Euphoria after separating food & liquids.



Percentage in regard to what? Stomach fullness? I.e. what does the 100% signify? 100% of what?
Its the total percentage of the food left in the stomach of what was originally eaten, then the colon as it fills with the food that has past through the digestive tract.

100% as in, all the food that was traced and given to eat is in the stomach.

They were literally tracking the food as it went through the digestive system, not the person's perceived level of fullness.


Jan 6, 2019
Its the total percentage of the food left in the stomach of what was originally eaten, then the colon as it fills with the food that has past through the digestive tract.
Alright. The reason I find the graph a little awkward is that it is specifying neither the volume of the food that is being eaten nor its type. Depending on these, the graph could look vastly different. Expecting smaller meals to leave the stomach within the first 1-2 hours does not sound that unrealistic, does it?

Another possible aspect to consider is that the real harm may reside in diluting the stomach acids/digestive juices before they've had the chance to properly soak and engulf the food, with lesser harm being created by watering food that is already in the process of being dissolved by the stomach acid. This could explain why as little as a 30-60 min separation of liquids is enough to create an observable difference in digestion, even when the other factors you mentioned remain the same, such as the warmth of the liquid.

To confirm, since after the 200 minute mark we're seeing less than 25% of food being the stomach, and less than 25% being in the colon, are we to assume that small intestine has not been taken in account here?


Mar 5, 2018
This week I tried an experiment of spacing out my food & liquids at least an hour apart with results that have shocked me. I started Monday and by Wednesday a sense of calm seemed to activate. I had zero bloating after food which usually happened guaranteed by the afternoons. I usually stay away from bread because that’s been a big culprit of digestive problems for me, but I thought hey, let’s try a grilled cheese, I’m feeling good, let’s have it. Absolutely no bloating whatsoever and today ( Friday ) I’ve had really intense euphoric moments drift in and out. I haven’t felt this good for ages. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on here? Is it a stomach acid thing? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Happy trails,

Are you still separating liquids / fruits from meals with good results?
Mar 25, 2021
Are you still separating liquids / fruits from meals with good results?
Yeah definitely. I think not over drinking is crucial too. For the last couple of months with the colder weather I’ve been averaging about one litre of liquid all day. Just sipping when I felt the thirst.
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