Estrogen Dominance And Progesterone Therapy


Nov 10, 2014
Hello all

I just wanted to post this site all about progesterone. Read her story. It's all about increasing progesterone. Very good information. Lets just say if you are trying to increase progesterone it is a must read because if you dont in increase it properly it will just keep circulating and you will still suffer from symptoms. Especially women.

Thank you beachbum


Nov 10, 2014
The term "estrogen dominance" was coined to describe the 'adverse' symptoms often encountered by men and women if they have a naturally high level of estrogen or, in the case of women, have been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or the contraceptive Pill for any length of time and therefore have low progesterone levels.

Initially progesterone has a stimulatory effect. This is because progesterone activates the oestrogen receptors so making oestrogen the dominant hormone which makes many men and women feel worse.

With progesterone therapy, progesterone gradually becomes the dominant hormone and symptoms begin to ease. Some women never experience estrogen dominance, in others it can take several days, whilst in others it can last longer. Much depends on the amount of excess oestrogen that is present.

Men can also experience oestrogen dominance when first using progesterone.

It is essential to use enough progesterone, about 100-200mg/day, to overcome the excess oestrogen. Many women use too little, 20-40mg/day, so progesterone is always in the stimulation mode. This leaves them in a permanent state of oestrogen dominance.

If symptoms are severe, for instance heavy continual bleeding or debilitating hot flushes, up to 400mg/day will be needed.

Normally men will benefit from 10-20mg/day progesterone, but if a higher than normal amount of oestrogen is present, it's advisable to use up to 100mg/day.

It is easy enough to reduce the amount of progesterone to the optimum level, once symptoms have resolved. The reduction should always be done slowly over several weeks.

Please bear in mind that stress drops progesterone levels sharply, so symptoms can come back which puzzles many. Increase the amount used over any stressful time. Large meals also drop progesterone levels, due to an increased clearance rate of the hormone.

Dark, gloomy days and winter reduce progesterone levels, because of a reduction in vitamin D. Please have a vitamin D test done as low levels reduce the benefits of progesterone. See here for home tests.

Conversely supplemental estrogen can initially make us feel better. The reason for this is oestrogen activates the progesterone receptors so making progesterone the dominant hormone, but it wears off as estrogen becomes the dominant hormone.

This is one of the reasons so many women keep changing their HRT script. There are some women who do not suffer any adverse affects, but the risks of using HRT or the contraceptive pill for any length of time are not worth it. Please see the links below.

Estrogen dominance is characterized by any of the following symptoms. These symptoms can also occur in women when first using progesterone. In men too, aside from the obvious women's problems...

  • aches and pains
  • anger
  • bleeding which comes either earlier or later than usual
  • bloating/weight gain due to water retention
  • breast tenderness
  • bruising
  • breast tenderness
  • bruising
  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • heart palpitations
  • hot flushes
  • hypoglycaemia
  • increased appetite/cravings
  • irritation
  • migraines
  • mild depression
  • mood swings
  • muscle weakness
  • nausea
  • skin problems/acne/melasma
  • spotting
  • tiredness/chronic fatigue
  • weight gain
If you experience any of these symptoms then your choice is to either...

  • increase the dose and persevere with the symptoms, or
  • reduce the dose considerably to begin with and then gradually increase it over a month or two. This will understandably take longer to resolve symptoms
The Pill and HRT contain estrogen and synthetic progesterone (which is commonly called 'progestin'). Progestins cause natural progesterone levels to drop, leading to many of the above symptoms.

If you are on either HRT or a contraceptive pill and you wish to come off it, it's far gentler on the body to do this gradually in conjunction with progesterone, please see here.

  • large meals (due to the increased metabolic clearance rate of progesterone)
  • all forms of oestrogen
  • oxidised fats, (ie margarine, refined oils, and fried foods, in particular fried animal protein)
  • pasteurised, homogenised milk
  • all non-organic dairy products and animal protein. Factory farms use growth hormones and especially estrogen as it causes a rapid increase in fat deposits
  • tap water, which is now contaminated with prescription drugs, including oestrogen from the Pill and HRT, plus the oestrogen mimics generated by industry. Drink only filtered water
Read all labels on containers, especially those for food and cosmetics. Look for natural alternatives to body care products, many contain high levels of endocrine disruptors and carcinogens, particularly the sunscreens.

Read more: Estrogen dominance
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Read more: Estrogen dominance
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


Aug 14, 2015
The term "estrogen dominance" was coined to describe the 'adverse' symptoms often encountered by men and women if they have a naturally high level of estrogen or, in the case of women, have been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or the contraceptive Pill for any length of time and therefore have low progesterone levels.

Initially progesterone has a stimulatory effect. This is because progesterone activates the oestrogen receptors so making oestrogen the dominant hormone which makes many men and women feel worse.

With progesterone therapy, progesterone gradually becomes the dominant hormone and symptoms begin to ease. Some women never experience estrogen dominance, in others it can take several days, whilst in others it can last longer. Much depends on the amount of excess oestrogen that is present.

Men can also experience oestrogen dominance when first using progesterone.

It is essential to use enough progesterone, about 100-200mg/day, to overcome the excess oestrogen. Many women use too little, 20-40mg/day, so progesterone is always in the stimulation mode. This leaves them in a permanent state of oestrogen dominance.

If symptoms are severe, for instance heavy continual bleeding or debilitating hot flushes, up to 400mg/day will be needed.

Normally men will benefit from 10-20mg/day progesterone, but if a higher than normal amount of oestrogen is present, it's advisable to use up to 100mg/day.

It is easy enough to reduce the amount of progesterone to the optimum level, once symptoms have resolved. The reduction should always be done slowly over several weeks.

Please bear in mind that stress drops progesterone levels sharply, so symptoms can come back which puzzles many. Increase the amount used over any stressful time.

Hello, during the first few months of therapy, is the cream to be used daily or only on non-menstruating days, in your opinion?


Jul 13, 2014
I just wanted to post this site all about progesterone. Read her story. It's all about increasing progesterone. Very good information. Lets just say if you are trying to increase progesterone it is a must read because if you dont in increase it properly it will just keep circulating and you will still suffer from symptoms. Especially women.

is it ok for men to take progesterone


Nov 10, 2014
is it ok for men to take progesterone
Yes but way less. Either go to the site I posted or read the second post that explains alot. Half way down it explains dose for men.


Jul 2, 2017
how the hell do you use 100-200 mg of progesterone a day? My bottle has 30 servings of 20mg
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