Coffee Milk!


May 6, 2016
Possibly no one's interested in this, or maybe it's been discussed/posted before, but I love it and can't find anything specifically about it on the forum already, so I'm postin'.

A great Peaty treat: coffee milk!

Just grind a couple/few tablespoons of coffee (or use pre-ground, although coarse grind is better) and throw it in a jar with a couple cups whole milk. Shake it, cap it, and leave 24 hours in the fridge. Shake occasionally.

Then drink the milk and, if you like, eat the coffee grounds. Or some of them, anyway. Three tablespoons of coffee grounds gives me a pretty potent caffeine buzz. Don't think I'll eat tt many grounds again. YMMV. Eating the grounds is better if you ground the coffee right before throwing it in the milk.

Anyway, deeply yummy. Adding some honey or sugar makes it even better. Raw milk doubleplusgood.

Just sayin'. :)


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Oh that does sound delicious. It reminds me of Mittir's idea of putting instant coffee into milk. I actually had that for breakfast this morning.


Sounds yummy! I thought coffee would not "brew" in milk and needed water. Nice to discover I am wrong.


May 6, 2016
ounds yummy! I thought coffee would not "brew" in milk and needed water. Nice to discover I am wrong.
Well, I don't know if it actually brews as in what the caffeine benefit might be, but the flavor comes out very well. And eating the coarse grounds plumped up with milk is definitely yummy, plus you get caffeine there if no where else.

However, my understanding is that milk is quite acidic. It's an ancient exfoliant...Cleopatra bathed in it, and peaches and cream complexion is not just a myth. Both are exfoliants and apparently synergize quite nicely. Point being, I would expect the milk to extract at least some of the good constituents like caffeine and phenols out of the coffee. But that's just a theory so take that for what it's worth. ;)


Jul 23, 2015
This is super popular in Australia. They have milk coffee EVERYWHERE. Think every place you get coke or pepsi here, gas stations, fast food, etc. In Australia they have bottled iced milk coffee in all of those places. Two of the biggest brands are Dare (which I lived off of when I lived in Sydney) and Farmers Union. And as is typical outside of America, there is no reduced fat milk, or 1000 added ingredients. Its regular whole milk, coffee, and sugar. Thats it.


Love my Colombian instant in milk only, w. sugar and cinnamon...occasional brandy, occasional gelatin, occasional ice cream....


Jul 29, 2014
In Canada we call it a latte. :eek:

On a serious note, this sounds like an interesting way to brew coffee. I may have to try it this way!


Oct 1, 2020
This is probably a buried place to post this, but thought I'd start here. A friend told me today that she's stopped drinking coffee with milk because of "new" research that suggests that milk interferes with the antioxidant benefits of coffee. I went on a Web hunt and first found a Nestle study (no comment) that found the opposite, then one single 2012 study that mentions milk inhibiting polyphenols in just one type of coffee, instant: Bioactive composition and antioxidant potential of different commonly consumed coffee brews affected by their preparation technique and milk addition - PubMed

and a Jan. 2023 Copenhagen study finding pretty much the opposite, that made a little splash. Then looked here on the Forum to see if there was any discussion about them, as one is over a decade old, but nada.
Here's what I have found: a dude named Michael Greger M.D. FACLM made a video and wrote an article in 2018 about milk's inhibiting effects on those antioxidants, based on
Possibly no one's interested in this, or maybe it's been discussed/posted before, but I love it and can't find anything specifically about it on the forum already, so I'm postin'.

A great Peaty treat: coffee milk!

Just grind a couple/few tablespoons of coffee (or use pre-ground, although coarse grind is better) and throw it in a jar with a couple cups whole milk. Shake it, cap it, and leave 24 hours in the fridge. Shake occasionally.

Then drink the milk and, if you like, eat the coffee grounds. Or some of them, anyway. Three tablespoons of coffee grounds gives me a pretty potent caffeine buzz. Don't think I'll eat tt many grounds again. YMMV. Eating the grounds is better if you ground the coffee right before throwing it in the milk.

Anyway, deeply yummy. Adding some honey or sugar makes it even better. Raw milk doubleplusgood.

Just sayin'. :)
7 yrs later, found this...I roadt and grind my own, and inspired by your post, am experimenting with making my cold brew directly in the milk, leaving for 20 hrs. The only thing that does not let me do is filter it, which I've done in case it's true that unfiltered coffee raises cholesterol, since mine's on the high end. Thanks!


Sep 22, 2020
I do this sometimes and on very hot summer days I will put it into the freezer, just long enough so it starts to 'ice up'. In the form of a slush puppie, I guess. And then slurp it up. I also like to add cocoa powder to the coffee, so it's a mocha slush puppie. It's bloody lovely.

Has to be ground coffee. Small amount of water with the concentrated coffee. None of that instant crap. And a pint of milk.


Oct 1, 2020
This is probably a buried place to post this, but thought I'd start here. A friend told me today that she's stopped drinking coffee with milk because of "new" research that suggests that milk interferes with the antioxidant benefits of coffee. I went on a Web hunt and first found a Nestle study (no comment) that found the opposite, then one single 2012 study that mentions milk inhibiting polyphenols in just one type of coffee, instant: Bioactive composition and antioxidant potential of different commonly consumed coffee brews affected by their preparation technique and milk addition - PubMed

and a Jan. 2023 Copenhagen study finding pretty much the opposite, that made a little splash. Then looked here on the Forum to see if there was any discussion about them, as one is over a decade old, but nada.
Here's what I have found: a dude named Michael Greger M.D. FACLM made a video and wrote an article in 2018 about milk's inhibiting effects on those antioxidants, based on

7 yrs later, found this...I roadt and grind my own, and inspired by your post, am experimenting with making my cold brew directly in the milk, leaving for 20 hrs. The only thing that does not let me do is filter it, which I've done in case it's true that unfiltered coffee raises cholesterol, since mine's on the high end. Thanks!
Roast, that is. Loving coffee milk!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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