Cancer Is A Nitrogen Deficiency, Cancer Cell = Cell In Fermentation, Dr. Otto Warburg Was Right


Jul 3, 2016
My updated thesis:

Dr. Warburg was right, somewhat. Yes, the Warburg effect is real and a recognizable sign of a cancer cell. It is simply the result of a cell that is in a state of fermentation as its energy metabolism. This constitutes a cancer cell. Nitrogen is needed to complete fermentation in wine making. Nitrogen is in alot of things touted as anti-cancer, like amygdalin and antibiotics. A nitrogen trap is something known to exist in all tumors. The tumor requires abnormal amounts of nitrogen, possibly hinting at the fact that they're deficient in it. Glycine and urea are both implied in fermentation in wine making. Glycine and urea are also both known to possess anti-cancer effects.

Dr. Ray Peat wrote about it:

Tumors have been called "nitrogen traps" or "glutamine traps," but this has meaning
beyond the use of the nitrogen for growth; it is involved in the energetic inefficiency of
this process, and the reorganizing effects this wasteful flow of energy has on the tissue
structure (Medina, 2001)

Here's a source that supports this thesis. Not everything in the source is correct, but the nitrogen part is on point.

It’s been known for well over 100 years that nitrogen utilization is a key concept in the understanding of cancer.

According to “Clue to How Cancer Kills: Cancer, at least in mice, picks up nitrogen from protein food and holds it trapped so that body can’t use it. With nitrogen gone, the body dies,” Science News Letter, Sept. 13, 1947, “As the cancer grows larger, the demands for nitrogen exceed the supply from the diet. The cancer gets the chemical at the expense of the body. Death comes when the body tissues cannot supply further nitrogen. […] Some ways in which cancer kills are already known. It may kill by interfering with the function of a vital organ or by causing hemorrhage or ulcers which get infected and then the patient dies of the infection. But injury and other non-cancerous conditions may kill by the same means. The killing effect of cancer itself is not understood unless the nitrogen trapping action explains it.”

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) subscribed to and elaborated on what has been called …

the “theory of embryonic rest,”

the “Beardian thesis,”

the “trophoblastic thesis of cancer,”

the “nitrogen theory of cancer,” etc.

Adano said …

“Cancer, the ‘disease without cause,’ is the minus range of protein [protein minus nitrogen].”

“Cancer is caused by eating protein without nitrogen. There are approximately 15 different kinds of cancer. Cancers feed between 2:00-6:00 pm and are inactive between 3:00 AM-1:00 pm. For cancer treatment, do not eat between 2:00-6:00 PM, and do not eat nitrogen-poor proteins. Take vitamin A, niacin, pancreatin, and natural cyanide in the form of apricot pits.”

“All immunity deficiency is a lack of vitamin C and nitrogen. People with AIDS eat fried foods, soda pop, and candy. They don’t eat vitamin C and nitrogen. Nitrogen is in the top of an onion, and oxygen is in the bottom. Cancer is a lack of nitrogen. Cooking food destroys nitrogen.”

“Cancer is a lack of nitrogen.” LET’S QUALIFY THAT.

Nitrogen is an atomic element that can only be “destroyed” in a cyclotron or nuclear reactor.

However, the fragile hydrogen bonds that hold nitrogen-containing protein together CAN readily be destroyed, so the qualitative difference is the same – some, or even many, cancers are associated with a lack of AVAILABLE nitrogen.

Globular protein is especially susceptible to thermal denaturing.

Cooking any proteinacious food coagulates about 50 percent of its protein, according to the Max Planck Institute.

Perhaps the coagulation of heated blood is related to the coagulation of heated protein.

According to “Mass Detection of Cancer: A new simple and quick blood test for this disease has been discovered which may be used as a mass screening agent such as X-rays are for unsuspected tuberculosis,” Science News Letter, Mar. 20, 1948, “Blood plasma from cancer patients coagulates much faster when heated than blood plasma from healthy persons or from persons sick with diseases other than cancer.”

Heat, as well as ultraviolet light, alkalinity, lengthy storage, etc., disintegrates hydrogen bonds and destroys (denatures, ferments, and degrades) protein.

According to “Ultraviolet Helps Reveal Chemistry of Vitamins,” Science News Letter, Jul. 1, 1944, “… when light of a wavelength that is absorbed by a particular protein molecule shines on that protein the protein is denatured. Vitamins are composed by light of the wavelength they absorb. Viruses are made non-virulent, without coagulation of their protein and without destruction of their immunizing power, by the particular wavelength they absorb.”

Cooking also destroys many other valuable cancer-fighters such as folate and indoles such as indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane.

In cases where folate feeds cancers, e.g., leukemia, the antimetabolite and antifolate drug Methotrexate contains 20 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms, and 805 nitrogen atoms (C20H22N805).

The nitrate form of nitrogen is especially transitory, and its content varies on a day-to-day basis while it remains in vegetation.

Source: Is Cancer a Nitrogen Deficiency? - One Radio Network

Nitrogen deficiency exists in plants. Gaston Naessens applied nitrogenated camphor to heal his cancer patients. Urea was once used as a nitrogen supplement before it was banned in the US in 1990. Dr. Ray Peat described methods of how urea would treat cancer in a KMUD interview. Gaston Naessens stated that his findings concurred that cancer cells have a nitrogen deficiency. Professor Evangelos D. Danopoulos, M.D. successfully treated cancer patients with urea.

Amino acids are involved heavily in fermentation of yeast and wine making. Amino acids are also known to be heavily involved in cancer uptake and growth.

Neoplastic transformation is accompanied by adaptive increases in nucleotide and protein synthesis. The high rates of protein synthesis in rapidly growing tumors require a continuous supply of both essential and nonessential amino acids (Medina and Núñez de Castro 1988). Mider (1951) showed that tumors assimilate not only the nitrogen from the diet, but also the nitrogen from host proteins, raising the concept of tumors as “nitrogen traps,” actively competing with the host for nitrogen compounds (Landel et al. 1985). Tumors use the incorporated amino acids for both oxidation and protein synthesis (Shapot 1979).

Source: Glutamine and Cancer | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic

Dr. Otto Warburg has recently been vindicated in the following scientific article presenting the studies of scientists: How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer? Here is described how indeed a cancer cell is a body cell in a state of fermentation. It will even remain in fermentation if oxygen is available, hinting at the fact that it requires something else first, like nitrogen. Pleomorphism is the ability of pathogens and micro-organisms to change shape, size, and form. The somatid, a body's own micro organism inside a cell discovered by Gaston Naessens, can pleomorphize into any pathogen. This somatid, now in a pathogen state, will change the energy metabolism of a body cell from respiration to fermentation. A reason this happens could be a temporary state of inability to generate energy through respiration, which for example could be caused by exposure to toxins. A theory by myself is, that a real pathogen can invade the cell, hijack it, and also cause this state of fermentation energy metabolism. Although more data is required to support that. There could be a logical reason for the cell's inner micro organism to change its cell's state to a state of fermentation. Perhaps as a protective measure of some sort, perhaps it is an error or the cell is in a temporary state of necrosis and now avoiding this from happening. Various reasons could exist why the cell reverts to a more primitive form of energy metabolism in the form of fermentation. Voltage of the cell may also be involved. Dr. Rife had a tool with which he killed the inner micro organism in the cancer cell, and the follow-up effect was that the cancer cell itself got killed to. He cured lots of patients with cancer this way. The fact that even in the presence of oxygen the cancer cell does not always becomes better implies in my opinion that it requires nitrogen, or glutamine. Although I have fewer knowledge on the implication of glutamine in a cancer cell. The fact that there is a connection between Gaston Naessens and Dr. Otto Warburg in the form of cell fermentation and nitrogen, a substance essential in fermentation processes, should be acknowledged properly.

During the last decades of the 20th century, surgeons developed new methods for cancer treatment by combining surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation. Roentgen discovered X-rays after 50 years of anesthesia was discovered. Later doctors identified that nitrogen mustard can kill rapidly proliferating lymphoma cancer cells.

