Dying of AIDS and Cancer - not joking. Proton Therapy ($2500) may be my last hope. Anyone able to donate?

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Dec 23, 2020
I asked dr. Peat if there was ever a case where patient with aids got cured of it. This is his response:
Yes, giving attention to the symptoms. A blood test for hormones is important, especially TSH, cortisol, vitamin D.


Jun 21, 2018

I sent you a PM. I can help you turn things around. It won't cost anywhere near $2,500.

Let me know if you'd like to chat and receive help.


Mar 26, 2014
You might like to read up on "Inventing the AIDS virus" (Thoroughly debunked on Wiki, that's how I know it is reputable - my copy cost £60, a lot for "worthless" info), and concentrate on the cancer.

(That is not to say immune system deficiency cannot exist, of course)


RAY PEAT DIET/LIFE. Dying of AIDS & Cancer. NOT A JOKE. I need to survive and thrive. Don't want to die at age 31.

CASH APP username: $SOMOx

In the last 2 months I blew through 20K in savings on medical expenses, expensive supplements, organic healthy food, ambulance rides and rent. In October 2021 I was diagnosed with AIDS and cancer simultaneously and it is terrifying knowing I'm dying. Now I need a type of radiation treatment called Proton Therapy for cancer. It's supposed to be more effective and safer than traditional radiation. I told my doctors I'm not doing chemo or traditional radiation, but Proton Therapy is not covered by my insurance.

The fee for the Proton treatments is a flat fee of $2500 up front. I would appreciate any help in reaching this goal, if you donate even $1 I will owe you my LIFE literally and be very grateful.

Please consider donating, I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, but I don't want to die at age 31.

Thanks for reading. Not looking for pity, only support from the Peat community.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNmHT1AFsE

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS590Xtq9M4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTd5dv3VDws

I would encourage you to not trust the medical profession for anything, and start dry fasting in spite of what Ray Peat thinks about fasting, as well as perform green coffee enemas.
This may well prove to be the solution to your ailments.


May 30, 2018
start dry fasting in spite of what Ray Peat thinks about fasting
I'm not sure you will follow this advice, but in case you do, you could also supplement osmolytes and boron along with dry fasting.

Vitamin D1 might also interest you:


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Semen is a immuno suppressant. If it is getting shot in your butthole, then id suggest stop taking it in the butt. The hole is not meant for semen. When you mix it with blood and ***t of course your gonna have issues. Stop that first!
Solid advice, although a bit graphic.


Oct 6, 2020
Cistus Incanus tea is a potent antiretroviral/anti-HIV medicine (Potent in vitro antiviral activity of Cistus incanus extract against HIV and Filoviruses targets viral envelope proteins - Scientific Reports)

I don't know, maybe it could help you. I was pretty sick and since drinking this stuff daily for the past couple months my health has only gotten better and better.

"Case study:

A case from my Swiss practice (Swiss BioHealth): a 29 year old woman was mostly confined to bed for the last 8 years. She was diagnosed with Lyme disease, ME, POTS and Leaky Gut, and had been on multiple antibiotic regimes before coming to my care. She was highly sensitive to almost anything taken orally and restricted to only 3 foods she could eat. She was depressed and her parents had run out of money unable to support her beyond her immediate needs. I started her on ½ capsule MegaSPore Biotic until her food sensitivities improved and she could expand her food choices. We increased the MegaSPore to 2 caps/day. Then we added the Stevia-sweetened Sardinian Cistus tea. At first she could only tolerate 1 tablespoon twice daily (she kept the prepared tea in the fridge), and we slowly increased the dosage.

Over a 3-month period she was able to drink the recommended 6 cups/day and reported, that with each increase of dose, symptoms she had for years “fell away” – first the nausea, then the insomnia improved and the anxiety lessened, then the brain fog lifted, then the muscle and joint pain disappeared, then she was able to walk increasingly long distances. When I saw her again 6 months later she was basically fully recovered. At that time we needed to do some psychological interventions (PK, MFT) to deal with her remaining low level depression, which responded beautifully to identifying a “systemic issue” and bringing some healing to it: her mother had lost a sister very early in her life. I have also seen beautiful outcomes in children with autism and ADHD, adults with ME, food intolerances, MS, a case of breast cancer, most patients with Lyme…."
Sardinian Cistus Incanus: A simple treatment of many – if not most – chronic illnesses? | Klinghardt Institute

I hope that you get better soon brother!

