Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a metabolic disorder


Sep 3, 2017
Davis had discovered that the processes in each cell that convert food to energy were not working correctly in his son. The scientists had “found scientific proof of ME/CFS,” clearing a major hurdle for a disease that many still today deem imaginary.

What’s more, Davis and his team developed a simple blood test to detect the disease that could one day be used in doctor’s offices.

Today, Dafoe, now 37, remains bedridden and immobile, but with the help of a drug called Ativan used to treat anxiety, he now has short bursts of energy in which he’s able to write e-mails or blog posts, though he still cannot speak. A scientist proved chronic fatigue syndrome is real — after his son was devastated by it


Oct 2, 2018
There is still so much to learn about the thousands of inter-connected reactions that we call metabolism. This will be the century of biology, and it won’t surprise me in the slightest of many psychological waste bin diagnoses are proven to have a biological basis.


Sep 24, 2016
There is still so much to learn about the thousands of inter-connected reactions that we call metabolism. This will be the century of biology, and it won’t surprise me in the slightest of many psychological waste bin diagnoses are proven to have a biological basis.

Correct. There are no, none, zilch „psychological“ or psychosomatic pathologies. Everything happens due to manifest cellular and molecular proceedings.
What’s correct though from the pseudo-sciences of pschyology: the stressors are real. Bit they don’t hurt the „soul“ or the mind, but the cells.
Mar 24, 2018
Davis had discovered that the processes in each cell that convert food to energy were not working correctly in his son. The scientists had “found scientific proof of ME/CFS,” clearing a major hurdle for a disease that many still today deem imaginary.

What’s more, Davis and his team developed a simple blood test to detect the disease that could one day be used in doctor’s offices.

Today, Dafoe, now 37, remains bedridden and immobile, but with the help of a drug called Ativan used to treat anxiety, he now has short bursts of energy in which he’s able to write e-mails or blog posts, though he still cannot speak. A scientist proved chronic fatigue syndrome is real — after his son was devastated by it

What therapies have you performed so far?


May 4, 2019
Anyone know why/how Ativan (a benzodiazepine) would improve CFS symptoms? Are stronger GABA agonists worth looking into for this condition? If it worked for Ron Davis's son, considering how severe his illness is, then it should be quite potent.

It's great that there's research being done on CFS (God Bless Ron!) but somehow I doubt there'll be a "treatment" available anytime soon.

High dose allithiamine (+300 mg) has given me some energy back, but it doesn't seem to fix the root cause of the issue. I feel like something is poisoning my cells' ability to produce energy, and until I figure out what that is and remove it I'm not going to get any better. All supplements feel like bandaids and not true healing.


Oct 7, 2020
Anyone know why/how Ativan (a benzodiazepine) would improve CFS symptoms? Are stronger GABA agonists worth looking into for this condition? If it worked for Ron Davis's son, considering how severe his illness is, then it should be quite potent.

It's great that there's research being done on CFS (God Bless Ron!) but somehow I doubt there'll be a "treatment" available anytime soon.

High dose allithiamine (+300 mg) has given me some energy back, but it doesn't seem to fix the root cause of the issue. I feel like something is poisoning my cells' ability to produce energy, and until I figure out what that is and remove it I'm not going to get any better. All supplements feel like bandaids and not true healing.
Maybe excess of stuff like Glutamate and other excitatory chemicals together with inflammation and stuff like that disrupts the ability for a full cycle of energy production to occur optimally, apparently, antivirals have worked for some so maybe there could be an involvement of the cell danger response, the mitochondria might be more locked up, also some bacterias might be in excess and they resemble molecularly some cells/proteins/molecules of the body so the immunity system does not differentiate between them and attacks the normal parts of the body too disrupting hormonal, energetical, biochemical and all other physical body biology processes thus giving some of those symptoms.
Mar 24, 2018
Qualcuno sa perché / come Ativan (una benzodiazepina) migliorerebbe i sintomi della CFS? Vale la pena esaminare gli agonisti del GABA più forti per questa condizione? Se ha funzionato per il figlio di Ron Davis, considerando quanto è grave la sua malattia, allora dovrebbe essere abbastanza potente.

