Does anyone have an appendicitis cure ?



Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois

My doctor told me that nothing on the CT scan is indicative of a viral or bacterial infection, rather he thinks that I have stomach ulcers due from all the aspirin that I started taking three weeks ago in excess. I was taking between two and four 325 mg aspirins a day, and I thought that doing so was not a problem since other people in on this forum have taken upwards of three grams a day with no problems. I have been prescribed a stomach medication, and I had a blood test done also and will have the results sometime tomorrow. Since developing these symptoms, I have already cut out the aspirin, so I will probably stay away from aspirin, at least for a little while.


Aug 17, 2018

My doctor told me that nothing on the CT scan is indicative of a viral or bacterial infection, rather he thinks that I have stomach ulcers due from all the aspirin that I started taking three weeks ago in excess. I was taking between two and four 325 mg aspirins a day, and I thought that doing so was not a problem since other people in on this forum have taken upwards of three grams a day with no problems. I have been prescribed a stomach medication, and I had a blood test done also and will have the results sometime tomorrow. Since developing these symptoms, I have already cut out the aspirin, so I will probably stay away from aspirin, at least for a little while.
Did you take K2 with aspirin?...and gelatin as well?


Dec 10, 2016
When I've taken it, I take it first thing in the morning mixed in glass of water, and then wait ~30-60 min before ingesting anything else so it goes alone in the intestines.
Do you typically use the 25 drop serving size when using Camphersol?


Jan 26, 2020
Do you typically use the 25 drop serving size when using Camphersol?
Yes, half dose isn't nearly as effective. However the full dose can be quite irritating, I suspect from the salicylates+endotoxin. If the intestine is already irritated then camphosal is very questionable.


Oct 14, 2016
Yes, I did. I sometimes drank the aspirin down with orange juice, too, though so maybe it was too much acid.

Have any of you ever considered getting a colon irrigation done? Maybe that will clear bad bacteria built up in the large intestine?


Oct 14, 2016
Yes, I did. I sometimes drank the aspirin down with orange juice, too, though so maybe it was too much acid.
Raw garlic
Oregano oil

All these things damage/irritate the stomach/intestine, and I would personally stay away from them imo.

You have a history of using ACV, and you have mentioned how it has damaged your teeth enamel, and undoubtedly it has done damage to your Gut and stomach also.

Have you tried Glycine/Glutamine(I know it’s looked down here)
Can help to repair stomach and gut which has been damaged.

Have you been prescribed PPI drugs such as omeprazole?

Also raw cabbage and celery juice is famous for stomach ulcers


Oct 14, 2016
All the dairy and sugar you have been consuming has contributed to your white tongue imo. Your bodies digestion is compromised so you won’t be getting the beneficial effects from these, rather it increasing endotoxin


Oct 14, 2016

I have not yet gone to the hospital for the CT-scan. I applied for Medicaid and am hoping to get approved. In the meantime, I tried a 36 hour fast at the outset, and it didn't really seem to alleviate the pain. I ended up eating, a soup consisting of a little organic grassfed groundbeef, salted to taste, some organic chicken bone broth, a little bit of collagen powder, and some apple cider vinegar. I supplement with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 orally, and 100mcg K2 capsule orally. I take Trazodone at night for my insomnia, and I noticed that it actually makes the pain go away. I noticed that when I chew the Trazodone that it numbs my mouth a bit, so it's probably doing something similar in my stomach, and I wonder if the physical numbing property of the Trazodone is also linked to it being a serotonin antagonist.

Also, I have been mincing a few cloves of garlic, letting it sit for about ten minutes, and drinking it down with some water. It's supposed to be a mild and natural antibiotic. It seemed to work the first few times, but now I don't know anymore. I have been supplementing with Oregano Oil as well. I was hesitant to do the carrot salad because I had not had a bowel movement in the time that I had been fasting, but I eventually did, so I ruled out some sort of gas build-up or constipation and started with carrot salad. Not to be lewd, but my anus seems very tight, and squeezing out the poop was fairly uncomfortable despite the poop being normal size. Also, the poop did not seem too abnormal i.e. there was no blood or flakiness, and it came out clean so wiping was easy.

