COVID-19 Vaccines With “minor Side Effects”


Jan 25, 2014
A big issue I have with this whole vaccine development thing is that some of these companies must have invested/be investing huge amounts of money into developing this new vaccine. The incentive for them to get the vaccine through and sold is massive and I fear it compromises objectiveness when it comes to evaluating its safety.
It would really take a lot for me to trust any vaccine that comes out with all the corruption that takes place in conducting and publishing studies. Who knows what the real truth is and I find it hard to trust anyone involved in making such a vaccine. It is also beyond me how after so many years of making vaccines noone has come up with a way to avoid aluminum and mercury to make them safer

If you listen to the debate RFK jr had with Alan Dersowitz, Robert claims that all the money being spent is government money, not any of the company's money. On top of that, drug companies don't have any liability for this vaccine (and most vaccines in general).

There is zero incentive to improve safety, from a business perspective.


Feb 18, 2016
That seems like a lot of polysorbate 80 right? Isn’t it usually only added in like microgram amounts to food?

It helps with the inflammatory response I believe, their vaccines won’t work without an adjuvant to cause inflammation.
It must cause inflammation in small amounts in food whenever it hits tissue but that won’t appear in the research I’m sure.


Jun 20, 2015
Just came across this picture. The story is: To test if a vaccine works in real world conditions you would vaccinate a huge cohort. After a waiting period (which often is years) you make a study to see how many controls got infected and how many of those vaccinated. If there are only few people in the population that have the bug, there is almost zero chance to catch it. Then you can't prove that the vaccine is working. You would only prove that the vaccine is not needed at all.

virus going away.GIF


Mar 29, 2014
I, nor most people I know, are "on the fence" about taking a potentially lethal drug with no known benefits.
That's the point isn't it. They are in development, not yet tested, so benefits (and risks) are not yet known.

It becomes interesting when there has been more work done, and there is more known.

But regardless it would be of utmost common sense to avoid the most rushed and forced through vaccine in human history--even if you were completely pro-vaccine.
That may be - or it may depend on other factors too, like where you are, what your personal relative risk is between the virus and the vaccine, and what other protective measures you are able to take. I'm not planning to be first in the queue for the first vaccine, but I don't rule out considering it at some point, pending more information.

I think that most people are looney when it comes to COVID, and the reality will settle in within the next year or so.
I expect in the next year or so, as many more people become seriously ill or die in many more parts of the world, it will become clear to most people that it is a real hazard.


Jan 25, 2014
That's the point isn't it. They are in development, not yet tested, so benefits (and risks) are not yet known.

It becomes interesting when there has been more work done, and there is more known.

Really? So what other "in development" drugs are you "on the fence" about taking? Do you often contact the places conducting clinical trials, ask what substances they are taking, and then think about whether you will take that drug?

My guess is that you, and 99.9% of the population don't even think about taking any of the hundreds of drugs that are in development or being tested at any given time. The only reason this one is different is due to the 7 months of non-stop propaganda.


Jan 25, 2014
I expect in the next year or so, as many more people become seriously ill or die in many more parts of the world, it will become clear to most people that it is a real hazard.

So you are a believer in prophecy then? Future predictions, not actual data?

People become seriously ill and die all the time. About 30 Million worldwide this year alone. Even taking the "With Covid" numbers at face value (and they make no claim that it was the actual cause of death, or illness), that only accounts for 1.7% of deaths. Or, to put it another way...... 98.3% of deaths this year has NOTHING to do with COVID. Heart Disease and Cancer remain 1 and 2 all over the world. In terms of respiratory diseases alone, Tuberculous is responsible for more deaths this year than COVID. As it was last year, the year before that, and so on, as many decades or centuries back as you wish to go. And, of note, even with everything going on, all cause mortality is basically where you would expect it to be for 2020.

And don't make the claim that it's a "new virus." There is zero proof of that. COVID could have been around for years, decades, centuries even. The best you can claim is that it's a newly DISCOVERED virus, but seeing as there are potentially millions of undiscovered viruses..... that doesn't mean much.

