COVID-19 vaccine(s) makes people test positive on an HIV test


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
As many of the readers here remember, Peat mentioned in several interviews that one of the concerns he had with the various mRNA vaccines developed for COVID-19 was that most of them contain a protein fragment from HIV. He stated that the introduction of such retroviral species in the organism in the form of a vaccine is at best a very risky gamble and at worst may actually trigger the development of a catastrophic immune failure akin to AIDS, while also incorporating the SARS-CoV-2 protein into our genome. I saw several immunology "experts" discuss the public's concern about this issue (which was raised by various other doctors) and all of them dismissed such worries as irrational and completely unfounded.

"...Focus on the induction of antibodies by vaccines to define immunity has led to a dangerous disregard for the basic facts of health. The present testing of a vaccine containing the RNA that specifies the most destructive spike protein of the corona virus, the part that inactivates our protective ACE2 enzyme, is being done in a culture that avoids consideration of the meaning of our massive endogenous system of RNA-responsive reverse transcriptases and retroelements. The consequences of incorporating the spike protein of the virus into our genetic repertoire are hard to imagine. The mindless activation of our huge epigenetic system of retroelements, with no knowable benefits, should be stopped."

Well, as it seems, fate is not without a sense of irony. Apparently, Australia just halted the development of its own COVID-19 vaccines after several of the participants started producing antibodies for HIV. The most shocking part of this fiasco is that apparently the vaccine manufacturers knew about the possibility of the vaccine triggering HIV antiibody production. They simply did not anticipate that the level of HIV antibody production would be high enough to trigger a positive HIV test!! I also marvel at the linguistic acrobatics used to convey this news. Instead of saying the vaccine triggered a positive HIV test, they say that the vaccine "interfered" with an HIV test. To the average person on the street that may even sound like the vaccine has some sort of protective effect against HIV, instead of actually causing it. If such outcome is perfectly fine and there is nothing to worry about then why halt the trial and permanently abandon further development of this vaccine?? Considering that this HIV fragment is in all COVID-19 mRNA vaccines currently on the market, why wasn't HIV testing done during the other (Pfizer, Moderna, etc) trials as well??
Anyways, apparently it is known to vaccine vendors that (at least this) COVID-19 vaccines may cause HIV to develop. They just did not expect that this (un)desired "side" effect will be robust enough to be discovered during the vaccine trial and as such to be directly linked to the vaccine. I bet they hoped that HIV will manifest months/years after the vaccine has been administered so they can claim there is no association. Now, knowing that most other vaccines on the market (for any disease, not just COVID-19) contain fragments of the (in)famous carcinogenic SV40 virus that is also known to cause fatal neurodegenerative disease, I think it becomes a little bit clearer just how "safe" most of the vaccines being pushed on the unsuspecting public are.

Against the background of such exceptional "safety" of most vaccines, the recent news that some states (such as DC) passed emergency laws (under the guise of COVID-19) laws allowing secret manipulation, consent and vaccination of children reads like it came from a horror novel.

I am starting to wonder what else is in those vaccines that we don't even know about, as many of the ingredients are not even required to be disclosed if the amount present in a vaccine is below a certain FDA-specified level, and/or is protected by trade secrets. FDA does get to see everything that is in a vaccine (or at least can demand to see it, subject to vendor's compliance, of course), but FDA is not required to disclose to the public ALL ingredients present in a typical vial containing the vaccine. And perhaps worst of all, the discoverer of HIV himself (Luc Montagnier) warned as early as March 2020 that SARS-CoV-2 contained HIV fragments that are highly unlikely to be of natural origin, and also that any COVID-19 vaccine based on mRNA will have a risk of triggering HIV/AIDS. He is, by definition, the expert on HIV but this time instead of telling us to "listen to the experts" mainstream media either did not even mention his statements or immediately labelled him as insane, disturbed, etc.

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe

"...The Phase 1 data also showed the generation of antibodies directed towards fragments of a protein (gp41), which is a component used to stablise the vaccine. Trial participants were fully informed of the possibility of a partial immune response to this component, but it was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests."