Some more background information that may be relevant is that I am coming off of a keto diet and fasting focused lifestyle which I had been on for nearly four years. I was doing OMAD for a time and was stuffing myself each evening with 8 eggs, meat, cheese, and olive oil or butter, and would force myself to drink an entire kale smoothie on top of all of that. There were some nights that I was so stuffed that I had to wait to be able to fall asleep at night. At this time I was also supplementing with Potassium Citrate and Magnesium Citrate from Bulk Supplements and about 20,000 IU Vitamin D3. I later found out that you are supposed to take K2 with the D3 as well. Two summers ago, I would lay out in the sun in the morning and basically take a nap for an hour or so. These were very relaxing but perhaps I developed some kind of vitamin D toxicity.

The insomnia symptoms started about a year ago and were accompanied with some kind of anxiety, a kind of generalized anxiety that I actually felt in my body and made me extremely uncomfortable. When trying to fall asleep, right when I was about to fall asleep I would spring up and gasp for air. Nowadays, while that doesn't happen anymore, I instead get a little rush of anxiety right at the moment I am about to drift off and I become self-aware--when you drift off you're supposed to be in your imagination. The Trazodone, however, even sometimes at just a third of the pill, gets rid of that little bout of anxiety and allows me to remain in my imagination to eventually fall asleep.

I am wondering if my past with developing anxiety/insomnia and my now suffering from acute appendicitis at the outset of starting the Ray Peat diet are connected in some way.
ACV even in low doses gives me such bad effects in terms of bloating and discomfort, I can’t imagine what damage you have done to yourself. Also eating raw garlic gave me spots over my body(another gut irritant) and you’ve mentioned taking that.
On top of that your extreme omad days forcing so much food on your poor gut!

And now you’ve just spent so much money on doctors and hospital visits!

Ray peat diet is very bad for someone with a compromised digestive system /low stomach acid, and very easily a person rather than getting better, increases in endotoxin/health worsens.

Things like dairy/white sugar/raw carrot/

All hard to digest/use

White sugar can very easily worsen endotoxin ime


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
ACV even in low doses gives me such bad effects in terms of bloating and discomfort, I can’t imagine what damage you have done to yourself. Also eating raw garlic gave me spots over my body(another gut irritant) and you’ve mentioned taking that.
On top of that your extreme omad days forcing so much food on your poor gut!

And now you’ve just spent so much money on doctors and hospital visits!

Ray peat diet is very bad for someone with a compromised digestive system /low stomach acid, and very easily a person rather than getting better, increases in endotoxin/health worsens.

Things like dairy/white sugar/raw carrot/

All hard to digest/use

White sugar can very easily worsen endotoxin ime
I appreciate your response. Yes, I was prescribed Omeprazole. I've been doing collagen powder with some bone broth, and it seems to be therapeutic. The pain has gotten significantly better, but I am still dealing with the white tongue. Another thing that I am and have been dealing with since my time on keto and fasting is heart palpitations, a feeling of electricity running through my heart, sleep apnea, snoring, anxiety, panic attacks, and pain from stomach and up through my Vegas nerve. I suspect that these symptoms are all somehow connected. I know that my gut needs to heal, but I am also looking into Sulbutiamine.


Oct 14, 2016
I appreciate your response. Yes, I was prescribed Omeprazole. I've been doing collagen powder with some bone broth, and it seems to be therapeutic. The pain has gotten significantly better, but I am still dealing with the white tongue. Another thing that I am and have been dealing with since my time on keto and fasting is heart palpitations, a feeling of electricity running through my heart, sleep apnea, snoring, anxiety, panic attacks, and pain from stomach and up through my Vegas nerve. I suspect that these symptoms are all somehow connected. I know that my gut needs to heal, but I am also looking into Sulbutiamine.
Have you read much about getting a colon irrigation to heal the gut?


