Daily Aspirin Linked To Double Melanoma Risk In Men


Dec 10, 2016

Men who take once-daily aspirin have nearly double the risk of melanoma compared to men who are not exposed to daily aspirin, reports a large new study.Women, however, do not have an increased risk. This does not mean men should stop aspirin therapy to lower the risk of heart attack, the authors stressed. They should avoid tanning beds and get regular skin checks by a dermatologist.

Peat was asked about this study in his latest KMUD interview (KMUD: 5-18-2018 Progesterone Vs Estrogen, Listener Questions (Part 2)). Peat said he saw the study but doesn’t know what happened with the study since aspirin shows cancer prevention in all of the other studies.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Well it must be correlation, I am sure they asked people at the tannins salon who didn't know the difference between aspirin and acetometaphen (plenty of people actually don't realize there is a difference between these things)


Dec 10, 2016
I am sure they asked people at the tannins salon who didn't know the difference between aspirin and acetometaphen (plenty of people actually don't realize there is a difference between these things)

....Northwestern Medicine Enterprise Data Warehouse (NMEDW), a large, urban, single-center medical record data repository (> 5 million patients), was searched....

Data collected included age, race, gender, documentation of ASA exposure and daily dose (81mg or 325 mg), duration of follow-up, and concurrent use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).


Dec 10, 2016
For the aspirin-exposed patient population, the study included only patients who had at least one year of once-daily aspirin exposure at a dose of 81 or 325 mg occurring between January 2005 and December 2006 in order to allow for at least five years of follow-up data to detect if melanoma occurred over time. Out of a total of 195,140 patients, 1,187 were aspirin exposed. Of these 1,187 patients, 26 (2.19 percent) (both men and women) had a subsequent diagnosis for melanoma compared to 1,676 (0.86 percent) in aspirin-unexposed (men and women) patients


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
The numbers are curious to say the least. The article mentions that about 1/2 of the older population takes daily aspirin "Almost half of people age 65 and over reported taking aspirin daily or every other day, according to a 2005 study. In 2015, about half of a nationwide survey of U.S. adults reported regular aspirin use.". Note the 2nd sentence does not say "older" - just U.S. adults. So how come out of almost 200,000 people studied, only 1,187 were "aspirin exposed"? I give this article a zero credibility rating. I did not evaluate the study itself as it is not free. Perhaps it is an attempt to scare people away from cheap cancer preventives. If so, we should see more such articles in the popular press.


For the aspirin-exposed patient population, the study included only patients who had at least one year of once-daily aspirin exposure at a dose of 81 or 325 mg occurring between January 2005 and December 2006 in order to allow for at least five years of follow-up data to detect if melanoma occurred over time. Out of a total of 195,140 patients, 1,187 were aspirin exposed. Of these 1,187 patients, 26 (2.19 percent) (both men and women) had a subsequent diagnosis for melanoma compared to 1,676 (0.86 percent) in aspirin-unexposed (men and women) patients
Precisely. Thank you @Mito


Sep 23, 2017

Men who take once-daily aspirin have nearly double the risk of melanoma compared to men who are not exposed to daily aspirin, reports a large new study.Women, however, do not have an increased risk. This does not mean men should stop aspirin therapy to lower the risk of heart attack, the authors stressed. They should avoid tanning beds and get regular skin checks by a dermatologist.

Peat was asked about this study in his latest KMUD interview (KMUD: 5-18-2018 Progesterone Vs Estrogen, Listener Questions (Part 2)). Peat said he saw the study but doesn’t know what happened with the study since aspirin shows cancer prevention in all of the other studies.

I'vd starting taking it once a week. 6 x 81mg coated tablets. I find they dissolve better and I tend to get stomach pains from the large 325mg tablet. always take with food and some fat.

aspirin seems to do something to calcium or tissue calcium. and from a video i watched it said the skin or dermal inflammation that can lead to sun burn and maybe even melonama is from low tissue calcium from either too much sun exposure which increases vitamin D and pulls it out of the soft tissue or lack of vitamin F


Mar 15, 2014
Maybe aspirin is overwhelmingly used by white guys but not white women?


Nov 21, 2015
I'vd starting taking it once a week. 6 x 81mg coated tablets. I find they dissolve better and I tend to get stomach pains from the large 325mg tablet. always take with food and some fat.

aspirin seems to do something to calcium or tissue calcium. and from a video i watched it said the skin or dermal inflammation that can lead to sun burn and maybe even melonama is from low tissue calcium from either too much sun exposure which increases vitamin D and pulls it out of the soft tissue or lack of vitamin F

Coated isn’t good. It exposes your acid sensitive intestine. You will bleed more but not feel it. Look up aspirin protocols My Favorite Aspirin Protocol

2 New Important Aspirin Learnings


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
@lisaferraro thanks for posting that! I can't help looking at the numbers in the press studies - my ancient degree is in statistics and I am frequently amazed at conclusions that make no sense.


