Everyone seems to "have anxiety" - do you think this is imagined?



Feb 25, 2021
You are right stop thinking! Easier said that done. Our minds are constantly chattering all sorts of thoughts all our waking hours , most of the time we’re not aware of it. I too have suffered anxiety most of my life, especially social settings, meeting people, even talking on the phone.. Somebody introduced me to Eckhardt Tolle’s book The Power of Now which lead me to watch many utube videos, podcasts him speaking at retreats & other Functions, Podcasts. It is changing my llfe. Easy to find him with google or on utube ... Hope it helps
I'll check out his work - Thank you!


Dec 1, 2020
Everyone seems to "have anxiety", especially Gen-Y & Gen-Z. Do you think this is imagined?

I'm 27 and for many years have identified as someone with anxiety and would act accordingly. I'd tell myself that I don't like going to parties, don't like meeting new people, don't do well with confrontation, etc.... but I'm starting to wonder if this may be imagined and my identity as "someone with anxiety" is causing me to act and feel like someone with anxiety.

It doesn't seem to matter what I eat, the anxiety is kind of always there, which leads me to think that it's purely in the mind and not related to physical health. The solution seems so simple - just stop thinking, just stop worrying, just let go, etc. I wonder if it really is as simple as that but my identity as someone with anxiety won't let me believe it's that simple.
I am 20 ywars and the anxiety in many of my friends shine through here and there. It makes sense since serotonin, estrogen, prolactin have increased and thyroid, androgens, progesterone and most of the other good things have decreased. Its possible to fix tho. I have fixed the little I had...


Feb 25, 2021
I am 20 ywars and the anxiety in many of my friends shine through here and there. It makes sense since serotonin, estrogen, prolactin have increased and thyroid, androgens, progesterone and most of the other good things have decreased. Its possible to fix tho. I have fixed the little I had...

Wow - it's good to hear that you've had some success so young! Do you mind sharing what you have done to fix your anxiety?


Jan 21, 2021
After using cyproheptadine (and other serotonin antagonists) quite a bit of the past year and half, no, I do not think this is "imagined." No doubt there is a mental component, but I think a lot of it is physical....... likely, higher serotonin and lower dopamine primarily.

Months of cypro used really reduced "anxiety" in me, and it seems to have been curative.... meaning, it didn't come back when I stopped taking cypro. I used to have this sort of feeling frequently, now, it not there in general.
Do you mind sharing how much daily cypro you used for a year and a half? Also what other serotonin antagonists you used?

Did cypro cause weight gain?

Thank you.


Dec 1, 2020
Wow - it's good to hear that you've had some success so young! Do you mind sharing what you have done to fix your anxiety?
Doing things you love, work towards a purpose.

Lowering serotonin, increasing dopamine.

Increasing androgens and lowering estrogen.

Increasing carb intake high. The more supplements that lower blood sugar the more carbs I eat. Dont stop the supps if they are good though, just eat more carbs! (probably the strongest effect).

Realizing that being anxious is unnececary and will just make things worse (it helps calm your mind down).

Get good habits that bring you fullfillment once they are done (dont force them too much, startup one at a time).


Dec 1, 2020
After using cyproheptadine (and other serotonin antagonists) quite a bit of the past year and half, no, I do not think this is "imagined." No doubt there is a mental component, but I think a lot of it is physical....... likely, higher serotonin and lower dopamine primarily.

Months of cypro used really reduced "anxiety" in me, and it seems to have been curative.... meaning, it didn't come back when I stopped taking cypro. I used to have this sort of feeling frequently, now, it not there in general.

Thats awesome man!

I also think the "mental component" is caused by the phyisical component...


Sep 13, 2012
I have used cypro with success but this recent time I used it for a month at 0.5 mg for pretty bad panic attacks and it lowered my dopamine so much I felt like I had no motivation to do anything anymore. Which isn't like me. Using chocolate counteracted some of it but I just didn't want to feel zombified anymore I wanted to face my anxiety head on. Anxiety lives in the resistance.

The cause for anxious thoughts could originate in oxidative stress but that can also be caused by an overall lifestyle that isn't healthy. Which anxiety causes lol. What I mean by that is... avoiding social interaction, staying home 24/7 for fear of going out in public, spending all of your time on internet forums instead of in your present life, ruminating on every negative thought, memory and sensation which will absolutely cause oxidative stress. ?
The pandemic was successful in making people do all those things.

This is why mindful meditation is so successful in treating psychiatric disorders, it lowers the resistance to our own experience and increases resilience, activating the vagus nerve and calming us down.

Most people who tend to get fearful would do well to avoid all COVID news, and news in general, develop a sense of purpose in your life and be mindful of what you are giving attention to. And always remember what you resist persists!


Niacinamide’s Potent role in Alleviating Anxiety with its Benzodiazepine-like Properties: A Case Report


  • Niacinamide Anxiety - Prousky.pdf
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Jun 22, 2021
I do believe it's largely in part due to mask wearing - it seems to have been quiet effective in making slaves compliant - putting a muzzle on my dog's face makes her very serotonergic so I'm guessing it makes people the same - the elites prob figured this out hence they found it useful to keep the fear spreading for their psy-op

slave mask3.jpg


Feb 25, 2021
The cause for anxious thoughts could originate in oxidative stress but that can also be caused by an overall lifestyle that isn't healthy.

Deep down, I think you hit the nail on the head. I have a feeling that stress is the biggest culprit for me.

I'm looking for jobs right now to get out of a very toxic work culture. It's not easy to admit to myself, but I need to buckle down and do the hard work to make some major changes in my life.


Feb 25, 2021
I do believe it's largely in part due to mask wearing - it seems to have been quiet effective in making slaves compliant - putting a muzzle on my dog's face makes her very serotonergic so I'm guessing it makes people the same - the elites prob figured this out hence they found it useful to keep the fear spreading for their psy-op

This is an interesting idea... it seems like everything that mainstream medicine has pushed on us over the past few decades has been a subtle (or not so subtle) push to destroy our health. And people who are unhealthy are easier to control...

Not sure if you've seen Matthias Desmond's video on Mass Formation, but 1 of the 4 criteria for Mass Formation to occur is (in his words) "a lot of people who experience a lot of free-floating anxiety".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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