Change in TSH and Cholesterol after 1.5 months taking 6-7 drops tyromax daily, with ~20mcg cynomel T3


Jun 10, 2020
A few months ago, I had tachycardia, hot flashes, and felt bad in general. When I first tried Tyromax (four drops), it felt great and worked well for two days before I had an adrenaline reaction, after which I could not even tolerate two drops a day. That is, until I took small bit of cynomel in February, which lowered my tachycardia and adrenaline so effectively that I could then tolerate some NDT.

Since then, for the past 1.5 months, I have taken daily:
-25 mg cynomel, recently cut down to 20
-7 drops of tyromax, recently cut down to 6

Blood Numbers in October 2020 (before taking any thyroid):
Total Cholesterol: 206
(Standard Range <200 mg/dL)
Triglyceride: 97 (Standard Range <150 mg/dL)
HDL Cholesterol: 58 (Standard Range >40 mg/dL)
LDL Cholesterol: 129 (Standard Range<130 mg/dL)
TSH: 1.32 (Standard Range 0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL)
Glucose: 106 (Standard Range 70 - 100 mg/dL)

Blood Numbers April 17, 2021 (taking 6-7 drops Tyromax plus 20 mcg cynomel, neither dosed prior to taking the test that day)
Total Cholesterol: 184
(dropped 22, Standard Range <200 mg/dL)
Triglyceride: 92 (dropped 5, Standard Range <150 mg/dL)
HDL Cholesterol: 40 (dropped 18, Standard Range >40 mg/dL)
LDL Cholesterol: 126 (dropped 3, Standard Range<130 mg/dL)
TSH: 0.08 (dropped 1.24, Standard Range 0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL)
Glucose: 103 (dropped 3, Standard Range 70 - 100 mg/dL)

-Cholesterol dropped 22, down to 184.
Is this a good level to have cholesterol, when supplementing thyroid? I know Dr. Peat speaks highly of high cholesterol, but what is an ideal cholesterol level while supplementing thyroid? Was it better to have it at 206?
-HDL dropped a lot, from 58 to 40. Is this a good thing?
-TSH down from 1.32 to 0.08. Is this to be expected with thyroid supplementation? Is it a good thing when thyroid supplementation lowers your TSH so much?

Clearly the Tyromax is affecting my body. I'd love to hear your thoughts on these changes. Thanks.


Jun 10, 2020


Jun 10, 2020
Wanted to bump this thread again to add that my free T4 was 0.79 (ref range 0.76-1.80) after supplementing thyroid for two months.

So my free T4 is on the low side after taking NDT and T3(but didn’t take either the morning of the test). Does this low T4 rule out the possibility that I’m hyperthyroid, from taking too much thyroid?

I ask if I’m hyperthyroid because my hot flashes are worsening. I’m trying to determine if it could be histamine problems, or potentially hyperthyroidism due to taking too much thyroid. The hot flashes began when I first took NDT back in December, and they continued up through January, when I restarted thyroid by taking T3 and working may way up to a grain NDT with it.

My temperature is often down in the 97s because of the hot flashes. My pulse is usually around 85 resting.

Just wanted to see if the relatively low T4 added anything important to the puzzle. Thanks for any thoughts!
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Aug 1, 2017
hm so the problems/hot flashes only start when doing NDT and not on t3 only?


Jun 10, 2020
hm so the problems/hot flashes only start when doing NDT and not on t3 only?
They originally started after I took NDT, and T3-only solved them temporarily. But yesterday I took T3 only throughout the day and still had lots of hot flashes. It seemed even worse than usual, actually. Maybe T3 overload?


Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
They originally started after I took NDT, and T3-only solved them temporarily. But yesterday I took T3 only throughout the day and still had lots of hot flashes. It seemed even worse than usual, actually. Maybe T3 overload?
Did you ever figure out your hot flashes? I am getting hot flashes when my thyroid meds changed and can’t find a lot of info linking hot flashes and thyroid issues. Mine first started almost exactly 1 yr ago when my dr changed my meds from Armour Thyroid NDT to compounded at my request. On 2 grains Armour for a long time and never felt good and bloodwork showed my free T4 & T3 we’re not optimal. Anytime they increased my dose I would get anxiety and even started getting anxiety on 2 grains. When they switched me to compounded NDT I felt great-temp was good, metabolism increased and my nails grew fast and strong-something that has never happened in my life. It was like I caught lightning in a bottle! Great stuff, but also had raging hot and cold flashes. Scared me so I lowered my dose then slowly worked back up to it again and was okay for anout a year. The strong nails and great metabolism never returned and I am still not optimal again with my bloodwork. Recently, pharmacy is late sending my rx, so I take some Armour until I get it and in those few days start having horrible hot flashes again and now even back in my rx the hot flashes are better but not gone. I know I’m not hyperthyroid but something is not right. I have lots of cynomel I could take but not sure how to work that in. Sleep is ridiculously bad because of these temperature issues, so I don’t know if take cynomel will make that worse. Just thought you might have an update?