Oct 11, 2016
Did you find someone to get you antibiotics yet? The sooner the better... Meanwhile, lots of water, some lemon juice, and potentially a bit of castor oil to help pass it. I guarantee there is enough corruption in Chicago that you can just pay for some antibiotics in a pinch.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Did you find someone to get you antibiotics yet? The sooner the better... Meanwhile, lots of water, some lemon juice, and potentially a bit of castor oil to help pass it. I guarantee there is enough corruption in Chicago that you can just pay for some antibiotics in a pinch.
That's funny. Fortunately my mom had a bottle of nine 500 mg amoxicillin capsules which I started using yesterday. I've been opening the capsules and have been taking a little at a time. I also started taking sodium bicarbonate yesterday for the first time in my life. I heard Georgi say in one of Danny Roddy's first podcasts that chronic acidity in the gut is linked with cancer and that baking soda could actually be a remedy. It might not be a stretch to think I have stomach cancer given my other symptoms.
Last edited:


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois

I started two days ago taking 1 g of sodium bicarbonate with 150 mg amoxicillin two or three times a day. One of the reasons I started with the baking soda is the Omeprazole was giving me serotonin syndromes, specifically racing thoughts and anxiety, however, two days ago after eating I started getting a horrible pain in my stomach, almost as if there was too much acid being produced in my stomach. I heard in one of Georgi's interviews that PPI's can cause the stomach to produce even more acid, so when you stop taking it, it can be detrimental, and I heard also in one of Danny Roddy's first interviews with Georgi that baking soda was used to neutralize lactic acid in the stomach--he said also that lactic acid in the stomach is linked with cancer--so I went for the baking soda and took about 1 gram; and the result was very interesting to say the least. To start, it calmed my stomach almost immediately, and because I have high serotonin levels I had a little bit of an initial stress reaction and started to feel the onset of a panic attack, but I was able to keep my wits about me. I noticed however that a wave of calmness was spreading in my brain, but for some reason my heart rate was up at 110 bpm and I couldn't seem to bring it down, which was annoying since I had to go to church. I found taking fast inhales and long exhales to be therapeutic, but I still could not seem to get my heart rate down, and this increased heart rate was also accompanied with sweaty palms and heart palpitations. I should mention also that before taking the baking soda I had been drinking a lot more coffee then I normally would, and I had just dosed a few drops of pregnenolone administered topically to the naval, so the difficulty in catching my breath could be attributed to those two things in conjunction with the baking soda. Since then, I have not had that kind of reaction with taking the baking soda, but I still have not mustered the courage to try any more than 1.5 g in one sitting, though perhaps I don't need to. I will note that I've been taking it with orange juice, and I have been drinking down a few tablespoons of raw honey just in case, so I have been doing my best to avoid a hypoglycemic reaction.

My conclusion then is that I suffered a hypoxic reaction, and I have suffered a similar reaction when I took too much aspirin a few weeks ago, where I thought I was going to die--not kidding. My theory is that for the past year I have been suffering from lactic overproduction in the stomach, and this would match my experience I had last year when I drank too much apple cider vinegar and fell into severe keto acidosis--this was when I was following the keto and fasting diet. At that time, I had been supplementing with mouthfuls of nutritional yeast, so a thiamine deficiency would be out of question, although it did cause a thiamine deficiency a day later--schizophrenia and cold sweats were my symptoms--which I solved with yet another mouthful of nutritional yeast. The baking soda seems to have neutralized the bitter feeling that I have been getting in my stomach and Vegas nerve for the past year, and it has also been the only thing able to completely neutralize the taste of my disgusting white tongue, which by the way has been getting a lot better--perhaps with the help of the antibiotics. One of the side effects is that I get a little bloated, even when taken in between meals, and I still have a little bit of a stress/adrenal reaction upon consumption due to the very obvious effect it has on your breathing, but that is about it. I am now looking at supplements that will fix my hypoxia, which is likely a result of becoming a prediabetic from the past four years of keto and fasting, and I am also looking into supplements that will directly inhibit these stress/adrenal responses, one of these being Pyrucet for the Hypoxia and the other being Cyproheptadine for the stress/adrenal responses, both of which Georgi holds in very high esteem.

