
Aug 9, 2013
Actually I think he is the opposite of peat. Seems to be very into determinism and I don’t think he ever talks about the socio economic stress of life.

Literally every interview/podcast/talk he has done has a huge focus on socio-economic stresses.


Aug 9, 2013
Gabor Maté: How to Build a Culture of Good Health

Here's an article by Mate with a few quotes below from it.

You don't see the similarity with Peat, @pinacolada ?

Gabor Mate said:
We human beings are biopsychosocial creatures whose health or illness reflects our relationship with the world we inhabit—including all the variables of family, class, gender, race, political status, and the physical ecology of which we are a part.

Gabor Mate said:
People I saw with chronic disease of all kinds—from malignancies or autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or ulcerative colitis to persistent skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and neurological disorders like Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and even dementia—were characterized by certain unmistakable emotional life patterns. Among these was the chronic repression of so-called negative emotions, especially of healthy anger, as in the Woody Allen character’s wry confession; an overriding sense of duty, role, and responsibility; an undue concern for the emotional needs of others while ignoring one’s own; and, finally, a core belief—again, often unconscious—that one is responsible for how other people feel and that one must never disappoint others.

Gabor Mate said:
Parents stressed by multigenerational trauma, relationship issues, economic insecurity, maternal depression, or social disconnection are simply unable to give their children the “mutually responsive” attuned interactions that optimal childhood development requires. The result is the epidemic of developmental disorders among our children that we are now witnessing. In line with the prevailing ideology, the medical response is mostly pharmaceutical. Rather than considering the environment that, throughout childhood, shapes the brain, we seek to manipulate the child’s brain chemistry instead.

Gabor Mate said:
What then are people to do when doctors, the gatekeepers to health care and its primary providers, are blind to the basic realities of what generates health and what undermines it? When their training denies them knowledge of the unshakeable unity of mind and body, of emotions and physiology? When they do not recognize that social factors are far more powerful determinants of health than genetic predispositions? When they are unaware of the powerful role of psychological trauma in human life?

Gabor Mate said:
Policymakers and community leaders need to be taught that economic and social disparities, insecurities, and stresses, as well as racial or ethnic inequalities, inevitably result in health problems and vastly increased health costs. In truth, almost all diseases are social diseases.

Gabor Mate said:
Health promotion must begin at conception. In the womb the growing human is already affected by maternal stress.

Gabor Mate said:
The importance of nutrition and a healthy ecology, of an environment free of toxins and pollution, need hardly be stressed. They, too, are social issues more than individual ones.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Gabor Maté: How to Build a Culture of Good Health

Here's an article by Mate with a few quotes below from it.

You don't see the similarity with Peat, @pinacolada ?
You’re right I’m sorry. I should have wrote the socio economic corporate issues. He’s vague. That’s why I see him as a left Gate keeper. He acts like politicians don’t know something like flint was poisoning children and all we need is more education. We need to teach people, educate them, emotionally free them.

No, we need to fight corruption. That is exactly why I don’t trust him.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I understand, but that just means our approach is to specifically and relentlessly share the fallacy that you can somehow be "socially liberal" while condeming the very people you pretend to care about with a zealous advocacy of "liberal" economics.

I'm not sure if it was posted here but there was a pretty protracted conversation with Bernie Sanders on the rogan podcast recently.

It's probably a decent thing to share to those that believe they're politically engaged just by watching corporate news.

This second video is short but a great way to outline the fallacy of neoliberalism to those that are disengaged, too.

It's literally up to people like us to challenge the current dogma and to cut through propaganda with reasoned argument. The media will never ever do it for us.

And this is how MSM responded to Bernie joking about his wife’s interest in aliens on the Joe Rogan show

Bernie Sanders pledges to reveal info on aliens if he wins in 2020

I agree that media will never “do it for us” but I also think media has such a strong effect on psychology that it’d be unfair to not call it how I see it when it comes to the brain washing and mind ******* and divisiveness of almost every single news source, including the ones people consider “left”


Aug 9, 2013
You’re right I’m sorry. I should have wrote the socio economic corporate issues. He’s vague. That’s why I see him as a left Gate keeper. He acts like politicians don’t know something like flint was poisoning children and all we need is more education. We need to teach people, educate them, emotionally free them.