Jun 10, 2020
Did you ever figure out your hot flashes? I am getting hot flashes when my thyroid meds changed and can’t find a lot of info linking hot flashes and thyroid issues. Mine first started almost exactly 1 yr ago when my dr changed my meds from Armour Thyroid NDT to compounded at my request. On 2 grains Armour for a long time and never felt good and bloodwork showed my free T4 & T3 we’re not optimal. Anytime they increased my dose I would get anxiety and even started getting anxiety on 2 grains. When they switched me to compounded NDT I felt great-temp was good, metabolism increased and my nails grew fast and strong-something that has never happened in my life. It was like I caught lightning in a bottle! Great stuff, but also had raging hot and cold flashes. Scared me so I lowered my dose then slowly worked back up to it again and was okay for anout a year. The strong nails and great metabolism never returned and I am still not optimal again with my bloodwork. Recently, pharmacy is late sending my rx, so I take some Armour until I get it and in those few days start having horrible hot flashes again and now even back in my rx the hot flashes are better but not gone. I know I’m not hyperthyroid but something is not right. I have lots of cynomel I could take but not sure how to work that in. Sleep is ridiculously bad because of these temperature issues, so I don’t know if take cynomel will make that worse. Just thought you might have an update?
The hot flashes stopped, and I think in my case they were more related to digestive inflammation (and maybe histamine from meat) than to thyroid function. They ended up stopping suddenly when I switched my diet from meat+fruit to mostly goat milk. Since then, over the past two years, my hot flashes only return if I eat something that messes with my gut, which especially seems to be leftover meat. I can't quite work out if histamine or digestion is the cause. I think desiccated thyroid products can be high in histamine, which can trigger hot flashes in sensitive people.

I also think major hypo or hyperthyroidism can trigger hot flashes, in addition to other things (like bad digestion) that damage the metabolism. When I emailed Peat about my hot flashes back then, this is what he said:

"Have you checked your vitamin D and thyroid status, and made any changes in your diet?"

Do you take your body temperature? If it's low, it could be worth trialing small amounts of T3 throughout the day.


Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
The hot flashes stopped, and I think in my case they were more related to digestive inflammation (and maybe histamine from meat) than to thyroid function. They ended up stopping suddenly when I switched my diet from meat+fruit to mostly goat milk. Since then, over the past two years, my hot flashes only return if I eat something that messes with my gut, which especially seems to be leftover meat. I can't quite work out if histamine or digestion is the cause. I think desiccated thyroid products can be high in histamine, which can trigger hot flashes in sensitive people.

I also think major hypo or hyperthyroidism can trigger hot flashes, in addition to other things (like bad digestion) that damage the metabolism. When I emailed Peat about my hot flashes back then, this is what he said:

"Have you checked your vitamin D and thyroid status, and made any changes in your diet?"

Do you take your body temperature? If it's low, it could be worth trialing small amounts of T3 throughout the day.
So great you figured out the trigger! I am going to have my thyroid levels checked in about a month, but will ask for some other things like Vit D ,Prolactin and DHEA while I'm at it. I also am seeing if it is related to food sensitivity. I never had a problem with dairy, but I do eat a lot of it so I thought maybe going dairy free for a short while to see if that moves the needle in reducing the temp fluctuations. My morning temp is always 97.0-97.3F, which isn't optimal and I am normally always cold which leads me to believe these hot flashes have something to do with my low temps--is my body trying to rev something up? That is probably stupid but I'm desperate. I also did a cortisol test-just waiting for results. I think that will give me some insight. One thing at a time I guess. Thank you for your response.


Jan 26, 2022
That’s interesting the standard range for ldl is listed as below 130. It’s below 100 for the lab I go to.

They always say “hdl” is the good cholesterol, but I believe that is raised by pufa so I do wonder how good it really is having that high.
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Jun 10, 2020
So great you figured out the trigger! I am going to have my thyroid levels checked in about a month, but will ask for some other things like Vit D ,Prolactin and DHEA while I'm at it. I also am seeing if it is related to food sensitivity. I never had a problem with dairy, but I do eat a lot of it so I thought maybe going dairy free for a short while to see if that moves the needle in reducing the temp fluctuations. My morning temp is always 97.0-97.3F, which isn't optimal and I am normally always cold which leads me to believe these hot flashes have something to do with my low temps--is my body trying to rev something up? That is probably stupid but I'm desperate. I also did a cortisol test-just waiting for results. I think that will give me some insight. One thing at a time I guess. Thank you for your response.
I do think the hot flashes have something to do with the low temps, but my experience doesn't lead me to believe it's from the body trying to rev itself (although that might be true, I'm just going by feeling). My hot flashes always felt like they were triggered by some acute inflammation, like a brief allergic reaction or inflammatory response to something in my gut. If your thyroid is low, or you have high estrogen and serotonin, I think your body is primed to get inflamed very easily and respond with a hot flash.

What's your diet and digestion like? Based on my experience, that's the most direct way to stop the flashes.


Jun 10, 2020
That’s interesting the standard range for ldl is listed as below 130. It’s below 100 for the lab I go to.

They always say “hdl” is the good cholesterol, but I believe that is raised by pufa so I do wonder how good it really is having that high.
if I understand Dr. Peat correctly, the HDL cholesterol is a response to inflammation, although the proteins themselves that compose HDL are protective. So high HDL, like total cholesterol, indicates that you've experienced stress. And the LDL is protective in basically the same way.

So high amounts of HDL or LDL are protective, but they indicate that some other aspects of your diet/lifestyle/hormone status are problematic.

He talked about it at 33:41 here-

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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