Dealing with people who make fun of your beliefs


Oct 3, 2016
This morning a friend of mine called me a "conspiracy theorist" because I said I don't like using the plastic spatula because I don't like eating plastic.

Obviously it's no big deal and it was a joke coming from a place of love. But it got under my skin for a few reasons:

1. Eating plastic being harmful and microplastics travelling through the gut wall is not even contentious science, man. If people think THAT is a conspiracy imagine what they will think of my other views !
2. I have never really publicly complained about my health issues so I felt a bit prevented from saying something like "hey, when you've spent years trying to get your body to be healthy you'd be as cautious as I am" - I'm proud and I'm not into being a victim so not many people know the issuesI've been through.
3. I really wanted to react defensively and start being annoyed and explaining all the issues with plastics but nobody cares and this doesn't get you anywhere.

Between this and the pressure I know people are going to be putting on everyone to get the vaccine (it's still early stages of rollout here in aus) I'm just kind of depressed about being someone with "alternative views" - I guess because I've always prided myself on my intelligence, something about being seen as dumb or crazy for things that I've actually spent an incredibly long time considering really bothers me.

Interactions like this drag me into this resentful, defensive "pain-body" space immediately and cloud my thinking and I find it almost impossible to respond in a funny, happy, productive unself-conscious manner.

Does anyone have any good frames of mind or ways of dealing with things that turns stuff like this into water off a ducks back?


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Staying in the middle of the herd is always the safest place to be 99.9% of the time.

However, when clever and deceiving predators decide its time to spook the herd, the herd dies en mass running off a cliff or becoming trapped in a trawler's net.

Being on the fringe can be a little lonely at times, but one has the benefit of surviving as well as being able to say, "See, I told you so" to the carcasses of the now dead herd.

Right now, predator beings are surrounding the herd. What you gonna do?

Each of us must have a strong eschatological foundation to understand and survive the approaching storm. Pick a side and act accordingly. Indecision is an awful thing.


Jan 12, 2013
I've come to realize in life that no matter what choices you make, there will always be people trying to prevent you from growing. Most people, I find, aren't ready to grow - even people much older than me.

I dunno why. Maybe they feel threatened about being left behind. People are stubborn, and they have to learn things for themselves. And sadly, it seems most people just aren't curious enough to seek truth.

I never challange anyone or talk about my beliefs anymore, really. I'm not argumentative about it. I respect anybody's choices and beliefs, and I expect the same in return.

I kind of feel like a ****, but I truly feel like for the good of everybody, I can't afford to bend to the whims of others any longer. I truly feel like if I want to have any semblance of hope in saving this world, it's my duty to stand firm in what I know to be righteous and true. There's just too many people completely brainwashed. And I just hope there's enough people like me out there to make an impact and turn the tide.

I am living in a completely different world than those around me. But the more people stand up for truth, the weaker the lie becomes. I have faith.


Jun 7, 2020
New Mexico
I say to them .... Did you know that the term "conspiracy theorist" was coined by the FBI to dissuade people from doubting the official account of JFK's assassination - that a lone gunman, Oswald, killed the President? This stops them in their tracks a bit. It's too easy to throw around pat little phrases when you disagree with someone. Rather than debating someone intelligently, it's much easier to call them names. I don't care how close of a friend they are, I tell them how I really feel about their behavior. If you can't do that, they're not really as close of a friend as you thought they were. In a similar scenario, a friend of mine recently called me an "anti-vaxer" when I said I would never get the covid "vaccine". I told her that I'm not at all anti vaccines, if they are truly vaccines, but I AM absolutely anti someone jabbing me, against my will, with experimental gene altering particles. We're still friends, lol.


Sep 11, 2020
Don't take them seriously. Next time just look at your friend like the spastic that they are and give them a hearty "piss off mate!". You can slowly upgrade your banter skills from there. Personally I've dropped these ignorant types from my life as I don't have the patience for them any more.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
There's an excellent book about how to deal with this, How to Have Impossible Conversations, by Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay

Mar 10, 2021
This morning a friend of mine called me a "conspiracy theorist" because I said I don't like using the plastic spatula because I don't like eating plastic.

Obviously it's no big deal and it was a joke coming from a place of love. But it got under my skin for a few reasons:

1. Eating plastic being harmful and microplastics travelling through the gut wall is not even contentious science, man. If people think THAT is a conspiracy imagine what they will think of my other views !
2. I have never really publicly complained about my health issues so I felt a bit prevented from saying something like "hey, when you've spent years trying to get your body to be healthy you'd be as cautious as I am" - I'm proud and I'm not into being a victim so not many people know the issuesI've been through.
3. I really wanted to react defensively and start being annoyed and explaining all the issues with plastics but nobody cares and this doesn't get you anywhere.

Between this and the pressure I know people are going to be putting on everyone to get the vaccine (it's still early stages of rollout here in aus) I'm just kind of depressed about being someone with "alternative views" - I guess because I've always prided myself on my intelligence, something about being seen as dumb or crazy for things that I've actually spent an incredibly long time considering really bothers me.

