Cannabigerol/CBG For PSSD/Libido (5-HT1A Modulatio)


Jun 5, 2019
Very interesting stuff. I ordered some.

40mg/day? Or will it be too much?


Feb 26, 2018


Feb 26, 2018
Very interesting stuff. I ordered some.

40mg/day? Or will it be too much?
Yes indeed . I started with 10mg . Even felt effects with 2.5 mg. Another person on reddit sticks to 10mg to treat his autistic symptoms. But I've also read people using up to 60mg per day.
I'd start with 10mg/day and work my way up from there , if necessary.

Dr Jimmy

Dec 26, 2020
I have PSSD. I smoked weed accidently. And it cured me temporary when i am high. I dont have access to CBG. But i think the only theory i can rely on is this. Are you researching on how we can repair this receptor perminantly. I dont like to be stoned 24/7.

Dr Jimmy

Dec 26, 2020
Good stuff!

You might like raw hemp/cannabis flower even more, if you can get your hands on it somehow. Both chemotypes will be rich in CBGa and CBG when young and still growing.

Some ancient cultures used to eat raw cannabis to ward off parasites, presumably for its CBGa content. The 'raw,' non-decarboxylated cannabinoids and terpenes are said to be very good for gut health.
How about dosing? Am i get high if i eat raw.


Feb 26, 2018
Since human studies with CBG are so sparse, anecdotal evidence is even more important. I collected some very interesting reviews from all over the web.

"Nine weeks ago my doctor found a new tumor growing in my bladder. I have had two previous tumors removed, one cancerous and one not. He wanted to wait 8 weeks to see how this new one developed. I purchased Flower Child CBG 700 and took it twice daily. I took the last dose right before my doctor’s appointment. I went to my doctor’s appointment and when he scoped my bladder it was completely clear of any tumors! It looked the best it has looked since I first discovered cancer. My prostate even looked great! It has been enlarged in all previous appointments."

"I purchased both the CBG softgels and the oil and my LIFE has changed. I've had MS for 30 years, have anxiety and depression, and had half my back fused 7 months ago. Prior to taking these products I was having significant back and nerve pain in my legs and was very depressed...I was basically homebound. With my first dose I noticed that my pain wRead more about review stating Life changing!as nearly gone, I had energy, and I was even in a good mood! It's been just two weeks since starting the CBG and I've gone shopping, went to an antique mall, am taking daily walks, and I've even visited friends! I've tried many CBD products over the years without effect, but Extract Labs has created phenomenal products that have honestly changed my life and given me hope for a brighter future. I highly recommend this product. I'll definitely be a lifetime customer! "

"I have grade 4 chondromalacia in my left knee. Bone on bone, and the pain was horrible. I have been waiting to get a total knee replacement until the COVID problem settled down. I tried CBD/CBG tincture and my pain is now relieved to the extent that I can now walk without pain."

"really shouldn't be taking NSAIDs with the medication I must take on a daily basis and haven't taken Advil or Aleve since I began your oil and tincture regimen. I can't say I'm totally pain free, but I feel better than I have in years."

"Excellent product, for my anxiousness trouble and constant pain. It’s the best thing I ever tried. I am really tired of the VA medications that cause me side effects. With one dose of this CBG Oil helps me to keep going and going in my daily routine."

"I haven't made much eye contact my entire life, first time I tried this stuff I was looking in people's eyes on accident and didn't realize it at first. The wave of terror that people are judging me, that shame goes away with CBG.

I don't feel exposed, whatever that means. Like I have a warm blanket on, people can't see the depths of pain in my soul.

I hope more places carry this stuff soon. I was taking 50mg 3x a day of CBD. It's looking like 10mg of CBG before going in public, then maybe one more dose of the 50mg CBD a day will be perfect. CBG is expensive though, but I seem to only need 1/4th the amount, hopefully tolerance won't go up.

