Coffee As Progression Vs. Regression - A Personal Anecdote

Apr 22, 2019
[In short, what I want to say is that...]

(If) Coffee makes one lose food/nutrients... (then) to the extent that this is no longer a consequence, I think it best to abstain from coffee if only to use it more sparingly as the metabolic hustler that it is. Using coffee as a laxative replacement is disrespectful to coffee at best. Despite its ubiquity, I contest that coffee is closer to a medicine than a fleeting cognitive dessert.

[My anecdote is that...]

Since employing food awareness principles of eating tree foods in the morning, bush foods around noon, and root foods in the evening, my bowel movements have become regular in the AM. Whenever I drink coffee, I will have a second bowel movement during the midday that will have 1.5x as much as the first bowel movement… But if I don’t have coffee, that bowel movement either a) doesn’t happen at all or b) turns into a second bowel movement that’s roughly ½ the size of the AM movement as a second event in (the?) PM.

I feel best when having a coffee concoction (syrup, powdered gelatin, butter) 1-2 hours after protein (50-60g) and with at least 125g of sugar consumed that day SO LONG AS I resist the peristaltic contraction of my bowels crying 'abandon ship!' to the point that I forget about that alarm and keep on with my day.

Usually in the event of a successful outcome (1tbsp~ coffee), I’ll indulge in another 1-1.5tbsp. At this point mass panic ensues, the hatch dissolves, and I’m left to feel subsequently dehydrated/mildly inflamed for the rest of the day until I consume starch again in the evening. I'm guessing this puts my liver PR at around 200-250mg of caffeine.

As some other posters have mentioned on here, before drinking coffee, a protein bank should be in order to prevent an adrenaline spike and a sugar bank/accompaniment should be in order to prevent a cortisol spike. This completely changes the purpose of coffee to become more of a stabilizing, generator of health/metabolism and less of an erratic act of masochistic euphoria.

[I think that...]

With the magnitude of a bowel movement accompanies an oasis of hydration in the form of vitamins, minerals, and bacterial substances that make up the foundation of the body, or otherwise contribute to the bacterial communion of the body.

Caffeine is a stress test for the liver. A cup of coffee = a weight for the liver to lift one time in a max effort. If it can and the following wave of peristalsis subsides, the liver grows stronger.

However if too much caffeine is taken at once, it sinks the ship and a familiar laxative effect occurs. At this point I can only view the liver to have bailed on it's normal duties of filtering what's resting in the intestines to instead proclaim, “EVERYBODY OUT!”

[I wrote this because...]

I imagine a lot of people on here are trying to make coffee work for them by making it into an elaborate meal replacement complete with all 3 macronutrients, and that's fine, I'm just postulating here that if that aforementioned "meal replacement" causes a net loss of a meal which hasn't yet been digested, then this might warrant a consideration of limitation.

Shoutout to Atom Bergstrom for putting out concepts around food timing and optimizing the circadian rhythm of the ventromedial nuclei.
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