I think that I am going to be securing my purchase very soon, but anyway, that is all that I have to report right now, so hopefully when those two supplements come in I will have something interesting to share to this thread.

Warm regards,



Mar 24, 2020
My occasional bouts of appendicitis went away after I started taking inulin.


Oct 14, 2016

I started two days ago taking 1 g of sodium bicarbonate with 150 mg amoxicillin two or three times a day. One of the reasons I started with the baking soda is the Omeprazole was giving me serotonin syndromes, specifically racing thoughts and anxiety, however, two days ago after eating I started getting a horrible pain in my stomach, almost as if there was too much acid being produced in my stomach. I heard in one of Georgi's interviews that PPI's can cause the stomach to produce even more acid, so when you stop taking it, it can be detrimental, and I heard also in one of Danny Roddy's first interviews with Georgi that baking soda was used to neutralize lactic acid in the stomach--he said also that lactic acid in the stomach is linked with cancer--so I went for the baking soda and took about 1 gram; and the result was very interesting to say the least. To start, it calmed my stomach almost immediately, and because I have high serotonin levels I had a little bit of an initial stress reaction and started to feel the onset of a panic attack, but I was able to keep my wits about me. I noticed however that a wave of calmness was spreading in my brain, but for some reason my heart rate was up at 110 bpm and I couldn't seem to bring it down, which was annoying since I had to go to church. I found taking fast inhales and long exhales to be therapeutic, but I still could not seem to get my heart rate down, and this increased heart rate was also accompanied with sweaty palms and heart palpitations. I should mention also that before taking the baking soda I had been drinking a lot more coffee then I normally would, and I had just dosed a few drops of pregnenolone administered topically to the naval, so the difficulty in catching my breath could be attributed to those two things in conjunction with the baking soda. Since then, I have not had that kind of reaction with taking the baking soda, but I still have not mustered the courage to try any more than 1.5 g in one sitting, though perhaps I don't need to. I will note that I've been taking it with orange juice, and I have been drinking down a few tablespoons of raw honey just in case, so I have been doing my best to avoid a hypoglycemic reaction.

My conclusion then is that I suffered a hypoxic reaction, and I have suffered a similar reaction when I took too much aspirin a few weeks ago, where I thought I was going to die--not kidding. My theory is that for the past year I have been suffering from lactic overproduction in the stomach, and this would match my experience I had last year when I drank too much apple cider vinegar and fell into severe keto acidosis--this was when I was following the keto and fasting diet. At that time, I had been supplementing with mouthfuls of nutritional yeast, so a thiamine deficiency would be out of question, although it did cause a thiamine deficiency a day later--schizophrenia and cold sweats were my symptoms--which I solved with yet another mouthful of nutritional yeast. The baking soda seems to have neutralized the bitter feeling that I have been getting in my stomach and Vegas nerve for the past year, and it has also been the only thing able to completely neutralize the taste of my disgusting white tongue, which by the way has been getting a lot better--perhaps with the help of the antibiotics. One of the side effects is that I get a little bloated, even when taken in between meals, and I still have a little bit of a stress/adrenal reaction upon consumption due to the very obvious effect it has on your breathing, but that is about it. I am now looking at supplements that will fix my hypoxia, which is likely a result of becoming a prediabetic from the past four years of keto and fasting, and I am also looking into supplements that will directly inhibit these stress/adrenal responses, one of these being Pyrucet for the Hypoxia and the other being Cyproheptadine for the stress/adrenal responses, both of which Georgi holds in very high esteem.

I think that I am going to be securing my purchase very soon, but anyway, that is all that I have to report right now, so hopefully when those two supplements come in I will have something interesting to share to this thread.

Warm regards,

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