I think CBG is teh social anxiety answer to this puzzle. Hoping CBN will help with my sleep. And CBD of course will stay a daily thing. I'm really hoping for full plant access and find good cannabis oil strains high in specific cannabinoids because it's difficult trying to afford a hundred dollar bottle of each every month. Maybe some discount places for disability will carry CBG soon.

It snapped me out of a bad week long depression wanting to die and I felt happy today and was talking to people, and that's a first in many years. It could be placebo, I take that into consideration. But this is really significant for a person with autism to be talking who's mostly non-verbal with no eye contact...

Just wanted to share that, I know many have complained that CBD didn't help with social issues, so just giving my 2 cents after trying it. Thank you all for being so kind and helping me with CBD and everything else. I had almost lost all hope. Cannabis and hemp are saving my life and giving me a way to actually live and not be isolated in a room 24/7 alone. Now I want friends, not to be alone anymore."

"Bought for my shoulder pain but didn't notice too much of a difference. My husband tried it and he went from freezing (Parkinson's for can't get feet to move to walk) to WALKING NORMALLY! It was shocking. First dose of 3 drops on tongue then 25 minutes later he was moving normally. His voice went from soft to stronger. He is dosing a few drops so Read more about Bought for my shoulder pain but didn'tmany hours. It is shocking how well he has responded. So grateful he has some relief! He has had Parkinson's for 20 years"

"I would rate this higher if I could! This is a must have for my 17yr old son. He is autistic with limited language and with Flower Child CBG he has a significant decease in anxiety!"

"Is working to take the edge off my chronic neck/back pain. Had tried CBD multiple times, and did not work for me. Only made me tired. CBG does not make me tired and I do seem to have better focus. It seems to keep my anxiety under control also."

"When we use this for my autistic son, his mental clarity and cognition go way up that same day! It’s amazing what this stuff does for so many. And he only needs a little at a time, so a small bottle lasts us a long time."

"I have an undiagnosed nervous system disorder from long term mold exposure. Symptoms began in my face in my jaw area around 6 years ago and progressed to other areas of my body. I have numbness, pain, spasms, moments of paralysis, and tingling. Recently my facial symptoms increased mirroring the symptoms of a recovery from Bell’s Palsy. I did research on a natural way to help my nervous system and found CBG/Flower Child. I noticed a relief in facial symptoms within the first day of taking a dropper of CBG. I’ve been taking it for 9 days and I feel like standing on a mountain and shouting to the universe that there is hope and it’s all due to this incredible CBG product. My symptoms have been reduced by 75% and I’m just getting started. I’ve seen doctor after doctor none of whom gave me clarity nor help. THANK YOU FLOWER CHILD for understanding the value of CBG and making a product out of it. I also want to mention that an unexpected “side effect” of taking this is that my seborrheic dermatitis has improved! Bravo all around."

"I am using CBG daily to control my anxiety and panic attacks, it has worked wonders! My 6 year old autistic son is also using it successfully. Thank you for your wonderful products! I would love to see a CBG vape also!"

"One of the only things that helps my mom’s Crohn’s symptoms. "


Feb 13, 2021
How about dosing? Am i get high if i eat raw.
Eh a few grams of raw buds should be enough. Many cultivars are spicy and hard to eat large amounts of.

You won't get high! Raw THC (THCa) won't even get you high..let alone raw CBG (CBGa).


Feb 26, 2018
After a week of CNG I noticed :
- mood increase
- feeling more mellow, less confrontational
- muscles look fuller and bigger
- anti stress /cortisol effect
- more constipated
- motivation about the same

I'll probably discontinue due to the constipation effect , already tend to have constipation so everything that increases that tendency makes me feel off at some point.
I think occasional supplementation or long term ,when I figured out my constipation , shouldn't be a problem.


Jun 18, 2023
CBG is actually an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist, which means it activates your adrenal receptors (the same receptors adrenaline etc. activate).
Other activators of the alpha2-adrenergic "receptor" are Agmatine and Clonidine which is used to lower blood pressure.
When activated, the alpha2-adrenergic "receptor" essentially blocks adrenaline (reminiscent of cyproheptadine) and is pro-GABA.
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