No, we need to fight corruption. That is exactly why I don’t trust him.

He doesn't say that we don't need to fight corruption. I see a huge undertone through all his work of being anti-establishment.

I think his views seems very mixed, and I certainly don't think he's a gate keeper of the left.

Here's some quotes from an interview about the aftermath of Mueller investigation:

Gabor Mate said:
GABOR MATÉ: What’s interesting is that in the aftermath of the Mueller thunderbolt of no proof of collusion, there were articles about how people are disappointed about this finding.

Now, disappointment means that you’re expecting something and you wanted something to happen, and it didn’t happen. So that means that some people wanted Mueller to find evidence of collusion, which means that emotionally they were invested in it. It wasn’t just that they wanted to know the truth. They actually wanted the truth to look a certain way. And wherever we want the truth to look a certain way, there’s some reason that has to do with their own emotional needs and not just with the concern for reality.
... And I, really, as I observed this whole Russiagate phenomenon from the beginning, it really seemed to me that there was a lot of emotionality in it that had little to do with the actual facts of the case.

Gabor Mate said:
GABOR MATÉ: For example, in Chile, there’s an elected government that America cheerfully overthrows, even boasts about it. Not to mention the current interference in Venezuela, the internal politics. Not to mention, how as you’ve pointed out, many others have pointed out, and [Time] boasts about it on its cover, about how United States helped Boris Yeltsin get elected.

Gabor Mate said:
GABOR MATÉ: First of all, if we actually look at who Mueller is, who is he?

He’s a man who, amongst many others, was 100 percent convinced that Iraq had weapons of mass discussion.

So given the line supported by Mueller led to the deaths of several hundred thousand Iraqi people and thousands of Americans, and has incurred costs that we all are fully aware of in terms of rise in terrorism and embroilment in multiple wars and situations, it takes an act of powerful historical amnesia for people to believe that this man is going to be our savior. That’s the first point. Just incredible historical amnesia number one.


Aug 9, 2013
Has Mate ever named Allen dulles or Bush or **** Cheney? Doubt that. How traumatizing was the Zapruder film?

He does mention Iraq a lot, eg above in my quotes.

another example:

Gabor Mate said:
Rather than looking at how under the Clinton, they’ve jailed hundreds of thousands of people who should never have been in jail. Looking at how under the Bushes and under Obama, there was this massive transfer of wealth upwards. Instead of asking why Barack Obama gets $400,000 for an hour speech to Wall Street, which means that maybe our faith in how our system operates needs to be shaken a bit so we can actually look at what’s really going on, let’s just put our attention on some foreign devil again.

Gabor Mate said:
Many major movements in American history have been driven by lies and people being manipulated.

And the same newspapers that will eventually publish the Pentagon Papers and win awards for telling the truth will never apologize for having told the lies in the first place that later on they had to correct. And the newspapers that pushed the weapons of mass destruction narrative never apologized and said, “We were wrong. We contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.” They just carry on as if nothing happened.

Gabor Mate said:
And when the next item comes along, they’ll still sign on to the elite narrative. Which means to say that the public needs to have some historical memory. And to know that these sources that you trust as the fountains of truth and the sources of information at least be critical. At least be objective. Don’t be so quick to jump on board. Don’t be so quick to assume that because almost the whole media is broadcasting, trumpeting a certain line, that that line represents reality. Learn from history. Learn from this one. Learn from this Russiagate thing that they were all saying for years that this is a given fact. All of a sudden it turns out not to be a given fact. Well, next time, don’t be so quick to believe them.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
He does mention Iraq a lot, eg above in my quotes.

another example:
I get it, but so does Noam Chomsky. I think the devil is in the details. He can talk about things in a vague intelligent way, but I think language is a major tool and someone in his position has the responsibility to say something more in line with russia gate is a 1950s hoax to promote tensions with Russia and escalate McCarthyite politics all over the world in an effort to destroy independent economies. Instead he calls it historical amnesia and says be careful when it happens next time. Not necessarily a call to arms. That’s just my point. I could be wrong I have no vested interest in being right. No body is paying me to critique Gabor Mate.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
He does mention Iraq a lot, eg above in my quotes.

another example:
“Capitalism makes us sick”...but so does socialism and communism?