Those who want to believe the official propaganda will believe. But if you really start to question it, the whole thing falls apart like a house of cards built on a foundation of quicksand.


Oct 1, 2019
That's the point isn't it. They are in development, not yet tested, so benefits (and risks) are not yet known.

It becomes interesting when there has been more work done, and there is more known.

That may be - or it may depend on other factors too, like where you are, what your personal relative risk is between the virus and the vaccine, and what other protective measures you are able to take. I'm not planning to be first in the queue for the first vaccine, but I don't rule out considering it at some point, pending more information.

I expect in the next year or so, as many more people become seriously ill or die in many more parts of the world, it will become clear to most people that it is a real hazard.

Coronaviruses mutate every few weeks. That’s why for decades they never were able to create a vaccine for it. Sars-Cov2 as they called it doesn’t even exist anymore. What exactly do you want to get vaccinated against?
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
If you know of someone who is still on the fence about getting one of the Covid-19 vaccines, this article from may give them a nudge.

For me, the takeaway from the article in the original post is that the vaccine trials are designed-to-succeed; or at least look successful. Typically, the testing for vitamins and nutraceuticals are designed-to-fail. The pharmaceutical industry must view the covid vaccine as a profitable product and it will be marketed as being highly successful. Not only is a non-placebo being used for comparison but they are also using an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. Acetaminophen (which is also known as paracetamol and Tylenol) is being used to suppress some of the immediate adverse effects (unintended consequences) of the vaccine. Acetaminophen is not an innocuous over-the-counter drug:

As far as other people being on the fence, I assume (perhaps wrongly) that other people are not as propaganda- resistant as one may suspect. Currently, we are only ankle-deep in the propaganda about the virtues of this soon-to-be-tested vaccine. When the vaccines have been manufactured and the propaganda machine is running full throttle, the PR wizards will reach into their bag of tricks and magically people will wait in line for an opportunity to be jabbed. Many people have already bought into the panic and the idea that a jab or two will end this covid madness.

I am thinking that this situation my be similar to waiting in line a a grocery check line. Many people skip the grocery junk food aisles, but they purchase impulse items (junk food) at the very end of their food shopping. I do not think my friends are sufficiently impulse-resistant not to be swayed at the very end.


Mar 29, 2014
I don't think about taking hundreds of drugs. There are drugs I've read about as they've been in development and become available, related to my own health issues, and I've chosen to wait until there are both more studies and more users reporting their experiences with them.
I know people have varying risk tolerances. There have been people on this forum who have reported and promoted activities that would be well outside my risk tolerance, and that I would strongly discourage.

I don't know about belief, but I have current expectations of likely future outcomes, based on current data, trends, observation, analysis.
My prediction is consistent with the available data that I am aware of.
I'm aware of significant uncertainties about the future in regard to: the exact numbers and geographic spread of the virus (though the overall trend suggests continued spread and increasing numbers), the responses that will be made in terms of prevention, protection, and treatment, whether and to what extent infection stimulates future immunity and how long for, and the proportion of the population that is significantly immune to reality (this may be the weakest part of the prediction).

Current analysis shows that most of the deaths confirmed as COVID-19 in country reports are likely to be caused by SARS-COV2, and that in many countries the actual fatalities from the virus are likely higher than the reported number, because many deaths have occurred outside hospitals etc and not been included in the stats. I don't see any obvious signs that the pandemic is about to end. Record-breaking rises in numbers continue.

At this point, I would say that the only way that the pandemic will end before causing many more deaths than it already has, would be for widespread major changes in the response to it, and even then, we don't know what is possible. There is no evidence yet that there is any sufficiently widespread effective response imminent.

SARS-COV2 is a newly-discovered virus, and whether or not it evolved and hung out in some area some time ago, quite possibly in an other species, it means something that it has only this year taken a large human toll.
I'm inclined to give some credence to evidence from doctors and other health workers who have observed and studied the phenomenon, nurses, epidemiologists, scientists. And I'm open to new evidence.