From: History of Cancer, Ancient and Modern Treatment Methods

In order for the cancer cell to revert back to a healthier state, it requires alot of nitrogen, possibly. Nitrogen is dangerous in its elementary form, it is called liquid nitrogen and a person once lost his stomach by drinking some of it. So a safe form is essential. A diet that is rich in nitrogen, yet low in cancer feeding nutrients, could be useful for cancer therapy and perhaps effective in successfully treating the disease. Vitamin E and vitamin B12 were recommended to not be taken by a doctor who applied nitrogen as cancer treatment, during the use of the nitrogen containing compound that he applied. This was 714X, or triméthylaminohydroxybicycloheptane chloride as its chemical formula is called. Also incorporated in this formula was nitrogenated camphor. 714X was used as an injection in the lymphatic system.

"Gaston Naessens' next invention was the development of a treatment that he calls 714-X. 714-X is a nitrogenized camphor derivative (trimethylbicyclo-nitraminoheptane).
The rational behind this treatment is as follows: Gaston Naessens learned that tumours are nitrogen traps. They steal nitrogen from the body and this inhibits the immune system. By supplying nitrogen to the tumour and the body, the immune system is disinhibited, and the body begins to heal itself. (Camphor has a natural affinity for tumours and, as it is not toxic at pharmacological doses, it proved to be the perfect vehicle to carry the nitrogen to the tumour and the body.)"

Source: Gaston Naessens and 714-X

Cryotherapy is a conventional cancer treatment utilized by mainstream oncology on cancer patients, in which liquid nitrogen is topically applied directly on a tumor in order to freeze it to death.

Even in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells and some bacteria prefer fermentation, a new study finds

Wine, beer and yogurt are produced when microorganisms convert sugar into alcohol, gases or acids. But this process of fermentation—which is used by bacteria, fungi and other fast-growing cells to generate energy in the absence of oxygen—is a much less efficient way of generating energy for cells than aerobic respiration.

From: How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer?

I highly recommend finding safe supplements that supply nitrogen, without cancer-growing substances in it too, which amino acids for example could be.

I also highly recommend reading this scientific article dated 2015 from which I quote:

“A gradual loss of respiratory control together with a compensatory fermentation underlies the origin of cancer.”

How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer?

This study gives a favorable view on nitrogen in the implication of pyruvate in a candida strain:

The effect of nitrogen sources including yeast extract, peptone, soybean hydrolyzate and some inorganic nitrogen sources, as well as the nitrogen concentration on the fermentative production of pyruvate by Torulopsis glabrata WSH-IP12 was investigated. The addition of yeast extract greatly inhibited pyruvate accumulation, while peptone was shown to be the most favorable nitrogen source. In flask culture, 15 g l(-1) peptone was needed to consume 80 g l(-1) glucose with 23.4 g l(-1)of pyruvate accumulated. Pyruvate production was markedly dependent on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N), its production was improved by increasing the concentration of glucose and peptone proportionally and reduced by exclusively increasing the glucose concentration. In a glucose fed-batch culture, cell growth and pyruvate production slowed after 28 h. However, cell growth and pyruvate production recovered after further nitrogen, in the form of peptone and ammonium sulfate, was added to the culture. A final concentration of pyruvate of 54.5 g l(-1) was achieved at 64 h (yield to glucose consumed of 0.471 g g(-l)). By using aqueous ammonia instead of potassium hydroxide for pH control, 57.3 g l(-1) pyruvate with a yield of 0.498 g g(-1) was produced by 55 h. This result further indicates that nitrogen level plays an important role in the production of pyruvate.

Effect of nitrogen source and nitrogen concentration on the production of pyruvate by Torulopsis glabrata. - PubMed - NCBI

Gaston Naessens: Somatids, Somatoscope, & 714X; Alternative cancer treatment; Articles & 2 Patents
Yeast assimilable nitrogen - Wikipedia
714X | Cerbe Distribution Inc
FULL TEXT - Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), a traditional remedy with the history of treating several diseases - International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI)
Free amino nitrogen - Wikipedia
Cyanogenic glycosides - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Tetracyclines (and A Few Other Antibiotics) As A Cure For Cancer
Glutamine and cancer. - PubMed - NCBI
Energy and Nitrogen Metabolism in Cancer - ScienceDirect
Glutamine: A novel approach to chemotherapy-induced toxicity
Nitrogen deficiency - Wikipedia
Using Urea And Creatine As A Cancer Treatment
Uses Of Urea - KMUD, 2015-02-20
How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer?
One Law For All Cancers - Cancer Is A Viral Disease
Cancer = Cell Fermentation?
Ted From Bangkok's Treatment Killing Cancer Cells Using Their Electricity, PUFA, DMSO,methylene Blue
The Somatid, Gaston Naessens, 714X Cancer Treatment
Fermentation and anaerobic respiration
Pleomorphism (microbiology) - Wikipedia
Is Cancer a Nitrogen Deficiency? - One Radio Network
Pathogen - Wikipedia
Nitrogen - Wikipedia
Cryotherapy - Wikipedia
Cryotherapy | Cancer in general | Cancer Research UK
Cryosurgery in Cancer Treatment
Glutamine and Cancer | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic
Effect of nitrogen source and nitrogen concentration on the production of pyruvate by Torulopsis glabrata. - PubMed - NCBI
Nitrogen Metabolism and the Urea Cycle
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 6. 714-X [CMAJ - June 16, 1998]
Glutamine and cancer.

Perhaps the most critically missing ingredient in commercial chemically produced food
is nitrogen. It would appear that chemical techniques do not make nitrogen available
in a usable form for use by the body. Organic techniques such as crop rotation and
lightening both affix nitrogen to the soil where it can be absorbed by the foods
grown in it. According to Gaston Naessens, cancerous cells crave nitrogen and when
it is supplied in sufficient quantities they dissolve! This may explain why Chinese,
Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca agriculturists went to such great pains to add more
electromagnetic energy to their soils, to improve soil fertility, and to promote human
and animal vitality and longevity (

From: An End to All Disease

The nitrogen is carried to tumor cells so avid for the element they have been called "nitrogen traps." By flooding the body with nitrogen and thus sating the cancerous cells, the same action also suppresses a secretion (by the cancer cells) that, as Naessens discovered, paralyzes the immune system. Page 54

Mycelial infection – When attacked by fungi-like forms, a patient becomes ill enough to exhibit septicemia (a bacteria-induced infection of the blood). This state is detectable only by culturing fresh blood in a medium, in vitro. The main point was that ... most doctors are wholly unaware that these mycelia are forms in the somatid cycle that have evolved in the blood itself, that is, within the body. If they do see them in the blood, in a "knee-jerk" reaction based on the Pasteurian dogma, they conclude that, if they produce serious states of fever or infection, they must have come from somewhere outside the body. Page 63

"That's quite right," Naessens replied, "But isn't prevention much easier than cure? Patients have come to me in states of fatigue, been treated, and begun to feel in tip-top shape again. I'm certain that many of them were precancerous. Obviously, there is no traditional way of verifying that. But we can point to cases of cancer, which were substantiated by hospital tests, so that the conditions of patients could be compared before, and after, treatment. In any case, my theories differ completely from traditional ones. Conventionalists say that cancer is a local affliction that becomes generalized. I say: "Cancer is a general systemic illness that becomes localized." Page 178

The cancer-causing role of forms in the bloodstream derives from the old Pasteurian legacy that "germs" invade the body from without. Only a short time after Maret wrote to me, I received a paper, written by a Florida pathologist Dr. P. B. Macomber and printed in the British journal Medical Hypotheses, a leader in its field. The article, brought out in its first 1990 issue, summarizes years of research on anomalous microbes in the blood, but, once again for lack of knowledge of the somatid – originator of the whole process – it hews to the idea that microbes are causes for degenerative diseases, rather than their heralds.


What were earlier called "microzymas" or "Protits" were called by Naessens - "Somatids" - immortal particles of life which survive the death of the individual. When the individual is unhealthy, the Somatid passes through a multistage cycle of degeneration and regeneration, each stage in turn being capable of independent life and reproduction. The degenerated stages of Somatids give rise to bacteria and other microorganisms under acid, acid base conditions.

The following information and picture are taken from the Physician's Handbook for Power, 1995, by Charlie Pixley, President, WRITER'S AND RESEARCH, Inc., 4810 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617.

