Complete Menopausal Peat


Aug 18, 2013
This is probaby my third or fourth day of trying to incorporate Peat's ideas into my eating. I am trying to manage multiple fibrotic conditions made worse by menopause and a multinodular goiter; I am a bit overweight right now -- 5'10', 185. I've been sick all summer -- anemic; yellowish; diagnosed with high blood pressure. Prior to this I was eating a high PUFA diet -- lots of grains and soy, white wine pretty darn often, diet soda and sweeteners. I believe I have low thyroid function despite the fact that I have "subclinical hyperthyroidism." My stomach's been working worse and worse since the spring and I have hot flashes from hell.

Aside from all these measurable issues, I really don't feel very well. I feel wrong. I am not sure if this is just a side effect of menopause or if something really *is* wrong aside from these problems that a health professional would probably consider minor. All I know is I have to handle this before it gets worse. I miss feeling "clear" -- it's like there's a sort of sludge in my head that never goes away.

So today I ate a lot. I am starving. The sugar is making me just ravenous and I just ate all day. I've been working on cutting down the fat and sticking with sugar and fruit. I really think it was RP's assumption that people would do this -- I don't think he's really familiar with the "high fat, low carb" people who are used to replacing their sugars with fats. I think he sees sugar as a preferential nutrient over fat though I am not sure where I got that idea.

But the sugar just makes me want more sugar. I was reminded by Mittir on this board that milk is not only high protein but also high sugar, and then again reminded when I put my food values into cronometer.

Cronometer is pretty cool. It seems to have a great library of foods and it's filling in nutrient values I was never aware of -- for example I am getting plenty of Vitamins A, D, and E. Who knew, just a couple glasses of milk and you're set up. According to Cronometer, I need to eat 2, 350 calories to maintain my weight, and about 1850 to lose a pound a week. Yesterday I came in at 2,491, which was a hundred calories over but that's okay. Just knowing what they are will help in the long run.

Today I am already at about 1900 calories. I know I'll probably go over again -- this time it's going to be because of my hunger level. I am wondering if I need more salt.

I am doing a several Peatish supplements: a pretty high dose of transdermal progesterone, topical magnesium, vitamin E and two aspirin. I think I'll probably have to cut back on the aspirin here -- at least back to one a day. I've read a couple things here that tell me too much too soon isn't a good idea.

I also test drove 30 mg of pregnenolone. I won't take it tomorrow or the next day; it seems like people are doing ok with 10 mg or less each day.

Hot flashes were rotten today and I had a fairly upset stomach. I am used to having an upset stomach and GERD but I tried to hold out on taking a Prilosec as long as possible. There's too much going on to know what is doing it -- magnesium, extra milk, fruit; all of this is more or less suspect given the diet I am used to.

I'm also feeling dizzy but I should mention I recently had surgery for a cholesteatoma in my right ear; under general anesthesia. It made me intensely ill and I haven't really recovered yet. It's been about ten days since then. I had brain fog before -- but right after the surgery I was basically unable to function due to the anesthesia and the anti-nausea medication. And it was ear surgery, so i don't know if the dizziness is from the surgery or from something I am taking. I am thinking I sort of had all these symptoms before so I'm not going to worry about them too much.

Food today was OJ; Milk -- and then a "shake" kind of thing I made with gelatin, milk, coconut oil, vanilla, sugar and salt. Fruit -- Cantalope, watermelon, cherries. For lunch I had a very very well cooked potato with cheese and sour cream; three cokes. Lot of cokes! Also a couple squares of gruyere and coffee with nonfat milk.

Like I said, I just basically ate and ate, all day.

I need to get my calories under control and my hunger in check. I am *not* experiencing an anorectic effect by eating this way, even with all the sugar and fluid. Still, I'm not eating way past what I need, so I guess it's doable and adjustable. Besides I'm hoping I get used to the sugar and lose my appetitte for the stuff.

I'm just hoping one of these days I wake up with a clear head. Really, to just wake up and feel normal would be fantastic.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I am looking forward to watching your progress here. There will be ups and some downs. But you will start to notice the highs get higher, and the lows get higher.

Like I said in another post. I did not worry too much about the ravenous appetite I had in the beginning. I know my body needed it, and I gave it. Maybe less soda's and more fresh OJ would be a small switch up that I would try due to trying to get as much nutrients in as possible. Make sure to keep your protein up to.

Hoping the best for you. :hattip


If cronometer is considering beta carotene as vitamin A, it's computing your numbers wrong. What are you high vitamin A foods according to cronometer?

Also, I felt benefits only after 3 months of fairly strict pufa avoidance.


Which vitamin E supplement are you using? And which pregnenolone?


Aug 18, 2013
You're not going to believe this.

I just went to look at the Vitamin E and Pregnenolone I was taking.

It's called Carlson E Gems and I got it at Whole Foods. Know what it says?