Realy interesting. Only the tea or did you add the stevia?
There also seems to be a difference between regular commercial or ethanol derived whole extracts.

I doubt you follow Klinghardts entire protocoll? Because similar to cowdens ... it does one thing effectively 100% ... empty ones wallet. Damn.


Nov 23, 2020
Please look into Low Dose Naltrexone. It stabilizes the immune system and is potent against cancer. You take only 4.5 mg at night and it's cheap.
This is for auto immune diseases, for those Overworking immune system causing things like Thyroid anti-bodies.


Mar 27, 2018
I would encourage you to not trust the medical profession for anything, and start dry fasting in spite of what Ray Peat thinks about fasting, as well as perform green coffee enemas.
This may well prove to be the solution to your ailments.
My bowel movements are perfect.

No wiping required, 1 or 2 movements daily, no smell. I don’t think washing my butt with coffee will do much.

I think Proton Therapy is more promising.


May 4, 2019
Realy interesting. Only the tea or did you add the stevia?
There also seems to be a difference between regular commercial or ethanol derived whole extracts.

I doubt you follow Klinghardts entire protocoll? Because similar to cowdens ... it does one thing effectively 100% ... empty ones wallet. Damn.

Yeah just the tea. Stevia tastes weird.

Of course I don't know if it was actually the tea drinking that made all the difference (or if it was probiotics, or diet changes, or the insane experiment with 10 weeks of taking fenbendazole) but since chugging 2 litres of Cistus Incanus on a daily basis all of my symptoms have started to dissipate.


My bowel movements are perfect.

No wiping required, 1 or 2 movements daily, no smell. I don’t think washing my butt with coffee will do much.

I think Proton Therapy is more promising.

Coffee enema are for the liver, not for the butt.


Oct 6, 2020
Yeah just the tea. Stevia tastes weird.

Of course I don't know if it was actually the tea drinking that made all the difference (or if it was probiotics, or diet changes, or the insane experiment with 10 weeks of taking fenbendazole) but since chugging 2 litres of Cistus Incanus on a daily basis all of my symptoms have started to dissipate.

Cool. Glad you found something that helps you man.


Jan 9, 2019
RAY PEAT DIET/LIFE. Dying of AIDS & Cancer. NOT A JOKE. I need to survive and thrive. Don't want to die at age 31.

CASH APP username: $SOMOx

In the last 2 months I blew through 20K in savings on medical expenses, expensive supplements, organic healthy food, ambulance rides and rent. In October 2021 I was diagnosed with AIDS and cancer simultaneously and it is terrifying knowing I'm dying. Now I need a type of radiation treatment called Proton Therapy for cancer. It's supposed to be more effective and safer than traditional radiation. I told my doctors I'm not doing chemo or traditional radiation, but Proton Therapy is not covered by my insurance.

The fee for the Proton treatments is a flat fee of $2500 up front. I would appreciate any help in reaching this goal, if you donate even $1 I will owe you my LIFE literally and be very grateful.

Please consider donating, I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, but I don't want to die at age 31.

Thanks for reading. Not looking for pity, only support from the Peat community.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNmHT1AFsE

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS590Xtq9M4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTd5dv3VDws

@SOMO you and I have had several interactions on the forum. Pleasant ones. But I've never seen anything like this before from you.. with respect, your account hasn't been hacked I hope?

On the other hand how do you feel? You haven't mentioned how you feel, doctors can say a lot of stuff and do a lot of tests but misdiagnosed cancer is not uncommon and proving so called AIDS is even more shady.

I would do high dose aspirin and sodium bicarbonate therapy. Following Peats advice seems like the best bet for cancer (as his whole method is oriented to restore the cells structure) rather than something like what you've linked. I would encourage you to contact Ray, repeatedly if necessary.

No disrespect, just trying to understand.


Mar 27, 2018
SOMO, were/are you on antiretrovirals?
I wasn’t on ARVs for many years. I was diagnosed in 2015 and took them for maybe 2 years before stopping
@SOMO you and I have had several interactions on the forum. Pleasant ones. But I've never seen anything like this before from you.. with respect, your account hasn't been hacked I hope?

On the other hand how do you feel? You haven't mentioned how you feel, doctors can say a lot of stuff and do a lot of tests but misdiagnosed cancer is not uncommon and proving so called AIDS is even more shady.

