Covid Hell in Florida - Mostly Unvaccinated


Nov 9, 2016
How do you argue against the "vaccines" effectiveness after reading something like this?

Dr. Yvonne Johnson, Chief Medical Officer at Baptist South Miami Hospital, said the number of patients in her COVID ward has quadrupled in the past 3 weeks.
Eighty to eighty-five percent of those people who are hospitalized are unvaccinated. And 100 percent of the people in my IUC are unvaccinated. All those people are suffering unnecessarily.”

Other hospitals like Memorial Health Care System say they are overwhelmed
“This morning, we had over 420 patients with COVID. And 55 are in the ICU.”
In the ICU, 55 people are fighting for their lives and only one of them is vaccinated.
“Most of the patients are in their 30s and 40s and it is very sad to have someone die in the ICU by themselves without a touch of someone’s face of seeing loved ones,” said Juana Mejia, a COVID ICU nurse manager.


Oct 1, 2019
By questioning how they came to that "conclusion".

"...As reported by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media, the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid false positives on people who have been vaccinated, which would discourage acceptance of the vaccines. This is another example of ‘following the science’ only when it suits a political purpose; to wit, CDC is not recommending the lower threshold for anyone else being tested. False positives must be avoided to encourage vaccinations, but false positives to prevent children from attending school or maintain other government restrictions seem OK with CDC. Last summer, the New York Times reported that CTs above 34 almost never detect live virus but most often, dead nucleotides that are not contagious. The Sentinel found that many private labs in Kansas used thresholds of 38 and 40, and another one in Lenexa potentially at 45. The state lab at the Kansas Department of Health initially used a 42 CT on its most commonly performed test; on January 7, they reduced it to 35."
"...Horowitz quotes former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson as saying a standard of 28 CT applied to the general testing regime would preclude as many as 90% of cases from being recorded."


Anthony Fauci: "If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, the chances of it being replication competent are miniscule, ... if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you gotta say you know, it's just dead nucleotides. Period."

A cycle threshold that high will diagnose COVID in anything, even a papaya.
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Apr 8, 2016
I don't think most people are arguing about the "vaccines" effectiveness. I absolutely believe that the COVID vaccines are very effective in the short term. I think people are concerned that the damage to the human body from the vaccines may be worse than the damage to the human body from getting COVID. There is not enough data to know for sure since doctors are being discouraged from reporting vaccine side effects.

Also, the vaccines we have are not sterilizing. So the vaccines may breed variants that know how to infect people who are vaccinated. So in the long run, the vaccines may make little difference. Then all the people who are living with permanent disabilities from the vaccines will be pissed. Of course the public health officials will blame the unvaccinated to cover their asses for a policy decision that failed and caused unnecessary suffering on a massive scale.


Jun 13, 2019
I don't think most people are arguing about the "vaccines" effectiveness. I absolutely believe that the COVID vaccines are very effective in the short term. I think people are concerned that the damage to the human body from the vaccines may be worse than the damage to the human body from getting COVID. There is not enough data to know for sure since doctors are being discouraged from reporting vaccine side effects.

Also, the vaccines we have are not sterilizing. So the vaccines may breed variants that know how to infect people who are vaccinated. So in the long run, the vaccines may make little difference. Then all the people who are living with permanent disabilities from the vaccines will be pissed. Of course the public health officials will blame the unvaccinated to cover their asses for a policy decision that failed and caused unnecessary suffering on a massive scale.
well said. these are my thoughts as well


Oct 6, 2020
Argue against it?

1. Before this whole pandemic/covid thing started every person in thoose places were unvaccinated so whats the controll group? The people that are not sick? that includes tons of unvaccinated aswell.

2. How do they come to the conclusion that they all are sick and ill from covid? Don't tell me its trough PCR tests.

It just looks far to convenient that suddenly its only the unvaccinated getting sick, eventho thats not the only virus on this world.
The same way it was realy convenient that every sickness and death the past 1,5 years were supposedly all covid.

