Deep cleaning is pointless as COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yet another study/article that exposes the charade. Some of that was clear from the start, when all sorts of politicians and doctors (another type of politician) kept admonishing the public and businesses to sanitize everything they touch, yet somehow the packages for online orders (which skyrocketed during the pandemic) were exempt from this risk. Touch the cashier or counter at the local store and you may die, but your Amazon/Walmart/Target/etc packages are totally safe and do not pose a threat to anybody (even poor grandpa that we all try so hard to kill by not wearing a mask /s).

@Drareg @tankasnowgod

"...By May, the WHO and health agencies around the world were recommending that people in ordinary community settings — houses, buses, churches, schools and shops — should clean and disinfect surfaces, especially those that are frequently touched. Disinfectant factories worked around the clock to keep up with heavy demand. But Goldman, a microbiologist at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, decided to take a closer look at the evidence around fomites. What he found was that there was little to support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 passes from one person to another through contaminated surfaces. He wrote a pointed commentary for The Lancet Infectious Diseases in July, arguing that surfaces presented relatively little risk of transmitting the virus2. His conviction has only strengthened since then, and Goldman has long since abandoned the gloves. Many others reached similar conclusions. In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clarified its guidance about surface transmission in May, stating that this route is “not thought to be the main way the virus spreads”. It now states that transmission through surfaces is “not thought to be a common way that COVID-19 spreads”.


Oct 1, 2019
Great to hear this is getting some coverage! In Germany, Streeck actually reported this right in April when he was doing a study with about 400 quarantined households. They couldn‘t find any infectious virus particles on surfaces.

Of course the fearmongerers never corrected their claims that the virus can live for weeks on surfaces and that it is always ready to jump into your throat and kill you. They just stopped mentioning it, but the image was already implanted in everyone and just left there.

He could also not find any evidence of ‘living’ viruses on surfaces. “When we took samples from door handles, phones or toilets it has not been possible to cultivate the virus in the laboratory on the basis of these swabs….”

“To actually 'get' the virus it would be necessary that someone coughs into their hand, immediately touches a door knob and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touches their face.” Streeck therefore believes that there is little chance of transmission through contact with so-called contaminated surfaces.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Great to hear this is getting some coverage! In Germany, Streeck actually reported this right in April when he was doing a study with about 400 quarantined households. They couldn‘t find any infectious virus particles on surfaces.

Of course the fearmongerers never corrected their claims that the virus can live for weeks on surfaces and that it is always ready to jump into your throat and kill you. They just stopped mentioning it, but the image was already implanted in everyone and just left there.

He could also not find any evidence of ‘living’ viruses on surfaces. “When we took samples from door handles, phones or toilets it has not been possible to cultivate the virus in the laboratory on the basis of these swabs….”

“To actually 'get' the virus it would be necessary that someone coughs into their hand, immediately touches a door knob and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touches their face.” Streeck therefore believes that there is little chance of transmission through contact with so-called contaminated surfaces.

I am just curious - is there anything in the German constitution or any federal law that prohibits fearmongering? I know there are laws against that in several other countries. Of course, the govt is probably exempt from those but I'd think media is subject to them and can be prosecuted for inflating the fear despite evidence to the contrary. Every time I turn on the news (and I don't do that much any more) the news is always some version of "it is about to get much scarier". Sometimes, the news literally said that (most Western media back in September/October timeframe).


Oct 1, 2019
I am just curious - is there anything in the German constitution or any federal law that prohibits fearmongering? I know there are laws against that in several other countries. Of course, the govt is probably exempt from those but I'd think media is subject to them and can be prosecuted for inflating the fear despite evidence to the contrary. Every time I turn on the news (and I don't do that much any more) the news is always some version of "it is about to get much scarier". Sometimes, the news literally said that (most Western media back in September/October timeframe).

I don‘t think so to be honest, but maybe @Giraffe knows more about it?

In an official document the german government basically instructed all officials and the media to create panic to make the people comply with the measures:

Corona Strategy of the Ministry of Interior. Corona-Strategie des Innenministeriums: Wer Gefahr abwenden will, muss sie kennen

Page 13
Quote: "To achieve the desired shock reaction":
1) Emphasize: "primal fear of suffocation", when there is no room in the hospitals, you „die in agony at home, gasping for air“.
2) Emphasize children: "When a child infects it's parent and sees them die an agonizing death and they feel responsible for it because they didn't wash their hands after playing, that's the most terrible thing a child can experience".
3) Emphasize: "The chance of relapse and chronic illness even after recovery, will be like a sword of damocles over your head"

.....also funny how no mainstream outlet questioned how they would even know about relapse and chronic illness in the middle of march when the „pandemic“ just started.
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Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Can you imagine in Years to come the germ phobia and OCD arising from this 'Pandemic' :arghh:

Take Howard Hughes> Hughes insisted on using tissues to pick up objects to insulate himself from germs. He would also notice dust, stains, or other imperfections on people's clothes and demand that they take care of them. Once one of the most visible men in America, Hughes ultimately vanished from public view, although tabloids continued to follow rumors of his behavior and whereabouts.