"...the Somatid is indestructible. It cannot be killed either by heat or by any chemical product. Secondly, the Somatid has to be present in any kind of cellular division. The Somatid permits growth hormone and that permits the cell to divide correctly. It is not the Somatid that secretes the growth hormone. It is the transformation of the Somatid that liberates the growth hormone, but it is not a secretion of the Somatid. The Somatid originates in a liquid form inside the red blood cell. Each transformation of the Somatid generates a new secretion of growth hormones. He also has noted that Somatids are elcetro-charged particles. The membrane has a negative charge, the nucleus has a positive charge and this can be verified by putting the positive pole of a magnet near the slides, all the Somatids are attracted to the positive pull of the magnet."

"THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS ARE THE VERY FIRST PRIMITIVE STAGES which are the PROTIT and the CHONDRITS that are of lowest valences. They are entirely non virulent and the play a REGULATORY role toward the higher and more pathogenic stages by decomposing these through copulatory processes. In that sense, these stages are termed REGULATORS." (Blutuntersuchung Im Dunkelfeld nach Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein; Maria-M Bleaker, Compiler)

But, if the body's immune system becomes substantially weakened due to trauma such as shock, wrong nutrition, chemical pollution, or even psychological depression, Naessens has found as Enderlein and Antoine Bchamp did, that the Somatids switch gears, so to speak, and rapidly go into a 16-stage pleomorphic cycle, producing bacterial forms similar to the bacterial microorganisms Rife had discovered. Rife too had documented a similar 16-stage sub cellular growth cycle through his microscope.

From Gaston Naessens

Pleomorphism: In a scientific article published in 1992 it was shown that yeast, starved of nitrogen, undergoes pleomorphic transformations. This work both parallels darkfield's pleomorphism and vindicates Naessens' rationale for 714-X. (Gimeno et al. Unipolar Cell Division in the Yeast S. cerevisiae Lead to Filamentous Growth: Regulation by Starvation and RAS. Cell 68:1077-1090. March 20,1992)

Cancer and Pleomorphism: "The number and forms of the bacteria seem to mirror the state of systemic sickness in cancer patients, and, by following the appearance of the blood by darkfield microscopy, the patient's therapeutic progress can be monitored." Macomber. Cancer and Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria. Medical Hypotheses 32, 1-9, 1990.

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Jul 3, 2016
Occurrence of nitrogen

Many saltwater fish manufacture large amounts of trimethylamine oxide to protect them from the high osmotic effects of their environment; conversion of this compound to dimethylamine is responsible for the early odour in unfresh saltwater fish.[62] In animals, free radical nitric oxide (derived from an amino acid), serves as an important regulatory molecule for circulation.[63]
Nitrogen - Wikipedia

Occurrence of trimethylamine N-oxide

Occurence in nature[edit]
Trimethylamine N-oxide is an osmolyte found in saltwater fish, sharks, rays, molluscs, and crustaceans. It is considered as a protein stabilizer that may serve to counteract urea, the major osmolyte of sharks, skates and rays. It is also higher in deep-sea fishes and crustaceans, where it may counteract the protein-destabilizing effects of pressure.[1] TMAO decomposes to trimethylamine (TMA), which is the main odorant that is characteristic of degrading seafood.

TMAO is biosynthesized from trimethylamine, which is derived from choline.[2]

Trimethylamine N-oxide - Wikipedia

Sharks were once regarded as extraordinary because it was thought that they don't get cancer so often. Which is why they extracted sharks' cartilage, and scant evidence showed it was anti-carcinogenic.

TMAO and heart disease: what we know (and what we don’t)
Last updated on February 27, 2018

Article at a Glance
  • trimethylamine-N-oxide, or “TMAO” is a gut metabolite that a New England Journal of Medicine study linked to heart disease.
  • TMAO is produced by gut bacteria as they “digest” certain types of food, such as fish and eggs.
  • There is a link between elevated TMAO and heart disease, but fish is a large source of TMAO, and many of the world’s longest lived people eat fish.
  • Dangerous TMAO levels may be reached by a combination of gene expression, and environmental pollutants, although there are no definitive links as of yet in human models.

L-Arginine & Cancer

Arginine is used to treat conditions that improve with increased blood flow, such as chest pains, erectile dysfunction, clogged arteries, vascular disease and headaches, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Arginine is one of the 20 most common natural amino acids and this is what Keller was injecting intelligently into his cancer patients’ veins. When he administered the amino acid solution intravenously into himself first, he was astonished. “I felt a tingling in my tumor areas. They got softer. It was phenomenal.”

The LA Times article explains how, when Keller gave a patient an injection of Tumorex[2], the patient would start feeling heat in their tumor (a thermometer placed on the tumor, Keller said, showed a temperature rise of one to two degrees). There was a pulling, tingling, grabbing sensation. One patient said it felt like a thousand little fingers pulling at her tumors. People with brain tumors heard popping and cracking sounds as if fireworks were going off in their heads. Tumorex didn’t always work with everyone, but when it did, Keller said, the results could be spectacular. Within hours, patients reported, tumors began to soften and shrink, and within days they began to disappear. “On open tumors,” Keller said, “you could actually see bubbles.”

L-Arginine & Cancer

Nitrogen could be made in the body out of nitric oxide, which is made out of L-arginine. Don't go all Peat mob on me yet! I am only exploring the possibilities.

Caffeine contains it.

Many notable nitrogen-containing drugs, such as the natural caffeine and morphine or the synthetic amphetamines, act on receptors of animal neurotransmitters.
Nitrogen - Wikipedia

Theophylline also has it.

Physical State; Appearance WHITE CRYSTALLINE POWDER.Physical dangers Chemical dangers Decomposes on heating. This produces toxic fumes including nitrogen oxides.

Theophylline possesses anti-cancer benefits, including respiratory benefits for patients with cancer:

RATIONALE: Theophylline may help to relieve shortness of breath in patients who have cancer. It is not yet known whether theophylline is more effective than no further treatment for shortness of breath.
Theophylline in Treating Cancer Patients With Shortness of Breath - Full Text View -

as well as general anti-cancer effects:
Theophylline exhibits anti-cancer activity via suppressing SRSF3 in cervical and breast cancer cell lines. - PubMed - NCBI
Antimitotic and cytotoxic effects of theophylline in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. - PubMed - NCBI

Ammonium chloride has it too.

The main application of ammonium chloride is as a nitrogen source in fertilizers (corresponding to 90% of the world production of ammonium chloride) such as chloroammonium phosphate. The main crops fertilized this way are rice and wheat in Asia.[13]
Ammonium chloride - Wikipedia
Cancer rates in Asia are low. Rice diets are utilized with success in some cases for cancer treatment.

Ammonium chloride boosted the anti-cancer effects of cisplatin in this study:

Cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II, CDDP) acts as a therapeutic agent by initiating cellular apoptosis. However, side-effects and drug resistance limit the clinical use of cisplatin. Numerous studies have focused on the drug-target interactions, cellular pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of cisplatin. Newly developed treatment strategies are needed in order to be used in combination with cisplatin, with the aim to minimize toxicity and to circumvent cisplatin resistance. Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is widely used in various areas, but its use as a combination agent with cisplatin for the treatment of cancer cells has not been previously reported. In the present study, we showed that NH4Cl could be potentially used as an effective agent in cisplatin combination treatment of HeLa human cervical cancer (HCC) cells. Cisplatin was found to inhibit cell growth, as well as to induce cell apoptosis and DNA double-strand breaks. In addition, treatment with NH4Cl increased the rate of cell apoptosis and the activation of caspase-3. Particularly, we found that NH4Cl treatment increased cisplatin‑induced phosphorylation of H2AX. In conclusion, our data indicate that NH4Cl enhances cisplatin cytotoxicity through increased DNA damage in HeLa HCC cells.
Ammonium chloride enhances cisplatin cytotoxicity through DNA double-strand breaks in human cervical cancer cells. - PubMed - NCBI

> Cell health is maintained by electricity
> Healthy electricity is maintained with elements
> If one of the elements is missing, the electrical field that encompasses the cell is compromised
> If nitrogen is missing, a crack occurs in the electrical field and cellullar growth escapes to the outside of the field, possibly.