“I grew up in communist Hungary, where the joke of course was: What is capitalism? Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man, and what is communism? It’s opposite *laughs*. I grew up in a system that spoke the language of socialism, that spoke the language of struggle, of anti-imperialism, of equality and justice, but in it’s actual functioning was just the very opposite.”
America in denial: Gabor Maté on the psychology of Russiagate (Interview transcript)

Isn’t Hungary paying mothers $30,000 a year to have children? Wait tell me again why socialists in America want to pay for medical care they can’t afford?

Hungary is offering women £30,000 to have more babies

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
He does mention Iraq a lot, eg above in my quotes.

another example:
“There is no question that for a lot of people in this country, the election of Trump was a traumatic event. Now, when a trauma reaction happens, which is to say you’re hurt and you’re pained and you’re confused and you’re scared and you’re bewildered, there’s basically two things you can do about it. One is you can own that I’m pained and I’m hurt and I’m bewildered and I’m really scared. And then try and look at what happened to bring me to that situation.”

Um no. Trump being elected was not traumatic. It was fraudulent. What brought Americans that fraud is that many thousands of votes were computer vote flipped/deleted by the GOP in key electoral states to give Trump his fraudulent electoral college "win", as also happened in the 2004 and 2000 BushJr-Cheney election thefts.

Media Attacks Follow Jill Stein’s Demand For Electoral Integrity
May 15, 2019
Sorry, I didn't watch the video.

Trump is.......awesome? Yeah that's right. If you don't "get" Trump's personality and style, then you should try a little harder. There's nothing wrong with Trump. He's an "America first" businessman with Northeast style.
Yep he sure is and this lady appreciates our President he is getting the job done inspite of career politicians. The powers that have had the reign can't stop falling all over themselves.

Kitty Felinski

New Member
Jul 27, 2019
The only ones traumatized are the Leftists who didn't get the corrupt President they wanted "Hillary Clinton".
I feel people on the Left have lost their minds. Literally LOST THEIR MINDS!
Trump is NOT evil. He's not working with Putin. He's not Hitler.
The Democratic Party has turned into a Socialist nightmare full of bad ideas. They call everyone they don't agree with a RACIST!
CNN and MSNBC push the anti Trump agenda 24/7. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube all run by the LEFT!
I really don't understand the Left anymore and they endorse domestic terrorists like ANTIFA who go around assaulting people.
I used to be a Democrat and I just can't be a part of that unhinged group anymore.
I like Trump because he's helping America to prosper.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Trump started off good, then seems to have caved to 'specific interests'...just like every other President. I still don't like the media going at him as they are even worse. Scary times right now with Corporate censorship combining with 5G - he appears impotent in this matter. Is Tulsi the answer? Anyone like FFWN?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
The only ones traumatized are the Leftists who didn't get the corrupt President they wanted "Hillary Clinton".
I feel people on the Left have lost their minds. Literally LOST THEIR MINDS!
Trump is NOT evil. He's not working with Putin. He's not Hitler.
The Democratic Party has turned into a Socialist nightmare full of bad ideas. They call everyone they don't agree with a RACIST!
CNN and MSNBC push the anti Trump agenda 24/7. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube all run by the LEFT!
I really don't understand the Left anymore and they endorse domestic terrorists like ANTIFA who go around assaulting people.
I used to be a Democrat and I just can't be a part of that unhinged group anymore.
I like Trump because he's helping America to prosper.