The statement that its just unvaccinated people on their station just means thats the people they "picked up" are unvaccinated but it gives no perspective as to why its only unvaccinated other than the fallacy to support their narrative. Why wouldn't vaccinated people be there due to other ailments? Sounds like buLLshiat to me. They realy just make people that are suspicious, even more suspicious by operating illogical to their own story.


Nov 9, 2016
By questioning how they came to that "conclusion".


Anthony Fauci: "If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, the chances of it being replication competent are miniscule, ... if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you gotta say you know, it's just dead nucleotides. Period."

I see how the case count can be manipulated, but when they say that every person in the ICU is unvaccinated except for one it makes me wonder.
Argue against it?

1. Before this whole pandemic/covid thing started every person in thoose places were unvaccinated so whats the controll group? The people that are not sick? that includes tons of unvaccinated aswell.

2. How do they come to the conclusion that they all are sick and ill from covid? Don't tell me its trough PCR tests.

It just looks far to convenient that suddenly its only the unvaccinated getting sick, eventho thats not the only virus on this world.
The same way it was realy convenient that every sickness and death the past 1,5 years were supposedly all covid.

The statement that its just unvaccinated people on their station just means thats the people they "picked up" are unvaccinated but it gives no perspective as to why its only unvaccinated other than the fallacy to support their narrative. Why wouldn't vaccinated people be there due to other ailments? Sounds like buLLshiat to me. They realy just make people that are suspicious, even more suspicious by operating illogical to their own story.
Those points do raise some questions. Maybe all of the Covid ICU patients are funneled to these two hospitals as part of their overall management plan.
But that's just a random unproven guess.

I'm never getting this poison injection, but I see these articles and it makes me think twice before telling someone else they shouldn't get them.


Sep 13, 2012
Damn fear mongering. The fear is toxic. Absolutely 100% toxic. Learn to re-program your brain of this virus hysteria.


Sep 13, 2012
Also Miami and anywhere near there have some of the most extremely poor people, like making only 11,000 a yr. They aren't going to be the shining star of health. It is obviously being used to sell fear.


Oct 1, 2019
I see how the case count can be manipulated, but when they say that every person in the ICU is unvaccinated except for one it makes me wonder.

Viral particles are so small that they get suspended in the air on aerosols, they are evenly spread in the whole room. When you are testing in a hospital were actual coronaviruses are present you can turn the cycle threshold high enough that you will get a positive result every time, because there will always be some matter from the air in your nose . PCR test can detect even a single molecule.


Jun 13, 2019
I'm never getting this poison injection, but I see these articles and it makes me think twice before telling someone else they shouldn't get them.
in general telling others what to do medically is a difficult move since their health all of a sudden becomes your responsibility. if you tell someone not to take the vaccine, and then they get very ill from covid, now youre to blame. if you tell them to get vaccinated and they get injured, it's your fault.

better to let everyone come to their own conclusion and do what's best for themselves. people who try to play the hero (of which I've done plenty of times thinking I know best) often accidentally lead people down the wrong path.


Jan 25, 2014
How do you argue against the "vaccines" effectiveness after reading something like this?

Dr. Yvonne Johnson, Chief Medical Officer at Baptist South Miami Hospital, said the number of patients in her COVID ward has quadrupled in the past 3 weeks.
Eighty to eighty-five percent of those people who are hospitalized are unvaccinated. And 100 percent of the people in my IUC are unvaccinated. All those people are suffering unnecessarily.”

Other hospitals like Memorial Health Care System say they are overwhelmed
“This morning, we had over 420 patients with COVID. And 55 are in the ICU.”
In the ICU, 55 people are fighting for their lives and only one of them is vaccinated.
“Most of the patients are in their 30s and 40s and it is very sad to have someone die in the ICU by themselves without a touch of someone’s face of seeing loved ones,” said Juana Mejia, a COVID ICU nurse manager.