One needs to acquire nitrogen from something, without acquiring cancer-growing nutrients. Gaston Naessens did exactly that, simple nitrogenated camphor he developed himself in a lab, possibly. That was his solution to cancer. His cancer cure.


East meets West: ethnic differences in prostate cancer epidemiology between East Asians and Caucasians
Could nitrogen rich soil and subsequent nitrogen rich soil derived food like rice be responsible for this big difference in prevalence of prostate cancer between Asia and Western countries?

All alkaloids contain nitrogen.

Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms. This group also includes some related compounds with neutral[2]and even weakly acidic properties.[3] Some synthetic compounds of similar structure are also termed alkaloids.[4] In addition to carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, alkaloids may also contain oxygen, sulfur and, more rarely, other elements such as chlorine, bromine, and phosphorus.[5]
Alkaloid - Wikipedia
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Mar 15, 2014
Similar to composting, where anaerobic fermentation produces compost much more slowly than aerobic; anaerobes use far less nitrogen as well.

And as for "cooking the food" destroying nitrogen, drying out grass clippings destroys their nitrogen too, perhaps it's similar. The healthfulness of fresh foods could then be due to their nitrogen content.


Apr 21, 2018
Reading the Cooking food part sure makes me confirm that I’m never touching non-raw dairy again.


Jul 3, 2016
This source explains it almost the same, the somatid which resides in the cell pleomorphizes (mimicks) a pathogen, then starts to ferment, lactic acid and glucose rises, real pathogens now migrate to the cell nucleus, which will then excrete toxins inside called mycotoxins, this will cause blocking of tumor suppressive genes, which causes "proto-oncogenes" to turn into "oncogenes" and this causes cancer. This version would include Rife's work somewhat more because of the implication of regular (true) pathogens migrating to the cancer-cell-in-progress:


Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus

The inhibition of the immune system through secretion by the tumor of a compound called "co-cancerogenic factor" by Naessens was described by Naessens which seems similar to the inhibition of tumor suppressor genes and cell DNA repair by the mycotoxins as is described.

Now I don't know if this version is correct, but what stands is that the guy who studied it for 70+ years came to the conclusion that it is a nitrogen deficiency which cancer cells suffer from and that satiating this deficiency will correct the disease/kill the cancer cells/differentiate them. This source does not mention nitrogen anywhere in its texts.

I don't endorse the source above, I'd rather stick to my own way of looking at it for easiness, but the above picture might hold some truth to it in terms of technicalities.

"Fungus" is a word that doesn't really catch the disease well. Fungus in my opinion, implies something foreign, that starts sitting on your tissue and then grows. While cancer is something much more described as something part of your own tissue, and cancer cells are your own cells, even if they're cancerous and originate from cancer growth. A fungus would mean the way I look at it as something you could scrape off without you feeling much from it, and without much risk of you losing alot of blood or bleeding to death which is so often seen in cancer. Perhaps in the context of the said source it is just a word used for convenience to describe the process spoken of. But what should be clear is that the original pathogen which starts the carcinogenesis process, is a natural constituent of the human body which mimicks a pathogen. This small entity is known as the somatid.

I would also like to note that in the source above I am missing the "state of fermentation" of the cell, something I think is very relevant, especially when looking at it in regards to metabolism.
Dr. Otto Warburg and Gaston Naessens (man behind somatids) are linked with eachother, through nitrogen (which Naessens prescribes) being essential in fermentation (which Warburg points at as characteristic of a cancer cell).

A small piece (unrelated but fascinating) about an observation by the somatoscope:

To further research along the lines he has pioneered, Gaston has developed junior models of his Somatoscope for field use. These field units allow researchers to obtain illumination and stimulation of the specimens of the larger unit. The field units are capable of magnifying 6,000 – 7,000 diameters, although routine work will usually be at 3,500 – 4,000 diameters. The lower light levels of the higher magnification requires that a lower level of magnification be accepted for field use in order to maintain portability in the smaller units. One such unit will be in use in Colorado Springs at Clifford and Associates.

The Somatoscope has enabled researchers to discover the importance of colour and its relationship to the material being observed. The wavelengths of light generated are related to the size of the object and the health of the cell. For instance, the red blood cells vary from yellow/green to orange (540 nm to 580 nm) and white blood cells are rich in blue/violet (490 nm to 510 nm). Exposure to toxic materials, even in minute amounts, causes significant shifts in colour. Even 'safe' amounts of toxic materials like mercury and the aluminium in toothpaste cause significant degradation to red blood cells as I was able to witness from specimens on a videotape produced from the Somatoscope.

Gaston Naessens and Somatid biology

I am starting to think that the blood is an organ by itself, too.
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Jul 3, 2016
How does tryptophan play a role?

What about insulin?
From my perspective using a classical and orthometabolic/orthomolecular view with Naessens and Warburg's work incorporated, I don't know, perhaps not that relevant. What I see as important is nitrogen being deficient in the cancer cell which the "nitrogen trap" in cancer tumors described by Dr. Ray Peat also hints at. Naessens described that by saturating the body cells including the cancer cells with nitrogen, sating the cancer cells, the cancer cells dissolved. This is an orthomolecular principle being described, where giving a higher dose of a nutrient than normally taken, a disease reverses/gets cured. I don't think Naessens was well aware at the time of the existing principles of orthomolecular medicine, or had not thought these were relevant enough to describe.
Ted from Bangkok, a writer from Earth Clinic, spoke about blood sugar and cancer metatastasis. He happened to say that when blood sugar level goes above a certain point, metastasis occurs, but I cannot verify this claim scientifically.

Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus, a source which I do not endorse, says that tryptophan plays a role in cancer in the following way:
Prolonged psycho-emotional stress > high stress hormone cortisol > depletes adrenaline > depletes dopamine & tryptophan > niacin and NAD unable to be synthesized > breaks oxygen krebs cycle in cell > glucose fermentation in cell > lactic acid / low pH cell environment > somatid change into cancer-fungus > cell nucleus DNA mutations > cancer.

A Peaty inspection of the described sequence above is something which would be appreciated. The sequence could perhaps be a bit far-fetched, in my opinion, but it could very well be accurate to an extent too. The described "oxygen krebs cycle" is not in reality defined in that way, as oxygen is not present in the krebs cycle itself, whilst the krebs cycle is part of a larger process, respiration, in which oxygen is present.

Some of these tangly details are distracting from the classical metabolic approach of cancer presented by Dr. Warburg which work is very important I think. A thesis model that is workable and simple and clear to understand like his is what I would personally prefer. The therapeutic role of nitrogen in cancer hasn't been pondered on extensively before. In the end, all that the guy who studied it for 70 years had to conclude was nitrogen being deficient in cancer cells and that giving it to them healed the disease. (and that a lymphatic flush/fluidification is beneficial for cancer treatment)
So perhaps the matter is not that complicated as we think. This notion was also repeated by the scientists of this 2015 article by the Scientific American.

Insulin is not named in either Naessens work or in the said source so far of what I've looked at. It could be mentioned somewhere there in the other sections.
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Jul 3, 2016
So you basically kill the mycotoxin excreting pathogens inside the nucleus, apoptosis will occur because the DNA can repair and tumor suppressing genes can be expressed again, (the tumor shrinks), and then you revert the state of fermentation back to respiration by providing enough nitrogen to the cancer cell. If this should be done in an order or if this can be done at the same time remains to be determined. If you find out wether it is required to treat the lymphatic system of any congestion too, as Naessens did, it will be even better. This could be, in a nutshell that which is required to treat cancer to the point of curing it. Getting rid of all the stressors that aggravate the cell and its metabolism with Peat measures will ensure the best recovery.

Here is the manufacturing patent of the drug that Gaston Naessens made:


The invention concerns an aqueous solution capable of being injected by perinodular delivery or inhaled for use in the treatment of degenerative or autoimmune diseases or as immunomodulatory agent. Said solution is prepared by reacting camphor on ammonium hydroxide. The resulting product is then suspended in a saline solution. Said preparation having a basic pH is then neutralized with nitric acid. The resulting aqueous solution has pharmacological properties since it is an analogue of human cytokines, which makes it useful for treating degenerative or autoimmune diseases and/or as an immunomodulatory agent.