Interactions like this drag me into this resentful, defensive "pain-body" space immediately and cloud my thinking and I find it almost impossible to respond in a funny, happy, productive unself-conscious manner.

Does anyone have any good frames of mind or ways of dealing with things that turns stuff like this into water off a ducks back?
I have a cousin who gives me grief because I buy organic produce and grass fed milk and so on. He eat a lot of fast food and had to get gastric bypass surgery for weight loss and has constant issues and we are the exact same age. So I laugh it off and just consider the source. Funny whenever i go to somebody's house and don't eat the buns with hamburgers or eat their starchy dessert and making my plate look so "strategic" the overweight people are the worst for teasing me about it and the more fit people want to know more. I warn my family while in the car going to a gathering as to which individuals are gonna start it up with me and my family and me get a good laugh when I am right, which is every time! Just consider source RedMars, you care about your health and they are just ignorant.


Mar 15, 2018
They get high off their ignorance, like they feel superior for being retarded.



Be very strong in your convictions to yourself. Don’t be afraid to be a non-conformist. One day they will realise, too late, that you were right. If it turns out you were wrong, be graceful and acquiesce.​

Mar 10, 2021
They get high off their ignorance, like they feel superior for being retarded.
Right?! I think they feel when someone goes out of their way to take better care of themselves or has some knowledge about plastic spoons that they don't know, they deflect their lack of knowledge or caring as to not look ignorant. Those people need to adhere to the good advice that "If you don't have something nice to say than don't say anything at all". People do curious things and I think curious is interesting.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
This morning a friend of mine called me a "conspiracy theorist" because I said I don't like using the plastic spatula because I don't like eating plastic.

Obviously it's no big deal and it was a joke coming from a place of love. But it got under my skin for a few reasons:

1. Eating plastic being harmful and microplastics travelling through the gut wall is not even contentious science, man. If people think THAT is a conspiracy imagine what they will think of my other views !
2. I have never really publicly complained about my health issues so I felt a bit prevented from saying something like "hey, when you've spent years trying to get your body to be healthy you'd be as cautious as I am" - I'm proud and I'm not into being a victim so not many people know the issuesI've been through.
3. I really wanted to react defensively and start being annoyed and explaining all the issues with plastics but nobody cares and this doesn't get you anywhere.

Between this and the pressure I know people are going to be putting on everyone to get the vaccine (it's still early stages of rollout here in aus) I'm just kind of depressed about being someone with "alternative views" - I guess because I've always prided myself on my intelligence, something about being seen as dumb or crazy for things that I've actually spent an incredibly long time considering really bothers me.

Interactions like this drag me into this resentful, defensive "pain-body" space immediately and cloud my thinking and I find it almost impossible to respond in a funny, happy, productive unself-conscious manner.

Does anyone have any good frames of mind or ways of dealing with things that turns stuff like this into water off a ducks back?
Consider it a gift. If you are triggered, then that means there is something in you that needs solving. The issue is not them, let them have their beliefs, the issue is you being affected by their opinions.


Mar 15, 2018
Keep using their rhetoric Hugh and see how that works out for you if you continue living in the western world, you're going to suffocate playing centrist even with your supposed financial stability.


This morning a friend of mine called me a "conspiracy theorist" because I said I don't like using the plastic spatula because I don't like eating plastic.

Obviously it's no big deal and it was a joke coming from a place of love. But it got under my skin for a few reasons:

1. Eating plastic being harmful and microplastics travelling through the gut wall is not even contentious science, man. If people think THAT is a conspiracy imagine what they will think of my other views !
2. I have never really publicly complained about my health issues so I felt a bit prevented from saying something like "hey, when you've spent years trying to get your body to be healthy you'd be as cautious as I am" - I'm proud and I'm not into being a victim so not many people know the issuesI've been through.
3. I really wanted to react defensively and start being annoyed and explaining all the issues with plastics but nobody cares and this doesn't get you anywhere.

Between this and the pressure I know people are going to be putting on everyone to get the vaccine (it's still early stages of rollout here in aus) I'm just kind of depressed about being someone with "alternative views" - I guess because I've always prided myself on my intelligence, something about being seen as dumb or crazy for things that I've actually spent an incredibly long time considering really bothers me.

Interactions like this drag me into this resentful, defensive "pain-body" space immediately and cloud my thinking and I find it almost impossible to respond in a funny, happy, productive unself-conscious manner.

Does anyone have any good frames of mind or ways of dealing with things that turns stuff like this into water off a ducks back?

When you lay off fiber and starch and start taking high dose androgens, your vision and your mind become crystal clear.

You won't try to have a witty or funny reaction to an oppression, you will just be completely persuaded of your beliefs and defend them in a straight forward manner, with a calm tone, and a certainty that you chose the right path.

Humor is a defense mechanism that you don't need to use anymore when you have reached this state.

Those having different beliefs will not appear as a threat to you, so you will deal with them as if it were a regular enjoyable conversation.

