Female Corner


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Aug 4, 2017
@Corinne Harding, I do not know anyone familiar with Ray Peat either. And when someone tells me about their thyroid or other hormonal type problems I write Ray Peat's and this website's addresses on a piece of paper for them. But they never tell me if they have looked them up or what.


Jul 8, 2014
Ah, okay. Thank you for linking these. Our body acids leaching silicone was what I was concerned about. I wasn't sure if it was just my OCD rearing its ugly head. Haha!

Oh, no worries! I can understand you just fine. And self-taught? I'm impressed! :):


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Has anyone tried makeup by 100% Pure? They're made with fruit. I don't normally wear makeup, but my brother is getting married in September and I figure I should try to look presentable for a day.
I haven't tried 100% Pure but when I need to wear makeup I've used Red Apple Lipstick products without any problems. It's not perfect but seems less toxic than most make up I've investigated. They have more than lipstick and I trust the quality.
Gluten Free Lipstick & Makeup by Red Apple Lipstick®


May 11, 2017
Oh, no worries! I can understand you just fine.
I'm glad to know, thank you! :)
And self-taught? I'm impressed!
I have always had a great hunger for knowlege and information. And it seems that all knowlege of the world is printed or translated into english (at least it looks so at pubmed site)! So english to my opinion is a must language for every curious person ;)


Jun 25, 2013
Very much appreciate this thread. Learning what works for other females is so helpful. Being menopausal and hypothyroid I'm still navigating hair loss issues and dry skin. It would be nice to hear from other menopausal women who have successful ideas in these areas. Thank you Blossom!


I’m curious about the silicone cup as well. I’ve been using cups and cloth pads for over ten years, although with pregnancy and breastfeeding it’s only been the past 15 months since I’ve been using the cup consistently, up to 5 days every cycle. It’s just been more convenient than cloth pads.
@catan @Jennifer, my dear friend LOVES and swears by them :): I tried them and seem to be super convenient for at home or work environment to move about and attend to your personal needs. I do a type of work where I sit on the floor in all types of sitting positions and I sometimes work with people in Yoga. It seemed to make me nervous. It could have been wrong assumptions on my part.


@lisaferraro – it looks good enough to eat! lol Can't wait to hear how it turned out! :)
Hi @Jennifer, well it wasn’t too bad actually. I do not think I need to remelt and try again, but not sure I have the perfect formula yet - lol. Thinking for next time 1/2 the cocoa butter and 1/2 the kokum butter 50 gms each, 200gms Shea butter, 200gms mango butter and 50 gms of the refined expeller pressed coconut oil. I think what @SQu wrote is accurate. It really is an experimental exploration. Kind of fun and empowering actually ❤️


Dec 8, 2016
In case anyone is interested, here are some of the companies I can think of off the top off my head that I like...

This one is by far my favorite bulk herb and ingredient supplier and I've been ordering from them for over 20 years. They're based out of Oregon and the majority of their products are certified organic:

Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils – Mountain Rose Herbs

This one has some beautiful, harder to find florals. They have some rose varieties and an osmanthus (smells like apricot) that I've been wanting to try. The fragrance descriptions read almost like Shakespeare :)::

Enfleurage, New York City - Essential Oils, Aromatics from the Natural World

These have a large selection:

Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc.
From Nature With Love: Wholesale Ingredients for Personal Care
Essential Wholesale & Labs - Buy Wholesale & Bulk Natural Cosmetics
Pure Essential Oils Supplier | New Directions Aromatics

I also like Frontier Herbs and buy their products in bulk from vitacost when they send me 20% off entire order coupons.

And I like to geek out on this site. They have an essential oil chemical reference database containing literature references and GC/MS reports for thousands of oils, listing article titles, authors' names, the page numbers of journals referenced, and the complete chemical breakdown of the oil reported in the article.

EOU database

I have a couple questions I'd be very grateful if someone could answer :):...

Has anyone tried makeup by 100% Pure? They're made with fruit. I don't normally wear makeup, but my brother is getting married in September and I figure I should try to look presentable for a day. :shame:

Also, has anyone tried a menstrual cup? My periods are really light on my diet so I can get away with just pantyliners and even though the ones I use are 100% organic and biodegradable, I want something that creates the least amount of waste possible and thought about the menstrual cup. My only concern has been whether or not it's okay to have silicone in me 24/7 for a couple days straight each month. In a Peaty view, is silicone safe?
Hi @Jennifer

100% Pure is my brand of choice.
Worth the extra cash for me and I feel comfortable recommending it on the products I have used.