Maybe this is their plan, we all disappear in our homes!


Apr 15, 2015

The coronavirus behind the pandemic can linger on doorknobs and other surfaces, but these aren’t a major source of infection.​
it is very outdated ...14.04.2020
Nobody will take this article seriosly now.


Oct 1, 2019
Can you imagine in Years to come the germ phobia and OCD arising from this 'Pandemic' :arghh:

Take Howard Hughes> Hughes insisted on using tissues to pick up objects to insulate himself from germs. He would also notice dust, stains, or other imperfections on people's clothes and demand that they take care of them. Once one of the most visible men in America, Hughes ultimately vanished from public view, although tabloids continued to follow rumors of his behavior and whereabouts.

Maybe this is their plan, we all disappear in our homes!

It‘s the only logical reason I can imagine why children, who were shown to not be „spreaders“ and have 0% death rate according to the CDC, are treated the way they are treated. Early programming.

Alice McGraw, 2 years old, was walking with her parents in Lake Tahoe this summer when another family appeared, heading in their direction. The little girl stopped.

“Uh-oh,” she said and pointed: “People.”

She has learned, her mother said, to keep the proper social distance to avoid risk of infection from the coronavirus. In this and other ways, she‘s part of a new generation living in a particular new type of bubble — one without other children. They are the toddlers of Covid-19.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Language is the primary vector of infection. Deep cleaning of peoples' minds is what's needed.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In an official document the german government basically instructed all officials and the media to create panic to make the people comply with the measures:

I think this is exactly why the German govt issued such a directive - to supersede the prohibitions by law for private parties to spread fear. I am pretty sure there are laws against spreading fear by private parties (which includes companies/newspapers/media too, not just individuals) in most Western countries. Similar to the famous saying "you are not allowed to yell "FIRE" in a crowded building/place", because it causes panic, stampede and deaths.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I am just curious - is there anything in the German constitution or any federal law that prohibits fearmongering? I know there are laws against that in several other countries. Of course, the govt is probably exempt from those but I'd think media is subject to them and can be prosecuted for inflating the fear despite evidence to the contrary. Every time I turn on the news (and I don't do that much any more) the news is always some version of "it is about to get much scarier". Sometimes, the news literally said that (most Western media back in September/October timeframe).

The "German" constitution was imposed by the Allies after WW2 and is a collection of general platitudes and catch phrases that can be laid out in any direction by the administration and courts according to the current political convenience. The constitutional rights are only granted if it doesn't bother the elites.
There's a movement in Germany called Reichsbürger aka Citizens of the Empire (Reich) they bring forward pretty solid legal arguments how the constitution and the government is violating german legal customs and tradition and is therefore illegitimate. Obviously they were branded as terrorists and enemy of the state although they're non violent and only resort to civil disobedience but the courts can't make a legal argument against them so the government only uses administratif punishment.
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Feb 18, 2016
I am just curious - is there anything in the German constitution or any federal law that prohibits fearmongering? I know there are laws against that in several other countries. Of course, the govt is probably exempt from those but I'd think media is subject to them and can be prosecuted for inflating the fear despite evidence to the contrary. Every time I turn on the news (and I don't do that much any more) the news is always some version of "it is about to get much scarier". Sometimes, the news literally said that (most Western media back in September/October timeframe).

All western nations are doing everything they can to ignore the constitution, the want nation states gone, Davos this year was basically an attack on nation states and not one word spoken about it in MSM. Even when a big court case is won in the Supreme Court it’s kept relatively quite.

The big propaganda machine will start pumping an anti-nation state narrative soon, humanitarianism and the "climate crisis" will be used to justify it.

No surprise covid isn’t that transmissible, I’ve seen idiots getting take out food and instructing the delivery guy to leave it far back, they pick the food up with gloves and a mask on, they then proceed to ingest the food, 5 minutes earlier they were behaved like it‘s nuclear waste, it’s a proper cult.


Jun 20, 2015
I am just curious - is there anything in the German constitution or any federal law that prohibits fearmongering?

I don‘t think so to be honest, but maybe @Giraffe knows more about it?

No, I do not think either that there is a law in Germany that prohibits fearmongering.

There are laws dealing with abuse of emergency calls, public security offences, or deception (if it causes financial damage). Torture is forbidden, too. What I am trying to say is: There are crimes, and deception or fearmongering can be part of a specific case.


Feb 29, 2016
The Chinese have named their new virus test after the head of the WEF. It is called the Anal Schwab
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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