Democrats are not left. Democrats could care less about the working class. Corporatism is fascism which is why trump gets called a fascist. If you are at all open to learning about the history of fascism you will see the rights of laborers were one of the first things nazis took away, including the destruction of unions. Calling themselves “national socialists” was done intentionally to further confuse uneducated and people not involved in politics.

Last edited:


Jan 12, 2019
Democrats are Left. The Soviet Union was Left. The CCP is Left. They are ideologically and in many ways policy aligned with any non-democrat whom you are going to try to name as "the real left."

Trump is not a fascist. Fascism and corporatism are words with actual definitions, most clearly articulated by Mussolini and Franco. If you think these concepts have anything to do with Trump or any right wing movement in America, you are beyond salvation. Even Nazism can better be thought of as German National Socialism than Fascism; it departed quite radically from Mussolini's tenets into economic totalitarianism.

To me the interesting takeaway from this thread is how the commie left has not really evolved since the 30s. Smearing people with psychiatric labels is a characteristically leftist trick that goes back to commies like Wilhelm Reich and Adorno ("authoritarian"). Calling people crazy in some medical way and then locking them up was a common Soviet tactic of intimidation and control.

I looked into this Gabor Maté guy and he's quite obviously another one of these sponsored smoke screens like Jordan Peterson, or whoever the flavor of the month is. Spit out a bunch of half baked platitudes that can be interesting enough to distract people without getting at any hard political or physio-economic realities. I'm also pretty sure that just like Bernie (who was cited approvingly above) he's a warmonger who runs cover for Israel and runs cover for infinity immigration to serve the interests of his sponsors.
Last edited:

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Democrats are Left. The Soviet Union was Left. The CCP is Left. They are ideologically and in many ways policy aligned with any non-democrat whom you are going to try to name as "the real left."

Trump is not a fascist. Fascism and corporatism are words with actual definitions, most clearly articulated by Mussolini and Franco. If you think these concepts have anything to do with Trump or any right wing movement in America, you are beyond salvation. Even Nazism can better be thought of as German National Socialism than Fascism; it departed quite radically from Mussolini's tenets into economic totalitarianism.

To me the interesting takeaway from this thread is how the commie left has not really evolved since the 30s. Smearing people with psychiatric labels is a characteristically leftist trick that goes back to commies like Wilhelm Reich and Adorno ("authoritarian"). Calling people crazy in some medical way and then locking them up was a common Soviet tactic of intimidation and control.

I looked into this Gabor Maté guy and he's quite obviously another one of these sponsored smoke screens like Jordan Peterson, or whoever the flavor of the month is. Spit out a bunch of half baked platitudes that can be interesting enough to distract people without getting at any hard political or physio-economic realities. I'm also pretty sure that just like Bernie (who was cited approvingly above) he's a warmonger who runs cover for Israel and runs cover for infinity immigration to serve the interests of his sponsors.
Adorno was a CIA manufactured new left plant just like Gabor Mate. The entire Frankfurt school served the purpose of turning economic and class warfare into the identity politics that the new left espouses today. The old left was concerned with controlling the means of production whereas the new left was and is primarily concerned with matters of consumption, hence their perfect place in psychopathic capitalist United States.


Jan 12, 2019
Adorno was a CIA manufactured new left plant just like Gabor Mate. The entire Frankfurt school served the purpose of turning economic and class warfare into the identity politics that the new left espouses today. The old left was concerned with controlling the means of production whereas the new left was and is primarily concerned with matters of consumption, hence their perfect place in psychopathic capitalist United States.

The CIA is not sponsoring Gabor Mate. I could tell you who is, but that would get me in trouble. I seriously doubt the CIA had anything to do with Adorno and friends, either. That was foreign communist security services (minimally) and a lot of homegrown American nuttiness.