400 IU Vitamin E as D-ALPHA TOCOPHERYL ACETATE FROM SOY. Thanks for asking, I never would have checked that for like months and months. It doesn't seem like I need anymore Vitamin E anyway until I go to the store and get some WITHOUT SOY.

This is like...I mean it really is creepy, with the soy. I can barely get away from it as it is. I don't think people realize that it is in almost *everything * they ingest and put on their bodies and on top of that, they're invited to *eat more soy* because it's so healthy. It's like radon or something, just trying as hard as it can to get in your house.


Aug 18, 2013
Oh -- the pregnenolone is Pure Encapsulations. It's in a capsule made of "non-allergenic vegetable" something or other and gelatin.


I think Carlson E-Gems is one of the best. It's from soy, but they get rid of most of it. I haven't found ANY high gamma mixed tocopherols that is not from soy. Carlson is possibly the best high alpha mixed tocopherols vitamin E.

Oh, I see you're taking Carlson E-Gems. That's pure alpha. Carlson E-Gems Plus is mixed tocopherols. Mixed tocopherols is better.


Aug 18, 2013
I wonder what else they could make it out of. Whatever it would be would be expensive. I'm glad to hear you think so but I am not sure now about eating anything called SOY. Even anything that starts with S or *rhymes* with soy. I have nothing but hatred for soy, I am so pissed at it. How do they get rid of the soy part?

:) Glad you approve of the pregnenolone. If I venture into more supplements I'll make sure to post the brand.


Feb 24, 2013
Being hungry can mean that you aren't utilizing what you are eating. Try eating less, more often. You may want to look into digestive supplements (HCL with or with out pepsin) vs prosilac....or use baking soda instead.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Check out prilosec rebound. No fun. :(


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I did, and just had to suffer through it a couple months. :(

Get your metabolism going and your digestion fires up and the reflux will stop.


Aug 18, 2013
Calories Yesterday: 2460
Calories Burned Yesterday ( Bodymedia) : 2300

Aspirin 2 Bayer 325 mg
Progesterone 50 mg
Resting Pulse this morning: 80 BPM
Temp: 98.1

I am wondering if I should cut back on progesterone a little. Since I'm menopausal I think the general wisdom about this is that I just keep using it every day regardless of the "cycle" I should be in because I am overloaded with estrogen all the time forevermore. But I am having really noticeable breast tenderness ( sign of PMS, or pregnancy) which would actually make sense since in pregnancy both hormones are at high levels. It's uncomfortable though and kind of weird. I haven't had this in a long, long time -- although I have read that added progesterone "sensitizes" estrogen -- in other words I am normalizing because before I couldn't feel the extra estrogen at all. Man I wish I could get rid of some more of this stuff.

I AM NOT SLEEPING. I think adrenalin and cortisol are way too high at night. It's insane; it's like I'm fighting sleep for some weird reason. I was up til seven AM this morning, fighting and fighting UNTIL I went and got myself some cottage cheese, honey and salt. I was just awake with this raging tummy until I got some food in it. I gotta do something about this. I woke up feeling clear but it was only five hours. Also, I have to find some other cocktail to sip on at night besides coca cola. I had my last bit of caffeine much earlier but I am sure it isn't helping me to get to sleep.

Add potassium and magnesium? Keep salt and coconut oil on the bedstand?


Feb 24, 2013
Why are you resisting eating more at night? Sometimes I just need a little oj, and sometimes I need a full meal to sleep through the night. If I wake up at night, I refuel and go back to bed. Keep OJ by the bed.


Jun 12, 2013
As I said in an insomnia thread, I will have some milk with 2 t. sugar and salt before bed sometimes. Or OJ with salt and gelatin. I keep squeezable honey at bedside. If I were to wake up in night, would squirt 1 or 2 T in mouth and be back to sleep in 20 - 30 min. I don't seem to be having the wake up problem lately, so I think my body is storing enough glycogen to get me through the night now. It just takes time for body to adjust to this woe. However, in the morning I'm usually needing something sweet before I have my coffee drink (coffee, milk, sugar, salt, gelatin, co). I have a little Coke to take aspirin at that time or swig some OJ. Then go on to coffee drink.


Feb 24, 2013
Yes, sometimes I need something sweet to get an appetite in the AM. Like this AM, had a half a carton of vanilla ice cream with OJ filled the rest of the way and a pinch of salt. That got me ready and awake enough to make a heartier breakfast.


Aug 18, 2013
You guys are right of course. Sometimes eating this way is confusing. I am used to falling asleep even though I'm a little hungry -- if I ever was, before. I think I'm just going to have to eat through the night until I get accustomed to this.


Nov 1, 2012
messtafarian said:
You guys are right of course. Sometimes eating this way is confusing. I am used to falling asleep even though I'm a little hungry -- if I ever was, before. I think I'm just going to have to eat through the night until I get accustomed to this.

This just reminded me of nursing babies all night! Haha
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