DIY Rhubrab-Extract As Emodin Source


Sep 24, 2016
After catching up and reading up step by step on Dr. Peat's work and articles, I'm curently especially interested into the different quinones.

Emodin is found in the roots of rhubarb, and since I've a few rhubarbs in my garden I thought about faciliating an alcohilic or oily extrct myself.

Now rhubarb from the garden is Rheum rhabarbarum, while the species mostly cited for medical purposes/extracts are Rheum officinale and Rheum palmatum mostly.
Does anybody know if the roots of the common garden-rhubarb Rheum rhabarbarum also contain significant amounts of Emodin? Otherwise I think I'll plant some chinese rhubarb this autumn.

While looking for Rhubar-Extract OTC-medicines I stumbled upon one alholic solution/moutwashproduct that contains both Salicylic acid and Rhein, and is used for sores, inflammation and similar things in the mouth. It's made from a dry-extract but they do not state which specie of Rheum they use. It contains
48 mg of Hydroxyanthracenderivates = 0,5g Rhein per 10ml solution. I've not figured out if Emodin is a hydroxyanthracen-derivate, so I'm not sure what to make of that product and would like to make an extract myself.

There are also some OTC's for menopause that feature root-extract of siberian rhubarb, which obviously contains potent phytoestrogens:
Treatment of menopausal symptoms by an extract from the roots of rhapontic rhubarb: the role of estrogen receptors

If anybody has information abou the phytoestrogen of Rheum rhabarbarum-root I'd greatly appreciate - would not like to end up with a selfmade extract only to find it contains loads of these.
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