Full patent:

Now I wonder if it is possible to nitrogenate a similar substance for use at home. Or if any compound exists that naturally has the same pharmaceutical properties as this compound. Preferably for oral, sublingual or topical use.

Also read this if you're interested in the potential dangers of the use of vitamin B12, vitamin E and shark cartilage in the treatment of cancer:

Vitamin B12

It is recommended not to simultaneously use 714X and vitamin B12 supplements.

Vitamin B12 accelerates cellular division (especially blood cells) without distinguishing healthy cells from immature cells. There is nothing to be gained by stimulating cell division in an already hyperactive organism. This restriction does not affect vitamin B12's properties in a normal context.
For those persons having had a partial or total removal of the small intestine who wish to take 714X, the above exception concerning vitamin B12 does not apply as this vitamin is essential for such persons' survival.

Vitamin E

It is not recommended to use 714X and vitamin E supplements simultaneously.

It is a recognized fact that vitamin E protects cellular membranes against free radicals. This antioxidant property of vitamin E is important in the prevention of cancer, but once cancer has taken hold of the organism, this vitamin could create a protective coating around immature cells and thus delay their identification and elimination by the immune system.

Shark and bovine cartilage

It is not recommended to use 714X and shark or bovine cartilage or antiangiogenic products (products aiming at shrinking blood vessels) simultaneously

Shark cartilage seeks to asphyxiate a tumoral mass by stopping its vascularisation process. This is a valid approach if one considers cancer as a localized problem.
However, if one considers cancer as a generalized disease which localizes itself in a vulnerable area of the body, it becomes useless to act locally if the defense mechanisms are not supported. In this approach, the tumor is only confirmation of a more profound problem.
Shark cartilage is incompatible with 714X as 714X requires a good blood circulation so that the body may eliminate tumoral masses.

Source: Gaston Naessens: Somatids, Somatoscope, & 714X; Alternative cancer treatment; Articles & 2 Patents

*714X is the name of the drug Gaston Naessens made.

Quinine, an alkaloid, is anti-serotonin, and contains nitrogen, as all alkaloids contain nitrogen. It also has anti-cancer potential according to multiple studies.
Quinine Is A Serotonin Antagonist And Inhibits Serotonin Synthesis

Piperine (from black pepper) also is an alkaloid with potential anti-cancer benefits, and being an alkaloid, it contains nitrogen.

Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms.

Berberine is also an alkaloid containing nitrogen. Berberine increases serotonin in the brain of mice in one study though.

Did I mention yet that caffeine contains nitrogen?

Krebs cycle
Of these amino acids, aspartate and glutamine are used, together with carbon and nitrogen atoms from other sources, to form the purines that are used as the bases in DNA and RNA, as well as in ATP, AMP, GTP, NAD, FAD and CoA.[35]
Citric acid cycle - Wikipedia

CO2 and N2 as cancer preventatives and reversal agents?

If only this study wasn't behind a paywall...
Nitrogen Shift in Cancer

Nitrogen oxides can participate in both causative and curative mechanisms of tumor biology. The appreciation of the high complexity and diversity of the biological effects of these reactive species in biological system will prompt our fundamental understanding of their roles in cancer and our search for improved and novel therapeutic strategies.

But these roles of glutaminolysis, whether providing nitrogen or anabolic carbons, should not be generalized as mutually exclusive features of all cancer cells. From these considerations, it is surmised that the expression of glutamine synthetase in different cancers will determine the extent by which these cancers are addicted to exogenous glutamine, as revealed by the decreased dependency of glutamine synthetase-engineered chinese hamster ovary cells on glutamine.27

This last study implies that both carbon and nitrogen boost tumor growth and proliferation.. Is Dr. Ray Peat wrong on CO2, or is CO2 not implied in tumor growth and proliferation due to a different mechanism?
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Jul 3, 2016
Naessens his injectable solution also contained ammonium salts, I believe. See:

Ammonium Chloride contains 25 percent Nitrogen.
Ammonium Chloride | Spic

Gee I really wonder if nitrogen isn't the secret of his cure.

And then there is this:

Ammonia has long been viewed as a toxic cellular by-product of glutamine metabolism that has little or no functionality. New findings by a group at Pfizer Inc. now suggest this may not always be the case. The team found that in tumors, ammonia functions as a diffusible signal that can trigger autophagy in neighboring cancer cells, which enables them to be better prepared to counter external stressors such as chemotherapeutics.1

The results suggest that disrupting glutamine metabolism to reduce ammonia could be explored as a therapeutic strategy. The challenge will be figuring out how to therapeutically target the underlying pathways.

Again, we see glutamine named, cancer tumors have a nitrogen trap and a glutamine trap according to Dr. Ray Peat.

Published october 2017
Ammonia is a ubiquitous by-product of cellular metabolism, however the biological consequences of ammonia production are not fully understood, especially in cancer. We find that ammonia is not merely a toxic waste product, but is recycled into central amino acid metabolism to maximize nitrogen utilization. Cancer cells primarily assimilated ammonia through reductive amination catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and secondary reactions enabled other amino acids, such as proline and aspartate, to directly acquire this nitrogen. Metabolic recycling of ammonia accelerated proliferation of breast cancer. In mice, ammonia accumulated in the tumor microenvironment, and was used directly to generate amino acids through GDH activity. These data show that ammonia not only is a secreted waste product, but a fundamental nitrogen source that can support tumor biomass.
Metabolic recycling of ammonia via glutamate dehydrogenase supports breast cancer biomass

Oh? I wonder why that is.

Diploid S. cerevisiae strains undergo a dimorphic transition that involves changes in cell shape and the pattern of cell division and results in invasive filamentous growth in response to starvation for nitrogen. Cells become long and thin and form pseudohyphae that grow away from the colony and invade the agar medium. Pseudohyphal growth allows yeast cells to forage for nutrients. Pseudohyphal growth requires the polar budding pattern of a/alpha diploid cells; haploid axially budding cells of identical genotype cannot undergo this dimorphic transition. Constitutive activation of RAS2 or mutation of SHR3, a gene required for amino acid uptake, enhance the pseudohyphal phenotype; a dominant mutation in RSR1/BUD1 that causes random budding suppresses pseudohyphal growth.
Unipolar cell divisions in the yeast S. cerevisiae lead to filamentous growth: regulation by starvation and RAS. - PubMed - NCBI

Oh. So what about that cancer is a fungus idea?

The effect of nitrogen sources including yeast extract, peptone, soybean hydrolyzate and some inorganic nitrogen sources, as well as the nitrogen concentration on the fermentative production of pyruvate by Torulopsis glabrata WSH-IP12 was investigated. The addition of yeast extract greatly inhibited pyruvate accumulation, while peptone was shown to be the most favorable nitrogen source. In flask culture, 15 g l(-1) peptone was needed to consume 80 g l(-1) glucose with 23.4 g l(-1)of pyruvate accumulated. Pyruvate production was markedly dependent on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N), its production was improved by increasing the concentration of glucose and peptone proportionally and reduced by exclusively increasing the glucose concentration. In a glucose fed-batch culture, cell growth and pyruvate production slowed after 28 h. However, cell growth and pyruvate production recovered after further nitrogen, in the form of peptone and ammonium sulfate, was added to the culture. A final concentration of pyruvate of 54.5 g l(-1) was achieved at 64 h (yield to glucose consumed of 0.471 g g(-l)). By using aqueous ammonia instead of potassium hydroxide for pH control, 57.3 g l(-1) pyruvate with a yield of 0.498 g g(-1) was produced by 55 h. This result further indicates that nitrogen level plays an important role in the production of pyruvate.
Effect of nitrogen source and nitrogen concentration on the production of pyruvate by Torulopsis glabrata. - PubMed - NCBI
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Jul 3, 2016
A major component of chlorophyll, the compound plants use in photosynthesis. Nitrogen helps plant foliage grow strong with healthy, robust leaves. Critical for the beginning stages of a plant’s life.

Source: Jobe's Organics Blood Meal Granular - Jobes Company

"Critical for the beginning stages of a plant’s life."

