Caffeine Not A Good Thyroid Replacement?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I have been experimenting with caffeine plus aspirin etc as a way to reduce thyroid hormone dose.
reduce is not replace, 2 different things.
Thyroid makes me depressed and weird.
Can't the cells be "thyroid resistant?"
There are a few post saying that caffeine with aspirin will act like thyroid.
Act like? or has some effect to not feel the lack of thyroid?
Ray Peat has said that when he didn't use thyroid. He took about 40 cups of coffee to mimic the effects of thyroid.
Mimic the EFECT.
If you take thyroid without adequate calories you will trigger estrogen and adrenaline.
Yeah, ADRENALINE. And EVEN if you have adequate calories, what if you have some adrenal fatigue? Or if you already have high adrenaline anyway because of your poor metaboism?
Only thyroid works like thyroid.
Once you optimize your thyroid levels
you'll need very little or no caffeine.
+1 Isn't caffeine triggering the surenals? Of course less if you have sugar in it, but...
If you need caffein, you have a surrenal problem under the thyroid problem, and have to take care of things in order.
I just think about those people like myself,with obvious hypothyroid signs, but normal levels, or who REACT to thyroid!
What if T stays in your blood and is just not high in the CELL?
I think so too. i started with a temperature at about 36 and now 2 years later i am over 37 . Without thyroid and regular supplements!! Just with food, coffee and some aspirin.
I was about to conclude that we might have to be careful in the long term. If we run on adrenaline, then we can have heat and pulse to maybe, but if adrenals crash, then nothing to push the matabolism... I also have higher temps now, even over 37º, curiously, why so high, but also higher environmental temps outside... and I am sure I hold on with my surrenals. :extinguishflame Will the fire go on?
I stay careful and look how to rest those poor little glands! :alarmclock:


@Xisca That comment was when I was using a bad ndt. Good quality supplements don't do that to me.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
@tca300 bad... or may be unadapted to the ratio of T3 and T4 you needed etc. I just took your sentence as a general way, remembering how many times I have read here that some people do not feel well with taking thyroid, and have hard time finding how to dose, or even that it ceases to work after a while etc.
The 1st problem is how much you have in your blood, useless, and how much does its job in the cell.
I think for everything in the body it is the same and that is why blood tests are sometimes not accurate or indicative. Let's say calcium, you always have enough in your blood but the problem is how much is taken from your bones.
The 2nd problem is what can hide (adaptation of the body, plan B or C when A fail) the thyroid problem because of stress hormones. When they crash.....
It is good to have more than plan A, but let's not run on B or C too long!
Compare with fat burning, it works but has some long term consequences for some people, maybe not all, let's not be absolute...

At the moment, I feel that needing coffee is just a proof of bad metabolism that has to be repaired.
We should not need coffee!


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Yeah, ADRENALINE. And EVEN if you have adequate calories, what if you have some adrenal fatigue? Or if you already have high adrenaline anyway because of your poor metaboism?
You could try a beta-blocker, or any other anti-adrenaline drug. Some people report positive results using pregnenolone to lower adrenaline.


@Xisca no, just a bad supplement.... simply switching to synthetic and or other ndt's didn't have the negative effects of that specific one.
As far as coffee goes, not everyone drinks coffee because they " need " it.. many, including myself do because of the benefits of different substances in coffee. Just like people dont " need " milk, fruit, liver, etc.. but avoiding those things in my past led to worse health.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Yes I understand what worked for you, and all 1st hand exemple help each of us to look for our best personal solution!
When I feel a cross between a slug and a snail and a tortuga in the morning and have to take coffee, it might be to stimulate adrenals! Much easier than to stimulate thyroid?
The real example I meant just came out from an old topic a moment ago!

Pregnenolone? I still use progest-e and do not even know where to find pregnenolone!
I also agree that cholesterol and sex hormones have to play their part...

I just wonder in what case we have to boost adrenals at the same time as thyroid. Maybe better to take supp of thyroid when adrenals are high? Wouldn't it be more logical to have to help adrenals when they are failing after working too much? I see it as many possibilities, but one would be low thyroid, leading to the use of adrenaline and cortisol by the body, then adrenals get tired, then some diagnostic come, and both have to be treated, and better to have a support for adrenals while you test for the right dose of all the Ts and their proportion, and the brand, sinthetic versus natural etc!

I just test my logic there...

And I have to test my thyroid again, it was ok 2 years ago, and that is why I guess adrenal route + cell resistance to thyroid the same way I have glucose resistance... It would at least explain how i can have normal high T3 and 4 AND clear hypo signs! I do not want to put more into my blood if it does not go where it has to!

Would it make sense as a possibility?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
@tca300 this is what I wanted to underline, even if your example did not fit, this one does!
I love Peat, but I strongly disagree with his statement, " So I think the ‘low adrenal’ people are simply low thyroid, or deficient in cholesterol or nutrients.”

People like me who are low in cortisol will feel worse when trying to supplement thyroid (with NDT or T3) unless they do something to boost their cortisol levels. Thyroid and cortisol work together synergestically. From what I'm reading, hydrocortisone, pregnenolone, or progesterone can be used to boost cortisol.

I've tried NDT and T3 and they made me much worse. Hydrocortisone didn't work. Frequent doses of pregnenolone together with T3 DID work. I am currently switching from pregnenolone to progesterone, though, because I am estrogen dominant.

This protocol gave me my life back: ... c16%20.att
Broken link...

BTW, I also remember talking about nicotine helping to stop thyroid supp! another -ine...


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain


Jan 18, 2020
I have been experimenting with caffeine plus aspirin etc as a way to reduce thyroid hormone dose.

However I have found that my thyroid requirements have increased. The caffeine knocks me out unless I increase thyroid a lot.

Why I think dis happens is the caffeine is known to greatly increase progesterone. This then increases use of thyroid hormones.

So if your thyroid isn't in great shape taking a lot of caffeine will quickly use up your thyroid reserves leaving you even more hypothyroid.
Hi MR, can you tell us how are you doing now? where do you stand with coffee and thyroid supplement?


I started supplementing caffeine again because I was still hypothyroid despite taking 40-50 mcg of T3 and 100 mcg of levothyroxine daily. From what I heard, caffeine increases steroid production like thyroid does.

Peat doesn't recommend more than 2-3~ mcg of T3 per hour, yet T4 would have a slower effect, so I'm using caffeine to complement T3 instead of increasing T3 to unphysiological levels.

I increased T4 and I'll probably have to increase it again, to double the amount. Caffeine shouldn't be present during a blood test since it artificially reduces TSH. Eventually, TSH should be suppressed enough from T3 and T4 that caffeine won't have an effect that's pleasant or helpful, at least during the majority of the time.
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