Cyproheptadine Help


Oct 11, 2013
I have worked up to 2 mg Cypro - it is helping with allergies, sleep and I think digestion is improving but I think it is causing fluid retention (feet swelling and weight gain). Any dietary suggestions to offset this? More salt??? Any ideas why?


Mar 3, 2014
Sorry I am of no help. I've experienced fluid retention in my feet also. My digestion always improves after 1 week or so on .5mg of Cyproheptadine split to a morning and night dose. However my feet always swell after 1 week of use. No weight gain though.

Any ideas???


Feb 20, 2013
Sorry I am of no help. I've experienced fluid retention in my feet also. My digestion always improves after 1 week or so on .5mg of Cyproheptadine split to a morning and night dose. However my feet always swell after 1 week of use. No weight gain though.

Any ideas???

Does the feet swelling persists after one week with continued cyprohepatidine doses or do you
stop taking cypro after that? Did you start with .5 mg dose two times a day from the start
or did you slowly increased from one dose to two dose? Is it total of 1 mg?

I started with .5 g once a day and felt quite uncomfortable with drowsiness
and upset stomach. Stomach problem started after few days, it seems like foods were
not digested properly and loss of electrolytes . I lowered dose to .25 mg once day and
slowly increased to .5 mg once or twice a day in few weeks without any problem.
I now take about 1 mg once or twice a day without any drowsiness or stomach issue.

One possible mechanism of cypro causing feet swelling could be the lowering of
Aldosterone, which regulates sodium. If your Aldosterone were already high
and Cypro is lowering it significantly then loss of sodium can lead to edema.
Though in practise cypro is used to cure edema. RP has mentioned that
it takes few days for body to adjust to change in sodium intake by changing
Aldosterone. Since hypothyroid people have problem maintaining mineral balance
you can try lower dose of cypro and slowly increase it or continue the dose and
let thing adjusted on it's own. You can also increase salt intake and maintain
good intake of other alkaline mineral. Protein intake increases Albumin, which
plays a big role in preventing edema and maintaining sodium level.


Sep 13, 2012
I also get fluid retention on cypro, not necessarily in my feet. I asked haidut and he said something having to do with serotonin causing fluid loss and cypro the helps hold on to fluid but the previous answer on aldosterone seems like a better answer.


Mar 3, 2014
Does the feet swelling persists after one week with continued cyprohepatidine doses or do you
stop taking cypro after that?

I usually push it till 2 weeks, then I stop because I get worried my feet will explode.

Did you start with .5 mg dose two times a day from the start
or did you slowly increased from one dose to two dose?

I started on .25 mg once per day for 3 days then increased that to .25 mg morning and night. I have kept this dose for the last 12 days. Feet are still hurting. Sometimes they feel like they are burning, tingling but mostly swollen and sore. I trialled increased salt intake which led to nausea. My temps and pulse are lower.

I will take it for a further 7 days to see if some balance kicks in.

Thank you for the ideas everyone.


May 21, 2018
One possible mechanism of cypro causing feet swelling could be the lowering of
Aldosterone, which regulates sodium. If your Aldosterone were already high
and Cypro is lowering it significantly then loss of sodium can lead to edema.
Though in practise cypro is used to cure edema. RP has mentioned that
it takes few days for body to adjust to change in sodium intake by changing
Aldosterone. Since hypothyroid people have problem maintaining mineral balance
you can try lower dose of cypro and slowly increase it or continue the dose and
let thing adjusted on it's own. You can also increase salt intake and maintain
good intake of other alkaline mineral. Protein intake increases Albumin, which
plays a big role in preventing edema and maintaining sodium level.

I also have problems with water retention which increased with using cypro. I don't understand the mechanism you describe. Isn't salt also lowering Aldosterone. Does increase in sodium intake help when Cypro is already lowering Aldosterone.
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