evidence based medicine?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This statement is being used a lot in medical circles these days and I must confess my thoughts when I hear it roll so casually from someone's lips:1. What evidence? 2. Did you mean skewed evidence or false evidence? 3. Oh, I know! Biased evidence.
It almost seems people are trying to convince themselves and others that medicine is a legitimate science. There is no doubt the public is largely convinced of this but no one seems willing to face the abysmal track record in medicine. No one in the US wants talk about our ranking of 37th in the world for quality of healthcare despite spending the most money per capita in the world. Now there's some evidence.


Jan 1, 2013
Ray has alluded to the sham " efficiency and safety" medical evidence litterally pulled out of thin air by the medical monopole in one of his books.

Can't find it right now.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
burtlancast said:
Ray has alluded to the sham " efficiency and safety" medical evidence litterally pulled out of thin air by the medical monopole in one of his books.

Can't find it right now.
My personal experience has been that modern medicine is basically smoke and mirrors. It seems designed to degrade humanity for the purpose of a few select people who make big profits. I'm sorry to say it is the least healing environment I've ever been in. Medicine is getting by today on the success of a few important discoveries such as aseptic technique, antibiotics and vaccinations that helped the masses. There really is nothing new and medicine offers no real cures just mediocre treatment at best. It's not that doctors are dumb or evil they are just indoctrinated into a flawed system. After spending all that time and money on school I'm sure many just put on blinders and do what they are told by their bosses. It's similar to factory work where they have to churn out a certain number of patient treated each day. It's a lose/lose for all involved to say the least. That's why it is crucial that we all learn to maintain our own health. If you get shot or fall off a building though please go to the ER!


Jan 1, 2013
Blossom said:
Medicine is getting by today on the success of a few important discoveries such as aseptic technique, antibiotics and vaccinations that helped the masses.
Correct, except for the last part (vaccinations are laced with poisons)

Blossom said:
It's not that doctors are dumb or evil they are just indoctrinated into a flawed system. After spending all that time and money on school I'm sure many just put on blinders and do what they are told by their bosses.

It's called COMPROMISE.

They realise ( unless they are really dumb) in the last third of their studies the Hippocratic oath is ignored.
Some quit and change professions; but the majority stays the course and COMPROMISE rather than waiste all these year's sacrifices.

They accept to maintain the STATUS QUO ( don't look for outside cures; don't question the pharma drugs) and in EXCHANGE they get to be called DOCTORS, with all the prestige attached to it.

And this happens even amongst so called integrative doctors, which seldom question orthodox cancer treatments.

You are perfectly right; people needs to take charge of their health, even if it often seems like an almost unsurmontable task.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Your right about the vaccines bring laced with poisons. That was a bad example. There aren't actually many good examples when it comes to medicine. I hate to sound extreme but I've seen it repeatedly and so often I can't ignore it. That's why I'm getting out. People have to start speaking out about this issue. I tell people every chance I get that the longer I stay away from doctors the healthier I become.


Dec 31, 2012
Good topic Blossom. I'm so disillusioned with the medical industry at present. I blame them partially for the mess I'm in. I've had to deal with endocrinologists the past few years and the arrogance is astounding! This the Endocrinology Society of Australia's position on NDT. They might have some valid claims on the purity of NDT, but the arrogance in dismissing patients who feel better on NDT says it all for me. It's not even well researched and based on many assumptions (I'm concluding by the lack of references). And these people are in charge? Urggggh!


Jan 1, 2013
Blossom said:
I tell people every chance I get that the longer I stay away from doctors the healthier I become.

I wish you all the luck in the world.
Some people have better communication skills than others, and these are very helpful in these situations.

I've done my part to wake up people, but it's really difficult to come up with an alternative to the present status quo, because the amount of disinfo is mind boggling, especially amongst the alternative community.

God bless Ray.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Some people notice when you go from unhealthy to healthier than anyone else they know. When asked about this I have my say about medicine both conventional and alternative. I'm sure some have no idea what I'm talking about. This is not a long speech I give, I simply state the facts of my healing. I'm certain in time someone will be interested in more details and I will have to figure out the best way to explain what has worked for me. I have at least convinced my adult daughter to stop drinking black coffee and to salt her food liberally-baby steps. Some people take my anti-medicine stance to heart because I've worked in the field and have an insider's view. Recently I've been thinking that eventually I will write an expose so there is another view to counter all the medical propaganda circulating. It will be years away since I first need to get established in a new career but I'm not going to give up. All the years I spent need to result in some good for those who are ready and willing to listen. Now I understand how to make something good out of this- thanks to Ray for helping me find healing and break out of a medical disaster that was my life. There is no such thing as true evidence based anything in medicine from what I've seen professionally and as a patient. The fact that I could heal from reading the work of a scientist when no doctor could ever help me shows how much science really goes on in medicine- none. What goes on is arrogance, greed and power plays.


The Obamacare fight is in a sense funny. People are fighting to get "health care", which tends to mean getting exposure to age-accelerating radiation and all sorts of misguided treatments which at best improve some things at the expense of making worse others. People who have prostate cancer are still told, today, that testosterone makes the cancer grow, though animals injected with estrogen are the ones whose prostates grow.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
j. said:
The Obamacare fight is in a sense funny. People are fighting to get "health care", which tends to mean getting exposure to age-accelerating radiation and all sorts of misguided treatments which at best improve some things at the expense of making worse others.
Maybe not funny. For me it's sad. The people have been led so wrong.