Rejecting evidence from scientists and other relevant and informed professionals on the basis that they are 'authorities' is culturally destructive anti-intellectualism. It's been used in a number of countries as part of undermining informed democracy and social progress, for purposes of population control.
That there is inevitably a great deal of uncertainty about a new phenomenon doesn't in any way mean that scientists, epidemiologists, doctors etc should be wholesale dismissed - they are on the forefront of developing knowledge in the area.

Funny how perspectives can vary. 1.7 % extra fatalities (and rising) looks like a lot to me. To unnecessarily continue that trend is not my idea of an optimal approach.

Tuberculosis is another serious infectious illness, and much resources have and should be put to preventing and treating it too. It is not clear whether, by the end of the year, it will still outpace COVID-19.
All-cause mortality in several countries is higher than would otherwise have been likely this year. It also varied by area within countries. New York had 7x expected mortality rate at one point, most of which was attributed to COVID-19.
Coronaviruses mutate every few weeks. That’s why for decades they never were able to create a vaccine for it. Sars-Cov2 as they called it doesn’t even exist anymore. What exactly do you want to get vaccinated against?
I didn't say I wanted to get vaccinated. I said I'd consider it, pending more information. If/when there is a credible candidate available, I'll consider it. If there never is, I won't. I disagree with those who say it is always stupid to consider getting vaccinated. I say it depends on the context.

I certainly don't think it makes sense to pin all hopes for resolving the pandemic on vaccines that are not yet available, and may never be all that effective, even if they will be sufficiently safe to be worth using.


Jan 25, 2014
Funny how perspectives can vary. 1.7 % extra fatalities (and rising) looks like a lot to me.

Who said anything about "extra?" It's 1.7% of ALL fatalities. Which are basically in line with what they are every year. And globally, I have heard it's down almost 2% from expected.

All-cause mortality in several countries is higher than would otherwise have been likely this year. It also varied by area within countries. New York had 7x expected mortality rate at one point, most of which was attributed to COVID-19.

Incorrect, again. Not a single fatality, anywhere in the US in 2020, has been attributed to COVID. That would imply causality. That is not how deaths are tallied here. Health officials have told you again and again what they are doing..... if someone dies WITH COVID, they are counting that. Here is Dr. Brix (of the Coronavirus Task Force), in her own words-

"if someone dies WITH Covid-19, we are counting that as a Covid-19 death." - Dr. Brix

No different that if doctors started writing "wart" on the death certificate of people who died with a wart, or multiple warts. Maybe even suspected warts. Probably wasn't the wart that killed them. And you would still see the most "wart fatalities" among the elderly, and those with "pre-existing conditions" like heart disease or cancer.

Suddenly...... warts are deadly.

That's how you can have a person in their 20s die in a Motorcycle crash, and be listed among COVID deaths-

Florida health official says man who died in motorcycle crash listed as coronavirus death

As for that spike in New York, there could have been several reasons for that. Off the top of my head-

-Forced Isolation from a Lockdown Order
-Stress from non stop news saying everyone is going to die in a pandemic
-Massive unemployment in the general population
-Laying off thousands of Doctors and Nurses
-Denying medical treatment to Heart Disease and Cancer patients (which remained the number 1 and 2 killers throughout this whole operation).
-Medical Homicide that occurred in Elmhurst and other hospitals (see hero nurse Erin Marie Olszewski)

This is the only virus in history that has needed a massive propaganda campaign lasting 7+ months to cause the injury that it has. If you think that the media campaign and government intervention didn't have an effect...... well, that's why I think you are a believer in prophecy.


Mar 29, 2014
I don't agree with this interpretation of the available evidence.
I think it relies on too many unlikely assumptions.


Jan 25, 2014
I don't agree with this interpretation of the available evidence.
I think it relies on too many unlikely assumptions.

That is RICH.

The official narrative of "COVID 19" itself relies on too many unlikely assumptions.