"...The backers of Australia’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine candidate, earlier this week, announced a halt to its further development, after some of the first people to receive the vaccine in a safety trial generated antibodies to an unintended target, the AIDS virus. A small fragment of an HIV protein is a component of the vaccine used to add stability to the intended antibody target, the spike protein of the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Science Mag reported. Unfortunately, that HIV fragment also generated antibodies that could confuse diagnostic tests. Researchers recognized the possibility that the HIV component might invoke an immune response. But, “It was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests,” reads a joint statement announcing the halt of the candidate’s development that was posted online by UQ and CSL- Science Mag reported."

"...Interestingly enough, earlier in the year, at the height of the pandemic and COVID hysteria, Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic, claimed on French media that COVID 19 was created in Wuhan lab, while scientists were experimenting on an HIV vaccination."
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Horrific. I read an article yesterday where people with money are calling their doctors and offering $25,000 to get ahead of the line for the vaccine. Tragic.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Horrific. I read an article yesterday where people with money are calling their doctors and offering $25,000 to get ahead of the line for the vaccine. Tragic.

I hope other vaccine vendors "overdosed" their vials with HIV fragments as well, so that enough people start quickly registering positive HIV tests and thus trigger a vaccine withdrawal. It's the only way for the masses to start questioning those vaccines...and the larger political games behind them.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I hope other vaccine vendors "overdosed" their vials with HIV fragments as well, so that enough people start quickly registering positive HIV tests and thus trigger a vaccine withdrawal. It's the only way for the masses to start questioning those vaccines...and the larger political games behind them.
With the timing and all, I could see something like this happening. :watching:


Jan 25, 2014
So in addition to Bell's Palsy and Anaphylactic Shock, we can now add the biological death sentence of being "HIV Positive" to the list of widely publicized Side Effects of these Vaccines? Nice.

Somewhere in Jon Rappoport's writings, he was talking with someone who was working on an HIV/AIDS vaccine. The plan was, if the vaccine was developed, that each person who took the vaccine was to get a letter stating that any positive HIV test was okay, and that the antibodies came from the vaccine, not the HIV virus, so it was okay. Rappoport said he fell out of his chair. So HIV Antibodies were only a problem if they had come from the natural functioning of the immune system?

Maybe the Austrailian researchers can just get a copy of that letter, and then continue on with their research..... or forget the research, and just unleash the vaccine on the public anyway.

Of course, Antibodies are normally a sign of health, anyway, and health authorities have never offered a good explanation of why HIV antibodies, and no other antibodies, are a sign that you will contract a super deadly disease in about ten years or so.

And even that appears to be a strong "Maybe." Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV 29 years ago. Here he was eulogizing Kobe Bryant in February of this year. He clearly isn't bedridden, and looks to be in pretty good shape for a 61 year old-

And, of course, under which criteria are would this vaccine trigger a positive HIV test? Different countries have different criteria.

The part related to testing starts at 4:30, but the entire clip is solid, with lots of good commentary from the late Kary Mullis.

Montagnier brings up an interesting point, connecting SARS-CoV-2 and HIV. In all these media pandemics, they seem to just throw stuff that didn't work in previous ones at the new one. AZT was designed as chemotherapy drug for cancer, but was far too dangerous for that purpose. The inventor didn't even bother to patent it, as he thought it would never be used. But they threw that at HIV and AIDS patients as "treatment," although the terrible side effects of the drug cause "AIDS Symptoms" in those who take it. Good con. Diagnose someone with a disease, and then "produce" the symptoms of the disease with the treatment.

PCR was developed by Kary Mullis when he was studying HIV/AIDS. Remdesivir was created to treat Hepatitis C-

"Remdesivir was originally created and developed by Gilead Sciences in 2009, to treat hepatitis C and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).[23][104] It did not work against hepatitis C or RSV,[23][104] but was then repurposed and studied as a potential treatment for Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus infections.[105][104] According to the Czech News Agency, this new line of research was carried out under the direction of scientist Tomáš Cihlář.[106] A collaboration of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Gilead Sciences subsequently discovered that remdesivir had antiviral activity in vitro against multiple filoviruses, pneumoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses.[107]"


Jan 25, 2014
Horrific. I read an article yesterday where people with money are calling their doctors and offering $25,000 to get ahead of the line for the vaccine. Tragic.