The claimed omnipotence of the CIA is itself an obvious psyop because it suits a lot of people. Many would rather not deal with more complicated explanations that are obviously correct. A lot of the time it involves billionaires. A decade ago I took a lot of claims about the American Empire at face value, but then actually dove in read a lot of books and concluded it's mostly deliberately propagated bull**** (in part by the CIA itself). The CIA was very minimally involved in the overthrow of Mosaddegh and the installation of the Shah: they funded newspapers and provided intelligence. Yet the web is littered with the offhand claim that America installed the Shah, despite it being obviously false if you peel back the BS.
The CIA had nothing to do with the Ukraine revolution in 2004, yet it's a claimed American coup. The CIA was caught off-guard by the Arab color revolutions, did not cause them or even understand them very well, yet it's parroted that USG orchestrated it all.

They WERE involved substantially in Chile and Columbia during the cold war. But nine times out of ten when people claim shadowy USG organizations are driving global events it's a crock of ***t. This is the CCP line in Hong Kong right now, that it's USG intel. What exactly would they be doing to get two million people on the street? It's idiotic on its face.

We know *exactly* who lied Americans and Britons into the Iraq war and why they did it, but you get into big trouble if you name the clearly documented names and their national affiliations. But you can publically claim the CIA runs the world all day long and nothing of consequence will happen to you. Stop and think.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
The CIA is not sponsoring Gabor Mate. I could tell you who is, but that would get me in trouble. I seriously doubt the CIA had anything to do with Adorno and friends, either. That was foreign communist security services (minimally) and a lot of homegrown American nuttiness.

The claimed omnipotence of the CIA is itself an obvious psyop because it suits a lot of people. Many would rather not deal with more complicated explanations that are obviously correct. A lot of the time it involves billionaires. A decade ago I took a lot of claims about the American Empire at face value, but then actually dove in read a lot of books and concluded it's mostly deliberately propagated bull**** (in part by the CIA itself). The CIA was very minimally involved in the overthrow of Mosaddegh and the installation of the Shah: they funded newspapers and provided intelligence. Yet the web is littered with the offhand claim that America installed the Shah, despite it being obviously false if you peel back the BS.
The CIA had nothing to do with the Ukraine revolution in 2004, yet it's a claimed American coup. The CIA was caught off-guard by the Arab color revolutions, did not cause them or even understand them very well, yet it's parroted that USG orchestrated it all.

They WERE involved substantially in Chile and Columbia during the cold war. But nine times out of ten when people claim shadowy USG organizations are driving global events it's a crock of ***t. This is the CCP line in Hong Kong right now, that it's USG intel. What exactly would they be doing to get two million people on the street? It's idiotic on its face.

We know *exactly* who lied Americans and Britons into the Iraq war and why they did it, but you get into big trouble if you name the clearly documented names and their national affiliations. But you can publically claim the CIA runs the world all day long and nothing of consequence will happen to you. Stop and think.
Are you about to drop a Jews run the world?

There were definitely not 2 million protesters!!
"....Consider the image at left, while the actual size of the demonstrations were massive, the image was “heavily edited — cropped and mirrored — to multiply the size of the crowd.” It has gone viral with subsequent republications failing to mention the editing and cropping.

Then there is the omission of information, such as the purported funding of the protests in Hong Kong by the US government and a notorious CIA-affiliated NGO, the National Endowment for Democracy. This is backed by various western governments expressing sympathy for the Hong Kong protestors.
Hong Kong: Can Two Million Marchers Be Wrong? - Global Research


Jan 12, 2019
funding of the protests in Hong Kong by the US government and a notorious CIA-affiliated NGO, the National Endowment for Democracy. This is backed by various western governments expressing sympathy for the Hong Kong protestors.

This is blindingly obvious CCP propaganda but your stunted worldview only allows for "CIA" conspiracy theories. If you think the USG can cut some checks and get a couple million kids out in the street, you are either not thinking things through, or you are delusional.


Feb 21, 2017
Trump is not a fascist. Fascism and corporatism are words with actual definitions, most clearly articulated by Mussolini and Franco. If you think these concepts have anything to do with Trump or any right wing movement in America, you are beyond salvation. Even Nazism can better be thought of as German National Socialism than Fascism; it departed quite radically from Mussolini's tenets into economic totalitarianism.