This happened to me no later than yesterday evening during dinner with friends: they were all vaccinated, started anxiously questioning why I wasn't, and I calmly explained to them that I'm against injecting heavy metals in my body as I'm already trying to get rid of the existing ones.

I could tell most of them were in awe at how calm, collected, agile with my language I was.
The one who had started getting anxious at my mentioning I wouldn't get the vaccine suddenly calmed down and we went on to another subject.

I didn't "win" the argument, in the sense that I was so sure about myself that nobody's feelings got hurt in the debate.


Feb 13, 2021
Simple process:

Step 1: A person doubts/ridicules/mislabels you because of belief XYZ

Step 2: Kindly ask the person if they have read the scientific literature on the topic of XYZ

Step 3: They'll say no in nearly ALL cases.

Step 4: Say, "Well, until you've read the literature, we cannot have a real discussion, because you don't even have the knowledge base needed to discuss XYZ in its proper context."

Step 5: They will probably change the subject. Leave their vicinity and find more conscious friends :)


Aug 21, 2020
When you lay off fiber and starch and start taking high dose androgens, your vision and your mind become crystal clear.

You won't try to have a witty or funny reaction to an oppression, you will just be completely persuaded of your beliefs and defend them in a straight forward manner, with a calm tone, and a certainty that you chose the right path.

Humor is a defense mechanism that you don't need to use anymore when you have reached this state.

Those having different beliefs will not appear as a threat to you, so you will deal with them as if it were a regular enjoyable conversation.

This happened to me no later than yesterday evening during dinner with friends: they were all vaccinated, started anxiously questioning why I wasn't, and I calmly explained to them that I'm against injecting heavy metals in my body as I'm already trying to get rid of the existing ones.

I could tell most of them were in awe at how calm, collected, agile with my language I was.
The one who had started getting anxious at my mentioning I wouldn't get the vaccine suddenly calmed down and we went on to another subject.

I didn't "win" the argument, in the sense that I was so sure about myself that nobody's feelings got hurt in the debate.
Beautifully said.


Jun 7, 2016
This morning a friend of mine called me a "conspiracy theorist" because I said I don't like using the plastic spatula because I don't like eating plastic.

Obviously it's no big deal and it was a joke coming from a place of love. But it got under my skin for a few reasons:

1. Eating plastic being harmful and microplastics travelling through the gut wall is not even contentious science, man. If people think THAT is a conspiracy imagine what they will think of my other views !
2. I have never really publicly complained about my health issues so I felt a bit prevented from saying something like "hey, when you've spent years trying to get your body to be healthy you'd be as cautious as I am" - I'm proud and I'm not into being a victim so not many people know the issuesI've been through.
3. I really wanted to react defensively and start being annoyed and explaining all the issues with plastics but nobody cares and this doesn't get you anywhere.

Between this and the pressure I know people are going to be putting on everyone to get the vaccine (it's still early stages of rollout here in aus) I'm just kind of depressed about being someone with "alternative views" - I guess because I've always prided myself on my intelligence, something about being seen as dumb or crazy for things that I've actually spent an incredibly long time considering really bothers me.

Interactions like this drag me into this resentful, defensive "pain-body" space immediately and cloud my thinking and I find it almost impossible to respond in a funny, happy, productive unself-conscious manner.

Does anyone have any good frames of mind or ways of dealing with things that turns stuff like this into water off a ducks back?
I have suffered this from work colleagues and family and even made a rant about it on the forum was met with hostility and people blaming me for expressing frustration.

The lesson I learnt was to stfu, it's not worth explaining nothing to no one because most people are so sick that they are in a constant defense. Unless you have healthy people in your life who are open and would be curious to learn something and not judge you for something which isn't mainstream.

The power you have is that you will not suffer the demise that everyone else will, that as time goes by the more power you will accumulate because you have chosen to be healthy and turn your body into energy source. The longer you do this lifestyle the better things will get for you. To survive this world and all the traps that are there to fall in, you have to be smart and if your on this forum, you are smarter than most but probably so far removed from the mainstream that you don't realise and have become a threat.
Mar 10, 2021
Simple process:

Step 1: A person doubts/ridicules/mislabels you because of belief XYZ

Step 2: Kindly ask the person if they have read the scientific literature on the topic of XYZ

Step 3: They'll say no in nearly ALL cases.

Step 4: Say, "Well, until you've read the literature, we cannot have a real discussion, because you don't even have the knowledge base needed to discuss XYZ in its proper context."

Step 5: They will probably change the subject. Leave their vicinity and find more conscious friends :)
That is a good strategy! I taught the same strategy to my youngest son who was getting frustrated arguing with his older brother. I handed him a book I had with title something like “100 good words to know” and told him to use one of the words next time in his next argument with his brother. He chose the word “Jejune” and his brother, not having access to it’s definition quickly, feeling like a fool, he got flustered and shut right up. We still bring up that story once in a “blue moon” and get a good chuckle out of it :D
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