È fantastico che siano in corso ricerche sulla CFS (God Bless Ron!) Ma in qualche modo dubito che ci sarà un "trattamento" disponibile in qualunque momento presto.

L'allitiamina ad alto dosaggio (+300 mg) mi ha restituito un po 'di energia, ma non sembra risolvere la causa principale del problema. Mi sembra che qualcosa stia avvelenando la capacità delle mie cellule di produrre energia, e finché non capisco di cosa si tratta e lo rimuovo non migliorerò per niente. Tutti gli integratori sembrano cerotti e non sono una vera guarigione.
Is niacinamide a GABA agonist or am I wrong? Have you tried to limit FAO?


Jun 11, 2018

Myalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome following immunization: macrophagic myofasciitis and animal studies support linkage to aluminum adjuvant persistency and diffusion in the immune system​



May 4, 2019
Maybe excess of stuff like Glutamate and other excitatory chemicals together with inflammation and stuff like that disrupts the ability for a full cycle of energy production to occur optimally, apparently, antivirals have worked for some so maybe there could be an involvement of the cell danger response, the mitochondria might be more locked up, also some bacterias might be in excess and they resemble molecularly some cells/proteins/molecules of the body so the immunity system does not differentiate between them and attacks the normal parts of the body too disrupting hormonal, energetical, biochemical and all other physical body biology processes thus giving some of those symptoms.

Yeah good points. I'm leaning towards the bacteria autoimmune hypothesis causing systemic inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis being one example). SIBO, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, allergies/sensitivies etc, etc likely contributes.

The question is where/how do you intervene in the inflammation cascade to improve symptoms, or better yet, how to identify the trigger for excessive inflammation/oxidative stress and get rid off it.

Is niacinamide a GABA agonist or am I wrong? Have you tried to limit FAO?

Not sure about niacinamide.

I've tried most peaty things to improve glucose oxidation and limit FAO. Still feel poisoned, or like I have cancer, and can't walk outside the house without crashing.


Oct 7, 2020
Yeah good points. I'm leaning towards the bacteria autoimmune hypothesis causing systemic inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis being one example). SIBO, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, allergies/sensitivies etc, etc likely contributes.

The question is where/how do you intervene in the inflammation cascade to improve symptoms, or better yet, how to identify the trigger for excessive inflammation/oxidative stress and get rid off it.

Not sure about niacinamide.

I've tried most peaty things to improve glucose oxidation and limit FAO. Still feel poisoned, or like I have cancer, and can't walk outside the house without crashing.
Maybe cleaning out the microbiome and reintroducing specific good bacterias that also will keep away the bad ones from growing in excess would be that solution?


May 4, 2019

Myalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome following immunization: macrophagic myofasciitis and animal studies support linkage to aluminum adjuvant persistency and diffusion in the immune system​

Yup, best way to confuse the hell out of your immune system and induce autoimmunity is to inject viral matter/toxic metals straight into your tissues, bypassing all natural security checks.

I really regret taking a bunch of travel vaccines in 2016, health took a dive shortly after that. And I feel sorry for all those who will suffer long-term health consequences from this new frankenstein mRNA covid vaccine.


May 4, 2019
Maybe cleaning out the microbiome and reintroducing specific good bacterias that also will keep away the bad ones from growing in excess would be that solution?

I've done a lot of cleaning out the gut with antibiotics/antimicrobials with no success. But I haven't explored modulating the microbiome as much, which I am looking at now. According to it seems to be effective for a lot of people. Am experimenting with a couple histamine safe probiotics currently, and some wormwood + TUDCA to clear out gut.

