Do NOT take Dessicated Organ supplements! "Grassfed meat is high in heavy metals and glyphosate!"


Oct 6, 2020
I used liver supplements both from wild deers and a couple of stuff from the ancestral brand.

Only thing where i noticed a effect is libido when using the MOFO product which includes heart and testicles.

My conclusion was that its not worth the money but i can'T say i had "bad" effects from it. One could still argue that for people not able or wanting to eat organs of any kind, they can be usefull to allow the body to "acquire" the taste and organs of any sort have the benefit of supplying the organs peptides.

I found a russian brand selling the "isolated" peptides and while it "may" be safer than ingesting the whole organ, the price is not justified unless it can literally restorate/heal a organ 8 out of 10 times ...

Altough meat/organs containing alot of "bad" stuff in their tissue, its a problem we have with eating animal products in general ... or with any food realy ... animals just accumulate the stuff and make us digest a higher amount than we would with other food, depending on the substance.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I used liver supplements both from wild deers and a couple of stuff from the ancestral brand.

Only thing where i noticed a effect is libido when using the MOFO product which includes heart and testicles.

My conclusion was that its not worth the money but i can'T say i had "bad" effects from it. One could still argue that for people not able or wanting to eat organs of any kind, they can be usefull to allow the body to "acquire" the taste and organs of any sort have the benefit of supplying the organs peptides.

I found a russian brand selling the "isolated" peptides and while it "may" be safer than ingesting the whole organ, the price is not justified unless it can literally restorate/heal a organ 8 out of 10 times ...
not sure how the peptides work, doesnt biogro or whatever contain peptide extracts from colostrum... i think the peptides might be safer than lab made vitamins/aminos if theyre extracted from the animal product but their effects could be a drug like effect similar to supplementing isolated amino acids or vitamins/minerals...


Oct 6, 2020
not sure how the peptides work, doesnt biogro or whatever contain peptide extracts from colostrum... i think the peptides might be safer than lab made vitamins/aminos if theyre extracted from the animal product but their effects could be a drug like effect similar to supplementing isolated amino acids or vitamins/minerals...
Well it's been a while when i last read and informed myself about it but apparantly the peptides are supposedly useful in restoring the respective organ to a point before accelerated aging or diet/lifestyle induced damage has taken place. But it is still a protein from a animal, who knows how much "trace" of other, undesirable stuff of the animal is still in the pill?

IDK if its safer and compareable in that respect, as i doubt that vitamins or other aminos "act" the same within the body.

I found a video i watched like a year ago, altho i can't comment much about the validity of the research or the effectiveness of these peptides. Many of the people in the videos, the researchers, don't look all to healthy for me, but it is nonetheless a very interesting field of study i have to say.



Jul 23, 2020
I feel you are all missing the point. NOBODY would eat brain, knowing that the conditions are no different really to mass produced grain fed meat. Barring that its grass, loaded with chemicals. The point I am making is this is very dangerous. Through research its quite clear, things like CJD sporadic and otherwise, are being caused by environmental toxins and other bad farming practices. Organophosphates, and manganese exposure.

We expect that from big pharma, but not "alternative" "functional" medicine. These supplement companies clearly are NO better than big pharma, and I'd even put it in the same realm as the vaccines in that sense. And guess what? do you think they are going to be held accountable? for anything, nope.

Please be vigilant, please do not fall for people like saladino and these companies.


Apr 3, 2013
I feel you are all missing the point. NOBODY would eat brain, knowing that the conditions are no different really to mass produced grain fed meat. Barring that its grass, loaded with chemicals. The point I am making is this is very dangerous. Through research its quite clear, things like CJD sporadic and otherwise, are being caused by environmental toxins and other bad farming practices. Organophosphates, and manganese exposure.

We expect that from big pharma, but not "alternative" "functional" medicine. These supplement companies clearly are NO better than big pharma, and I'd even put it in the same realm as the vaccines in that sense. And guess what? do you think they are going to be held accountable? for anything, nope.

Please be vigilant, please do not fall for people like saladino and these companies.
Thanks for posting this OP. People need to realize how dangerous all supplements are and just stick to real food (coming from someone who was severely injured by a "safe" bacteriophage supplement)


May 10, 2018
Thanks for posting this OP. People need to realize how dangerous all supplements are and just stick to real food (coming from someone who was severely injured by a "safe" bacteriophage supplement)
Thanks for this, which bacteriophage did you have a bad reaction to?