1. The assumption that scientists "discovered" a "new virus" right as it jumped from some sort of animal to a human.
2. That this new virus didn't circulate in any humans prior to December 1st, 2019.
3. That these same scientists somehow "knew" this virus would turn into a pandemic, just by looking at it.
4. That there was no need for any other scientists, organizations, or countries to verify this discovery in infected patients.
5. That a so called "novel" coronavirus wouldn't act like other coronaviruses discovered in humans, dating back to at least 1966.
6. That researchers could come up with an accurate test for the virus, without a live sample of said virus.
7. That a PCR test is a good diagnostic for this virus, despite the fact that it's inventor (Kary Mullis) disputes this. As do manufacturers of the test, and even the CDC.
8. That the original Case Fatality Rate of 3.4% was the same as the Infection Fatality Rate.
9. The idea that both above rates would never change.
10. That "The Virus" only shows up in countries when they start testing for it, or institute lockdowns.
11. That radical experiments like lockdowns, mass layoffs, and forced masking are the only was to deal with this "novel virus."
12. That masks only became effective when health officials reversed themselves and said they were.
13. That studies that show that COVID was circulating as early as March 2019 are incorrect, as they rely on the same tests used to diagnose the virus, but perfectly okay as a diagnostic otherwise.
14. That healthy people need to be rebranded as "Asymptomatic Patients."
15. That doctors, healthcare workers and hospitals would not respond to social and financial pressure to liberally apply the COVID label on death certificates.
16. The idea that COVID can be a pandemic when Tuberculous or the Flu are never considered as such.
17. That lockdowns should continue even after the models used to justify them turned out to be insanely wrong.
18. That this novel virus somehow gets around basic laws of physics. And people's immune systems.
19. That somehow laying off tens of thousands of doctors and nurses during a pandemic is in any way a good idea.
20. That things like heart disease, cancer, suicides, food shortages, famine, stress, isolation, and massive unemployment are of no concern whatsover.

That's 20 very unlikely assumptions right there.
Last edited:


Nov 18, 2019
Hi @tara,

This is a brief video of 15min, where this Doctor highlights the research and problems with the numbers and testing. She shows it on screen so you can independently look it up. BTW...she is not in favor so it definitely has a slant, but I liked that she showed the papers and research.

Edit: This is also a great read:

The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland.

Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong


May 11, 2020
That is RICH.

The official narrative of "COVID 19" itself relies on too many unlikely assumptions.


1. The assumption that scientists "discovered" a "new virus" right as it jumped from some sort of animal to a human.
2. That this new virus didn't circulate in any humans prior to December 1st, 2019.
3. That these same scientists somehow "knew" this virus would turn into a pandemic, just by looking at it.
4. That there was no need for any other scientists, organizations, or countries to verify this discovery in infected patients.
5. That a so called "novel" coronavirus wouldn't act like other coronaviruses discovered in humans, dating back to at least 1966.
6. That researchers could come up with an accurate test for the virus, without a live sample of said virus.
7. That a PCR test is a good diagnostic for this virus, despite the fact that it's inventor (Kary Mullis) disputes this. As do manufacturers of the test, and even the CDC.
8. That the original Case Fatality Rate of 3.4% was the same as the Infection Fatality Rate.
9. The idea that both above rates would never change.
10. That "The Virus" only shows up in countries when they start testing for it, or institute lockdowns.
11. That radical experiments like lockdowns, mass layoffs, and forced masking are the only was to deal with this "novel virus."
12. That masks only became effective when health officials reversed themselves and said they were.
13. That studies that show that COVID was circulating as early as 2019 are incorrect, as they rely on the same tests used to diagnose the virus, but perfectly okay as a diagnostic otherwise.
14. That healthy people need to be rebranded as "Asymptomatic Patients."
15. That doctors, healthcare workers and hospitals would not respond to social and financial pressure to liberally apply the COVID label on death certificates.
16. The idea that COVID can be a pandemic when Tuberculous or the Flu are never considered as such.
17. That lockdowns should continue even after the models used to justify them turned out to be insanely wrong.
18. That this novel virus somehow gets around basic laws of physics. And people's immune systems.
19. That somehow laying off tens of thousands of doctors and nurses during a pandemic is in any way a good idea.
20. That things like heart disease, cancer, suicides, food shortages, famine, stress, isolation, and massive unemployment are of no concern whatsover.

That's 20 very unlikely assumptions right there.

Holy ownage lol
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
The link that you provided does not work for me.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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