so that is good! Maybe it will be possible for me to totally put it away some day? time will show.
However during this hyper state, my temps were correct, puls ranging from 60 to 90 according to the time of the day, so that was a bit strange for me. After lowering my dose, my temp dropped and pulse also dropped a bit.. but I feel better I think. I will check it again withing 2 weeks .

I have also just checked my female hormones and what worries me though, is a low serum estrogen - below the range. LH and FSK correct. I will check my progesterone in the 21 day of the cycle. In fact I just "created" my cycle while taking Progesten during 2 weeks. Now I am 2 weeks off. I also have the feeling that I should increase the dose, because during first few days of taking Progesten my temps went high and then started slightly dropping after about 1 week. I felt not so good while taking progesterone, bloted, skin problems, lack of energy. I was also really tired by I do not know if it was becaus of progesterone or too much tyroid hormones. Now after stopping I feel just great. But I will not give it up, just increase the dose in this cycle and will see how it goes.

Coming back to the low estrogen though, do you think I should include in my schedule some proestrogenic herbs, foods etc? I know that in the Ray Peat opinion estrogen should be kept low, but what if a female does not menstruate because of low hormones, included low estrogen? Or better just focuse on increasing progeterone and then my body will regulate estrogen naturally somehow? Despite overall feeling better, my libido is still really low.


It is hard to answer your question, because estrogen has a lot of side effects. I would emphasize more on diet, for example increasing progesterone production through consumptions of foods such like eggs, milk etc. , seafood in general, (especially oysters), liver couple times a week, and frequently consuming red meat would be ideal. Also refrain drinking and eating from plastic.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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