Jun 24, 2015
im wondering doesnt cooking liver do the same things, much more oxidative than freeze drying? Ray said with regards to powdered milk products, there shouldnt be any more oxidative damage than what occurs with pasteurizing/heating milk
Just heard an interview with Ray Peat. He is no longer using powder milk since someone mentioned to him that something in the process of making powder milk it is creating something not good. No more discussion except he dropped his protein pancakes with powder milk .... so I’m looking for full update on this. Protein pancakes are delicious... now making them with fresh sour cream. A little more in preorder time but also delicious


Feb 6, 2016
maryland, USA
Sad to hear this. Not entirely surprising.. Try to eat close to nature and depend less on the industrial processes that make life easy.. My local farm now sells "boosted" ground beef, they're calling it... 15% liver mixed in. I'm going to suggest they add hearts in to the next batch too.


Jul 23, 2020
My mother took this also as I was taking it is now is having dizzy spells this is really concerning


Aug 6, 2017
this whole thread based on a customer product review? Show even one lab result testing a few sources and let's resume. Otherwise you are licking up feedlot propaganda.


Mar 29, 2016
The system is rigged. When everyone becomes aware of say gelatin, everyone wants gelatin powder from safe sources. And the demand explodes. But supply from safe sources can't keep up. The solution? Just lie. Make it a big lie. Just price it high and say it's from a very safe source. The higher the price, the more it will be believed to be safe.. That is business 101. That is how you get to become a billionaire. And that's how you get to use the press and media to sing praises for the billionaire who saved the world from disease by providing the world with "ethically" sourced gelatin - by paying them off.

Folks, if you can't trust the FDA and the USDA and the CIA and the FBI, and if the stock market is rigged and the SEC is bought off by financial racketeers, and the Fed keeps printing fake money and our presidents keep pardoning mass murderers and filthy embezzled, why do you think your supplements are what they say they are?

Because we should think nice thoughts and believe these corporations have the same soft heart for integrity and honesty and there is such a thing as conscience and ethics. After all, the Ivy League and its hallowed business schools and its law schools teach "ethics."

Welcome to my world.


Jul 23, 2020
The system is rigged. When everyone becomes aware of say gelatin, everyone wants gelatin powder from safe sources. And the demand explodes. But supply from safe sources can't keep up. The solution? Just lie. Make it a big lie. Just price it high and say it's from a very safe source. The higher the price, the more it will be believed to be safe.. That is business 101. That is how you get to become a billionaire. And that's how you get to use the press and media to sing praises for the billionaire who saved the world from disease by providing the world with "ethically" sourced gelatin - by paying them off.

Folks, if you can't trust the FDA and the USDA and the CIA and the FBI, and if the stock market is rigged and the SEC is bought off by financial racketeers, and the Fed keeps printing fake money and our presidents keep pardoning mass murderers and filthy embezzled, why do you think your supplements are what they say they are?

Because we should think nice thoughts and believe these corporations have the same soft heart for integrity and honesty and there is such a thing as conscience and ethics. After all, the Ivy League and its hallowed business schools and its law schools teach "ethics."

Welcome to my woworld.
I really agree with this a further inclination of this companies corruption is they removed the brain listing so I couldn't leave a review and they also had to double check the age of their cattle supposedly knowing and being in touch with every aspect of their product they are sourcing from new Zealand and I dint think they even know

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
im wondering doesnt cooking liver do the same things, much more oxidative than freeze drying? Ray said with regards to powdered milk products, there shouldnt be any more oxidative damage than what occurs with pasteurizing/heating milk
This Refractive drying looks good when you look at the specs and data:


Oct 6, 2020
The system is rigged. When everyone becomes aware of say gelatin, everyone wants gelatin powder from safe sources. And the demand explodes. But supply from safe sources can't keep up. The solution? Just lie. Make it a big lie. Just price it high and say it's from a very safe source. The higher the price, the more it will be believed to be safe.. That is business 101. That is how you get to become a billionaire. And that's how you get to use the press and media to sing praises for the billionaire who saved the world from disease by providing the world with "ethically" sourced gelatin - by paying them off.

Folks, if you can't trust the FDA and the USDA and the CIA and the FBI, and if the stock market is rigged and the SEC is bought off by financial racketeers, and the Fed keeps printing fake money and our presidents keep pardoning mass murderers and filthy embezzled, why do you think your supplements are what they say they are?

Because we should think nice thoughts and believe these corporations have the same soft heart for integrity and honesty and there is such a thing as conscience and ethics. After all, the Ivy League and its hallowed business schools and its law schools teach "ethics."