I would do high dose aspirin and sodium bicarbonate therapy. Following Peats advice seems like the best bet for cancer (as his whole method is oriented to restore the cells structure) rather than something like what you've linked. I would encourage you to contact Ray, repeatedly if necessary.

No disrespect, just trying to understand.

View: https://youtu.be/3braYIRSw_8

No my account hasn't been hacked. Unfortunately I did have symptoms in September/early October - excessive tiredness, hearing voices, and being unable to walk due to balance issues and knee pain. Also thank you to the Anonymous donor who donated $50. I'm so grateful to you and this community

Also I'm convinced the HIV/HAART drugs simply function as a potent antimicrobial and if most people have gut dysbiosis/too much bacteria as Ray Peat has claimed a few times, it would make sense that the HIV drugs would help some people, but obviously while simultaneously harming them.


Apr 18, 2018
Whilst I certainly dont profess to know anything about your situation, if I were in your position I would be using aspirin, glycine, tocovit, pyrucet and panquinone as staples in addition to a low pufa diet with adequate protein and carbs. Restoring electron flow is critical. I'd add progesterone and perhaps thyroid to that list as well.

Hows your breathing? Is it possible you've been poisoned by something?


Jan 25, 2014
I'm not sure, the doctor said my immune system was weak and this caused the HIV to form blood clots. It sounded like bull**** soup to me honestly, but that was their explanation. Anyway the blood clot is almost fully dissolved and I can't feel it anymore (yes, I felt the blood clot in my thigh and arm before.)

I think the pineapple Bromelain really helps more than anything. The blood thinner they prescribed me (Eliquis) was giving me heart palpitation and it was scary.

I'm sorry to hear what's happening to you. I agree with your assessment here, about the blood clot diagnosis. It makes sense that Bromelain was safer and just as/more effective than Eliquis. My mom just told me that she has been regularly eating pineapple for a while now, and she hasn't needed a cortisone injection for her chronic knee pain in almost a year now. So I absolutely think Bromelain could have busted up your clots (with Aspirin, Vitamin E and Anti-Serotonin chemicals being other prime candidates).

I don't know much about Proton Therapy, and probably wouldn't choose it myself, but you have to do what you think is best for you.

I think Peat quoted Hardin Jones in saying that no tumor/cancer should ever be considered "terminal" until the patient is dead, as there is always a chance for a spontaneous recovery.

And as for HIV/AIDS, well, Magic Johnson had a positive test 29 years ago. When he spoke at the All Star Game last year, he looked like one of the healthiest 60 year olds on the planet. Certainly, not on death's door-

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncd6KI_SvbE

The point being that people survive "terminal" diagnoses all the time, there are always things you can do to improve your health, and such. To that end, it's better to focus on what you will do a few years or so from now, rather than thinking "I don't want to die." Like, if you planned a trip or a move or a career switch or something to take place in, say, 2023. It will give you something to focus on and look forward to in this life, and that could be a huge boost. I did this on a smaller scale when I had to have two ankle surgeries, so I had something to look forward to during the operations, recovery, and time in between.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
And as for HIV/AIDS, well, Magic Johnson had a positive test 29 years ago. When he spoke at the All Star Game last year, he looked like one of the healthiest 60 year olds on the planet. Certainly, not on death's door-

I'm pretty sure M. Johnson is still alive and doing well because he avoided taking the toxic AIDS harmaceuticals. It's been a long while and I have a very vague memory of the time, but I think I remember talk of him being influenced by people associated with the Rethinking AIDS group, who would have warned him to stay away from the harmful AIDS-inducing drugs.


Jan 22, 2017
My bowel movements are perfect.

No wiping required, 1 or 2 movements daily, no smell. I don’t think washing my butt with coffee will do much.

I think Proton Therapy is more promising.

@SOMO What's your environment like? What city/state/country are you in? You won't get better if you live in a ***t environment. By ***t environment I mean living in a population dense area with lots of 5g, wifi, etc., living too far from the equator, not getting enough sun. Dry Fasting, deuterium depletion, and sunlight are your best bets.


Mar 27, 2018
This is for auto immune diseases, for those Overworking immune system causing things like Thyroid anti-bodies.

I already take low dose naltrexone, it doesn't work or does nothing.
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