I'm not going to go too far into your wider point as I can see you're too dogmatically entrenched in your position for words to change you - only life experience will. I'm going to challenge the revisionist and completely false history you put across though.

Firstly, when "corporatism" is commonly used it's referring to cronyism - governing at the behest of whatever corporate interests dicate. That's clearly what pinacolada is alluding to. Corporate interests (as in modern day corporations) are almost always tied to those governments that have fascist leanings. We can see parallels to both Trump and recent democrats in the nazi economy. The following is from wikipedia:

The Nazi government developed a partnership with leading German business interests, who supported the goals of the regime and its war effort in exchange for advantageous contracts and subsidies as well as the suppression of the trade union movement.[10] The latter was also done because the Nazi Party saw trade unions as exercising more power over the workers than it could.[11] Cartels and monopolies were encouraged at the expense of small businesses, even though the Nazis had received considerable electoral support from small business owners.[12]

Nazi Germany maintained a supply of slave labour, composed of prisoners and concentration camp inmates, which was greatly expanded after the beginning of World War II. In Poland alone, some 5 million citizens (including Polish Jews) were used as slave labour throughout the war.[13] Among the slave labourers in the occupied territories, hundreds of thousands were used by leading German corporations including Thyssen, Krupp, IG Farben, Bosch, Blaupunkt, Daimler-Benz, Demag, Henschel, Junkers, Messerschmitt, Siemens, and Volkswagen, as well as Dutch corporation Philips.[14] By 1944, slave labour made up one quarter of Germany's entire work force, and the majority of German factories had a contingent of prisoners.[15]

Just from that small text alone we can see the utter ridiculousness of comparing Hitler's policy with anything remotely socialist (it's literally the opposite of socialism). His party were called socialist in name only - it was purely branding for mass support. Hitler removed the ability of socialist parties to vote in government and socialists were the first ones Hitler imprisoned - one of his main objectives was "ridding Germany of the marxist jews".

We can see Trump quite clearly represents corporate interests - not least in the fact he (and his party) accept huge sums of corporate money, but in his actual policy and vehement denial of any program that might impact private sector profits for the public good. Added to the fact he was born into a multi-million dollar trust fund and heads a corporate interest himself that he regularly uses taxpayer money to visit his own golf courses with his entourage.

If you need any more evidence you can look at his support of the right wing coup in Venezuela. Ever since the Venezuelans nationalised their oil reserves (and removed the corrupt contracts of the previous government from exxon and other US oil companies) they've been trying to overthrow the government and put in a proxy replacement so as to exploit the oil reserve. I doubt you'll see it, but there are plenty of people on both the right and left that can see what's happening.

Added to his anti-foreigner and anti-muslim rhetoric (which is a very easy comparison to Hitler's aversion to jews), it's clear he's still indulging in divide and rule tactics to get away with worker exploitation - that sounds pretty damn like Hitler, too!

Whether he's as extreme as historical fascists is definitely debatable, but they also have a much wider reaching media machine. He's certainly further on the spectrum towards fascism than any of the recent democrats or other republicans.

We have plenty of socialist policy in Europe (widely spread across different countries). These policies include, but are not limited to:

- free healthcare as a human right
- free legal aid for those that can't afford it
- minimum wage schemes and strong union membership in some countries that help guarantee 4+weeks holiday
- nationalised (state run) railways and energy companies, ensuring they work for the public instead of allowing these natural monopolies to be pillaged by the private sector.
- state run prisons (instead of for-profit)
- worker-owned businesses - in which workers own part of full shareholder rights.

I'd say there are plenty of people on the American right wing that demonise these things and even try and brand them as evil (as utterly mad as that must sound). Do you not think people branding these common sense socialist interventions as evil might just have a vested interest in pushing such rhetoric?

I understand the right wing aren't all fascists but there are plenty veering in such a direction.
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