I was having some conversation with a person I met at a coffee shop yesterday. I said, yeh I am on a forum based on a scientist who has figured out how to get our health back. People coming and turning their lives around. I said, one lady(I was referring to Diane) who's MS symptoms improved since her metabolism improved. I said people curing cancer(referring to Peatarian) and people getting theirs lives back. This person said, "You cannot cure MS or anything like that because "they" said it is not possible." I said "they" have told us wrong. She said, well how do you expect me to believe you when most Americans do not believe what you do. I casually diverted conversation to another subject.


Charlie said:
She said, well how do you expect me to believe you when most Americans do not believe what you do. I casually diverted conversation to another subject.

Maybe you could've said "I believe it's possible for the majority to be wrong".


Jan 1, 2013
I believe trying to turn around strangers is nearly an impossible task.
The best way would be to start in one's family.

In retrospection of my past attempts, i came to the conclusion that in order to really turn someone around, rather than attempting to give advice on a health related subject affecting directly the person you speak to, it's more efficient to chose a subject 100% provable to be a medical scam.

For example, i really like "The cholesterol myths" by Uffe Ravnskov, which explains in very simple terms understanble by anyone that all the cholesterol studies never proved anything relating to cholesterol and heart disease.

They simply forged the summary, but left the data in place, and anyone has access to it.

If one can find a way to convey this info, for example by getting the Framingham study data, and show the data and summary say the complete opposite, one can get people to start asking themselves questions.

And once they have doubts, you move in with more difficult stuff, because they have become much more receptive.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
j. said:
Charlie said:
She said, well how do you expect me to believe you when most Americans do not believe what you do. I casually diverted conversation to another subject.

Maybe you could've said "I believe it's possible for the majority to be wrong".
Oh that thought definitely popped up in my head almost immediately. I just decided to leave it alone.

I wasn't trying to convince this person or anything. She just happened to ask what do I do in my spare time, etc. I am pretty much done trying to convince people. Even my family.

I think it was Kasra who posted an article or something to that effect. And I am paraphrasing here:

When you find "it", "it" being the truth. You get excited and want others to have "it" too. However, "it" was meant for YOU. And you should have peace in that and when its time for others to find "it" then they will.


Charlie said:
I think it was Kasra who posted an article or something to that effect. And I am paraphrasing here:

When you find "it", "it" being the truth. You get excited and want others to have "it" too. However, "it" was meant for YOU. And you should have peace in that and when its time for others to find "it" then they will.

I think that's a lame rationalization for having poor persuasion skills.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
j. said:
The Obamacare fight is in a sense funny. People are fighting to get "health care", which tends to mean getting exposure to age-accelerating radiation and all sorts of misguided treatments which at best improve some things at the expense of making worse others. People who have prostate cancer are still told, today, that testosterone makes the cancer grow, though animals injected with estrogen are the ones whose prostates grow.
The fortune 500 medical corporation I work for changed our health insurance plan back in 2012 in anticipation of obamacare. What that meant to us employees was a slightly higher premium and a huge deductible. It's a catastrophic plan basically. My husband and I work for the same company and we were fined 1200 per year for being on the same plan. The only good thing I can see about obamacare is that it forces many people to take charge of their own health. It almost seems like the perfect way for the government to infiltrate our lives even more. By getting people into the system that normally would have fell through the cracks the government can more easily insure they are subtly debilitated to the point where they are no threat in a sense. Easier to control if
they are dependant on the system. It's funny you mention prostate cancer because my Dad has that diagnosis. He chose watchful waiting and the surgeon was irate that he wouldn't have the operation. My small town country boy Dad with a high school education came up with his own treatment plan through reading on the topic. His PSA has stayed the same, his prostate has shrunk and he is doing great. I've tried a couple times to get him on Progest-e but no luck so far. That arrogant surgeon treated him with utter disregard and basically had no time for him after he refused surgery. I have a suspicion that the surgery recommendation was based on his new Medicare status rather than true need. I'm so proud of my Dad and happy to see people standing up for what they feel is right for them.
Nov 16, 2012
j. said:
I think that's a lame rationalization for having poor persuasion skills.

Hardly my duty to persuade people into getting themselves informed. They are dumb, uninquisitive, and place their trust with dimwits. Even when you bring forth all the evidence and explain things to them they just turn away, or 'acknowledge' but parrot the same mainstream drivel a few weeks later. As if nothing gets to their thick skull. Educating people about health is mostly a waste of time. Let them get sick, and if they are smart enough, they shall seek, and then they shall find. Sadly that is the way it has to be for most.


Jan 1, 2013
Makes perfect sense for adults.

But what about children ?
Children have their health wrecked pretty much from gindergarten nowadays, if not even before being born.

They don't have the ability to govern their lifes in any way, shape or form, and have to rely on their parent's decisions for practically everytrhing.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
burtlancast said:
Makes perfect sense for adults.

But what about children ?
Children have their health wrecked pretty much from gindergarten nowadays, if not even before being born.

They don't have the ability to govern their lifes in any way, shape or form, and have to rely on their parent's decisions for practically everytrhing.
Like how doctor's hand out drugs that are considered chemical restraints to children and teens in epidemic proportions. These same drugs are typically used more conservatively in older people due to their horrendous side effects and the unethical nature of drugging helpless people to better control them- yet it's okay for children and teens?!


Blossom said:
These same drugs are typically used more conservatively in older people due to their horrendous side effects and the unethical nature of drugging helpless people to better control them- yet it's okay for children and teens?!

Vast sectors of society seem to have a let's just kill everybody attitude.
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