Can Boobs Actually Grow In Adulthood?


Mar 12, 2016
Right, so if a girl does something to please her man, then that's reprehensible. But if a man does something to please his girl... What happen to you people? Besides, yours is not an argument. Did you read the recent post on protein quality increasing human height? Why would a female with a flat chest not be a physical indicator of where health can be improved.

And the implication that you cannot have a girlfriend while simultaneously expecting her to please you and make you happy is bunk. Not only this, but the expectation from both sides of a healthy relationship is openness and desire to help the partner.

Right. Let me know how it goes when your next Peatarian girlfriend tells you you have a small ****. "Here, honey, just take some Androsterone, it will be alright."

My original point was that this isn't being done to improve health, it's being done to satisfy OP's preferences. Don't wrap it up to be more heroic than it really is.
Apr 29, 2018
We should censor ourselves according to female insecurity? Even if it improves their health? Wow...

This 100% Science doesnt stop at someones feelings.

This is a legitimate topic with actual practical points other than vanity.

I know a girl with small breasts, and a skinny body. Her hands are always cold, her face can break out in acne during her period, as well as look dry and flaky sometimes. From the lurking these forums for a bit all those issues seem to have a sort of connection. To what extent idk.


Mar 12, 2016
This 100% Science doesnt stop at someones feelings.

Unfortunately for you, people do have feelings, and that's going to influence your success in your relationships with them. The topic at hand as discussed by OP isn't a science experiment, it's trying to shape another human being to his own whims.

There are plenty of girls with ginormous boobs that aren't healthy either. What scientific point are you making exactly?


Mar 12, 2017
The way I see it, if you're unhappy with how your girlfriend looks, it's time to find a new one. I understand the temptation of trying to "fix" this one but not only is it morally wrong, it's likely to backfire and you'll be screwing up her health trying to achieve your selfish desires.


Aug 15, 2015
Did someone mention before that progesterone can actually increase women boobs? Too big is not healthy though I think because that can hurt the woman’s back.


Oct 11, 2016
Unfortunately for you, people do have feelings, and that's going to influence your success in your relationships with them. The topic at hand as discussed by OP isn't a science experiment, it's trying to shape another human being to his own whims.

There are plenty of girls with ginormous boobs that aren't healthy either. What scientific point are you making exactly?

Your whole comments reads to me as "I'm trying to maintain my previous view, thanks."
Apr 29, 2018
Unfortunately for you, people do have feelings, and that's going to influence your success in your relationships with them. The topic at hand as discussed by OP isn't a science experiment, it's trying to shape another human being to his own whims.

There are plenty of girls with ginormous boobs that aren't healthy either. What scientific point are you making exactly?
>its trying to shape another human being to his own whims
Negative. That may be your slanted outlook projected onto his comments, but as its been clearly divulged thoroughly here; op's questions has genuine scientific merit. If you dont like it you can always excuse yourself form the conversation.


Mar 12, 2016
>its trying to shape another human being to his own whims
Negative. That may be your slanted outlook projected onto his comments, but as its been clearly divulged thoroughly here; op's questions has genuine scientific merit. If you dont like it you can always excuse yourself form the conversation.
He literally said that his interest in this topic stemmed from him being 'a bit of a boobsman.' How is that anything but trying to shape another person to his whims?


Mar 13, 2021
My gf has a bit of a flat chest and I'm a bit of a boobsman. I saw some threads on here about growing them larger. Is that actually possible in adulthood? Did anyone here actually manage to get results? And if so, what size are we talking about? Pictorial evidence? There are breast enlargement pumps also, maybe that's worth a try?

Pictorial evidence lol - nice try though. I can relate to this since my ex was small sized and I did always wish she were bigger since I'm the same type of guy as you. My current gf is well endowed of course so it's possible you may end up following the same road as me but let's assume not for now. I disagree you should find someone else because I'm sure her personality and everything else are perfect for you, you just want fix this one little thing.

My current gf took the pill for years and her ***s were always pumped up like they were about to explode so you might want to try that. It was a progesterone only pill. After quitting the pill she noticeably lost some volume a couple of months later. Rubbing progesterone cream seems to have rectified it a bit though.
The marketing/media emphasizes skinny girls with a good chest, but the reality is that to have a chest you probably need a healthy amount of fat.
No, that's a common misconception that breasts are basically fat. If a girl has big breasts then she will have thin or fat, in fact her cup size will most likely drop with fat gain despite overall size increasing.
Jul 6, 2016
Can boobs grow in adulthood? The answer is (very obviously) yes. I'm pretty sure it happens in virtually all pregnant women/mothers, and at the very least I've seen it happen irl to many pregnant women. Girls going from a fairly small chest to so big they needed surgery to correct it. So yes it absolutely can happen during adulthood, and pregnancy likely isn't required either.

My recommendation is topical DHEA and progesterone in high concentration, dissolved in MCT/tocopherols/ethanol/oleic acid (all of these together if possible in equal proportions). The DHEA functions as a safe estrogen mimic and the very slight androgenic effect will help promote growth (it's actually been proven to do so in rats). And the progesterone will enlarge them via cellular hormonal pathways.

I highly recommend against any sort of pumps whatsoever, it is an extremely foolish idea.

This is nothing like a penis pump, and breasts are (obviously) nothing like a penis.

Penis pumps absolutely work, and that is because the penis derives it's size (during erection) directly to blood and blood vessels - an erection is just blood being trapped and very lightly pressurized in the ****.

So, a pump, which causes the blood vessels to fill with blood, can overtime "train" them to become larger, by direct stretching of them. This is why, in some men, pumps can lead to a reduction in erection strength - they're trading size for pressure. Well actually, they're trading pressure for size. Most of the time, though, erection quality/hardness stays the same, and I believe this is due to responding/growing enough new or stronger veins in response to the extra bloodflow, I assume due to the extra blood and/or pressure activating VEGF release or something.

Anyways, to summarize, the penis grows via blood vessels growing due to blood pressure. Penis pumps take advantage of this by artificially creating slightly more pressure than the penis can naturally create and so can stretch out and train the penis into growing larger.

Compare that to breasts, the vast majority of which is actually just composed of breast tissue, made of specialized cells meant for producing milk, and adipose tissue, which basically just fat.

Blood vessels make up a very tiny percentage of breast tissue as a whole, and even so, the entire breast isn't meant to have any real pressure applied to it, either internal (blood pressure, like an erection), or external (like a penis pump).

The only spot that is supposed to experience any pressure is the nipple/areola, which then responds to that negative pressure by releasing milk.

It's actually a rather ingenious system - instead of having to create any complicated pump for the breast cells to build, instead nature just has the baby suck it out.

Anyways - the majority of breast size does not come from blood vessels, but from fat and breast tissue. Pumps will possibly make them slightly bigger and saggier (basically copying what gravity does but faster), at best, and very likely hurt the breast itself and possibly damage it's tissue, so basically, do nothing but harmful things.

Like I said, don't use the pumps, just use the topical DHEA/Progesterone like I mentioned, it should definiteoy give at least some good, possibly really decent results.

Best of luck.
Jul 11, 2020
Did someone mention before that progesterone can actually increase women boobs? Too big is not healthy though I think because that can hurt the woman’s back.
This is ex was only 5'2 and weighed about 132lbs and had huge breasts, almost disproportionate to her size. She eventually got a reduction purely because of back trouble.
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