Is that why a nitrogen-deficient cell grows into something that resembles a baby and placenta with teeth, organs, toes and hair inside in humans?
Feb 26, 2018
Any relevant studies about trimethyl glycine? I’m not sure how I feel about nitrogen as a preventative measure, I did a lot of raw beets for a while and ended up with bad viral outbreaks after, same eventual effects from gelatin supplementation which I think was from all the extra arginine. Is it fair to say that vasodilation is a marker that cellularly things are not fermenting?


Jul 3, 2016
Any relevant studies about trimethyl glycine? I’m not sure how I feel about nitrogen as a preventative measure, I did a lot of raw beets for a while and ended up with bad viral outbreaks after, same eventual effects from gelatin supplementation which I think was from all the extra arginine. Is it fair to say that vasodilation is a marker that cellularly things are not fermenting?
Maybe it only helps if cells are deficient in it? And if they aren't, it just feeds the usual pathogens present in the blood and body?

The aqueous solution according to the invention as obtained by the method described above, has been thoroughly tested and has proven to have pharmacological properties which make it efficient for the treatment of degenerative or autoimmune diseases and/or as an immunomodulatory agent.

Thus, it has been noticed that it mimicks human cytokines. Thus, it acts on monocytes to transform them into macrophages which, in turn, secrete two proinflammatory cytokines: interleukin 1 beta, 6, 8.alpha. and a tumor necrosis factor TNF alpha. Depending on the mimicked cytokine family, monocytes are transformed into macrophages or block molecules which paralyse the immune system. In both cases, a stimulation of the immune system and an increase in the tumor necrosis factor, which is also classified among immunostimulating factors, occur. This factor is also known for the role it plays in host resistance against viral infections or others, and in tumor development.

Biological Properties

The biological properties which were obtained with the solution prepared as described in the preceding example, are the following: 1) It acts on monocytes in vitro. 2) It transforms monocytes into mature macrophages in vitro. 3) In vitro again, transformed macrophages are stimulated to secrete proinflammatory cytokines. (a) Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) known to exert a large variety of effects on differentiation and function of cells involved in inflammatory processes and immune responses; and (b) IL-6, 8 alpha and tumor necrosis factor (TNF alpha), also classified as an immunostimulatory agent and known to play a role in host resistance against infections and tumor development.

It is known that the cellular immune response is controlled and modulated by a family of relatively small molecules called <<(cytokines)>> which are small protein hormones playing a role in numerous normal cell functions. Their functions encompass anti-tumor, anti-viral and anti-bacterial activities and they induce immune cell growth, differentiation, activation, chemotactism, adhesion and immunosuppression.

This family of immunomodulators has recently been discovered. More than 70 different molecules have been identified but it seems that the family comprises more than 200 members. In other words, to date, cytokines are only partially known and characterized.

Known cytokines have been divided into two groups, alpha and beta, based on their structure. Alpha cytokines include interleukins, interferons, and other growth factors which control immune cell proliferation. Beta cytokines include MIP (Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins), MCP (Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins), RANTES, and other proteins which attract immune cells toward a site of infection or a tumor and, in doing so, strengthen the activity of the immune system. It seems that each cytokine molecule is very specific and only targets a small subpopulation of lymphocytes. In addition, cytokine fragments as small as 3 to 7 amino acids can bind to lymphocytes and partially mimick or block the activity of a complete cytokine molecule.

It is also known that the last three amino acids at the C-terminal end of beta cytokines are nitrogen-oxygen which bear a positive charge. It is thus possible that the aqueous solution according to the invention could exert a stimulatory effect to secrete cytokines since, as a result of its preparation, it may contain a small amount of nitrogen-oxygen molecules which look like and mimick the three amino acid-sequence of the beta cytokine family. Depending on the required cytokine activity, the solution according to the invention can either activate the transformation of monocytes into active macrophages or block the action of other molecules which paralyse the immune system. In either case, the result could be reinforcement of the immune system and the natural defenses to increase tumor cell destruction.

5) Pharmacological Assays

As previously indicated, the aqueous solution according to the invention acts on neoplastic cells and prevents them from secreting a substance which drives leucocytes and other phagocytic elements of the organism into a state of negative chemotactism.

Suppression of this secretion then allows the immune system to consider the neoplastic formation as a foreign body and destroy it. Animal testing showed that elimination of lysed tumor masses occurs through emunctories. Cancer cells thus evacuated present a nuclear disruption making any mitosis impossible. These evacuated cells are surrounded by an enormous amount and variety of very active leucocytes.

Nitrogenated 714X

What is weird is Gaston Naessens his drug activated molecules that are normally associated with negative consequences for cancer. Are we missing something here? The upside down theory of everything comes to mind here.
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Jul 3, 2016
When garlic undergoes treatment to turn into black garlic, allicin, the component that gives fresh garlic its notorious odor, is converted into a variety of antioxidant compounds [R, R].

Black garlic has various antioxidants [R, R]:

  • Amadori/Heyns compounds: These are formed during the Maillard reaction. Amadori/Heyns compounds are strong antioxidants, and compared to fresh garlic, black garlic has up to 40 to 100 times more of these compounds [R]
  • 5-hydroxymethylfurfural: This is an antioxidant that also has some anti-inflammatory effects. Compared to white garlic, black garlic has a higher amount of this beneficial component, as 5-HMF is created under very high heat. [R]
  • Organosulfur compounds: Diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, and diallyl tetrasulfide [R]
  • Pyruvate: This is a key antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule of black garlic. It reduces nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2, both of which prolong and intensify inflammation [R, R]
  • S-allylcysteine
  • Tetrahydro-β-carbolines
  • N-fructosyl glutamate
  • N-fructosyl arginine
  • Allixin
  • Selenium
  • N-alpha-(1-deoxy-d-fructos-1-yl)-l-arginine
  • Other alkaloids, polyphenols, and flavonoids
Black garlic also contains nitrogen oxide, which has strong antiviral and antitumor effects [R].

It also contains 2-linoleoylglycerol, an anti-inflammatory molecule. It lowers levels of prostaglandin E2 and cytokines, which are key promoters and signals of the inflammatory response. They prolong and increase cell death, swelling, and the uncomfortable symptoms of an allergy, infection, or other sicknesses [R, R].

8 Surprising Black Garlic Health Benefits + Side Effects - Selfhacked

Unsure about its ability to decrease cytokines, as Naessens said that cytokines are helpful for the body to eliminate tumor masses.. Also unsure about the N-fructosyl glutamate, because glutamine supposedly causes cancer growth, which can be the case as Naessens did not mention it while he did mention nitrogen, and tumors have both a nitrogen trap and glutamine traps so Naessens was probably aware of it. And studies show it enhances tumor growth apparently.

According to the nitrogen oxide reference study, both garlic and black garlic contain polysaccharides, endotoxin is lipopolysaccharide... And both abstract and full text make no mention of nitrogen oxide!

Uric acid is the primary antioxidant of the body according to Dr. Ray Peat.

Uric acid is a heterocyclic compound of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen with the formula C5H4N4O3. It forms ions and salts known as urates and acid urates, such as ammonium acid urate. Uric acid is a product of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides, and it is a normal component of urine. High blood concentrations of uric acid can lead to gout and are associated with other medical conditions including diabetes and the formation of ammonium acid urate kidney stones.
Uric acid - Wikipedia

There a multiple testimonies on the internet of cancer being cured by urine therapy. (drinking urine). Here is one, in combination with chemotherapy: ::URINE THERAPY::

2) Aloe Vera Is Antimicrobial
In an RCT of 390 people, aloe vera mouthwash was as effective as antibacterial chemicals in removing plaque. After thirty days, the aloe vera group also had healthier gums and less plaque compared to the controls [R].

Herpes simplex is a virus that can cause cold sores and other diseases in the mouth. Aloe vera gel can kill herpes simplex virus without being toxic to other cells [R].

Aloin (extracted from aloe vera) inactivated several viruses (influenza, herpes simplex, and varicella zoster) [R].

Water and alcohol aloe vera extracts can inhibit gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, although the alcoholic extract is more efficient. The extracts inhibited Enterococcus bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Proteus vulgaris, P. mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Morganella morganii, and Klebsiella pneumoniae [R].

Purified aloe vera protein also inhibited fungal growth (Candida paraprilosis, C. krusei, and C. albicans) [R].

