Covid + Racial Bioweapons


Lord Cola

I posted this late last year. I'd like to hear what the scientifically literate people think about it.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I posted this late last year. I'd like to hear what the scientifically literate people think about it.

Human genetics researchers in search of grant monies.

This study suggested that ACE2 or TMPRSS2 DNA polymorphisms were likely associated with genetic susceptibility of COVID-19, which calls for a human genetics initiative for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.




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Aug 30, 2017
Red blood cells has no genes oxygen has no geans, nitrogen has no genes, hydrogen has no genes, carbon has no genes what are the four elements in the universe that make up the human body you guessed it. I walk big circles around this research


Apr 5, 2016
Moral and biological danger are just "concepts"

CV19 has blown the doors off the hinges - walk through

What a time to be alive...


Lord Cola

Race-specific bioweaponry is a topic from which most of us prefer to steer clear. That's because the topic evokes moral and bological danger and is therefore emotionally disturbing.

Any truth to this…


Here's the entire interview if anyone is interested.

Why would it be strange that Chinese and Russian military personnel won't take Moderna or Pfizer injections?
What is the source of the claim that there were 200 Chinese scientists embedded in Moderna and Pfizer?
Why doesn't she address the glaring implications of how Ashkenazi Jews are the least affected? And the comments about this are all predictably about how Ashkenazi Jews are not really Jews, like that's the thing that is most salient.

All of these are obvious questions that should have been asked, yet no one in that interview bothered to ask them or even hint at them. These people are supposed to be intelligent, yet they all flub around when they get near the relevant questions that even idiots would clearly see are relevant. It's either hysterics or silence. What amazing coincidence.


Feb 18, 2016
Here's the entire interview if anyone is interested.

Why would it be strange that Chinese and Russian military personnel won't take Moderna or Pfizer injections?
What is the source of the claim that there were 200 Chinese scientists embedded in Moderna and Pfizer?
Why doesn't she address the glaring implications of how Ashkenazi Jews are the least affected? And the comments about this are all predictably about how Ashkenazi Jews are not really Jews, like that's the thing that is most salient.

All of these are obvious questions that should have been asked, yet no one in that interview bothered to ask them or even hint at them. These people are supposed to be intelligent, yet they all flub around when they get near the relevant questions that even idiots would clearly see are relevant. It's either hysterics or silence. What amazing coincidence.

Where is the evidence for ashkenazi Jews having no covid issues?

I’m suspicious of this investigation, it seemed ok at the start but they are interviewing strange people, I can’t put my finger on it just yet, the same with that pandemic documentary, they bring elite paedophiles into it in the Qanon style, many people they interviewed are from that documentary.
My intuition is they are from the Christian church, jesuits or possibly opus dey, the thing is Fauci is a Jesuit ,it could also be a limited hangout by the ruling class.


Jun 22, 2021
Race-specific bioweaponry is a topic from which most of us prefer to steer clear. That's because the topic evokes moral and bological danger and is therefore emotionally disturbing.

Any truth to this…


Wow so this lady is telling me that the elites developed a virus that kills blacks and whites but which only the Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish are immune to ? No wonder the elites aren't worried about killing their own

Lord Cola

Where is the evidence for ashkenazi Jews having no covid issues?

I’m suspicious of this investigation, it seemed ok at the start but they are interviewing strange people, I can’t put my finger on it just yet, the same with that pandemic documentary, they bring elite paedophiles into it in the Qanon style, many people they interviewed are from that documentary.
My intuition is they are from the Christian church, jesuits or possibly opus dey, the thing is Fauci is a Jesuit ,it could also be a limited hangout by the ruling class.
She might have been talking about this, which also mentions the Amish.
Why would the Amish be affected differently from other Europeans?
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
If I remember correctly covid was tearing through Dr Zelenko's community, which is virtually all Ashkenzai Jews. That's why he was so desperate to find a solution.

Lord Cola

Wow so this lady is telling me that the elites developed a virus that kills blacks and whites but which only the Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish are immune to ? No wonder the elites aren't worried about killing their own
But why would they make it so obvious, if what she said were true? It's like writing your family name on the weapon you used in a crime, a very ineffective weapon at that.


Jan 25, 2014
Race-specific bioweaponry is a topic from which most of us prefer to steer clear. That's because the topic evokes moral and bological danger and is therefore emotionally disturbing.

Any truth to this…
I guess it depends at what level you are asking...

Is there "bioweapons" research going on? 100% yes.

Is some of this research attempting to target certain races and ethnicities? I would say this is a definite yes.

Have they had any success doing this? AKA, do any of these supposed "Bioweapons" work? Personally, I think the answer is no, and if they have had ANY success, it would likely be very, very limited in scope. Plus, you would have to spray so many thousands/millions of tons of aerosolized virus to cover even a city the size of San Francisco to get any sort of mass coverage. The idea of a few grams of milligrams leaking out of a lab and infecting a city (let alone country or world) is childish fantasy. Cost and effectiveness wise, you would be better off doing a chemical attack.

Remember, if COVID is a "Bioweapon," it is a complete and utter flop. There's no evidence it even exists, if it's anything it's a common cold, and they had to resort to rebranding deaths that very obviously had nothing to do with a common cold corona virus (like gunshots, motorcycle crashes, cancer, heart disease, parkinsons, kidney failure) to get to the 5.5 million or so death toll over 2 years (numbers which clearly aren't a "pandemic," and well under expected deaths from respiratory type diseases in that time period). And this with the aid of a 2 year propaganda campaign, bribes flowing to all sorts of people in medicine and government, coordinated effort from virtually all governments, the media, corporations, and such.

By this measure, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika, West Nile, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, are all complete and utter flops, as well. And if Peter Duesberg and Kary Mullis are right about AIDS not being caused by HIV (which I think they are), then HIV or the bogus "AIDS Virus" is a flop too, as they had to resort to killing people with AZT.

I don't know why anyone fears "bioweapons." They don't appear to work. And the only way to see if it's effective at killing off a large group of people, say more than a million, is to infect about a million people. This means they won't have any idea until they release it. Any "bioweapons" researcher are flying blind. Basically, they are trying to figure out the winning lottery numbers in a lottery that they don't know exists and can't even describe the rules to. You're never gonna have "success" at that.

I also don't think any "sheddding" that happens in mice is comparable to humans. This is normal mice behavior-


People aren't routinely licking random strangers for several minutes on end in the grocery store (at least, no where I've ever shopped). And considering none of the Covid shots have ever been demonstrated to cause any human cell to generate this mythical "Spike Protein," I don't think there's any real risk in that, either.
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Jan 25, 2014
Wow so this lady is telling me that the elites developed a virus that kills blacks and whites but which only the Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish are immune to ? No wonder the elites aren't worried about killing their own
Not "developed" a virus, but attempted to develop a virus. And failed and failed and failed and failed.

And will probably continue to fail, since it's they don't understand the terrain they are letting any virus into.

A lot of things that are thought to be "caused" by viruses or other germs very likely have other causes in the first place. As an example-



Jan 25, 2014
If I remember correctly covid was tearing through Dr Zelenko's community, which is virtually all Ashkenzai Jews. That's why he was so desperate to find a solution.
Haven't they figured out to simply stop testing for it yet?

Covid is like the new Tic Tac Toe. The only way to win is not to play.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Haven't they figured out to simply stop testing for it yet?

Covid is like the new Tic Tac Toe. The only way to win is not to play.

No apparently not. I mentioned that scenario simply because it seems to negate the woman's insinuation.
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