Normally, the drug companies pay you to take part in clinical trials, although considering it's usually along the lines of $1500-$3000, it's usually a paltry amount.

But if rich people want to pay their doctors to be experimented upon.........


Aug 6, 2015
in Britain, many people wear a mask exemption badge for religious or medical reasons.

If you don't even need to wear a mask, how deadly could the virus be? Not very.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
And even that appears to be a strong "Maybe." Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV 29 years ago. Here he was eulogizing Kobe Bryant in February of this year. He clearly isn't bedridden, and looks to be in pretty good shape for a 61 year old-

I would love to know what treatments, if any, Johnson took. I was following it closely at the time and he seemed to be steering away from establishment treatments, like AZT, that certainly caused AIDS in many people and killed them.


Jan 25, 2014
I would love to know what treatments, if any, Johnson took. I was following it closely at the time and he seemed to be steering away from establishment treatments, like AZT, that certainly caused AIDS in many people and killed them.

Boxer Tommy Morrison took AZT for a few days, then threw it in the trash. He was "diagnosed" with HIV when he was 26. It totally ruined his career. 11 years later, the suspension was lifted like it never happened, and the official reason became that it was a "false positive."

Jim J Bullock was diagnosed with HIV in the mid 80s, and has actually lived longer HIV positive than with no diagnosis. At 65, he still looks to be in great shape, too-

His "Too Close For Comfort" costar Ted Knight died at the age of 62, for comparison.


Jun 7, 2019
It's not an mRNA vaccine.

Trial participants were fully informed of the possibility of a partial immune response to this component, but it was unexpected that the levels induced would interfere with certain HIV tests."
How was the above line relevant but not the one after it?
There is no possibility the vaccine causes infection, and routine follow up tests confirmed there is no HIV virus present.
So how did it cause HIV infection and how will it cause AIDS?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Jim J Bullock was diagnosed with HIV in the mid 80s, and has actually lived longer HIV positive than with no diagnosis. At 65, he still looks to be in great shape, too-

His "Too Close For Comfort" costar Ted Knight died at the age of 62, for comparison.

No AIDS pharmaceuticals for 36 years, that's why Bullock's so healthy. He needs to get off the anti-viral ***t he's been taking for the past 4-5 years.


Jan 25, 2014
No AIDS pharmaceuticals for 36 years, that's why Bullock's so healthy. He needs to get off the anti-viral ***t he's been taking for the past 4-5 years.

I guess it depends on the "Anti-Viral." If it's methylene blue, he should continue on.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It's not an mRNA vaccine.

How was the above line relevant but not the one after it?

So how did it cause HIV infection and how will it cause AIDS?

I contains some surface proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and that HIV portion, which is the same description as the vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna. So, it sounds very much like an (m)RNA vaccine to me, especially considering that it triggered the endogenous production of full HIV viral particles. Btw, it does not have to be an (m)RNA vaccine to cause integration into the genome. As Peat mentioned a few times in interviews, (including the latest podcast), we incorporate DNA/RNA material even from food. Another example - the injection of prion proteins directly into the bloodstream and/or brain can also triggers incorporations into the host's genome.
"...Enveloped viruses have proteins on their surface that drive the virus's fusion and host cell membranes, a key process in infection. These proteins are also the major target of a protective immune response. Although they can induce an immune response, they are inherently unstable and can change shape when expressed independently. This means that the immune response induced does not efficiently recognize the protein on the virus surface and does not protect subsequent infection. UQ-CSL V451 has overcome this problem by using its proprietary “molecular clamp” technology that locks the unstable, prefusion version of the surface proteins in a form that allows the immune system to respond more effectively. This is achieved using their proprietary “molecular clamp” technology that locks these proteins in their native virus surface form. This synthetic protein can then be purified and rapidly manufactured into a vaccine."