Welcome to my world.

Well said. The fraud and concealment in this unregulated market knows no bounds.


Mar 29, 2016
Well said. The fraud and concealment in this unregulated market knows no bounds.
The Zionists thru the Ivy League schools and their experts and the beltway think tanks, pretty much financed by Zionists, would preach deregulation.

And here we are with crumbling infrastructure, and the highway system has become a "public-private" partnership in which tolls are collected, enriching the deregulated toll operators, the same Z's - who else? We also have rolling blackouts in California, and surprise surprise, even "Republican" Texas is not spared of blackouts, notwithstanding the effect that Texas is the heart of US oil and energy. And Flint Michigan's own water utility can't provide safe drinking water anymore.

All this time, whenever Zionist leveraged buyout operators get financing from Zionist banks, they would chop up fine US manufacturing concerns after they milk them of management fees, and saddled them with debt, and then when these companies close, they would say that is capitalism, and the weak deserved to fail and to close shop. But when these same Zionist banks and insurance companies would make the wrong roll of the dice, they did not die the death they deserved, but got their Jesus moment courtesy of their loyal servants in their Federal Reserve and in Congress and in the executive branch - and they were given loans, and they were allowed to cook their books, and the executives were given huge bonuses for a job well done- wrecking the economy, that is!

And yet they call this the deregulated business environment, courtesy of the Ivy League and their business philosophy. That philosophy spawned crooks like Jack Welch, who is so honored for dismembering a fine industrial concern called General Electric, that actually made things, and turned it into a Zionist enterprise of making fortunes out of thin air, which would fall and crumble like Humpty Dumpty as the financial shenanigan, as Zionist as it can be, of cooking books unfold.

What would grow is the Zionist's pet factory- the one that makes weapons - to terrorize nations - with creaky but costly and useless fighter aircrafts - that only serve to terrorize its own pilots with malfunctions galore. But hey, it's a Zionist enterprise - so it has to make money, by hook or by crook. After all, who's paying for it? The American middle-class taxpayers. Yup, the same people robbed of an election, and imprisoned with false charges of insurrection. And the same people being experimented on with gene therapy.

In this environment, how do we expect the government to do its job of regulating industries so that the food and drugs we consume can keep us healthy?


Mar 29, 2016
I really agree with this a further inclination of this companies corruption is they removed the brain listing so I couldn't leave a review and they also had to double check the age of their cattle supposedly knowing and being in touch with every aspect of their product they are sourcing from new Zealand and I dint think they even know
He was "outsourcing" and what did he expect from outsourcing? He could say he didn't know what his New Zealand suppliers were really doing, but that's just passing the buck and pinning the blame on his suppliers in NZ, but he knew all along what they would do, but he just crossed his finger and pretended "no, they wouldn't do that. they're mighty fine people." Again, business 101.

Incidentally, when it's from New Zealand, it gives consumers visions of pristine grasslands where cows and oxen graze in the bounty of nature untrammeled by pollution. That is effectively what New Zealand is. Marketing. Just as it is with salmon from Norway, as if the salmon were from the majestic fjords that are untouched by man's industries. Where in fact the salmon are raised in farms, and the fish are fed with pellets made from fish in the heavily polluted Baltic Sea- where Russia and Germany let off their industrial wastes - and the fish are filled with PCBs and other poisons. Yet eating salmon evoke images of health with omega-3s and all.


Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
is it better to just not eat raw honey ? i use the costco brand organic raw honey which is from brazil. usda certified organic, i think organic is very strict and they dont allow glyphosate and chemicals etc. should we just drop the honey? what do you even use as a carb source. i have organic milk, organic OJ, organic coconut water, organic dried figs and dates. I wanted to use honey for an additional 80+grams of carbs. i dont know what i could replace it with. rather not do white sugar or additional juice or whole fruits...
eat 2 big potatoes thats around 80 grams carbs. why buy honey from another country? here in Ontario Canada I have 3 honey producers, raw unpasteurized honey. fixed my seasonal allergies btw. Now I have to avoid it, as my blood sugar is climbing due to inactivity/herniated discs.


Jan 9, 2019
I don't see this posted here and it is relative to the topic so I'll insert it. Ray mentions more than what most consider about meat.

If the glyphosate messed up your microbiome you might want to consider lignite extract from IonBiome (previously Restore) and for heavy metal toxicity do some sauna with orange juice and (clean) premavie shilajit.
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