Wow, you really think that no hospital in a metropolitan area of millions of people ever had 420 patients before the release of the most deadly and poorly tested vaccines in history? That's soooo adorable.

The Memorial Health Care System in Florida has 1,742 beds-

Explain to me why I should be concerned that 24% of their beds are being used?


Jan 25, 2014
I don't think most people are arguing about the "vaccines" effectiveness. I absolutely believe that the COVID vaccines are very effective in the short term.

I have no idea why you would believe that.

Maybe "most people" aren't, but I would think the vast majority of people on this forum don't think the vaccines are at all "effective." I would think that anyone who took a serious look at the "trial data" that was used to get these shots EUA would know that they aren't effective as an absolute fact.

Even taking the poorly conducted, interim trial data at face value, every single "vaccine" has an absolute risk reduction of only 1.5% or less, and the NNV to prevent a single case of COVID is anywhere from 78 to 119.

I don't think they are effective in the short or long term.

Once again, Anthony Colpo does a great job here of illustrating how the "vaccines" are not effective, nor safe-



Oct 1, 2019
@tankasnowgod Exactly, from people I know who have been vaccinated it seems that the COVID vaccine is, if anything, very effective in giving people COVID.

They were completely healthy before, and then get COVID right after the shot. And then they say "yeah, but because I got the vaccine, the illness was much milder" :doh


Mar 28, 2021
I live in Florida and have had Covid (confirmed with a test) and personally know almost 20 people who have had it. What no one seems to ever talk about within all the fear mongering is how for the vast majority of people it is only like a cold. No one I know has had to go to the hospital or even come close, many didn't even know they had it until they got tested, and thought it was just a cold.

When I caught it at the end of last year I was literally sick for two days, that's it. With few lockdowns or precautions here, I believe I have now already been exposed to the delta variant as well, as I have been around a couple people who tested positive for it, and that ended up being even less sickness than the first time... a week back I just had a sore throat and headache for a couple of days, now completely fine.

I do understand that some immune compromised or elderly people can have more severe illness from it, but everyone needs to stop watching doom-porn over the idea that Covid is going to kill you. The vast majority of people do not have problems, so the argument of making a vaccine with unknown long-term consequences and limited effect mandatory for people who have already gotten natural immunity to the actual virus is absurd.

I'm glad the vaccine exists, and potentially gives anyone in a high-risk an alternative to risking infection, but the concept of "blaming the unvaccinated" is just horse ***t, and anyone buying into that argument is not being ethically honest or following "science." By all means, people should get the vaccine if you want, or take whatever precautions you feel necessary, but once you start wanting to take away other people's free will in order to calm your personal fears about your own mortality, you are in the wrong.

People need to start turning off the news and going outside. Pet a dog or something. Yes, you may get sick at some point... but... you're definitely going to get sick at some point from something, and Covid will most likely not be the thing that kills you.


Jun 16, 2015
How do you argue against the "vaccines" effectiveness after reading something like this?

Dr. Yvonne Johnson, Chief Medical Officer at Baptist South Miami Hospital, said the number of patients in her COVID ward has quadrupled in the past 3 weeks.
Eighty to eighty-five percent of those people who are hospitalized are unvaccinated. And 100 percent of the people in my IUC are unvaccinated. All those people are suffering unnecessarily.”

Other hospitals like Memorial Health Care System say they are overwhelmed
“This morning, we had over 420 patients with COVID. And 55 are in the ICU.”
In the ICU, 55 people are fighting for their lives and only one of them is vaccinated.
“Most of the patients are in their 30s and 40s and it is very sad to have someone die in the ICU by themselves without a touch of someone’s face of seeing loved ones,” said Juana Mejia, a COVID ICU nurse manager.
Article starts out reporting number of cases. Automatically, we know the author is either:

1) An idiot
2) Intentionally trying to mislead

cf. Reminder: number of Covid cases does not matter

Oh look, the daily number of tests is starting to increase again. Hmmmm...

