Complex Spinal Damage


May 13, 2015
Sorry, my hands are numb today and hitting wrong keys. Meant to say I watched one or two videos on the EO YouTube channel as well but hadn't seen anything related to the links you posted. I will definitely do a deeper dive in this area. Thank you so much for this info. Do you think hcl is the way to go vs lipothiamine or allithiamine (or benfotiamine)? May I ask what dose you started at with the thiamine and how often you increased? Thanks again for taking the trouble to provide the info you did!
Although Elliot, Dr. Marrs, and Dr. Lonsdale all swear by the wonders of TTFD thiamine (aka allithiamine/lipothiamine), I was unable to tolerate it because my glutathione level was low, which was caused by my lead poisoning. TTFD uses glutathione in its chemical function (some how, some way) so it made my glutathione deficiency worse and I suffered a bad headache from just one pill. Elliot Overton has a video about it where he suggests taking thiamine hcl to increase glutathione levels. So I stuck with thiamine hcl.

I started taking about 300mg thiamine hcl (with water, not juice) October of 2020. I didn't have a doctor helping me so I took my time increasing the dose (increased it about every 7-10 days). I found Dr. Costantini's website in January 2021 and decided to follow his protocol. He explained that thiamine hcl has a poor transmission rate through the intestinal wall so higher doses are needed. For my size/weight his site recommends 2 grams/day, divided into two doses, one in the morning, before lunch, and one around 3:00pm. So the first of February 2021 I increased my dose from 1500mg/day to that recommendation and experienced major digestive tract normalization for the first time. It was obvious to me that I really did need that big of a dose. I use the bulk powder thiamine hcl from; also has it available. I've used both products.


Aug 8, 2022
Although Elliot, Dr. Marrs, and Dr. Lonsdale all swear by the wonders of TTFD thiamine (aka allithiamine/lipothiamine), I was unable to tolerate it because my glutathione level was low, which was caused by my lead poisoning. TTFD uses glutathione in its chemical function (some how, some way) so it made my glutathione deficiency worse and I suffered a bad headache from just one pill. Elliot Overton has a video about it where he suggests taking thiamine hcl to increase glutathione levels. So I stuck with thiamine hcl.

I started taking about 300mg thiamine hcl (with water, not juice) October of 2020. I didn't have a doctor helping me so I took my time increasing the dose (increased it about every 7-10 days). I found Dr. Costantini's website in January 2021 and decided to follow his protocol. He explained that thiamine hcl has a poor transmission rate through the intestinal wall so higher doses are needed. For my size/weight his site recommends 2 grams/day, divided into two doses, one in the morning, before lunch, and one around 3:00pm. So the first of February 2021 I increased my dose from 1500mg/day to that recommendation and experienced major digestive tract normalization for the first time. It was obvious to me that I really did need that big of a dose. I use the bulk powder thiamine hcl from; also has it available. I've used both products.
Thank You! Can't see any downside to trying this so will definitely give it a go.
Apr 13, 2018
I had sciatica nerve pain in flute, calf and numb toes from two herniated discs, Couldn't stand.

Used huge dosages of dhea and progesterone in dmso on the area where the discs are damaged and over a month of so of applying it, I realised I was no longer in pain and forgot about the two years of hell I went through.

@Herbie this is amazing and great to hear. Do you mind if I ask - do you ever run into flare ups with this past injury? Or was it basically totally cured after the topical progesterone+dhea.

I assume the doses were pretty liberal?

Did you ever try the progesterone alone, or was it the progesterone+dhea combo from the start?

Any other details or things you noticed? I think this is a very cool case study, similar to the other one mentioned in the thread about the person whose arthritic knee was cured with a bottle of topical progesterone.


Jun 7, 2016
@Herbie this is amazing and great to hear. Do you mind if I ask - do you ever run into flare ups with this past injury? Or was it basically totally cured after the topical progesterone+dhea.

I assume the doses were pretty liberal?

Did you ever try the progesterone alone, or was it the progesterone+dhea combo from the start?

Any other details or things you noticed? I think this is a very cool case study, similar to the other one mentioned in the thread about the person whose arthritic knee was cured with a bottle of topical progesterone.
It never came back again and went back to my real job which is car mechanic and been totally fine for 2.5 years.

I did take huge doses of progest e orally at different takes and didn't do anything. I tried progest e on the area but didn't work. Because I suffered the pain for 2 or three years and couldn't do my job, it was frustrating and was trying different things throughout that time.

It's either the dhea or the dmso helping it penetrate deep enough.

I remember using tea spoon of progest e and half a tea spoon of dhea. I simply did not care about side effects at this time.
Apr 13, 2018
Thanks for elaborating! It's good to know that the progesterone/dhea can be used for that kind of healing/injury.


Aug 8, 2022
To create the effect and "home traction" you are speaking of you might look into an inversion table. The one I have is the Teeter Hang Up and when you lie in it, ankles clamped, you can control the angle of the inversion until you are able to tolerate being completely upside down, taking all weight off of the spinal cord and skeletal muscles. This inversion table is relatively small and compact, foldable and adjustable for different heights. It cost me around $250.
I hope you didn't mind my little attempt at humor regarding the old ads - I have actually considered getting one of these in the past and based on your info may go ahead with it. If you don't mind my asking, did you have any disc issues or just generally find it helpful to decompress the spine for general health benefits? Thanks again for the detailed info!


Apr 26, 2018
I hope you didn't mind my little attempt at humor regarding the old ads - I have actually considered getting one of these in the past and based on your info may go ahead with it. If you don't mind my asking, did you have any disc issues or just generally find it helpful to decompress the spine for general health benefits? Thanks again for the detailed info!
I don't have disc problems because my discs are completely gone from between L4 L5 and L6!....just not there anymore from stenosis and arthritis. I use the table to try and take some weight off of the vertebrae and deter some pain. Works if I use it everyday for a few minutes.


Aug 8, 2022
I don't have disc problems because my discs are completely gone from between L4 L5 and L6!....just not there anymore from stenosis and arthritis. I use the table to try and take some weight off of the vertebrae and deter some pain. Works if I use it everyday for a few minutes.
Wow! Thank you so much!
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