Aloe vera contains antimicrobial compounds (phenols, sulfur, salicylic acid, lupeol, urea nitrogen, and cinnamonic acid), which inhibit viruses, bacteria, and fungi [R].

Aloe vera breaks bacterial cells to stop their growth [R].

3) Aloe Vera Boosts the Immune System
Aloe vera contains many antioxidants – Vitamin C and E, flavonoids, tannins, and carotenoids. By stopping oxidative damage, the antioxidants can protect the immune system [R].

In guinea pigs, alprogen (an aloe vera constituent), inhibited mast cell formation. Mast cells are white blood cells that may cause inflammation and hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. When alprogen inhibited mast cell formation, it prevented histamine and leukotriene release and prevented allergic reactions [R].

Aloe vera extract also caused mice’s white blood cells to release interleukin-1and tumor necrosis factor, which stimulates the immune system [R].

Aloeride, a sugar from aloe vera juice, activates white blood cells (macrophages), which also stimulates immune system function [R].

4) Aloe Vera Is Anti-Cancer
Various aloe vera polyphenols stopped cancer growth in human cells. Both aloe-emodin and emodin inhibited skin cancer cell growth. Also, combining aloe-emodin with chemotherapy drugs (5-fluorouracil, abiplastin, and adriablastin) enhanced their effects [R].

Polysaccharides from aloe gel extract prevent carcinogens from forming [R, R].

Various aloe vera constituents (emodin, aloin, and anthracene) inactivate cancer molecular pathways [R].

Source: 11 Proven Benefits of Aloe Vera - with Mechanisms and Side Effects - Selfhacked

I wonder if Aloe vera is Peaty? It contains alot of Peaty things like salicylic acid and emodin, and it kills gut bacteria.

IGF-1 and growth hormone inhibit urea synthesis [R], which may cause lower blood urea nitrogen. Growth Hormone-deficient children given human growth hormone results in lower urea nitrogen and this is due to decreased urea synthesis [R].
Surprising Truth About IGF-1 + Foods, Side effects, Cancer - Selfhacked

Mechanism: Astragalus polysaccharide (APS) has the ability to retard and lower the production of blood lactate, and prevent the increase of blood urea nitrogen after exercise [R].
Top 23 Scientific Health Benefits of Astragalus - Selfhacked

Hmm, I wonder why blood urea nitrogen levels increase after exercise, together with lactic acid!

1) L-Glutamine Is a Fuel for Gut Cell Growth and Digestive Functions
Glutamine is one of the three major sources of fuel (the other two being glutamate and aspartate) for cells in the small intestine. In the gut, glutamine is needed for cellular production and cell growth, and to assist in the absorption and transport of nutrients [R].

2) L-Glutamine Prevents and Repairs Leaky Gut
Many factors cause leaky gut (intestinal permeability), such as stress, radiation exposure, and chemotherapy. In many such instances, L-Glutamine helps prevent and repair leaky gut.

In rats, glutamine supplementation prior to radiation reduced the incidences of leaky gut. Seven out of the eight rats that didn’t receive glutamine in their diet had leaky guts (increased intestinal permeability), whereas all of the rats that did receive glutamine had intact guts [R].

In addition, glutamine also helps preserve intestinal villi in number and height [R].

Heat and oxidative damage from exercise impairs the gut lining and cause leaky gut [R].

In healthy subjects who underwent a 60-minute treadmill run, glutamine supplementation prevented the leaky gut seen in the placebo group.

Chemotherapy has also been shown to increase intestinal permeability [R, R].

In breast cancer patients, glutamine supplementation for 12 days prior to chemotherapy significantly decreased the leaky gut from chemotherapy [R].

3) L-Glutamine Improves Gut Flow
Glutamine has been shown to be helpful in improving gut flow in patients who have had part of their stomachs surgically removed. Daily glutamine supplementation (3 grams) for 12 days resulted in significantly greater improvement in flow to the small intestine compared to controls.

L-Glutamine Benefits the Immune System and Supports Healing
Immune cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils require glutamine. The presence of glutamine in the surrounding of these cells allow these white blood cells to grow [R].

Therefore, events that require the immune system, including injuries, infections, cancer treatments, and surgeries deplete glutamine in the body. In addition, glutamine supplementation tends to help with recovery from these events.

4) L-Glutamine Supports the Immune System Against Infections
Glutamine somewhat increased levels of B and T lymphocytes in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, a severe and potentially life-threatening inflammatory response to infections, trauma, or burns). Glutamine supplementation reduced inflammation and improved recovery in a study of 30 SIRS patients [R].

In 22 patients undergoing colorectal surgery, L-Glutamine supplementation increased T lymphocytes, cells that defend the body against bacterial invasion [R].

In a study (DB-RCT) of 45 patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation, those who received glutamine supplementation developed fewer infections [R].

Studies on 68 hospitalized very-low-birth-weight infants showed that glutamine supplementation reduced hospital-acquired sepsis (a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body injures its own tissues in response to an infection) and bacteremia (bacterial infection of the blood). Only 11% of the infants receiving glutamine supplementation developed an infection compared to 30% of the infants who did not receive supplementation [R].

5) Glutamine for Wound Healing
Glutamine provides energy for cells that are important for the wound healing processes like macrophages, lymphocytes, and connective tissue [R, R].

When an injury occurs, the tissue and immune cells surrounding the injury use up glutamine faster. In rats, glutamine levels decreased by 50% five days after the injury [R].

The decreased concentrations of glutamine stimulate muscle cells to produce more glutamine for wound-healing and other processes [R].

6) Glutamine Decreases Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer commonly develop mucositis (inflammation of the mucous membranes) in the oral cavity, larynx, and pharynx. This leads to severe pain and discomfort [R].

When patients were given glutamine supplements, the level of mucositis decreased along with pain levels [R].

When rats were subject to stomach radiation, those that were given glutamine supplementation lost less weight [R].

However, cancer cells may use glutamine for fuel, so glutamine supplementation is often contraindicated in cancer patients [R].

However, because cancer cases vary and glutamine may be beneficial in supporting overall well-being in cancer patients, patients should consult their physicians before adding glutamine to their regimen.

7) Glutamine Helps with Surgery Recovery
Surgeries deplete glutamine in muscles and reduce muscle protein synthesis [R].

In post-abdominal surgery patients, the glutamine-supplemented group saw a smaller decrease in muscle glutamine than the control group. Moreover, protein synthesis was unchanged in the treatment group, whereas in the control group it decreased [R].

Daily glutamine supplementation a week before stomach surgery improved the postoperative antioxidant status and liver function compared to controls [R].

The patients who received glutamine saw less of a decrease in glutathione (the main anti-oxidant in the body) and a trend for a decrease in the length of hospital stay.

8) Glutamine Increases Nitrogen in the Body When It Is Being Depleted
Infections, surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy deplete nitrogen levels in the body by destroying proteins. In patients receiving a bone marrow transplant, factors that retain nitrogen in the body lead to fewer clinical infections, shorter hospital stays, and fewer formation of harmful microbial colonies [R].

In a study (DB-RCT) of 24 bone marrow transplant patients, glutamine supplementation improved the body’s ability to retain nitrogen [R].

Glutamine also improved the nitrogen retention in patients undergoing stomach surgery [R].

In rats, glutamine supplementation preserved the nitrogen content of the stomach and colon. Also, glutamine-fed rats had increased nitrogen in their small bowel [R].

9) Glutamine Prevents Decrease in Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) Levels
After an injury or stress-induced muscle wasting, glutamine levels decrease in the muscles. Glucocorticoids induce muscle wasting in healthy individuals, which leads to decreased levels of glutamine [R].

In a study of seven healthy patients, glucocorticoid treatment decreased the amount of glutamine in 24 hours [R].

Decreased glutamine levels also lead to decreased levels of branched-chain amino acids. Leucine decreased by 23%, valine by 27%, and isoleucine by 33%. The increased oxidation of leucine was directly related to the decreased glutamine levels [R].

BCAAs are essential amino acids, and deficits in these amino acids lead to compromised protein synthesis rates [R].

In other studies, by keeping glutamine levels constant in the blood, the levels of leucine oxidation decreased in adults, infants, and children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy as well as in dogs [R, R, R, R].