Of course we're going to get more cases.

What else? "Screening tests" are no longer being performed for the vaccinated in general. Screening tests are tests needed because they're required for flying, work, etc. and not done b/c of suspected exposure. It is of course stupid not to still screen the "vaccinated" since it seems "vaccinated" are still getting infected. But it will help skew the numbers to make it look like the unvaccinated are having more cases! Notice that for the federal employee vaccine mandate, you are required to have the vaccine *or* you have to get tested weekly. This is going to drive the case rate up and ignore if vaccinated are getting infected, which is *really* stupid because it prevents us from characterizing vaccine efficacy in a large population (federal gov't employees).

Also, the fullness rate of ICU beds is a joke. I used to date an ICU nurse and the ICU beds were always at least 90% full because of penny pinching by the administrators. They don't want to run any more ICU beds than they have to because it costs a lot of money. Also, if they can always go to the state and say "our ICU is always full" they can use it to bargain for more state funding. Then they'll spend the money elsewhere (like fat administrator salaries) and the ICU will still be full. Full ICU bed rate *could* be due to Covid, but it is more likely to be because of shitty hospital operating policy.


Apr 8, 2016
I have no idea why you would believe that.

Maybe "most people" aren't, but I would think the vast majority of people on this forum don't think the vaccines are at all "effective." I would think that anyone who took a serious look at the "trial data" that was used to get these shots EUA would know that they aren't effective as an absolute fact.

Even taking the poorly conducted, interim trial data at face value, every single "vaccine" has an absolute risk reduction of only 1.5% or less, and the NNV to prevent a single case of COVID is anywhere from 78 to 119.

I don't think they are effective in the short or long term.

Once again, Anthony Colpo does a great job here of illustrating how the "vaccines" are not effective, nor safe-

I would argue that the relative risk reduction of the "vaccines" against the original variant and some early variants was real. Maybe not effective enough to justify giving the vaccines to the public. But the "vaccines" likely did keep some people exposed to the original variant and other early variants out of the hospital. Due to bad data collection, we will never know how many people were kept out of the hospital.

The virus may adapt to the "vaccines" through natural selection making the vaccine program useless. So in that sense, the "vaccines" may be useless.


Jan 25, 2014
I would argue that the relative risk reduction of the "vaccines" against the original variant and some early variants was real.

Again, why would you argue that? As Colpo points out in the article I linked, all those trials were run by drug companies, and were not properly blinded. They had a very obvious conflict of interest in regards to profit, as the companies have made billions of dollars from these "vaccines" already-

And it's not just Colpo pointing out the potential fraud in these trials. BMJ editor Peter Doshi raised several concerns about the Pfizer trial data-

I think the biggest is the imbalance of individuals excluded from the analysis-

The 371 individuals excluded from Pfizer vaccine efficacy analysis

Another reason we need more data is to analyse an unexplained detail found in a table of FDA’s review of Pfizer’s vaccine: 371 individuals excluded from the efficacy analysis for “important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after Dose 2.” What is concerning is the imbalance between randomized groups in the number of these excluded individuals: 311 from the vaccine group vs 60 on placebo. (In contrast, in Moderna’s trial, there were just 36 participants excluded from the efficacy analysis for “major protocol deviation”—12 vaccine group vs 24 placebo group.)

What were these protocol deviations in Pfizer’s study, and why were there five times more participants excluded in the vaccine group? The FDA report doesn’t say, and these exclusions are difficult to even spot in Pfizer’s report and journal publication.

Remember there were only 170 total "confirmed" COVID cases in the entire trial during this time. If Pfizer excluded the extra 251 in the vaccine group because they tested positive for COVID, that could completely obliterate any sort of "effectiveness."

257 in the vaccine group vs. 162 in the placebo group would be a 63% RR INCREASE in the vaccine group, and this is absolutely possible with data we have from the trial.

Tell me, again, why this shows that the "vaccines" in any way, are effective?
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