Constantly Hungry, Waking Up Every 2 Hours. Help!


Jun 9, 2017
When I take high dose thyroid I have to eat at night - sometimes every 2 hours. If your adrenals can't handle that much NDT (that's quite a lot of T3, more than a normal thyroid makes), then you can't keep your blood sugar stable. At least stop taking any NDT after 4 PM and see how you do. Take your blood sugar (you say you are insulin resistant). Take your temps regularly. That will help you figure out what is going on.


Sep 23, 2017
Hi all,

The past couple weeks I am constantly hungry to the point where I eat till full/still feel hungry. I am waking every 2 hours at night hot and sweaty (to the point of changing clothes). I rarely sleep past about 5 am, but am getting about 6 hrs of broken sleep.

I eat 3 to 1 carb:pro ratio. I eat at leat 2500 cals a day, the past couple weeks it is over 3200 a day. I eat/drink every couple hours and track on cronometer. I eat relatively low fat. 100-130 grams of protein. Milk, eggs, liver once a week, beef, shrimp, sometimes white fish, fruit, OJ, honey, maple syrup, sometimes sugar, homemade jam/marmalade, collagen/gelatin/bone broth, potatoes or rice or corn tortillas occasionally.

I am hypoT and estrogen dominant. I am not using a lot of supps, as I am already struggling to get enough to eat to feel satiated and sleep through the night. My basal temps and daily temps are going down, and I struggle still with adrenaline responses to food (hands/nose getting cold) so I am still trying to figure out what/how to eat to keep that from happening. Basal is in the 97.o range, I can get to about 98.5 during the day. Pulse is mid-60's on waking.

I am already overweight and insulin resistant. I have tried progesterone but am not currently using it. It made me want to puke the first night I took it. I used it for about a week, but stopped over a week ago. I should be starting a period today, but have no signs that it is pending. Periods are horrifically heavy.

The supps I take are:
1.5 grains NDT (currently Acella brand) broken up into multiple doses
Magnoil-5-10 drops
coffee in mid-morning, and sometimes caffiene (6 oz Coke or coffee) in the early afternoon
benadryl or unisom to help sleep (but it doesn't)

I have Energin and Estroban, but haven't really tried either on a regular basis because hunger already sucks and causes stress. I feel like I eat/drink ALL the time. I try to get pulse/temps but it is hard when I work and have to eat/drink so often.

Probably high cortisol and prolactin. Low ferritin (15), and lowish (21%) iron saturation.

How to I manage this incessent hunger? I am starting to gain weight and kinda freaking out.

you could be hungry cause of insulin resistance.

you got low thyroid, constant hunger, insulin resistance, estrogen dominance...RAISING ADREALINE would solve most of those. adrenaline suppresses appetite, burns fat, helps speed up thyroid,

try getting into aerobics. something that can keep your heart rate up for a good thrity minutes.


May 3, 2015
I wonder if excess protein is making you sweat at night.

Maybe try cutting back to 65g protein per day.


Mar 29, 2016
The past couple weeks I am constantly hungry

Why was it just the past couple weeks? What changed?

I am waking every 2 hours at night hot and sweaty
This isn't good. At the very least, you can't build glycogen stores to stabilize your blood sugar at normal levels during the day.

You feel hot and sweaty, yet your extremities are cold. This could just be your skin eliminating toxins to help your overwhelmed kidneys. Maybe you have an acidic body fluids. Can you test your urine pH throughout the day - wake up, 10 am, 5 pm, before bed? Ideal range of urine pH is 6.4- 6.8. If you're hypothyroid, you may be producing plenty of lactic acid, and if you're on fat burning mode, you may also be producing ketoacids. All these can lower your body fluid's pH levels

I eat at leat 2500 cals a day, the past couple weeks it is over 3200 a day.

As you had said, you get hungry often and you'll tend to eat more.

I am hypoT and estrogen dominant.

Basal is in the 97.o range, I can get to about 98.5 during the day. Pulse is mid-60's on waking.

Glad to know you don't seem to have too low temperature. It could be worse. What other signs make you think you're hypothyroid? Pulse at mid-60s can be higher, but at least it's not as bad as being in the 40s and 50s.

I am already overweight and insulin resistant.
Improving blood sugar regulation will make the most difference. And increasing your basal metabolism will also help. Since you already take aspirin, you can add 100mg niacinamide a day. Both of these will help prevent lipolysis and reduce levels of free fatty acids, and this will help you metabolize blood sugar. If your tissues are using sugar, then your blood sugar levels won't spike as much, and this will keep an insulin response from occurring. Then your blood sugar won't have to plummet, and this will keep you from getting hungry. As your glycogen levels are currently low, you will need to nibble on carbohydrates to provide you with sugar in between meals. At your condition, brown rice is better to eat than white rice, as the fiber in brown rice will slow down digestion of rice, and this way the resulting sugar from digestion will slowly work its way to your blood. This will prevent a sudden outpouring of sugar into your blood. Something you could try is to drink fresh fruit juice in between meals. Juice has plenty of potassium, and potassium helps facilitate tissue uptake of blood sugar. Since fruit juice also has fructose (as well as glucose), it supplies your blood with sugar which, because of the fructose content, gets easily metabolized.

I have tried progesterone but am not currently using it. It made me want to puke the first night I took it.

I'm not surprised with that response. Progesterone will increase metabolism, and this may force your body to get more supply of sugar and oxygen. No problem with oxygen, I assume, but if you're running low on sugar, this may force your adrenals to produce sugar from protein. This puts you under stressful conditions.

I feel like I eat/drink ALL the time

It's because insulin is incessantly causing your blood sugar to drop, and this makes your hungry, and you end up needing to eat.


Feb 24, 2017
@haidut @charlie if someone can't go past 2 hours without eating, how are they supposed to get a blood glucose test or C peptide which require 6-8 hours fast.
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