Soooo happy to see the new response from everyone on this thread! Woot :):

@Pompadour I remember you are pregnant so very interested to follow your experience :):

@Dotdash I am not there yet, but what has helped tremendously in the perimenopausal stage has been:

-reducing stress
-very clean healthy food following a Ray Peat inspired diet - biggest factor is avoiding PUFA,
-keeping GI track healthy
-now recently NDT,
-Yoga and meditation,
-a wonderful supportive husband
-doing the work I enjoy


In case anyone is interested, here are some of the companies I can think of off the top off my head that I like...

This one is by far my favorite bulk herb and ingredient supplier and I've been ordering from them for over 20 years. They're based out of Oregon and the majority of their products are certified organic:

Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils – Mountain Rose Herbs

This one has some beautiful, harder to find florals. They have some rose varieties and an osmanthus (smells like apricot) that I've been wanting to try. The fragrance descriptions read almost like Shakespeare :)::

Enfleurage, New York City - Essential Oils, Aromatics from the Natural World

These have a large selection:

Camden-Grey Essential Oils, Inc.
From Nature With Love: Wholesale Ingredients for Personal Care
Essential Wholesale & Labs - Buy Wholesale & Bulk Natural Cosmetics
Pure Essential Oils Supplier | New Directions Aromatics

I also like Frontier Herbs and buy their products in bulk from vitacost when they send me 20% off entire order coupons.

And I like to geek out on this site. They have an essential oil chemical reference database containing literature references and GC/MS reports for thousands of oils, listing article titles, authors' names, the page numbers of journals referenced, and the complete chemical breakdown of the oil reported in the article.

EOU database

I have a couple questions I'd be very grateful if someone could answer :):...

Has anyone tried makeup by 100% Pure? They're made with fruit. I don't normally wear makeup, but my brother is getting married in September and I figure I should try to look presentable for a day. :shame:

Also, has anyone tried a menstrual cup? My periods are really light on my diet so I can get away with just pantyliners and even though the ones I use are 100% organic and biodegradable, I want something that creates the least amount of waste possible and thought about the menstrual cup. My only concern has been whether or not it's okay to have silicone in me 24/7 for a couple days straight each month. In a Peaty view, is silicone safe?
WoW...awesome resources @Jennifer ❤️


Hi @Jennifer

100% Pure is my brand of choice.
Worth the extra cash for me and I feel comfortable recommending it on the products I have used.
Question @Peatful, does it wear off quickly? Or last for a full day say at work? Does the mascara smear under your eyes, ie, leave black marks?


Dec 8, 2016


Dec 8, 2016
Question @Peatful, does it wear off quickly? Or last for a full day say at work? Does the mascara smear under your eyes, ie, leave black marks?
The mascara is the *star* product for me.
Meaning the one I will always purchase regardless of price (although its been reformulated, and not quite as good as the old formula of course).
To answer your question: stays on. No smudges. Zero.

The liner is nice, and their eye pallet is lovely too. Good pigment.


The mascara is the *star* product for me.
Meaning the one I will always purchase regardless of price (although its been reformulated, and not quite as good as the old formula of course).
To answer your question: stays on. No smudges. Zero.

The liner is nice, and their eye pallet is lovely too. Good pigment.
Fantastic. I had this problem before with natural brands - they always smeared. Stoked now to try ❤️ Thank you!


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
My first observation that hopefully helps someone else: Aspirin has been probably the fastest “chill pill” I have used. Now, full transparency, I do not use any medications stronger than Aspirin, NDT, and Progest-e.

When that internal “urrrgh” is strong, Aspirin works within 20 min. I use it with milk - 6 oz and never have had stomach issues. Between years 1 and 2.5 of Peat inspired lifestyle, I needed Aspirin several times a week. Now maybe once every few weeks. I use it at night to help sleep.
Why do you think you started to need less aspirin over time? Do you think its the effect of PUFA depletion?


Apr 19, 2017
@Dotdash I am not menopausal yet but I already have a lot of the symptoms due to being so hypothyroid and estrogen dominant. I live in a really dry climate and the sides of my nose were getting dry to the point of chapping. I recently started using a progesterone cream (ona's natural progesterone products) and I love that I can use it on my face as skincare. It's been gentle and completely eliminated my chapped skin. I find that the slower absorption of the cream is better for me than the porgesterone dissolved in vitamin e oil.

My hair stopped falling out in chunks when I started taking a t3 supplement but it has to be either cytomel, cynomel, and I've had some success with Tyromix as well.

@Blossom I think it was a great idea to start this thread. I think it should be a safe space where anyone can post their issues, advice and questions without fearing negativity in response.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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