Thanks for your advice!
Mar 24, 2018
I suggest body mobility, spine mobility, and stretch.
Mar 24, 2018
Yeah good points. I'm leaning towards the bacteria autoimmune hypothesis causing systemic inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis being one example). SIBO, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, allergies/sensitivies etc, etc likely contributes.

The question is where/how do you intervene in the inflammation cascade to improve symptoms, or better yet, how to identify the trigger for excessive inflammation/oxidative stress and get rid off it.

Not sure about niacinamide.

I've tried most peaty things to improve glucose oxidation and limit FAO. Still feel poisoned, or like I have cancer, and can't walk outside the house without crashing.

You have lost more muscle?


Mar 21, 2014
10.5 years of ME/CFS. Almost 6 years of Peating (yes, I know that's not specific. No energy to type out everything I've done). Haven't improved.

It's a monster of an illness that is not solved by taking thyroid as many on this forum have suggested. People who don't have it have no idea how debilitating it can be.

The 20 million patients have been abused by the medical establishment when they've dismissed us as psych patients and refused to allocate research funding. I really hope crooks like Fauci and the corporate sponsored agencies CDC, NIH, NHS etc are exposed for who they are one day.


Oct 7, 2020
10.5 years of ME/CFS. Almost 6 years of Peating (yes, I know that's not specific. No energy to type out everything I've done). Haven't improved.

It's a monster of an illness that is not solved by taking thyroid as many on this forum have suggested. People who don't have it have no idea how debilitating it can be.

The 20 million patients have been abused by the medical establishment when they've dismissed us as psych patients and refused to allocate research funding. I really hope crooks like Fauci at the CDC, NIH, NHS etc are exposed for who they are one day.
It's a similar thing with the Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome although luckily it has had studies done it albeit kind of small ones and a large study is planned in L.A. once the quarantine restrictions lift off there, in POIS too there is sort of brain fog type of state and for some fatigue some days afterwards but it happens specifically after orgasming and mostly in men although out of around 1000 members on the - Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (P.O.I.S.) forum there are like 20 women POISers too and for many exercises, temperature changes, certain foods, too strong emotional states can give slight of those symptoms too so it may be some form of the Mast Cell Activation Disorder in the POIS case.

When I had a cold in 2020 February I did not have POIS symptoms during that moment for a few days.

But in terms of lack of enough mainstream understanding and the common willingness of many to just say that it is psychosomatic and such is a similar story in the case of POIS and those who have it.

Have you tried antivirals, antibiotics and overall gut health and immunity modifying strategies?

I too have never had any long term improvements on POIS regardless of whatever I do in terms of lifestyle changes however probably medicines and supplements would have a better effect and they have had a good effect for many so that would mean POIS is an underlying imbalance of some sorts which can only be addressed with very specific changes and no amounts of general diets, supplements and such will probably have any strong effect on that.


Mar 21, 2014
Yes, daily carrot salad doesn't help. I've tried antibiotics Peat suggested and they made me worse. I have no insurance in the greatest country in the world, so can't try expensive antivirals. Bone broth, all kinds of gut health protocols before I found Peat -- no help.


Mar 21, 2014
Also, Ron Davis is funded through private means and is severely limited. To get anywhere with a ME/CFS treatment the NIH would have to allocate as much funding as they do for something like MS. And they've refused for decades. We get "fairy dust" funding.


Sep 25, 2016
I find carbs, which are a key point of "peating", to make me worse. I presume that this is due to PDH inhibition as is suggested in a few studies on CFS. I have tried thiamine (helps a little sometimes), DCA, MCT oil, ALA, and others to improve my carb tolerance with little success.


Nov 17, 2020
Am experimenting with a couple histamine safe probiotics currently, and some wormwood + TUDCA to clear out gut.
I've ordered some TUDCA and will be receiving it shortly. What can you tell me about your experience with TUDCA? What is your reason for taking it?
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