Emotional Effects Of Peating. Do You Crave Love Or Sex?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Noticed no relationship with diet.
About man vs women behavior, my experience as a woman is that men's behavior is usually responsible for a lack of sex drive. This is the only thing that makes a difference for me. If I feel pressed too much, then I lack connection in the present, by feeling pushed toward the future. If I can feel I am invited step by step, then it is ok. The conexion makes a sort of energetical spiral going up with both at the same time. It has to do with mirror neurons...


Feb 20, 2013
I think estrogen causes pushy and needy behavior for both love and sex, and anger when you dont get it. When your progesterone and androgens are high and you feel good, you are carefree about it. That's why most men today do not turn women on anymore. Because they are constantly stalking women and begging for them to have their phone number, have a date, go to dinner, be their girlfriend, etc. A healthy man doesn't do this needy type of behavior and can let women come to them, because he isn't trying to be creepy all the time and turn women off. Most guys I know who are naturally good with women never chase or try to pick women up, they are just fun/carefree guys to be around. Being fun and carefree seems like a good metabolic state to be in vs needy and desperate which is driven by high estrogen and low androgens/progesterone.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I'm with hamster; libido is sky-high. Connection is nice, but I don't need it like I used to (no feeling of lack as much.)


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Yah I think it's different for women. Outside of ovulation there is no biological imperative for sex, hence women tend to want it much less than men. I still can't quite wrap my head around what the biological purpose of men being able to constantly impregnate endless scores of women is... But if I had that capability I would probably want sex all the time too.

I don't crave either thing you listed. But I have infant twins so my needs/wants have shifted dramatically. I crave baby snuggles.

Insatiable sexual appetite is a sign of estrogen overload, not good health. OP's premise is flawed, sex or love, assuming they are equal as stated, aren't positively correllated with good health. I actually think often times horniness and desperation are compensating for the engative emotions one experiences when in poor health. Sure, when the stress hormones are low and androgens are high men are still confident and have libido, but they lack uncontrollable urges driving them into danger or irrationality.

It's anecdotal, but at 18 years old me and my buddies would get all hopped up on stims and eat loads of whey proteina nd muscle meats which probably meant we had high serotonin, cortisol, adrenaline and probably high estrogen from drinking beer as well. We were constantly talking about girls and sex and only cared if a girl was "hot enough to bone" or whatever... the stress hormones hence cotnribute to anti-intellectual masculinity that is defintiely a problem and has been for a long time. It was probably better a hundred or mroe years ago when men had their wits about them and were more rational and approached women with care and respect (generally speaking)... these days I see most men reverting to a very base and primal style of mating- look at the rap/electroninc music/drug scene, its all very dumb. Even go into any bar and listen to how the guys talk, its typically putrid.

Anyways that's my rant, and I beleive the stress hormones keep men frome xperiencing love/emotonal complexities in life and finding beauty in non-sexual things.

Peating also enhances the sexual experience in itself because it becomes much more vivid and feeling, not just a quick physical dopamine release on a backdrop of serotonin and cortisol, and doing nothing to bring estrogen back down.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Insatiable sexual appetite is a sign of estrogen overload, not good health. OP's premise is flawed, sex or love, assuming they are equal as stated, aren't positively correllated with good health. I actually think often times horniness and desperation are compensating for the engative emotions one experiences when in poor health. Sure, when the stress hormones are low and androgens are high men are still confident and have libido, but they lack uncontrollable urges driving them into danger or irrationality.

It's anecdotal, but at 18 years old me and my buddies would get all hopped up on stims and eat loads of whey proteina nd muscle meats which probably meant we had high serotonin, cortisol, adrenaline and probably high estrogen from drinking beer as well. We were constantly talking about girls and sex and only cared if a girl was "hot enough to bone" or whatever... the stress hormones hence cotnribute to anti-intellectual masculinity that is defintiely a problem and has been for a long time. It was probably better a hundred or mroe years ago when men had their wits about them and were more rational and approached women with care and respect (generally speaking)... these days I see most men reverting to a very base and primal style of mating- look at the rap/electroninc music/drug scene, its all very dumb. Even go into any bar and listen to how the guys talk, its typically putrid.

