Fat Loss - CorTinon 8:1


May 10, 2016
10) Make sure your sleeping at night. Training without sleep and trying to shred fat without sleep is no bueno. I worked night shift for 1.5 years straight without ever switching to a day schedule. It was the worst progress I ever made in the gym and my physique took a hit, although it wasn't as bad as when I was drinking milk. On milk I ballooned to 220lbs like 20% bodyfat from 195lbs 10% bodyfat, plus I felt absolutely terrible. 20% bodyfat is alot for my body type as I'm naturally lean, so I understand what people are going through when they come to the forum and adopt the so called "peat diet" and gain tons of weight.

What do you mean by 'naturally lean'? Just curious as I thought the whole point of Ray's philosophy was that if your hormones are working properly you will be lean, no such thing as body type.


Sep 15, 2017

I think thats an extrapolation of Ray's philosophy often brought about on this forum.

As far as I understand Ray's philosophy centers on his thesis: "Energy and structure are interdependent on every level".

Ray has consistently advocated for getting the metabolism working. Thats pretty much the central theme.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I agree with you. Calories matter, and if someone has 25 lbs of weight to drop, calories definitely need to be lowered. One should still eat often to keep hunger under control, keeping protein high (100-150g) fats low, and carbs "about" twice that of protein.

Too many people gaining fat on "Peating"....
wow did anyone try this? Just did a calculation and that would require someone to sustain 20g fat per day (1800cal- 135protein, 270carb).... i mean, it just sounds miserable.


Mar 20, 2021
wow did anyone try this? Just did a calculation and that would require someone to sustain 20g fat per day (1800cal- 135protein, 270carb).... i mean, it just sounds miserable.
That's what I've been doing. What seems miserable about it?


Dec 11, 2020
The key to being lean and maintaining an optimal aesthetic is endocrine balance. you really cant get the nutrition you need from less than 2100 or 2200 calories with optimal endocrine function and thats what a person of my size (5"3 and 115) with a lot of muscle and right amount of fat for a woman should be eating for optimal balance. if you gain weight on that it means you are off and should adjust endocrine implementations until you can eat 2200 and not gain weight. its a clue not a the thing that needs adjustment. also eating very small meals frequently works for me - i eat 250 or 300 cal meals 8 or 9 times per day.


Mar 20, 2021
The key to being lean and maintaining an optimal aesthetic is endocrine balance. you really cant get the nutrition you need from less than 2100 or 2200 calories with optimal endocrine function and thats what a person of my size (5"3 and 115) with a lot of muscle and right amount of fat for a woman should be eating for optimal balance. if you gain weight on that it means you are off and should adjust endocrine implementations until you can eat 2200 and not gain weight. its a clue not a the thing that needs adjustment. also eating very small meals frequently works for me - i eat 250 or 300 cal meals 8 or 9 times per day.
Yeah, I totally agree 💯


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
That's what I've been doing. What seems miserable about it?
The food consumed with that diet doesn't appeal to me but I'm glad it works for you. I'd get 14g of fat just from a litre of LF milk so if I want to get Ca+ requirements and also cook my food in any kind of fat.. plus have an egg or two (another 10g of fat there)..or something in there,... yeah, not sure how I'd do that.


Mar 20, 2021
The food consumed with that diet doesn't appeal to me but I'm glad it works for you. I'd get 14g of fat just from a litre of LF milk so if I want to get Ca+ requirements and also cook my food in any kind of fat.. plus have an egg or two (another 10g of fat there)..or something in there,... yeah, not sure how I'd do that.
Well, I eat two eggs a day and beef liver and heart, lots of fruit and I also like coconut yogurt with fruit in it. I make my own carrot raisin salad with Tandoori seasoning, I also enjoy ground beef and white fish and oysters...Admittedly, I don't eat grains or gluten or alcohol, and potatoes only once or twice a month. But you're right, I don't drink milk and I don't cook my food in added oils or fats...

But what I think is important to point out is that I am a tall middle-aged woman, 5 ft 10 and 128 lb. I don't have to starve myself! In fact I eat to satiety every time I eat. Especially for women my age, it is so hard to find the right foods that digest well and that don't make you put on a pound or two every year.


Mar 20, 2021
Its individual really. My temps are routinely 98.0 upon waking on 1 grain of thyroid, with a normal pulse. I've been tracking this for years now.

I've tried a variety of antibiotics, fermented foods, probiotics, bacteriophages, herbs, enzymes etc. I've tried raw milk, pasteurized, UHT, cow milk, goat milk, kefi, camel milk, sheeps milk, cheese, yogurt, organic, grass fed, conventional etc. I haven't been able to tolerate it. I have also tested positive for a type 4 hypersensitivity reaction to casein, in particular cow casein. The interesting thing is I'm genetically lactase persistent and my mother can drink dairy, so I picked up the allergy along the way; perhaps the series of vaccines I received as a kid had casein in the medium.
By the way, my dairy experiment failed after 6 months. I got a sinus infection just like the one I used to get all the time when I was younger and eating dairy all the time. Also, I got a bunch of acne coming back just like a teenager. It also made me gain about eight or nine pounds over that 6 months.

So I quit all dairy, went back to Coconut based products.

I too cannot tolerate any fermented foods, even yogurt makes me gassy. It's not hugely noticeable but because I am so in tune with my body I can tell that it does create turmoil in my gut...

Raw carrots and boiled mushrooms work really well when I eat them in the afternoon, as long as I don't have too big of a portion. Also taking a tablespoon or two of loose activated charcoal powder with hot water when I first wake up in the morning has been feeling great on my body. If I take it a ways away from a meal it doesn't have any constipating issues...


Mar 20, 2021
Hi all
I am trying to increase my low low T in hopes to shed some needed fat? Can anyone help with dose and how to take guidance? Is it topical or you drink in some juice? Cant find a lot of info.
Has anyone had any success with the help of CorTinon 8:1 and fat loss or muscle gains?
I am a female, 44 yrs old. I have about 20-25lbs i can get rid off. I do lift weights 4-5 times per week!
I know the starting dose is 5 drops.
I am already on 100mgs of Micronized Progesterone
Starting dose of 5 drops would of Cortinon would give me 15mgs of added Progesterone and 5mgs of DHEA

Thanks so much!
Georgi recommends applying the drops topically to the belly button for almost 100% absorption.


Mar 20, 2021
I don't think anyone on this forum would condone cutting calories from 1800 per day.
Looking back through this thread and reading my comments, I definitely agree with you now and disagree with my previous comments. No one, even small women, should be cutting calories from 1,800. If anything, one could adjust protein and fat macros depending on how active they are and how it makes them feel.

It's interesting to feel exposed and realize how much one has learned over the years! Thanks for this!
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