The vaccine contains portions of the HIV virus and apparently when injected into people triggers the production of HIV particles to the point of causing a positive HIV test. So, you don't think the vaccine triggering the endogenous production of HIV is worrying? What is your definition of "causing" HIV / AIDS? Were these people followed for say 6-12 months and retested periodically to ensure no HIV infection recurs? I am asking, because if you go for a random HIV test to your doctor and it comes back positive, even a single time, you will get diagnosed as having HIV. Same thing here - several of the trial participants took the vaccine, started producing HIV virions and got positive HIV tests. Of course, when the company that develops the vaccine tells us everything is fine and there is nothing worry about we'll just take a deep breath of relief and move on, right? As you can see the trial was immediately halted and the vaccine will be abandoned. I wonder why...
Have you read Peat's and Montagnier's statements on these vaccines? Both of them warn about the unknown and highly risky nature of injecting vaccines that contain retroviral material. On the last interview with Danny Roddy I explicitly asked Peat if he think these vaccines containing HIV particles can cause an AIDS-like condition and he flatly said "yes". And now, we have this in the news.
Just out of curiosity - what is your threshold of evidence beyond which you'd start worrying about a vaccine's safety?
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Sep 24, 2016
What do you guys make of Montaigner's claim about virus being made in the lab? I was under the impression that the current state of affairs is an organised disorganisation of the known unknowns about the virus. That is by making and amplifying such claims, portraying something that is otherwise more or less common and endemic as very new and peculiar.


Jun 7, 2019
Apart from them both being vaccines, how is it "like" an mRNA vaccine if it doesn't contain any mRNA?
The vaccine contains portions of the HIV virus and apparently when injected into people triggers the production of HIV particles to the point of causing a positive HIV test.
How did antibodies become "HIV particles"? Are antibodies now pretty much the same as actual HIV virus particles? If it triggered an antibody test because the immune system created antibodies to remove the unwanted foreign protein fragment that was injected into the body, how is that the same as having cells cranking out HIV virions?
So, you don't think the vaccine triggering the endogenous production of HIV is worrying?
What endogenous production of HIV? According to your article, "routine follow up tests confirmed there is no HIV virus present." All they have is antibodies against some non-replicating protein fragments that have since been removed by the immune system. There's no indication that the vaccine contains any genetic material, how would it be infectious? If they were using this for an mRNA vaccine then it would be worrisome for the same reason that using the spike protein in an mRNA vaccine is a worry.
I am asking, because if you go for a random HIV test to your doctor and it comes back positive, even a single time, you will get diagnosed as having HIV.
The test subjects weren't. They had another test that confirmed the absence of HIV.
Same thing here - several of the trial participants took the vaccine, started producing HIV virions and got positive HIV tests.
But no HIV was present so they hadn't produced HIV virions at all.
Just out of curiosity - what is your threshold of evidence beyond which you'd start worrying about a vaccine's safety?
I don't want any of their vaccines, I just think that a good start for a complaint would be that it actually relates to the vaccine in question.


Jan 25, 2014
It's not an mRNA vaccine.

How was the above line relevant but not the one after it?

So how did it cause HIV infection and how will it cause AIDS?

I'll say this..... I don't think HIV causes AIDS, at least not by any direct mechanism. But I would never want to test HIV positive under any circumstances. This basically marks you as having a deadly degenerative disease, and the medical cartel will do everything in their power to prove that correct, including killing you with chemotherapy drugs like AZT.

If the only side effect of this vaccine was that it could possibly trigger a false HIV positive test, that should be more than enough reason to avoid the vaccine, and anything associated with it. It's completely irrelevant if HIV can cause AIDS or any other disease. Being marked with that scarlet "HIV Positive" letter is enough to destroy your life.