Anyways that's my rant, and I beleive the stress hormones keep men frome xperiencing love/emotonal complexities in life and finding beauty in non-sexual things.

Peating also enhances the sexual experience in itself because it becomes much more vivid and feeling, not just a quick physical dopamine release on a backdrop of serotonin and cortisol, and doing nothing to bring estrogen back down.
Strongly agree with this; just hop on over to bodybuilding.com and see the average IQ drop a standard deviation.


Nov 9, 2012
Insatiable sexual appetite is a sign of estrogen overload, not good health.

From personal experience I think it is a sign of poor health generally - it's possible to have this symptom while being low in estrogen.


Mar 1, 2013
i remember being outside all day long in the summer with such insane sex drive I was on the ground just non stop.
Oct 5, 2016
Hey guys we have to find him a girl asap loool

Just kidding

Healthy system ask for love( which include kisses , intercourse, friendship)

Craving for sex as intercourse is not healthy imho
Oct 5, 2016
@thegiantess its not true about men

Youre right about most men
Because most men have pshycholical problems due to life (past love, parents , society...)

I know a lot of good men that they see their wife (or gf) as everything

They consider her the only girl alive

And others are nothing but society ...

Unfortunately , most of men and most of women have psychological problems

Craving for love is natural and healthy


Sex is nothing but a minimal part of life

But love (passion compassion and trust.... ) is 90 percent of life

Even if you tried to look at it logically

24 hours
We can have sex 2 hours maximum
1 every morning
And 1 hour at night

22 hours remains
Thats the difference between having sex and making love

Trust me sex is nothing in comparison with love nothing nothing
Oct 5, 2016

Tons of olive oil equal good amount of vitamin e

Well olive oil is very good for libido

If you dont want to use it
U can rely on vitamin e with some coconut oil on a daily basis

After 2 days i believe u will see the same or better than the olive oil diet

Good luck
Oct 5, 2016
Craving for sex and not getting it quickly is estrogen dominance

Testosterone dominance would like something . Plan for it in a matter of minutes and get it like a beast

:D :D. :D


Jan 25, 2014
I'm kinda many times almost dumbstruck when I hear people talk about love, it's like the most misused, abused word ever and it's completely pointless because it doesn't specify anything really.

That's the way I look at it anyway :p

When it comes to sex I'm kinda in a bad spot because I've found that if my libido is high I crave sex, but even if my libido is low I still crave sex, or rather I crave having high libido. Balance is what I would be looking for I guess, being able to have a satisfying sexlife to me is having very strong libido so the sex is satisfying enough so that I feel at peace after. I want balance and control over my sexuality, I want to be strong and independent but also brave enough to be able to face my weaknesses (if nessesary) if that is love or not I don't think really matters too much to me, wanting good for myself and those around me seems like a pretty sane approach. If we take the word good, that's good enough for me, to me love is just another word for good but it's a more "out there" word just can't relate to it lol.

Perhaps there is a adrenalin driven libido and a thyroid driven libido

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I think estrogen causes pushy and needy behavior for both love and sex, and anger when you dont get it. When your progesterone and androgens are high and you feel good, you are carefree about it. That's why most men today do not turn women on anymore. Because they are constantly stalking women and begging for them to have their phone number, have a date, go to dinner, be their girlfriend, etc. A healthy man doesn't do this needy type of behavior and can let women come to them, because he isn't trying to be creepy all the time and turn women off. Most guys I know who are naturally good with women never chase or try to pick women up, they are just fun/carefree guys to be around. Being fun and carefree seems like a good metabolic state to be in vs needy and desperate which is driven by high estrogen and low androgens/progesterone.

That's interesting because since taking progesterone I feel incredibly needy. Not just for sex, but for intimacy on all levels. There is some desperation that accompanies not being able to have it all the time and I feel more determined to find a partner or reconnect with past lovers. It's almost becoming unbearable.
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