@lisaferraro thanks for posting that! I can't help looking at the numbers in the press studies - my ancient degree is in statistics and I am frequently amazed at conclusions that make no sense.
Very cool! I also loved how Ray was impressed with your response which was SUPER logical. Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome reasoning :):


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Aspirin use reduces skin-cancer risk
"Regular use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) seems to lower the risk of squamous-cell cancers of the skin, according to a new Australian study (J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 53: 966–72). The results show a protective effect of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX2) inhibitors on a common skin cancer in people and could lead to new chemopreventive strategies for high-risk individuals."

Aspirin 'may prevent skin cancer'
"An aspirin a day may protect against skin cancer, some experts believe.
People who take aspirin tablets or similar painkillers on a regular basis cut their risk of developing skin cancer - including the most deadly type - malignant melanoma - by about 15%, research suggests.
The work in the journal Cancer involved nearly 200,000 people in Denmark."

"The researchers looked at the medical records of the individuals to calculate how many had been prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen over an eight-year period.
Many were taking them for heart conditions or arthritis.

Those who were more frequently prescribed NSAIDs were less likely to have skin cancer.
The higher the dose and the longer a person had been on the medication, the greater the protective effect"

Study finds Aspirin Reduces the risk of Melanoma In Women
Aspirin Linked to Lower Melanoma Risk in Study

"For the study, the women answered questions about what medications they took, what they ate, how much sun they were exposed to, and other lifestyle behaviors. The researchers followed them for 12 years, and noted which women developed cancer. Overall, women who took aspirin had a 21% lower risk of melanoma compared with women who didn’t. And taking it longer was associated with lower risk. For example, women who took aspirin for at least 5 years had a 30% lower risk of melanoma compared with women who didn’t take it.
The study was published early online March 11, 2013 in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Cancer Society."

Yea going to go ahead and say that the study is completely bunk.



"Limitations of this study include inability to verify both patient adherence to daily ASA 71 regimen and assignment of diagnostic codes."


Dec 10, 2016
Aspirin use reduces skin-cancer risk
"Regular use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) seems to lower the risk of squamous-cell cancers of the skin, according to a new Australian study (J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 53: 966–72). The results show a protective effect of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX2) inhibitors on a common skin cancer in people and could lead to new chemopreventive strategies for high-risk individuals."

Aspirin 'may prevent skin cancer'
"An aspirin a day may protect against skin cancer, some experts believe.
People who take aspirin tablets or similar painkillers on a regular basis cut their risk of developing skin cancer - including the most deadly type - malignant melanoma - by about 15%, research suggests.
The work in the journal Cancer involved nearly 200,000 people in Denmark."

"The researchers looked at the medical records of the individuals to calculate how many had been prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen over an eight-year period.
Many were taking them for heart conditions or arthritis.

Those who were more frequently prescribed NSAIDs were less likely to have skin cancer.
The higher the dose and the longer a person had been on the medication, the greater the protective effect"

Study finds Aspirin Reduces the risk of Melanoma In Women
Aspirin Linked to Lower Melanoma Risk in Study

"For the study, the women answered questions about what medications they took, what they ate, how much sun they were exposed to, and other lifestyle behaviors. The researchers followed them for 12 years, and noted which women developed cancer. Overall, women who took aspirin had a 21% lower risk of melanoma compared with women who didn’t. And taking it longer was associated with lower risk. For example, women who took aspirin for at least 5 years had a 30% lower risk of melanoma compared with women who didn’t take it.
The study was published early online March 11, 2013 in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Cancer Society."

Yea going to go ahead and say that the study is completely bunk.
The study acknowledges that it conflicts with other studies and it references three of them including the one you posted.

Conflicting evidence exists for the risk of melanoma (MM) subsequent to chronic aspirin (ASA) exposure 1-3.

1. Curiel-Lewandrowski C, Nijsten T, Gomez ML, Hollestein LM, Atkins MB , Stern RS. Long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs decreases the risk of cutaneous melanoma:results of a United States case-control study. J Invest Dermatol 2011;131:1460-8.

2. Gamba CA, Swetter SM, Stefanick ML, Kubo J, Desai M, Spaunhurst KM et al. Aspirin is associated with lower melanoma risk among postmenopausal Caucasian women: the Women's Health Initiative. Cancer 2013;119:1562-9.

3. Jeter JM, Han J, Martinez ME, Alberts DS, Qureshi AA , Feskanich D. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, and risk of skin cancer in the Nurses' Health Study. Cancer Causes Control 2012;23:1451-61.
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