Aug 17, 2016
I keep coming across people saying that the PEG protectively protects the mRNA from triggering TLR4. And how ingenius that is.
I don't see how 1. it prevents the TLR activation or 2. why you want to sneak the spike protein in.
Other than haidut, Peat and this french Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, there is no one talking about the relevant matters.
If we stipulate that the virus is just one of those pandemics that comes along in nature, then why isn't every scientist focusing on scrutinizing the mRNA vaccine solution?
The agenda seems crystal clear. But I guess if people can't see that, then they aren't questioning the integrity of the great scientific "breakthroughs".


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Apart from them both being vaccines, how is it "like" an mRNA vaccine if it doesn't contain any mRNA?

How did antibodies become "HIV particles"? Are antibodies now pretty much the same as actual HIV virus particles? If it triggered an antibody test because the immune system created antibodies to remove the unwanted foreign protein fragment that was injected into the body, how is that the same as having cells cranking out HIV virions?

What endogenous production of HIV? According to your article, "routine follow up tests confirmed there is no HIV virus present." All they have is antibodies against some non-replicating protein fragments that have since been removed by the immune system. There's no indication that the vaccine contains any genetic material, how would it be infectious? If they were using this for an mRNA vaccine then it would be worrisome for the same reason that using the spike protein in an mRNA vaccine is a worry.

The test subjects weren't. They had another test that confirmed the absence of HIV.

But no HIV was present so they hadn't produced HIV virions at all.

I don't want any of their vaccines, I just think that a good start for a complaint would be that it actually relates to the vaccine in question.

How did the vaccine trigger a positive HIV test? Simply as a result of the vial containing a portion of the HIV virus? That is their explanation and I don't buy it. The amount of HIV particles is very small and it is only a small portion of the full virus. If the presence of HIV portion in the vaccine was the reason for the positive HIV test then all of them would have tested positive, not just 4 people. Again, if everything is fine and the vaccine is completely safe why was the trial immediately stopped and vaccine development abandoned? See this link below.
"...With advice from experts, CSL and UQ have worked through the implications that this issue presents to rolling out the vaccine into broad populations. It is generally agreed that significant changes would need to be made to well-established HIV testing procedures in the healthcare setting to accommodate rollout of this vaccine. Therefore, CSL and the Australian Government have agreed vaccine development will not proceed to Phase 2/3 trials."

I see. So, in order for this vaccine to be accepted by the public, we will have to basically re-define our protocols of how we determine who is HIV positive. I wonder why...So, look, we can't have it both ways. Either the current tests for HIV stand and the people who got the vaccine meet the criteria for HIV-positive, or the tests are invalid, in which case this will open an even bigger can of worms of what exactly are those tests measuring/diagnosing in the millions of HIV-positive people around the world. See @tankasnowgod post above voicing exactly these concerns.

Along those lines - you cannot determine with a single test if those people who got the vaccine now have a chronic infection. So, the excuse "routine follow up tests confirmed there is no HIV virus present" they provided does not fly. Those people need to be followed up for at least 3 months before claims can be made that they are not chronically HIV-positive. As far as I can see from the article, the people who tested HIV-positive had a follow up test just a few days later. Also, what are those "routine follow up tests" that determined no HIV was present? PCR maybe? If yes, then this is not following the standard diagnostic criteria for HIV-positivity. Once a person tests HIV-positive then the only test that should be done (by law) is the same test for HIV antibodies, and it should be done 2-3 months after the first positive test. If even ONE of the follow up tests is positive again then the official definition is that these people have chronic HIV. If you test HIV positive, your doctor will not send you for a PCR test. He/she will ask you to come back in a few weeks/months and do another test for antibodies. Why is the trial allowed to skirt the official procedure for determining if somebody is HIV-positive??
"...Test results may vary depending on your age, gender, health history, the method used for the test, and other things. Your test results may not mean you have a problem. Ask your healthcare provider what your test results mean for you. Normal results are negative. This means that no antibodies were found and that you may not be infected with HIV. Most people who become infected with HIV will develop antibodies to the virus within 2 months. During this time, you may have HIV, but this test can't detect it. You may need to repeat the test more than 3 months after your possible exposure if your results are negative. A positive result means that HIV antibodies were found and that you may have HIV."
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May 30, 2018
Reminds me this one:

The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.
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