However, in healthy people or athletes that consume sufficient proteins, glutamine supplementation may not have significant muscle-preserving effects [R].

Glutamine and Growth Hormone
Growth hormone increases by 4-fold 90 minutes after ingesting 2 grams of L-Glutamine. However, moderate to high-intensity exercise for one hour increases growth hormone by 20-fold [R].

While this might be helpful for the general population, glutamine supplementation has a much less significant effect on growth hormone levels among people who exercise at moderate to high intensity.

14 Proven Benefits of Glutamine + Side Effects & Dosage

Tumors have a glutamine trap and a nitrogen trap... Not endorsing glutamine, though. As it is linked to tumor growth in studies.

Melatonin Protects the Mitochondria and Inhibits Programmed Cell Death
Mitochondria are the part of the cell that generates energy. They have their own DNA. As energy factories, they are crucial for survival. The nucleus and mitochondria are the areas that have the most melatonin (R).

Energy production by mitochondria leads to the creation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) (R). ROS and RNS damage mitochondrial DNA and proteins, rendering them unable to produce energy. This damage can also cause the mitochondria to leak, which can lead to cell death (apoptosis) (R).

Hm.. 24 Surprising Health Benefits of Melatonin - Sleep, Brain, Gut Health, Antiaging, Cancer, Fertility - Selfhacked

Glycine is an amino acid, made of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
Cosmic Radiation Can Create Life-building Blocks From Ammonia & CO2

This fluidifying action of 714X is produced by the sodium and ammonium chlorides contained in the product. A fluidified lymph can once again insure elimination of toxins and trigger appropriate immune responses.

N.B. : Clinical observations using a lymphograph revealed that the lymph of a person afflicted with a degenerative disease is both thick and stagnant. It does not flow freely. This observation raised the hypothesis that the lack of fluidity in the lymph can be a biological precursor to degenerative diseases.

2. It brings nitrogen to the organism as an active ingredient. Nitrogen is a fundamental element to the creation of living matter : it is also an essential element to cellular repair. It is carried to the blood stream by the lymphatic circulation.

Where cancer is present (uncontrolled immature cell division) immature cells reach a critical mass that requires nitrogen to develop. These cells then secrete a substance which paralyses the immune system so that they can then get their required nitrogen from healthy cells.

A vicious cycle then is established which supports the growth of cancerous cells while the immune system is unable to act.

By bringing nitrogen to the immature cells, 714X stops the secretion of the paralyzing factor by the immature cells thus allowing the immune system to recover its natural functions.

3. 714X brings 18 trace elements to the system thus promoting intercellular communications. The trace elements contained in 714X facilitate inter and intra cellular communications, necessary exchanges that may have been temporarily interrupted or blocked by the progressive clogging up of a stagnating lymph.

714X acts directly on the lymph to restore its immune activity.

By its direct action on the lymph and its arrival into the blood stream (once mixed with the lymph), 714X normalizes the biological functions related to homeostasis. It is a product which harmonizes the biochemical reactions involved in normal cellular development, in tissue repair and in the body's specific and non-specific defense mechanisms.
Gaston Naessens: Somatids, Somatoscope, & 714X; Alternative cancer treatment; Articles & 2 Patents

Topic on nitrous oxide: Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Prevents Suicidal Behavior, Reverses Learned Helplessness

Alkaloid quinine: Anti-malaria Drug Quinine Heads the List of Breast Cancer Clinical Trials
Dangerous Side Effects of Quinine

There was a guy on the prostate forum UK with a PSA of 13,000 who outlived expectations so far and I think he wrote a blog about how he used black pepper on everything he ate, and also used turmeric. Black pepper has nitrogen.

An alkaloid of Rauwolfia Vomitoria is a very succesful anti-cancer alkaloid that Dr. Beljanski discovered and made into a product.
Cancer's Cause, Cancer's Cure

According to this source, a normal cell is non-porous while a cancer cell is porous. Perhaps this is the reason why pathogens are able to enter it.
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Jul 3, 2016
Nitrogenated coffee is a popular beverage:

A new trend in serving cold brew coffee uses science to make it more delicious
NITRO KING - Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Easily At Home



Nitro cold brew coffee - Wikipedia

Simply nitrogenated water or any other beverage is also possible, and nitrogenated water can easily be made, perhaps bought.

It's also named ''nitro coffee''.

This Healthy Beer-Like Coffee Is On The Rise

Big coffee shop Starbucks also has it.

It is served without sugar or milk because it requires no sweeteners, the taste is already sweet-ish.

Watch out with nitrogen gas when making your own! Nitrogen gas can be deadly when inhaled apparently.

Every now and then you'll read about industrial accidents in which workers died from nitrogen asphyxiation. Nitrogen can be insidious because it is odorless and gives no warning. In a matter of seconds, people pass out and never know what hit them. Death occurs shortly thereafter.

We experience no discomfort when inhaling nitrogen, which is very different from the awful gasping for breath that happens during suffocation. The gasping response is not due to a lack of oxygen; it is caused by your body's attempt to prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide, which will alter the pH of the blood - a big no-no. As long as this process is uninterrupted, carbon dioxide will not accumulate and it won't feel like you're being strangled. So, when you breathe in pure nitrogen, carbon dioxide continues to be expelled, so this reflex is not triggered.


It is quite scary so watch out with the stuff! Be safe.
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Jul 3, 2016
From other topic:

Actually James Sloane seems very knowledgeable on cancer, decribing in the following interview how cancer is parasitic-like in nature, as it even secretes angiogenesis inhibitors in small amounts to prevent other smaller metastasises to feed, so that the main tumor keeps all the food and oxygen supply going into it. That is why cancer comes back 2 to 3 years later after a tumor gets removed/dissapears, as the small metastasises don't get blocked by the angiogenesis inhibitor anymore and start to grow. He studied the cancer - shark link, and the reason sharks rarely get cancer is that their immune system is much stronger/bigger than that of humans. He also names chlorinic acid which he says is anti-tumor. Perhaps that is the link with the study I posted about dichloroacetate. He also says that Warburg wasn't right, that cancer can live without oxygen, so it is not anaerobic, it can take fuel from multiple sources. He also recommends ozone therapy as primary therapy for cancer. I think he or the interviewer recommend some things like probiotics which are not Peaty, though. He recommends keeping the immune system strong as a good measure for cancer too. Again he mentions that perhaps even 95% of the cancers are viral in origin if you study the studies according to him.

Full interview with these and more details:
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Jul 3, 2016
Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP)

The main issue with putting a person living with cancer on a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet to induce ketosis and ‘starve’ the cancer of its source of sugar fuels, is that a high-protein diet puts a great strain on the liver and kidneys of anyone doing the high-protein ketogenic diet and especially stresses people weakened from cancer and toxic treatments for cancer (chemotherapy). This happens because the high-protein diet produces high levels of metabolic waste and even some sugar, so it doesn’t ‘starve’ the cancer the way hundreds of websites seem to suggest.

The good news is that there is a different (and completely safe) diet that induces ketosis without producing metabolic waste products that stress the liver and kidneys. A diet that is high in essential, healthy fatty acids (I hope they don't mean PUFA with this) and restricted in protein and carbohydrates in theory would produce the desired ketones and ‘starve’ the cancer of fuel from carbohydrate and protein conversion to glucose and other sugars.

The Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) protects the body from being depleted of essential amino acids while inducing ketone production. The interesting and unique features of MAP are that the “Net Nitrogen Utilization for Body Protein Synthesis” is 99% while dietary protein NNU is only 16% to 32% depending on the protein source. The MAP also absorbs in the body in 23 minutes compared to 2-6 hours for other proteins. Taking MAP while on a high fatty acid diet ketogenic diet will maintain a safe healthy nitrogen balance.

Source: Master Amino Acid Pattern - Freeport Family Wellness Centre
Source on what they possibly mean with essential healthy fatty acids (where they include coconut oil): Medium Chain Triglycerides - Freeport Family Wellness Centre
More on MAP: FAQs

Hmm, I wonder why a safe healthy nitrogen balance is so important!
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Jan 9, 2019
Does bag breathing also concentrate nitrogen?

looks like pure nitrogen is potentially being used for executions.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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